View Full Version : Sorry Detroit, But I Just Have To Show This

Dino Velvet
04-12-2008, 09:09 AM
Just a typical Detroit City Council meeting. They hoot and holler and throw feces at each other. This one's special because President Pro Tem Monica Conyers went nuts and called Council President Ken Cockrel "Shrek". Detroit does not get respect because it does not deserve respect.



04-12-2008, 09:29 AM
have you guys ever been to detroit??it really is a mess..the urban decay is totally confounding..really much of the rust belt -gary indiana,toledo,cleveland,buffalo(good god),pittsburgh,youngstown,philly,trenton,camden,n ewark,chicago,milwaukee,aint that much better off but detroit cuz of its crime gets the publicity....

04-12-2008, 10:15 AM
I read through the threads of the forum on that page and it has some of ugliest racism I have seen in a while. The whole web page is like a David Allen Coe song. It's god awful.

It's mostly keyboard warriors hiding behind usernames and avatars though.

Is there something I'm missing about detroitiscrap.com? Is all of that racism supposed to be funny? Is this like a satire or something? I hope so because otherwise I'm sad that detroitiscrap.com even exists.

Dino Velvet
04-12-2008, 10:49 AM
Quit pokin' fun at David Allan Coe. That guy's put out some of the best hard drinkin' music ever.



04-12-2008, 10:53 AM
David Allen Coe has one song that I like. "You don't call me by my name" i think its called. But his racist songs are terrible.

I'm more of an alt-country fan.

Dino Velvet
04-12-2008, 11:01 AM
David Allen Coe has one song that I like. "You don't call me by my name" i think its called. But his racist songs are terrible.

I'm more of an alt-country fan.

He's really only got 1 racist song and that's on his X-Rated Album. The rest of the songs on that album are just dirty songs about sex. A lot of people think him and Johnny Rebel are the same guy but they're not. "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" is a great song and puts a smile on everyone's face.


04-12-2008, 11:04 AM
David Allen Coe has one song that I like. "You don't call me by my name" i think its called. But his racist songs are terrible.

I'm more of an alt-country fan.

He's really only got 1 racist song and that's on his X-Rated Album. The rest of the songs on that album are just dirty songs about sex. A lot of people think him and Johnny Rebel are the same guy but they're not. "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" is a great song and puts a smile on everyone's face.


ahh cool, well thats not so bad i guess. I guess I shouldn't use David Allen Coe's name in vain then.

yeah love that tune, my neighbour used to play that song when I had kitchen parties back in Canada. good song to sing along to.

Dino Velvet
04-12-2008, 11:12 AM
Cool deal. Now that we've seen the greatness that is David Allan Coe, let's go back to laughing at the overgrown outhouse known as Detroit. Somewhere in New Orleans, Ray Nagin has seen this video knowing things could always be worse.

04-12-2008, 11:38 AM
Cool deal. Now that we've seen the greatness that is David Allan Coe, let's go back to laughing at the overgrown outhouse known as Detroit. Somewhere in New Orleans, Ray Nagin has seen this video knowing things could always be worse.

arrrgh failed thread hijack

04-12-2008, 01:57 PM
The worrying thing is I think most mayoral councils are the same across the world. Because they are 'small politics' they don't have the same media scrutiny as nationwide politicians.

The London Assembly is not much better. Our Mayor's 'Chief Race Advisor', Lee Jasper, sent 'sexy' (I use that in the loosest terms) emails to a woman linked to two organisations that benefited from hundreds of thousands of pounds in grants from City Hall. They are probably the most illiterate, turgid, rediculous prose anyone has ever commited to paper. The guy draws £120,000 and can barely scrawl his own name. Thanks to his currption, thousands of pounds have been 'lost'.

He had the balls to say that the media furore that chased him out of the assembly was 'racist'. Twat.

04-12-2008, 04:04 PM
black fella eh - you racist

04-12-2008, 05:58 PM
So being in Detroit can really be a form of torture?

04-12-2008, 09:08 PM
MICHIGAN is a form of torture.

