View Full Version : Crazy Guy in a Subway

05-19-2008, 04:58 PM
I would have never thought I would bear witness to one of these things myself, and have a camera available.

Here's the setup. After a somewhat surreal night out with a friend. Which featured hearing Julia Serano talk about sexism, at Northwestern Univ. then taking Dierdre McCloskey's dog for a walk. (http://hfarmer.livejournal.com/) Beth and I felt like getting a bite to eat.

This crazy guy who pretended to be disabled in order to beg more effectively came in and started snapping. I present the youtube video:

Crazy Guy in a Subway. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puWxGBkzZTk)

Since people always ask this happened at the Subway on Congress Pkwy. and Dearborn.


05-19-2008, 10:14 PM
He's definitely from NYC. We recognize our own. He's most likely Otis Driftwood who after having gone off his meds is keenly displaying his disappointment for having been banned from HA. :>)