View Full Version : The Fight Club Gossip Troop

01-04-2008, 01:17 AM
This post was orginally deleted by JWB -and when you read it you will know why.

However, I have confirmed with NYCe that I can post this-since it was said in a public forum and none of it has been edited- and was sent to me as is.

I have been in the HA chat like four times.

I was alerted last night by someone that I was the topic of discussion.

It's amazing how people that I have little interest in me have so much interest in me.

If you have ever wondered about the illustrious conco that happens in the chat here is your chance:

I invite you to read how JWB, TSnTX a.k.a Jennifer Justice (under the screen name False Beauty TS)

Go on to discuss

*how fat I am
*my relationship
*plastic surgery habits
*how fat i am
*how JWB thinks that I have ugly feet and so does Klhoe Hart
*how fat I am
*the fags of HA
*how the chatroom sucks (yet they are in it every night)
* how fat I am
*vicki richter's fake cum shots
*how they fear snitches in the room (wonder why?)
*Ms. Justice's desire to be a mod
and several other important hot topics

It's nice to know how some people really feel about me and others on this board.

Remember my get a life thread? I am still selling those...


(BTW someone was posing as AllanahStarr- have no idea who but I suspect it was the person who sent me this)

Sent at 1:35 AM last night

allanah, these things were said before you entered the room/changed your name. remember, FalseBeauty is tsntx. johnny has been nervous all night about snitches lol. good i say...let him think twice. this one is pretty long so go through it when you have 15-20 minutes to kill. if theyre at it again tomorrow night, i'll let you know.

From: The Happy Snitch!

Welcome to Gabbly!
Learn how to make money from hosting a chat by registering your name here!

FalseBeautyTS: esp allanah shes got at least 3 ppl to feed

FalseBeautyTS: or enough to feed 3


hwbs: i dont care bout that

whatsupwithus: dina's got three votes! beautiful!

FalseBeautyTS: im the wrath of god

hwbs: poor seanchai got zero votes

FalseBeautyTS: lol yes the post op is making a run for it

tomselis: The Dina thing really got me

whatsupwithus: yeah...shame about sean

FalseBeautyTS: woooo gotta love stupid fags

BBaggins06: lol

i voted for myself

OEMEnemyNum1: What thread?

whatsupwithus: haha!

FalseBeautyTS: i voted for hwbs as its the only correct answer

if johnny was on... then who knows

BBaggins06: the one i just posted OEM

FalseBeautyTS: its not as pretty



whatsupwithus: hollywood..packin


hwbs: lmfao

whatsupwithus: hahaha!

BBaggins06: lol

FalseBeautyTS: yeah

OEMEnemyNum1: pa, oh yeah I voted Jen

Huge one

hwbs: so so pretty !!!!!! hahhahahaha

BBaggins06: and witty

whatsupwithus: i'm off...exhausted...night folks...much peace and good chatting with you.

BBaggins06: night E-man

FalseBeautyTS: my cumshots are the best

but my cock doesnt beat hwbs

BBaggins06: i thought Vickie's way


FalseBeautyTS: lol hardly

tomselis: You mean you don't hit him with it?

FalseBeautyTS: and hers are faked 6 outta 10

midwestswangg: hello all

FalseBeautyTS: not anymore tom

hwbs: lol

tomselis: lmao

FalseBeautyTS: sometimes on his face

thats hot to me

but thats it

like teasing his hole w/ it

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

FalseBeautyTS: but then he says something gay like "fuck me like a lil girl" and i go limp

midwestswangg: hey false whats your user name on HA

hwbs: hahahahahahahahaha

tomselis: Awwwwww

OEMEnemyNum1: Go limp, jen cant hack it

FalseBeautyTS: allanahstarr why

did u have something to say

BBaggins06: nah, she's Kelly Snore

FalseBeautyTS: didnt think so

OEMEnemyNum1: It's Nightrider

tomselis: lol

FalseBeautyTS: no duh

BBaggins06: lol

midwestswangg: oh just wondering didnt know who you were i saw you in here before but didnt kno who you were

FalseBeautyTS: but feel free to pm and tell me what a cunt i am


well pvt me




so ill know who u r

BBaggins06: you're evil

midwestswangg: what a cunt you are??

