View Full Version : Hillary - staying in the race incase Obama is assassinated

05-24-2008, 01:12 AM
Today Hillary Clinton was giving an interview to an editorial reporter in which she was defending her position on staying in the race for the democratic presidential nominee. She made reference to the fact that anything can happen. She stated that her husband didn't nail down the nomination until June. She the referenced the fact that Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June, and because of these occurrences she's puzzled by people thinking she should get out of the race. What are your thoughts?

(to the moderators) - should a topic like this be going directly into politics and religion or is it ok to place this under general and allow one of you to move it later?

05-24-2008, 01:47 AM
Her actions are her prerogative. Her justification is tenuous, perhaps desperate and a bit delusional. Perhaps they may harm the Democrat party unity. Nonetheless, her actions, ie., to remain in the race, requires no justification. It is her choice to make.

05-24-2008, 02:27 AM
Come on, read the news report properly and stop spreading nefarious crap. She was commenting on the fact that other democratic nominations hadn't been decided until June including Bill's and nominee Kennedy (who was assassinated) - she wasn't suggesting that Obama would be assassinated in June.

(although conspiracy theorists would have a field day if it now happened )

Felicia Katt
05-24-2008, 03:13 AM
Come on, read the news report properly and stop spreading nefarious crap. She was commenting on the fact that other democratic nominations hadn't been decided until June including Bill's and nominee Kennedy (who was assassinated) - she wasn't suggesting that Obama would be assassinated in June.

(although conspiracy theorists would have a field day if it now happened )
Suggesting? no. Hoping? yes.

Its clear she is only staying in the race to either enhance her chances in 2012, or to capitalize on some mistake or disaster that might befall Obama. While I am sure she would rather step up after some scandal, I'm sure she would step over his still warm body to take the nomination.


05-24-2008, 04:42 AM
Come on, read the news report properly and stop spreading nefarious crap. She was commenting on the fact that other democratic nominations hadn't been decided until June including Bill's and nominee Kennedy (who was assassinated) - she wasn't suggesting that Obama would be assassinated in June.

(although conspiracy theorists would have a field day if it now happened )

Thanks for commenting seanchai. The thing is there are numerous other events that she could have referenced to make the point that she was trying to make. With the history that we've had in this country surrounding the act of assassination (the Kennedy's, MLK, Malcolm X, Lincoln) it at best was a terribly poor and irresponsible thing to use as a reference and at worse shows a sign of terrible things that are on her mind. It gives the impression that although she may not be hoping for it, she certainly wouldn't mind.

05-24-2008, 05:00 AM
Come on, read the news report properly and stop spreading nefarious crap. She was commenting on the fact that other democratic nominations hadn't been decided until June including Bill's and nominee Kennedy (who was assassinated) - she wasn't suggesting that Obama would be assassinated in June.

(although conspiracy theorists would have a field day if it now happened )

Thanks for commenting seanchai. The thing is there are numerous other events that she could have referenced to make the point that she was trying to make. With the history that we've had in this country surrounding the act of assassination (the Kennedy's, MLK, Malcolm X, Lincoln) it at best was a terribly poor and irresponsible thing to use as a reference and at worse shows a sign of terrible things that are on her mind. It gives the impression that although she may not be hoping for it, she certainly wouldn't mind.

exactly. and this is the 2nd time she's mentioned the assassination of bobby kennedy in june as justification for her staying in the race. you would think after the first time she would have realized how touchy of a subject that is to bring up in such a situation but she used it again. she could have justified her decision to remain in the race by focusing on how her husband wrapped up the nomination in middle june during 1992. i don't see why she needed to mention kennedy's assassination

05-24-2008, 05:11 AM
some brave man will step up, and deal with, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. That man will be a hero. :claps

05-24-2008, 07:34 AM
I actually think people are missing the brillant strategy of the Democrats here. By keeping their nom race alive everyone is looking at them and have forgotten McCain. Normally by now the Republican attack machine would be in full swing but instead they dont know who to target. Both Obama and Clinton knew this along time ago and they both knew that it was in their own best interests to keep this going. By the time it comes down to the proper race people will be so focused on the idea of a Democrat and a change from the old regime that MCCain will struggle to gain traction. Policy wise their is minimal between Obama and Clinton and to be honest McCain isn't a million miles from them politically either.

Once they select their nominee (Obama/Clinton is a very real possibility) they will run a campaign centered on the Republicans taking the US from a budget surplus under the Bill Clinton administration to a multiple trillion debit under the W administration undercutting the Republican's traditional attack that the Dem's are high taxing spendocrats.

The final result isn't a done deal yet but unless something remarkable happens the Dems will trounce the Republicans. Just look at Howard in Australia, he supported Bush going into Iraq and was a arch conservative icon but the winds of change were so great that he even lost his seat in Australian parliment over the economic ramifications of that decision and the general movement away from conservatism politically right now.

El Nino
05-24-2008, 08:00 AM
Obama is not a black man

05-24-2008, 10:14 AM
some brave man will step up, and deal with, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. That man will be a hero. :claps

Are you actually saying that you're hoping that someone kills the first black man running for president and in doing so that person will be a hero? Are you actually saying that?

05-24-2008, 03:05 PM
Hillary (and Bill) are now focused on 2012.They will say the right things at the Dem convention and then turn Carville and others loose to sabotage Sen Obama's chances.Hillary will not do a Lieberman,she will just do anything to get Juan Don McCain in office so she can clear her path for 2012.It will boil down to about ten close states=Ohio,Pennslyvania,Missouri,Nevada,Colorado, North Carolina,New Mexico,Wisconsin,Florida and Iowa/

05-24-2008, 04:07 PM
It is true that at this point Obama would have to be killed or incapacitated for her to become the nominee.