View Full Version : LIL KIM JAIL TIME

07-06-2005, 08:40 PM
Looks like the trashy little raptress finally got what was coming to her.....
She had the nerve to act like she was a victim in all of this.
She is trashy and low class.......she can hang with Ms.Versace all she wants.....she is still low class.
The stuff I have heard about her is shocking.......her allowing dudes in the audience to finger her while she was performing?!........Im sorry.....I have no good feeling towards this thrashy little girl.
She tried to play the victim role in the source magazine talking about how she was beaten by various boyfriends and that she is an abused woman........mind you this all came of after she was charged.
I bring this up because I now some fem queens out there get their life from lil kim.
What do you think now?
Am I just a hater?
Is lil kim mary poppins and I just cant see it?
weight in on this one......
I am NOT a fan of most rappers or rap music even although I have some because I am a DJ.

07-06-2005, 08:56 PM
What do you think now?
Am I just a hater?
Is lil kim mary poppins and I just cant see it?
weight in on this one......
I am NOT a fan of most rappers or rap music even although I have some because I am a DJ.

Although I am not a great fan of Lil Kim I would still have to lump you in the "Haters" catagory due to how you go on and on about the fact she is trashy.

true Lil Kim is not mary poppins....not even the star that played Mary Poppins was Mary Poppins.

We are who we are plain and simple. If you don't like someone forget about them and move on. The only person that is suffering due to your hate is you.

07-06-2005, 09:25 PM
geek, you have some points. lil kim aint the best role model for young sistaz to look up to, but i'm not castin no stones at her, shes just not quite right upstair when it comes to restraint and selfcontrol. now ill guess itll backfire when she get behind dem bars

07-06-2005, 11:06 PM
You have to understand that I say all this as a black man.
I dont hate my own race but........
When I walk down the street in san francisco I have people that are scared of me because im a big black guy and think I am going to mug them.
When people look around downtown SF all they see are black men who are:bums,drug dealers,drug addicts,thugs and of course since I look like them I am stigmatized.
Unfortunately many non-blacks think blacks are the stereotypes that are popular in the media and some that WE continue to foster.
Its disgusting....
Ive never been arrested.....work.......dont pimp ho's......speak very good english........
So where do I fit into all of this?
Anyone who lives in a big city KNOWS how blacks are stereotyped.
People like lil kim DONT help the situation they HURT it.

07-06-2005, 11:42 PM
welcome to the Meeting. we have speakers coming to talk about police brutality, jungle fever, THE MAN, and the evoultion of "the hood"

Overlord Abomination
07-07-2005, 12:37 AM
The stuff I have heard about her is shocking.......her allowing dudes in the audience to finger her while she was performing?

What do you think now?
Am I just a hater?

What do i think...I think Im gonna go to one of her concerts the second she gets out of jail, If Im lucky she'll start talkin about deepthroatin sprite cans and Blow me On stage...Yea thats great.Yes you are a hater, ***OR (And I hate to stereotype you since your already getting tons of them) Since you live in San Fran (A.K.A The gayest place on earth) Youve come to despise real women (Not calling her a real woman by her behavior But more on her anatomy) And naturally u loathe her. Just a Guess.

Im jokin about everything after the Asterik. Your still a hater.

07-07-2005, 12:53 AM
As a black man myslef, I understand where you're coming from with black celebs making asses or spectacles of themselves and causing ill stigmatisms. But whites (celebs) do the same stupid shit and they're not thought of in that way??? I don't understand. People prejudge without celebs help I think.

You have to understand that I say all this as a black man.
I dont hate my own race but........
When I walk down the street in san francisco I have people that are scared of me because im a big black guy and think I am going to mug them.
When people look around downtown SF all they see are black men who are:bums,drug dealers,drug addicts,thugs and of course since I look like them I am stigmatized.
Unfortunately many non-blacks think blacks are the stereotypes that are popular in the media and some that WE continue to foster.
Its disgusting....
Ive never been arrested.....work.......dont pimp ho's......speak very good english........
So where do I fit into all of this?
Anyone who lives in a big city KNOWS how blacks are stereotyped.
People like lil kim DONT help the situation they HURT it.

07-07-2005, 02:02 AM
geekmeat, you got some self-hate issues you gotta deal with. Me... I'm white, liberal, Jewish, New York City, affluent, educated (well kinda).

When I meet someone like me, I want to throw up.

there's no reason to wish bad stuff on Lil Kim

07-07-2005, 02:04 AM
Ummm... how in the world did this turn into a black or white thing. Lil Kim thought she could get away with lying to government investigators. Martha Stewart thought the same. Both received jail time and a nice fine. I don't think race played a part in either case. Of course, I don't think Lil Kim or Martha are role models that women should look up to ... Kim for taking/talking too much dick and Martha for being too much of a dick.

Geek ... to each his own. Just not either of them.!


"A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer"

07-07-2005, 02:28 AM
"A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer"

great line

07-07-2005, 03:03 AM
let's take Russell Crowe, or whatever his name is. He's a big white guy star fom Australia that's won all these bullshit Academy awards. He's stoned out of his face one night in a NYC hotel at 5 AM and forgets his old lady's phone number. So he goes down to the desk clerk and beats his face in. do you think the prick will serve time in Rikers?

but you want to throw the book at Lil Kim.

I'm done with this thread

07-07-2005, 03:10 AM
I think there is a difference between throwing a phone at someone, and lying about a shoot out. But, I don't know enough about either cases to make an informed opinion at this particular moment in time.

07-07-2005, 03:57 AM
welcome to the Meeting. we have speakers coming to talk about police brutality, jungle fever, THE MAN, and the evoultion of "the hood"

Right on brother.....(music from im gonna get you sucker playin in the background).......
Let me tell you bout this racist system my bruthaaaa........
(I adjust my fro and slap you five).
The pigs are always trying to shake me down maaan........

07-07-2005, 04:27 AM
welcome to the Meeting. we have speakers coming to talk about police brutality, jungle fever, THE MAN, and the evoultion of "the hood"

Right on brother.....(music from im gonna get you sucker playin in the background).......
Let me tell you bout this racist system my bruthaaaa........
(I adjust my fro and slap you five).
The pigs are always trying to shake me down maaan........damn right!!!