04-12-2008, 11:39 PM
I read through the threads of the forum on that page and it has some of ugliest racism I have seen in a while. The whole web page is like a David Allen Coe song. It's god awful.

It's mostly keyboard warriors hiding behind usernames and avatars though.

Is there something I'm missing about detroitiscrap.com? Is all of that racism supposed to be funny? Is this like a satire or something? I hope so because otherwise I'm sad that detroitiscrap.com even exists.

I glad you notice this covert racism. Sure, Detroit is experiencing economic blight, but they've relied on the auto industry as their primary employer for the last 50 years. Now, that the auto industry has taken big hits, due to the economic downturn, major layoffs have become commonplace. I was watching a documentary on robotics on last week and I didn't realize just how much they are used in automobile plants nowadays. Couple this with the home mortgage crisis and falling housing prices and you have a perfect storm for rampant poverty and crime. The fact that it's primarily populated by African-Americans (i.e Hurricane Katrina), makes it much harder for politicians to attract big business into that city, as instituitional racism is abound.

It's funny how many racist comments I read about Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick online, yet these same people don't have much to say about Eliot Spitzer. Why isn't he being prosecuted by the courts. He patronized prostitutes and he also had police and staff try to dig up dirt about political adversary Joe Bruno, who is the Senate GOP Majority Leader in NY State. NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, is now looking into Spitzer's actions, but their mostly focusing on his underlings like David Soares, who is the District Attorney of Albany. He is a black latino man coincidentally. I'm not saying Kilpatrick didn't engage in funny business, but this so-called justice needs to be equally administered. Reminds me of how the Feds set up a sting, video camera and all, to get Marion Barry. You think their aren't white politicians sniffing coke, please! The only reason Spitzer was caught, is the escort service he used "The Emperor's Club" was under investigation by the Feds and when they looked into the clients who used the service, his name inadvertently came out.

In terms of arguments in the city council, there are major arguments or even physical fights in city council and legislative meetings all the time. Even in other countries, you see the fights on Youtube. Many of these US cities or countries are prosperous, inspite of this lack of civility by their elected officials. NYC City Council meetings have gotten nasty several times, so that's not endemic of a city not "deserving respect".

I tend to find black mayors are vilified more than their white counterparts. In NYC, David Dinkins was subject to immense scrunity by the media, yet Mayor Ed Koch was given a pass and reelected, when the city was steeped in crime, urban blight and a economic disaster during his tenure. He is still respected in NYC and in the media, whereas the media and many non-black New Yorkers seem obsessed with vilifying David Dinkins for all of New York City's ills. Funny thing, they are ignorant of the real truth. While Mayor Rudy Giuliani gets credit for the rebuilding of Times Square, David Dinkins actually got that project off the ground, as far as signed commitments from corporate America to lease retail or office space there. Giuliani just forced out the peep shows and other unsavory businesses thru ordinances he put pressure on the city council to pass. Dinkins also instituted some special niche taxes to finance the hiring of thousands of new cops. By the time the additional cops were budgeted and went thru the police academy, Dinkins was blamed for rampant crime and lost his reelection bid. Guess, who benefits from thousands of new police officers at the beginning of his reign? Rudy Giuliani that's who. Who benefited from the inroads in the rebuilding of Times Square that Dinkins made? Rudy Giuliani. Wayne Barrett who writes for the Village Voice has written about this extensively. Who benefited from the economic stimulus from the dot com boom of the 90's and the multi-trillion US surplus, resulting in a strong US dollar? Rudy Giuliani. Dinkins ran NYC during a recession, at the height of the crack cocaine trade and HIV problem, causing further urban decay. When draconian Federal mandatory-minimum sentence drug laws and NYPD/Federal intervention put the brakes on crack cocaine trafficking in the inner city, coupled with a booming economy based on technology, resulting in increased employment opportunities and declining crime, it looks like Rudy was a miracle worker and Dinkins was "Rainman". Insiders say Dinkins is still a bit bitter about this, as his administration never got any credit for the turnarround, while Giuliani's basked in the glory and adulation. He never got an additional term in office, to turn the mess Ed Koch made around. Funny thing, Mayor Bloomberg's police commissioner is Ray Kelly, who also served as Dinkins' police commisioner first. I'm sure he'll tell you, having almost 10 thousand more police officers at your behest and a better economy has helped him manage crime immensely. If Barack Obama somehow get's elected, I'm fearful he will be castrated in the media for trying to clean up Bush's mountainous mess, just like when Dinkins got blamed for Koch's mess and wasn't given ample time to fix it.

