View Full Version : My eatting habits !!!!

06-23-2008, 10:03 AM
Lately more than ever i have been thinking about my eating habits !

I have gained at least 13 pounds in the last month or two and everyone everywhere i go is telling me that i am getting FAT :(

i have experienced some chest pans and i can not stop eating !!!!!

wtf is wrong with me ??? my tummy is getting bigger by the day ! I am

concerned about my health ! what should i do ????

06-23-2008, 10:32 AM
Hey Mimi,,, sweety all that your unduring i think is caused by anxiety, the over eating, chest pains and nervousness. Try going to Dr., have you gotten a full check -up lately? Tell the docter everything your going through and see what he says.

06-23-2008, 10:42 AM
Hey Mimi,,, sweety all that your unduring i think is caused by anxiety, the over eating, chest pains and nervousness. Try going to Dr., have you gotten a full check -up lately? Tell the docter everything your going through and see what he says.


06-23-2008, 10:53 AM
Mami, let me tell you something,, pressing any matter aint good for you!!! Let everythig take its coarse, if you want your "implants, ,,great get them, but dont go crazy or lose your head , YOU WILL GET THEM! Dont overload your self with crazy thoughts...THINK POSTIVE, YOU WANT SOMETHING , MAKE THAT YOUR GOAL. Also i have been thin my whole life, im thicker now.. when i got mines, my weight was 130 at 6'0 tall. They never said i had to eat eat eat to get mt implants,, i was always a heavy eater,,,lol That the "MAN " in me,,lmaoo. I have heard that the more fleash you have the more nicer the implants will look. But mami, worry not,, just relax, and know you will get them soon!!!

Willie Escalade
06-23-2008, 10:56 AM
You're gonna be PHAT. :wink:

06-23-2008, 11:14 AM
Mimi curves are good, keep eating just do some cardio to keep tone.

06-23-2008, 11:56 AM
Mimi, you need to relax, your causing the anxiety , medicating yourself is like putting a band-aid on a wound, its not healing its masking the wound. you need to learn to calm down. I mean no shade, your panicking is causing more panicking. You need to eat better, eating a lot is not going to give you curves thats dumb, the fat is going to go to your gut thats why these girls over pump their hips and ass to compensate for a 40inch waist. Step one learn to stop beating your head against the wall, your only hurting yourself and not accomplishing anything. Step 2 for weight loss just clean up your eating, cut out the sweets & starches. I think your punishing yourself, your not a stupid person, you know what the deal is but for some reason your causing un-needed stress. If you are partying , then you need to cut that out, even the pot, right now you need your brain to detox, even from prescribed head meds. You need to teach yourself how to control your emotions and calm down. Stop worrying about implants and looking ova when your head is a mess, thats not shade , Im trying to help you! You need help where do you live are you in Chicago or on the east coast. I might know of someone who could help you big time but with no meds. MEDS ARE BAD they hide your reality, you need to learn how to calm down with your own head. AGAIN, your not a dumb girl, your very smart but you need to work on your inner strength now. I mean this with love, you can message me if needed. My best wishes, you can do it, but start by cleaing out junk food , meds and pot ! Detox everything!

06-23-2008, 01:18 PM
Cut out the soda,junk food,fried foods,and fast foods.Once you put on the pounds,it becomes real difficult to get rid of them,permantly.

06-23-2008, 01:27 PM
Jog 30 minutes a day before breakfast. Cut out cheese and meat products.

06-23-2008, 03:19 PM
feed me! nobody cares!!!

06-23-2008, 03:56 PM
Just don't try to get me on Maury cuz I AM NOT THE FATHER!

06-23-2008, 08:50 PM
Just don't try to get me on Maury cuz I AM NOT THE FATHER!

I was about to say... :wink:

Weight is a crazy thing and I'm surprised to read that Ms. M is gaining any, considering her whirlwind lifestyle (I'd imagine you metabolism is off the scale, Mimi). Yet, snacking, many rich meals/foods, etc. can...well...weigh on you.

I also read some of your thread on panic attacks and such anxieties can play into the weight gain/loss formula. Since my breakdown, triggered by my last 'lover' in '98, I tend to get very uncomfortable in crowd situations (And 'crowd' can be as little as a handful of friends at a party) and that leads to anxiety attacks, depression, chaos and mayhem. You know, the usual suspects.

When depressed or anxious I will either over-eat or fast for a period. It's an unconscious thing and varies from event to event. I've had weight spikes of up to forty pounds followed by a drop of near fifty. Since I've never had what anyone might even remotely consider a 'normal' diet, there's no way to sense a pattern of how my weight cycle works.

You also need to remember that the body has this funny safety mechanism built into it that reacts opposite the desired result when you try crash diets. If your body thinks it's starving, as when people suddenly go from three squares a day to a crackers and milk crash diet, it retains fat until the perceived energy crisis passes or levels out, so it is actually possible to eat less and continue to retain/gain the unwanted poundage.

The advice about exercise regimens is the best. In addition to limiting rich foods and snacking, you need to balance that with a burn factor to get your body in sync. It doesn't even have to be some gung ho gym routine or aerobics so much as it needs to be a constant/regular activity that burns off the points. I haven't seen the inside of a gym since I bailed from high school, but I move around a fair bit at work and throughout the day (Though I should still try to step that up a bit, especially now that summer's here and the canal roads are clear for walking).

Now, don't say you aren't active, Firecracker, I've seen those vids of you clocking miles on the streets of Chi-town. :D

06-23-2008, 10:10 PM
:sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep

06-24-2008, 05:48 PM
Lately more than ever i have been thinking about my eating habits !

I have gained at least 13 pounds in the last month or two and everyone everywhere i go is telling me that i am getting FAT :(

i have experienced some chest pans and i can not stop eating !!!!!

wtf is wrong with me ??? my tummy is getting bigger by the day ! I am

concerned about my health ! what should i do ????

Start smoking. It does wonders for keeping the pounds off!

06-24-2008, 07:41 PM
:sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep

:sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep :sleep

06-24-2008, 10:30 PM
Few things to keep in mind...

During panic attacks you will tend to do things you have done before... it lowers stress... and you will tend to do things that require a minimum from you. Drive through windows are a panic vulnerable persons best friend because they limit the amount of input from the rest of the world... just you, your car and a little box.

Anyway... this relates to eating because if you suffer anxiety related to eating one thing that really helps is a batch of index cards with recipes on them. If your hungry and anxious, you just pull a card and eat whats on it. That way you can limit your portions and 'bad food' while your in a calm state of mind, and not add to your anxiety attacks by putting choices in front of you to make. Just pick a card... (works better with a 'meals calender' so you don't double up on any catagory... say breakfast, snack or dinner).

I know for me getting a friend to make me some cards for what a breakfast 'should' look like was very important part of getting better. Having a baseline to look at so that even in the midst of a bad attack I had some barometer for telling the difference between what was reasonable and what was over the top and me just reaching for anything to calm me down was huge.

It's not just food that can get pulled into this, reading books (have to hit a chapter break, a page, etc.), watching TV, driving/working out... anything that has been used as a calming mechanism can become a way of 'holding off' the next attack... finding ways to limit the decisions you have to make by doing something you have already made all the decisions for.


06-24-2008, 11:36 PM
Honey you ain't fat. Trust me when you are truly fat I'll tell you over and over and over and over again. In ways that, at least I think, are increasingly comical. :twisted: