View Full Version : Does anyone know?

06-21-2008, 12:54 AM
Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

Felicia Katt
06-21-2008, 12:56 AM
eat something now and then LOL



06-21-2008, 12:57 AM
eat something now and then LOL


FK I swear I do!! lol I eat all the time

Felicia Katt
06-21-2008, 01:03 AM
eat something now and then LOL


FK I swear I do!! lol I eat all the time

I meant food!!!!! LOL


06-21-2008, 01:03 AM
Why would a person want gain weight anyway try eating fast food from now on it worked for that guy in supersize me.

06-21-2008, 01:04 AM
eat something now and then LOL


FK I swear I do!! lol I eat all the time

I meant food!!!!! LOL

FK :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-21-2008, 01:05 AM
Why would a person want gain weight anyway try eating fast food from now on it worked for that guy in supersize me. I always do, I eat at fast foods like Mcdonalds, Steak n Shake, and Arbys all the time, cause I am usually doing shows.

Yesterday I ate 3 big bowls of lasagna.

And I am thinner than ever.

06-21-2008, 01:08 AM
Well you can try weight gainer,you can find it at health stores anywhere.


06-21-2008, 01:09 AM
Ice cream, cake, chocolate, soft drinks and fast food. Just so long as you know when to stop....

Seriously though. I understand that operations like SRS or orchi make you gain allot of fat. Even if your T lelves in your blood are low, not having the T factories there makes a difference. It's also easier to do any kind of surgery on a slim person simply because less fat is in the way. So if you are planning one of those surgeries being lean is a good thing.

06-21-2008, 01:10 AM
Well you can try weight gainer,you can find it at health stores anywhere. Legend I realize that, did you not see I posted about it in my first post, I was asking if it was safe to mix with hormones.

06-21-2008, 01:11 AM
Ice cream, cake, chocolate, soft drinks and fast food. Just so long as you know when to stop....

Seriously though. I understand that operations like SRS or orchi make you gain allot of fat. Even if your T lelves in your blood are low, not having the T factories there makes a difference. It's also easier to do any kind of surgery on a slim person simply because less fat is in the way. So if you are planning one of those surgeries being lean is a good thing. No I just want to put on a little bit of weight before I do this movie. And I am doing my jawline and butt implants in October.

06-21-2008, 01:33 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_7nV99BSZE this shows how skinny I am right now. I don't know why I've lost so much weight. And how dead Iowas clubs were cause of the Flooding!

06-21-2008, 01:51 AM
you are in good shape girl! I would trade to be that skinny!

06-21-2008, 01:53 AM
you are in good ahpe girl! I would trade to be that skinny! lol lets trade then!

06-21-2008, 02:19 AM
Kelly, how many meals do you generally eat each day? Do you workout? If yes, what does your workout consist of and how many days are you working out?

Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

06-21-2008, 02:21 AM
Kelly, how many meals do you generally eat each day? Do you workout? If yes, what does your workout consist of and how many days are you working out?

Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol I eat 3 maybe 4 times a day and I just dance lol

06-21-2008, 02:43 AM
Stay away from high calorie weight gainers. Too much sugar. You need to take the time to have multiple meals throughout the day. Try supplementing your diet with Designer Whey Protein between the meals. It should help you regain some of your muscle mass. Don't worry, it's not steriods. You wont wake up looking like the Hulk. Strawberry and chocolate taste pretty good. And don't forget your fruits and veggies!! :D

06-21-2008, 03:43 AM
hormones should make you gain and make you eat

do a liver function test

see your doctor

06-21-2008, 03:45 AM

Workout, eat right (1g of protein per lb of bodyweight) and intake more than you burn.

06-21-2008, 04:06 AM
I've heard that if you eat 1,2 or 3 hours before you go to sleep, it doesn't get burned off, so easily & the body converts it to fat.

But Kelly make sure you have breakfast, lunch & dinner.

What you must not do is to get the extra calories you need from high-sugar, high-fat foods like biscuits, sweets, chocolates, cream, butter and breakfast fry-ups. They'll make you gain weight but will probably give you a heart attack at the same time.
The healthiest calories come from complex carbohydrates like wholemeal bread, oats, potatoes, wholemeal pasta, brown rice and beans. Try to make sure they contribute at least half your food.
Get extra calories from bananas, nuts (unsalted) and dried fruits. Raisins, sultanas, dates, and dried apricots are excellent sources of energy, vitamins and minerals. They also supply useful quantities of fibre.
Another source of healthy calories are seeds and spreads made from seeds and nuts. Have peanut butter on your toast instead of Marmite and try tahini - a spread made from crushed sesame. Both these spreads contain a lot of calories along with healthy fats.
Dips like guacamole, made from avocado and olive oil, and houmous, made with chickpeas and tahini, make excellent snacks if you're trying to gain weight. Try eating them with wholemeal pitta bread.