My point is Kwame Kilpatrick is not 100% reponsible for the ills that face Detroit. However, he's no David Dinkins either. He's still caught up in the influence of the mayoralty and everything that comes with it (women, perks etc), as he's only 38 years old. Also, NYC has a huge advantage because it has a large white population and big business/Wall Street located in Manhattan. So, mayors can always fall back on that fact, when trying to attract corporate investment into the city. You saw this at it's apex, after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and how Bloomberg and other politicians, were able to use tax incentives and NYC's reputation, to keep business here and attract new businesses for the new real estate development in the area. Kilpatrick doesn't have that high level of infrastructure in Detroit working for him and unions will never make building cars, affordable enough to compete with the competing Asian car manufacturers. This is pointed out in an excellent book named "Crashproof" by Peter D. Schiff. Anybody who wants to know how the American economic system really works and just how bad it's going to get, read that book ASAP!

Dino Velvet
04-13-2008, 12:37 AM
Detroit isn't the only city with a terrible mayor. I live in Los Angeles and our mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, is a real ass. You have to admit the video was funny, though. That bitch makes Cynthia McKinney look like Ben Franklin.


04-13-2008, 12:38 AM
I read through the threads of the forum on that page and it has some of ugliest racism I have seen in a while. The whole web page is like a David Allen Coe song. It's god awful.

It's mostly keyboard warriors hiding behind usernames and avatars though.

Is there something I'm missing about detroitiscrap.com? Is all of that racism supposed to be funny? Is this like a satire or something? I hope so because otherwise I'm sad that detroitiscrap.com even exists.

I glad you notice this covert racism. Sure, Detroit is experiencing economic blight, but they've relied on the auto industry as their primary employer for the last 50 years. Now, that the auto industry has taken big hits, due to the economic downturn, major layoffs have become commonplace. I was watching a documentary on robotics on last week and I didn't realize just how much they are used in automobile plants nowadays. Couple this with the home mortgage crisis and falling housing prices and you have a perfect storm for rampant poverty and crime. The fact that it's primarily populated by African-Americans (i.e Hurricane Katrina), makes it much harder for politicians to attract big business into that city, as instituitional racism is abound.

It's funny how many racist comments I read about Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick online, yet these same people don't have much to say about Eliot Spitzer. Why isn't he being prosecuted by the courts. He patronized prostitutes and he also had police and staff try to dig up dirt about political adversary Joe Bruno, who is the Senate GOP Majority Leader in NY State. NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, is now looking into Spitzer's actions, but their mostly focusing on his underlings like David Soares, who is the District Attorney of Albany. He is a black latino man coincidentally. I'm not saying Kilpatrick didn't engage in funny business, but this so-called justice needs to be equally administered. Reminds me of how the Feds set up a sting, video camera and all, to get Marion Barry. You think their aren't white politicians sniffing coke, please! The only reason Spitzer was caught, is the escort service he used "The Emperor's Club" was under investigation by the Feds and when they looked into the clients who used the service, his name inadvertently came out.

In terms of arguments in the city council, there are major arguments or even physical fights in city council and legislative meetings all the time. Even in other countries, you see the fights on Youtube. Many of these US cities or countries are prosperous, inspite of this lack of civility by their elected officials. NYC City Council meetings have gotten nasty several times, so that's not endemic of a city not "deserving respect".

