View Full Version : lifting weights --chest

04-18-2008, 02:35 PM
this may need to be in the sports lounge --but whatever --

I haven't worked out at home in a long long time ----all I have is two 25 pound dumbells (no bench) --I know how to work most upper body ---but how do I work my chest and back exclusively? ---my arms are sore ---my shoulders are sore -------how can I thoroughly work my chest and back ---without a bench? ----push-ups aren't making my chest sore --

04-18-2008, 03:02 PM
cock push-ups

04-18-2008, 04:50 PM
If you have those low weights, the key is intense repetition.

Check out http://www.johnstonefitness.com/ he's very inspiring & the site has everything you need to know.

04-18-2008, 05:33 PM
try using push up bars (usually at big 5). and modify push ups (slow 1-4 count going down and up), decline push ups, clap push ups, prison push ups (in prison push ups you do a push up, right knee in towards head, push up again, left knee in, than jump to your feet and jump up, back down for a pushup, repeat...)

04-18-2008, 05:38 PM
RGBH.. it works for cows :)

[sorry, no real help- im just a smartass]

04-18-2008, 05:39 PM
RGBH.. it works for cows :)

[sorry, no real help- im just a smartass]

.......not even that :wink:

04-18-2008, 05:45 PM
Make your arms wider when you pushup. When they are closer together more emphasis is placed on the triceps. You can force a little more emphasis on your chest with a wider pushup.

Also you can try doing a chest fly with your dumbells. Just position your arms wide with palms facing in and bring your arms together with them fully extended.

04-18-2008, 05:49 PM
dumbell flyes while lying on a bed. dumbell rows for back.

04-18-2008, 06:11 PM
just get one of those balls u use for crunches.....it takes a little getting used to ...u just have to work on balance....

04-18-2008, 06:23 PM
if you've not got a bench you're a bit limited but still can work your
chest quite well.

1) if you can make a make shift bench using two stools and a narrow
board. you can do dumbell flyes 12-15 reps and then without rest
as many push ups as you can straight after. this is a technique called,
super setting. you can also do it the other way round( ie push ups then

2) try doing you push ups with your feet elevated on a stool, granted a lot
of shoulder does come into this one, but if you adjust your hands to
a narrow, medium and the wide grip, it throws stress on all areas of
chest with the added bonus of doing shoulders and triceps with it.

El Nino
04-18-2008, 08:45 PM
Butt plugsss

04-18-2008, 10:38 PM
well to work out the abs you can do flutter kicks :shrug they work for the Navy SEALs

04-18-2008, 11:15 PM
Chest and Back? Can't do it..

Best muscle groups to work together are, chest shoulders triceps

and back,biceps

Floyd R
04-19-2008, 01:16 AM
Dips with a slight lean forward are effective at working the chest muscles. Check out
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-4n1coL0n4&feature=related if you need to see a demonstration.

04-19-2008, 03:04 AM
Your best bet with the amount of weights you have are pushups. ou might want to look into the "perfect pushup" grips.

04-19-2008, 06:03 AM
You can do Pushups, but I suggest dips...they helped my benching big time.
I benched 235 pounds last night.

You can dip with a pair of chairs of equal hight. But I suggest going to a gym for good results.

04-19-2008, 06:56 AM
this may need to be in the sports lounge --but whatever --

I haven't worked out at home in a long long time ----all I have is two 25 pound dumbells (no bench) --I know how to work most upper body ---but how do I work my chest and back exclusively? ---my arms are sore ---my shoulders are sore -------how can I thoroughly work my chest and back ---without a bench? ----push-ups aren't making my chest sore --

If you want good, consistent results that will give you the best possible strength to weight ratio – and a great chest – I would suggest following Trogodor's suggestion of doing dips. In addition to other things (sit-ups, chin-ups, stretching, and cardio), I do 3 X 50 dips, with a fairly wide grip, three times a week on most weeks (sometimes only twice a week if I’m traveling).

Between boxing since just before I turned fifteen and doing MMA since I was twenty-three, I've done just about every type of resistance training you can imagine to build strength in a way that won't cost me flexibility or speed. Thanks to this simple routine, I can bench more than twice my own body weight and curl more than my own body weight. Long story short: dips are the shit; consequently, you might want to consider investing in a good dip bar. Good luck.


Wino the SuperHero
04-19-2008, 09:34 AM
The best is to do inverted push ups(feet on couch), hands close together and switch with them apart, do a hand stand against the wall or have someone hold your feet at their chest level and do push ups like that. also do your push ups fast and switch to going slow.
i worked out like this when i didn't have a weight bench. go to GNC and get some amino acids or weight gainer, it will help you bulk up a little faster.
Never forget to stretch before and after it also hels to build more muscle.

04-20-2008, 09:03 PM
Kettlebells give you a total body workout without any equipment other than the kettlebells themselves. I used to have problems with my shoulders due to the weights, but I do not have the problems when using kettlebells. Your body, especially the core muscles, will tighten up. It is also a good aerobic workout.

Do the research, make your own decision.

04-20-2008, 11:37 PM

sign up and ask all the questions you want, and you'll get better answers.. or even find them in various places on the site..

you'll get better responses there than on a porn forum.

04-21-2008, 12:28 AM
all great ideas-and not to be a smart-ass, but if pushups arent making your chest sore, you are either not doing them correctly, or not doing enough of them ;-)
good luck :)

04-21-2008, 02:27 AM
without a bench or dumbbells that are heavy enough to give a good workout, you're screwed. Pushups will maybe sculpt your chest but not add mass no matter how many you do. body weight exercises will only get you so far if far at all. Just don't expect to get a bigger chest from pushups or any other body weight exercise.

04-21-2008, 08:09 PM
without a bench or dumbbells that are heavy enough to give a good workout, you're screwed. Pushups will maybe sculpt your chest but not add mass no matter how many you do. body weight exercises will only get you so far if far at all. Just don't expect to get a bigger chest from pushups or any other body weight exercise.

That's pretty much it.

Best bet is to get at least a basic weight bench and a barbell & weight set.

Or better still, find a gym near your place.