FalseBeautyTS: no im not im just cosmetically enhanced that way

midwestswangg: you are an idol miss

BBaggins06: she's Kelly Clarkson

FalseBeautyTS: then coud u pm ur cc # im throwing a party tomorrow and have some bills for it

i promise to put u on the reduced entry fee guest list

OEMEnemyNum1: hmmm

FalseBeautyTS: just dont wear that white dress again

OEMEnemyNum1: Can I get on that list Allanah?

tomselis: lol

FalseBeautyTS: >:D

BBaggins06: what about the VIP list?

midwestswangg: white dress?

FalseBeautyTS: thats another 100

tomselis: Aight I'm out

FalseBeautyTS: nite boo

midwestswangg: wish i could come to bad im not in the area

hwbs: later tom

FalseBeautyTS: :)

OEMEnemyNum1: Later Tom

FalseBeautyTS: thats a shame

tomselis: See y'all

FalseBeautyTS: where r u

OEMEnemyNum1: I was gonna talk about pinks more


midwestswangg: WI hence the name

BBaggins06: bye Tom

FalseBeautyTS: huh

tomselis: I don't wanna leave, this is getting too funny

FalseBeautyTS: well my body is man made so hence my name

BBaggins06: set your DVR then

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

BBaggins06: body by Mattel?

midwestswangg: haha thats cute

tomselis: lmaooo

FalseBeautyTS: no im not kayla taylor

OEMEnemyNum1: No Baggins, I think someone else has that title


hwbs: lmfao

FalseBeautyTS: i spent more then 400$ on my body

johnnywalker: damn

FalseBeautyTS: im just saying

midwestswangg: same here allanah

FalseBeautyTS: lol

BBaggins06: now there's a name from the past ...

FalseBeautyTS: what a horrible past it mustve been

hwbs: havent seen her since that mtv party

FalseBeautyTS: consider self lucky?

shes not coming to another one of mine

midwestswangg: protein,food,water,and a gym membership arent cheap these days

BBaggins06: i remember talking to her some on AOL years ago

FalseBeautyTS: its only one door

no they def arent

protein is free for me

OEMEnemyNum1: Whats up with Kayla now?

Jen I'll mail you some


FalseBeautyTS: nothing

BBaggins06: lol

FalseBeautyTS: she works at glamour shots

midwestswangg: well send some this wayy

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

midwestswangg: whey

ahha get it

hwbs: works at money shots

OEMEnemyNum1: This is an animal product

hwbs: ?

FalseBeautyTS: no takes money shots

to the face bitch!


midwestswangg: money shots


FalseBeautyTS: lol haha im really laughing

im gay


johnnywalker: this picture scares me: http://www.hungangels.com/board/files/img_4824tb_896.jpg

BBaggins06: doh!

FalseBeautyTS: error

OEMEnemyNum1: OMG who's that

hwbs: says no permission

BBaggins06: same here

OEMEnemyNum1: probably close the box

It worked for me

FalseBeautyTS: nope

OEMEnemyNum1: Copy and paste

johnnywalker: dude how are you a fucking mod and you dont have permission to HA pics?



BBaggins06: aaaaahhhhh!

FalseBeautyTS: lol wtf

hwbs: oh my !!!!!!

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

FalseBeautyTS: y would jp even post that horrible pic

01-04-2008, 01:20 AM
Part 2:

love the white dress

stillies77: ahoy hoy

johnnywalker: she didn't

FalseBeautyTS: /me rolls eyes

johnnywalker: Sunny did

FalseBeautyTS: it says jp.net

hwbs: be afraid...very afraid

BBaggins06: who's the devil woman in the foreground?

