View Full Version : Souka Nayo

05-09-2008, 07:26 PM
For those who appreciate music. I saw this video on The Africa Channel this morning. The song is pronounced phonetically as (Soo-ka Nie-yo).

By Baaba Maal, he epitomizes what a true musical artist does. They each have their own pallete of musical instruments and skills that they blend together, much like painters do with various colors and brushes, to portray their expression with. With this song, you can definitely hear the various influences in the region he brings to bear. Right there, you have the three girls singing backup from the Irish group The Screaming Orphans. Also you have the tribal style song of the words Souka Nayo (ironically enough sung by white people) that herald the 'primal tribal spirit' inherent in all humans. And hovering above the tribal song, you have lead singing by Baaba Maal in native African tongue, yet sung with an Arabic style similar to what you hear coming from a Mosque during morning prayer. And this is all blended together beautifully with a positive and universal theme of living a good life. It's a great breath of fresh air from the vile and divisive filth of Hip Hop, and just goes to show how many African Americans have become disjointed from their rich native African roots.


05-09-2008, 08:19 PM
Thanks! Good looking out. World music.