View Full Version : Are we living in FEAR~?

03-20-2008, 04:57 AM
Seems like these days just going to Walmart is scary I park
get out of many car, then behide me comes a low life on a bike
asking for change I say ''sorry no change'' then he looks around pissed
like. Then I go up to enter the store and here comes a diffent low life
walking up asking for change.. :evil: I'm pissed now I go in buy a few things come out, then here comes that low life again on the bike
asking me again for spare change I say louder this time ''no
change'' as soon as I jump in the car there's like 2 more on bikes
riding around begging for money.. I take off then at the light guy
knocks on my window for spare change :roll: time to get a gun..

03-20-2008, 05:58 AM
No, you just need an iPod to tune them out.

It's not that hard to habitually ignore people...

03-20-2008, 06:05 AM
LMFAO...so you're living in fear and you're going to buy a gun because people are asking you for spare change? :roll:

I bet you let people take your lunch money at school, didn't you?

What rugged pioneer spirit you have!

Maybe it's not too late for you to grow a pair, sport...but it sounds highly unlikely.

03-20-2008, 06:12 AM
hahaha its like that south park episode all about the homeless asking for change...in the episode homeless invade south park and walk around like zombies in dawn of the dead except instead of saying braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains! they say


its awesome.

03-20-2008, 06:13 AM
Dont shop at Walmart!!!!

03-20-2008, 06:14 AM
You beat me to it on the "Don't shop at Walmart".

Buying a gun because people are asking you for change? That's fucking retarded.

03-20-2008, 06:19 AM
Buying a gun because people are asking you for change? That's fucking retarded.

well, when things get bad enough these guys will be carrying a gun
so what am I to do????

03-20-2008, 06:36 AM
Tasty Taste: This is a bazooka, see? And you just pick this up like this. It's-it's-it's-it's kind of heavy. But I figured if I couldn't pick it up, I need to have it.
Nina Blackburn: Why would you need a bazooka?
Tasty Taste: Well, sometimes you gotta take out stuff like a bus or a building, or a *bunch* of muhfuckas.
Nina Blackburn: Do you worry that you have a lot of enemies, more than the average guy?
Tasty Taste: So what you tryin' to say? You tryin' to say that I'm, like, paranoid 'n stuff? Do I look like the kind of person that would be paranoid? I mean, when you rollin' with THIS, would *you* be paranoid?

03-20-2008, 06:54 AM
Another way of saying it is that you mostly just need to change your mindset. Acknowlege their humanity and look them in the eye and say you can't afford to help them. A lot of time all it takes is a simple shoulder shrug, communicating this fact.

Another fact is you might believe they don't derserve it. It is okay to think so based on the circumstances. They don't need to know that, they just need to know you can't do it.

Sometimes when somene asks me, I'll give them a quarter. If they ask for a dollar and I have 17 cents in my hand, I'll give it to them and say tha't all I have to give. The way the economy is going with one bad week, I might be out there begging, myself. So please don't shoot, it might be me.

03-20-2008, 07:13 AM
:idea: :arrow: Well, they are probably Wal-Mart employees, so that could be why they are begging for change.

03-20-2008, 08:58 AM
Dont shop at Walmart!!!!

WHAT??? But I buy all my clothes at Wal-Mart...

TS Jamie :-)