midwestswangg: allanah will you marry me

FalseBeautyTS: omg

hwbs: who is that girl

FalseBeautyTS: im so fat

johnnywalker: yeah you have a point texan

midwestswangg: phat

FalseBeautyTS: i just ate a whole row of oreos

no fat

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

BBaggins06: lol you are not

FalseBeautyTS: have u seen me lately


OEMEnemyNum1: Damn Oreos

Just puke

stillies77: oreos are awesome although im kinda put off cause they turn my teef black

OEMEnemyNum1: all gone

midwestswangg: no post a pic


BBaggins06: those are empty calories, son no problem

FalseBeautyTS: theyll match ur lingo stillies

my nigga


stillies77: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

memyself Of ha: howsit

FalseBeautyTS: check the party pics

OEMEnemyNum1: HOw is the evil villian stillies/

stillies77: hes ok

midwestswangg: those oreos aint bad i usually try to get in 1000 cals before bed

FalseBeautyTS: hes not a christian!!!!!!

stillies77: hahahaha

christiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NYAH!

BBaggins06: he's as evil as the lump of hair in my bathroom drain

FalseBeautyTS: ... ew

stillies77: thats gross

memyself Of ha: indeed

stillies77: they make stuf to clean that out with ya know

like drano

BBaggins06: gross, but not evil :)

stillies77: something like that

OEMEnemyNum1: I use the snake to get it

FalseBeautyTS: that reminds me i forgot to buy draino

OEMEnemyNum1: Dont do it Jen


midwestswangg: what party pix

OEMEnemyNum1: You are loved

BBaggins06: i use my snake for something else OEM

stillies77: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Zi8beYR1iBQ fast forward to 00:49

OEMEnemyNum1: Oh hahaha

I get it

FalseBeautyTS: the ones where nothing but ugly crossdressers show up and for some reason all the pics look like they came from the grudge

midwestswangg: ahha nice

FalseBeautyTS: or the ring

or whatever

stillies77: its all the same anyway lol

OEMEnemyNum1: Oh yeah I love this guy Stillies

hwbs: lol @ the grudge

stillies77: yeah dude so fuckin funny

BBaggins06: or any random dead teenager movie

stillies77: mmmmmm S'AMORE

OEMEnemyNum1: Repost for Stillies


stillies77: AHAHAHAHA

stillies77: thats awesome

memyself Of ha: stillies77 you were the one linking music last time I was here, gd tunes too

FalseBeautyTS: wtf is this

BBaggins06: hello Nicole

more hair Jen?

johnnywalker: yo

Nicole Dupree: hi BB

stillies77: hahaha i think so

Nicole Dupree: hi all

johnnywalker: I know you dudes love Khloe Hart

but here feet

memyself Of ha: cool

FalseBeautyTS: and her face


johnnywalker: right up there with Allanah's

FalseBeautyTS: anyway

johnnywalker: http://www.hungangels.com/board/files/khloe_hart2001_101.jpg

FalseBeautyTS: wtf is this john daker crap

johnnywalker: those shits look bad

stillies77: dude its hilarious just watch it


memyself Of ha: jwbl, links dead it seems

midwestswangg: looked at some of the new pix lookin great

BBaggins06: copy and paste it

memyself Of ha: yep just did..

FalseBeautyTS: lol shit is weird

stillies77: he forgets all the words to thats amore

why are they singing thats amore!!


BBaggins06: who cares what the hell anyone's feet look like ... as long as there isn't any cheese between the toes :)

FalseBeautyTS: yeah horribly

memyself Of ha: id play :-)

stillies77: hahaha cheese between the toes

memyself Of ha: no pool

stillies77: "s'matter honey...got a little extra cheese on the taco"

hwbs: that was a classic line

from me myself and irene

stillies77: hahaha yeah dude



OEMEnemyNum1: lol

Who is Ohio_boy, that little shit told me to "f" myself last night

wtf is that

BBaggins06: lol

memyself Of ha: eww...cheeeez

johnnywalker: BB I hate ugly feet dude

stillies77: http://youtube.com/watch?v=hMZqXtsQofs

there it is

FalseBeautyTS: probably vegas boys new id

johnnywalker: ever had a chick with bad feet in bed with you?

have that chick rub her nasty toes up on you after sex?

no thanks

BBaggins06: they're way down on my list JW :) ... i barely even notice them unless i'm massaging them

hwbs: no but had this chick who would put u to sleep rubbing your feet

memyself Of ha: talons y mean

BBaggins06: she could do that to me any and every day JW :-D

johnnywalker: BB I'm a leg man, I have no choice my eyes are gonna see the hooves

stillies77: its like that movie Boomerang

BBaggins06: i like a great pair of legs too ... i just don't care about the bottoms :)

FalseBeautyTS: lol

OEMEnemyNum1: Stillies ever seen this?


BBaggins06: don't say it!

FalseBeautyTS: gummy bears was good

stillies77: hahaha gummy bear trap

OEMEnemyNum1: The sound is just awesome

midwestswangg: can someone ID this beauty for me :)

midwestswangg: http://galleries.grooby.com/js09as/01.jpg

stillies77: HAHAHA

Irish has left.

stillies77: you know how many topics there is that have that in it

BBaggins06: lol

stillies77: lol




memyself Of ha: yum

FalseBeautyTS: lol

johnnywalker: not going there

stillies77: that beauty looks pissed

BBaggins06: it's Jennifer Justice

FalseBeautyTS: what

hold n

midwestswangg: ahah

FalseBeautyTS: oh


johnnywalker: jen justice + 70 pounds

FalseBeautyTS: i like her wig

stillies77: wow.


BBaggins06: ;)

gabber20 has joined.

stillies77: 70 pounds of boobs

FalseBeautyTS: :(

gabber20 is now irish

johnnywalker: 70 pounds of silicon valley

irish is now irishgrrl

OEMEnemyNum1: 70 lbs?

I gotta see

gabber51 has joined.

FalseBeautyTS: i think thats the best she ever looked

stillies77: 70 pounds of man mustard

FalseBeautyTS: she shoulda stopped there

johnnywalker: I agree

OEMEnemyNum1: Man Mustard?

stillies77: i agree

irishgrrl: What's man mustard?

Lupin the 3rd has joined.

johnnywalker: I couldnt agree more

stillies77: shes addicted

FalseBeautyTS: 370 pounds of israli gayness

BBaggins06: evening Irish

johnnywalker: she was perfect then

gabber51 has left.

FalseBeautyTS: yup

stillies77: israeli gayness


hwbs: i think when she had the trainer 2 years back

irishgrrl: wrd up b

OEMEnemyNum1: 180 lbs of angry white guy

stillies77: i should get a pencil thing goatee

OEMEnemyNum1: Hahaha

stillies77: lol


FalseBeautyTS: lolok

OEMEnemyNum1: I should get a pencil thing

gabber636 has joined.

memyself Of ha: There is beuty to be found in lots of ways (sml/bg...tits/hight..etc)

stillies77: i would fuck it up

gabber636 is now midwestswangg

stillies77: i know i would

my goatee wouldnt be neat at all

it would be all uneven


memyself Of ha: lol

johnnywalker: that trainer did her justice

stillies77: justice


johnnywalker: she used to say "johnny feel my thighs"


midwestswangg has left.

hwbs: b4 the 2 boyfriends

midwestswangg: who is jen nustice

johnnywalker: those shits were like bodybuilders thighs

stillies77: damn

OEMEnemyNum1: Wang, lol

gabber254 has left.

johnnywalker: where's nicole?

OEMEnemyNum1: You dig the buff chicks right johnny

Buff legs

johnnywalker: I love the buff chicks

FalseBeautyTS: lol

OEMEnemyNum1: I love a buff chick tied up

johnnywalker: I'd fuck Denise masino in a ny minute

OEMEnemyNum1: cause I can dominate them

FalseBeautyTS: allanah was never buff

hwbs: sunny said she was hardcore 2 hours a day

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

FalseBeautyTS: but shes seen better shape

johnnywalker: well she aint now

BBaggins06: it'd be the other way around JW :)

johnnywalker: Yehuda likes his girls............................................. ............NIG


hwbs: johnny what bout that grace chick

FalseBeautyTS: lol

theone1 has left.