I tend to find black mayors are vilified more than their white counterparts. In NYC, David Dinkins was subject to immense scrunity by the media, yet Mayor Ed Koch was given a pass and reelected, when the city was steeped in crime, urban blight and a economic disaster during his tenure. He is still respected in NYC and in the media, whereas the media and many non-black New Yorkers seem obsessed with vilifying David Dinkins for all of New York City's ills. Funny thing, they are ignorant of the real truth. While Mayor Rudy Giuliani gets credit for the rebuilding of Times Square, David Dinkins actually got that project off the ground, as far as signed commitments from corporate America to lease retail or office space there. Giuliani just forced out the peep shows and other unsavory businesses thru ordinances he put pressure on the city council to pass. Dinkins also instituted some special niche taxes to finance the hiring of thousands of new cops. By the time the additional cops were budgeted and went thru the police academy, Dinkins was blamed for rampant crime and lost his reelection bid. Guess, who benefits from thousands of new police officers at the beginning of his reign? Rudy Giuliani that's who. Who benefited from the inroads in the rebuilding of Times Square that Dinkins made? Rudy Giuliani. Wayne Barrett who writes for the Village Voice has written about this extensively. Who benefited from the economic stimulus from the dot com boom of the 90's and the multi-trillion US surplus, resulting in a strong US dollar? Rudy Giuliani. Dinkins ran NYC during a recession, at the height of the crack cocaine trade and HIV problem, causing further urban decay. When draconian Federal mandatory-minimum sentence drug laws and NYPD/Federal intervention put the brakes on crack cocaine trafficking in the inner city, coupled with a booming economy based on technology, resulting in increased employment opportunities and declining crime, it looks like Rudy was a miracle worker and Dinkins was "Rainman". Insiders say Dinkins is still a bit bitter about this, as his administration never got any credit for the turnarround, while Giuliani's basked in the glory and adulation. He never got an additional term in office, to turn the mess Ed Koch made around. Funny thing, Mayor Bloomberg's police commissioner is Ray Kelly, who also served as Dinkins' police commisioner first. I'm sure he'll tell you, having almost 10 thousand more police officers at your behest and a better economy has helped him manage crime immensely. If Barack Obama somehow get's elected, I'm fearful he will be castrated in the media for trying to clean up Bush's mountainous mess, just like when Dinkins got blamed for Koch's mess and wasn't given ample time to fix it.

My point is Kwame Kilpatrick is not 100% reponsible for the ills that face Detroit. However, he's no David Dinkins either. He's still caught up in the influence of the mayoralty and everything that comes with it (women, perks etc), as he's only 38 years old. Also, NYC has a huge advantage because it has a large white population and big business/Wall Street located in Manhattan. So, mayors can always fall back on that fact, when trying to attract corporate investment into the city. You saw this at it's apex, after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and how Bloomberg and other politicians, were able to use tax incentives and NYC's reputation, to keep business here and attract new businesses for the new real estate development in the area. Kilpatrick doesn't have that high level of infrastructure in Detroit working for him and unions will never make building cars, affordable enough to compete with the competing Asian car manufacturers. This is pointed out in an excellent book named "Crashproof" by Peter D. Schiff. Anybody who wants to know how the American economic system really works and just how bad it's going to get, read that book ASAP!

I have nothing to add but this is a great post.

Dino Velvet
04-13-2008, 02:50 AM
Detroit is the nation's capital of unintentional comedy.

04-13-2008, 07:54 AM
detrert michigan..god trogdor i agree with ya michigan is hell..i spent bout 25 yrs there..boring,godawful,industrial,assimilation to the machine,frigid,perenially grey are words that come to my mind of that place...

04-13-2008, 07:56 AM
more detrert......

Dino Velvet
04-13-2008, 08:19 AM
People from Iraq like to live in Detroit because it reminds them of Baghdad.

04-13-2008, 08:42 AM
Not only is the urban blight terrible in Detroit, but, the Tigers get hyped as having the best lineup since the '27 Yankees and now look at them. At least you have the Red Wings, but, I'm sure all of their fans moved out of the city a long time ago.