Hope that helps, Babe.

Take care


06-21-2008, 05:19 AM
Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

Seek advice ONLY from your doctor!

06-21-2008, 11:25 AM
THANK YOU - I hope to gain 10 lbs before the movie date!

06-21-2008, 11:38 AM
If the weight loss has been at all rapid and you didn't change your diet or exercise routine you should check with a doctor. A lot of thing can go wrong that lead to sudden weight loss... some serious, some just not so much.

Please don't wait though too long, sounds like you have plenty of food intake. You seem like such a nice person on the board generally hate to have something creep up on you.


06-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Basically what fab said, but if yer that worried about it, who wants a fat jiggly ass an thighs an arms? Just lift weights. Muscle mass is much denser then fat. You will gain weight, have toned muscles, and look better then ever.

It may take awhile, but its the healthiest best way to gain weight. Protein and weights. As much as u can. Take it from someone like me who used to be crackhead skinny all while eating everything you said. Im still thin now, but am 20 pounds heavier then years ago, and just look healthier.

Of course, if you're eating pills and/or smoking crack on the weekends an not telling us this, that may be part of the problem haha.

Seriously tho, I used to eat pills every other weekend an it made me really skinny, Even skinnier then what I was, so if yer doin any drugs, (besides pot), then I would lay off them for awhile.

If you really wanna talk in depth bout things feel free to shoot me a PM an ill be glad to run everything by you that worked for me.

06-21-2008, 01:47 PM
I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

Sean makes a good point about seeing your doctor.

I know of someone who kept losing weight in spite of already being skinny, but who otherwise felt okay. His doctor ordered an HIV test, and, gulp, it came back positive. Here are a couple of articles about "HIV Wasting", which apparently can cause progressive weight loss with depletion of lean muscle mass...

Weight loss and wasting in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12652374?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=5&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed)

Counteracting muscle wasting in HIV-infected individuals. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16945075?ordinalpos=48&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_RVDocSum)

06-21-2008, 01:55 PM
Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

i have the perfect recipe... your sit on all day long ... then eat and sleep
rollover to get up piss and lie back down .... look at me it seems to be working effortlessly !
oh and don't eat good things !!! eat whole pizzas and half pints of ice cream to yourself ... if anyone asks ... tell them to get their own ... NEVER SHARE YOUR FOOD ! EVER >>>> IT"S YOUR"S !!!!

06-21-2008, 08:35 PM
Any weight gaining techniques? Is it safe for a transsexual to take weight gainers if they are on hormones? I am the skinniest I have been in years for some reason, and if you see my arms they are like non - exsistant and I've lost so much weight on the rest of my body too. So I am just curious of any weight gaining techniques, so many threads are about losing weight lol

i have the perfect recipe... your sit on all day long ... then eat and sleep
rollover to get up piss and lie back down .... look at me it seems to be working effortlessly !
oh and don't eat good things !!! eat whole pizzas and half pints of ice cream to yourself ... if anyone asks ... tell them to get their own ... NEVER SHARE YOUR FOOD ! EVER >>>> IT"S YOUR"S !!!! :lol:

06-22-2008, 02:35 AM
Believe me Kelly, you DON'T want to become overweight. Once your girth starts bulging, it becomes very difficult to lose it.

06-22-2008, 03:05 AM
I know what your problem is and it's not medical.

Here's what you do. Set up an account on fitday.com. Count your calories for about three days. You're not taking in enough calories per day, that's why you're losing weight.

It'll give you a rough count of calories. You need about 2000 calories to maintain body weight. 3 servings of lasagna is about 700 calories, sure you might feel full, but that's not enough for you.

You'll need into increase your intake by about 1000 calories to gain weight. It's a simple matter of eating smaller meals and snacks through out the day.

Throw a couple of these in and you'll start to gain weight.


06-23-2008, 08:13 AM
thanks you guys!!!!!!!!

and viet boy I've been aimed tested itsnot that

06-23-2008, 11:02 AM

I used to be super thin, to the point where people thought I had an eating disorder. I got a Megace, its a prescription weight gainer.

06-23-2008, 03:31 PM
I heard if you slow down your number of meals in a day to 1 or 2 but eat larger meals your body will decide to go into survival mode. It will start to store more fat than people who eat smaller meals throughout the day.

06-23-2008, 10:42 PM
Could always throw in some natural peanut butter.
That'll fatten you up over time I imagine and its healthy for you in not so OMG amounts.

06-23-2008, 11:01 PM

I used to be super thin, to the point where people thought I had an eating disorder. I got a Megace, its a prescription weight gainer. I'm going to look into that! It sounds promising!