OEMEnemyNum1: Nig


FalseBeautyTS: i was like ?


yasmin lee wasnt big


stillies77: HAHAHA

nig big

FalseBeautyTS: muhahah

BBaggins06: interesting typo

johnnywalker: she was big where it counted obviously

stillies77: Yehuda likes big nigs

johnnywalker: LMAO

FalseBeautyTS: bwahahaha

johnnywalker: LMAO @ Stillz

stillies77: Yehuda...God Bless you

FalseBeautyTS: lol u know how those jewish boys love the sausage

hwbs: yasmin is a cool chick

stillies77: gesundheit

BBaggins06: lol

stillies77: lol

midwestswangg: http://limelight-270.static.dailymotion.com/dyn/preview/160x120/4710270.jpg

OEMEnemyNum1: Where did you get my photo Wang?

BBaggins06: she seems like it HW

johnnywalker: damn

gabber406 has joined.

johnnywalker: thats a big backside

midwestswangg: http://limelight-925.static.dailymotion.com/dyn/preview/160x120/627925.jpg

stillies77: jesus

midwestswangg: ahha

stillies77: that ass could crack nuts

gabber406 has left.

FalseBeautyTS: when it comes at u it makes a warning beep

midwestswangg: it would crush yo meat

memyself Of ha: bit to 'cut-up' for me

stillies77: it snaps like lobster claws

OEMEnemyNum1: Just a meat tenderizer

midwestswangg: who is jen justice??

johnnywalker: with the wind it is officially 1 degree in NYC

1 fuckin degree

FalseBeautyTS: ur mom

BBaggins06: ouch

OEMEnemyNum1: Now allanah be nice

FalseBeautyTS: lol

stillies77: hahaha

theone1 has joined.

stillies77: i am not playing the name game anymore


memyself Of ha: celceus?

FalseBeautyTS: im never nice to bitches

stillies77: im stayin out of that


hwbs: http://www.myspace.com/gracerivera

FalseBeautyTS: tey want my man before hes deported

midwestswangg: damn see now i dont know if false is jen or allanah

OEMEnemyNum1: Damn colder there tonight

johnnywalker: yeah grace is on my myspace page

FalseBeautyTS: its cold in tx too

stillies77: its frickin freezing in jersey

OEMEnemyNum1: uhuh Jen

stillies77: and its worse tomorrow

midwestswangg: yep hi jen

OEMEnemyNum1: I'm sure Austin is crazy cold

stillies77: its gonna be like 22 tomorrow

FalseBeautyTS: http://www.myspace.com/britneyqueers

thats jen

midwestswangg: told me you were allanah and i believed you

johnnywalker: I hated being stationed in Wichita Falls

hwbs: she got that bitch from secret in her top friends

BBaggins06: it's about 30 degrees warmer than Chicago

johnnywalker: it was 40 degrees every morning

80 by 9am

midwestswangg: ahah sexy

johnnywalker: 100 by noon

and 60 by 7pm

OEMEnemyNum1: Idaho is alot like that Johnny

johnnywalker: and that was in February

memyself Of ha: ahh farenhight

midwestswangg: jen u never post ne pix on HA thats lamme

OEMEnemyNum1: It's about 40 every morning in summer

stillies77: sigh i miss being friends with that myspace


OEMEnemyNum1: then about 100 at night

or afternoon I mean

memyself Of ha: <lives in celcius

FalseBeautyTS: so?

get over it or kill urself

i prefer the latter but choice is urs

BBaggins06: she just posted a couple pics today actually

memyself Of ha: lol, not in this heat

stillies77: who did what with the where now?

FalseBeautyTS: yeah reminds me

time to delete

johnnywalker: Allanah I know you're in here

who the fuck is Valentina?

and why?

stillies77: who are you deleting today?

