View Full Version : Ex's

01-25-2008, 06:41 AM
Doesn't this piss you off, when your gf/bf starts twittering on about ex's. I mean like WTF, it's almost like saying... "go fuck yourself", I'm using you to get a grip on the situation...

I mean like, what do you want me to do about it? Get the weeping bucket out, and talk about it....

go figure.........

Sorry, I just had to get that off've my chest...

01-25-2008, 10:12 AM
That must be rather annoying. Try doing the same thing...but including a few too many details about sex with your ex. I think that should help make talking about exs a no no. I gave this same advice to my bro and his girl never ever brought up any of her exs again. Just try not to make it too obvious that you are trying to piss her off.

01-25-2008, 10:34 AM
My stepmother talked about her first husband in front of my father for 30 years... but he was too much the gentleman to bitch slap the bitch.

And a wise man once told me about ex's, "It's not when they leave that you have to worry, it's when they show up again."

TS Jamie :-)

01-25-2008, 04:52 PM
i used to be like that early on ....now i only talk about that subject unless i am asked a direct question....

03-23-2008, 04:49 AM
When I meet a new guy, nothing, and I mean nothing pisses me off more
than when he talks 'on and on, till the break of dawn', about his ex or

If you still that sprung on the heifer, then you need to get back with her,
and step off from me.