OEMEnemyNum1: probably me

FalseBeautyTS: pics

stillies77: are you friends with her on myspace?

or negatron

midwestswangg: of what

FalseBeautyTS: ur mom

OEMEnemyNum1: yup

FalseBeautyTS: getting creamed

stillies77: wow

i saw those

irishgrrl has left.

johnnywalker: lol @ me having more votes for actually doing mod work on HA

FalseBeautyTS: i know they were crazy hot

midwestswangg: thats not cool sonsidering my mom left me when i was 3

johnnywalker: never saw that coming

memyself Of ha: lol

stillies77: zing!

FalseBeautyTS: whyd she wait so lon

johnnywalker: i thought you fags kissed tranny ass?!?

FalseBeautyTS: long

stillies77: ouch.

FalseBeautyTS: some do johnny

johnnywalker: could there be 19 real men on the site?


FalseBeautyTS: the others get banned

stillies77: ill tranny ass your fag...i mean


BBaggins06: only on the weekends JW

johnnywalker: ????

gabber294 has left.

stillies77: lol

johnnywalker: wtf @ stillz?

midwestswangg: ouch tht hurt

johnnywalker: that made no sense and it was still creepy

go draw a tranny

stillies77: hahaha i dunno i was spinning your words around to think of something witty

FalseBeautyTS: dont cry too long

BBaggins06: would you like a do over Stillies?

stillies77: and shook my fist at ya!

johnnywalker: ha

memyself Of ha: ya doso whats a real man, its subjective

BBaggins06: lol

johnnywalker: the old fist shaking

memyself Of ha: #so

stillies77: SHAKE HARDA BOY!

midwestswangg: im good

i dont cry

FalseBeautyTS: k good :D

momma taught u well

oh wait i guess she didnt



stillies77: someones in satan mode tonight


midwestswangg: no daddy just beat me so i had a rough childhood

BBaggins06: i cry when kicked in the jimmy

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

FalseBeautyTS: johnny

stillies77: i cry when doves cry

BBaggins06: she's in satan mode every night

johnnywalker: I need to go over to Europe and move in with Jenn English and take over her parties

memyself Of ha: not uncomon midwest

FalseBeautyTS: call nyce and get my status fixed

im already getting ty mail

johnnywalker: hell I'm good lookin, i wouldn't even need to work

mama you're status is what it is

FalseBeautyTS: boo

stillies77: oh snap

johnnywalker: a hot hung angel

OEMEnemyNum1: whats up with UK parties?

FalseBeautyTS: fix it

stillies77: what did they do

BBaggins06: you'd be a male whore?

FalseBeautyTS: i want a better one

johnnywalker: some stati need to be changed

stillies77: give you mod status for a day?

FalseBeautyTS: well heres my ty letter

i never pm'd a mod in my 21 months here, so don't worry, i won't make a habit of it. but i just wanted to thank you for the first peaceful day we here at HA in nearly three months. you rock, girl.

gabber958 has joined.

BBaggins06: fix this

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

stillies77: signed...loose noose


OEMEnemyNum1: Thats awesome Jen

BBaggins06: it's like being queen for a day?

johnnywalker: who sent that?

OEMEnemyNum1: lol

FalseBeautyTS: i want my status upgraded

midwestswangg: aww that is cute


FalseBeautyTS: no its not loose

he was banned


OEMEnemyNum1 has left.

FalseBeautyTS: haha

johnnywalker: who sent it?

stillies77: hahaha i know

johnnywalker: i want that name

FalseBeautyTS: trish

stillies77: that would have been awesome

if after a thank you note

OEMEnemyNum1 has joined.

johnnywalker: so I can rip it a new one

OEMEnemyNum1: damn back button

stillies77: you baned him



FalseBeautyTS: yup

hwbs: i think he has the record 4 most times banned

FalseBeautyTS: hes genneral dissary

stillies77: he is so desperate for tranny cockamolis

BBaggins06: i know he was in here crying abou tit

midwestswangg: ahha

OEMEnemyNum1: Who is that?

stillies77: he is like a soph in high school

FalseBeautyTS: over and over

hes 16

stillies77: and all he wants is cockamoli

FalseBeautyTS: and a month

hwbs: we let him stay 4 awhile because he kept coming back so many times

stillies77: he loves that shit

OEMEnemyNum1: noose?

stillies77: yes

hwbs: got bored and stopped posting

FalseBeautyTS: lol but he wouldnt act normal so he got axed again

OEMEnemyNum1: hmm

midwestswangg: whats normal?

memyself Of ha: yep

FalseBeautyTS: lol at whoever asked him what his favorite powerranger was

stillies77: mr i was named after kurt cobain....i paint...i read underground comics...i hate superheroes....i listen to the finest underground hardcore music...was in fact a 16 year old


hwbs: i know at least 6 got the axe with more to come

johnnywalker: hey 568 and 682 why dont you make your usernames?

FalseBeautyTS: thus outing themself as someone who would know

johnnywalker: you snitches?

BBaggins06: never heard of him before

FalseBeautyTS: 8 so far

more coming

stillies77: 568 and 682 are FBI

OEMEnemyNum1: Thats funny shit

johnnywalker: 958 you a snitch?

FalseBeautyTS: lol

stillies77: Lupin is CIA

memyself Of ha: CIA

Lupin the 3rd is now Death Note

FalseBeautyTS: snitches get stitches

stillies77: hahaha

FalseBeautyTS: lol theres death

memyself Of ha: lol

stillies77: LUPIN IS JACK BAUER!

johnnywalker: i liked chatzy for that bounce a snitch command

FalseBeautyTS: mm hmm

johnnywalker: over here you can only click on a name and ignore em

but on chatzy

FalseBeautyTS: yup

stillies77: boo

johnnywalker: whew shit

FalseBeautyTS: gabbly sux

johnnywalker: ban their asses

FalseBeautyTS: i dont know y u fags like it

stillies77: gobbly

gabber914 has joined.

johnnywalker: paltalk was the best

stillies77: FAGIOLI!

OEMEnemyNum1: I wonder if theres an aftermarket client for it

stillies77: you love it too fag

OEMEnemyNum1: ?

midwestswangg: yer on it to chach

OEMEnemyNum1: hmmm

Death Note: chatzy was buggy

FalseBeautyTS: yeah pal was

midwestswangg: ahah

stillies77: paltalk was aight but i wasnt payin for that shizzle


johnnywalker: dudes cried like the little sissies they are in real life about pal

memyself Of ha: fairenough

johnnywalker: because I gave Jen Justice a mod hate


stillies77: aww wah


FalseBeautyTS: lol

yeah fucking babies

stillies77: they need to get over it...fuckin fagatrons

johnnywalker: dudes whined like they were getting topped by Yasmine Lee for the 1st time about that

FalseBeautyTS: thats y it bombed bc they were so scared

OEMEnemyNum1: I'm scared

stillies77: thats awesome

johnnywalker: fuckin sissies

OEMEnemyNum1: Jen with power is crazy


Death Note: vegasboy was in here crying earlier

hwbs: she is having a sex party ,lol

stillies77: jen had dark phoenix power

FalseBeautyTS: yeah which is why my status needs fixing

johnnywalker: "why did you give her a hat, no one likes her"

stillies77: she was destroying stars

johnnywalker: then I'd say "I like her"

and I'd get "well you're not cool"

FalseBeautyTS: lol

OEMEnemyNum1: Jen, I'd have to write you a mod email

johnnywalker: Jen takes sissies manhood

FalseBeautyTS: no i just expose it

stillies77: i like jen in fact her and kelly are about the only girls i like to talk to

FalseBeautyTS: or lack of

stillies77: i liked to talk to her on MYSPACE too...but BAH!


BBaggins06: it's like making her the president with access to the button

FalseBeautyTS: i would be the most fair mod

midwestswangg: i just hate drama

OEMEnemyNum1: The most humble mod too

FalseBeautyTS: but i wouldnt keep giving ppl chances

johnnywalker: hang on let me cuss out Nicole on the phone

FalseBeautyTS: 3x ure out

stillies77: im too laid back for that drama shit wangster

Nicole Dupree has joined.

stillies77: save the drama fo yo mama

memyself Of ha: meh..power can corupt

midwestswangg: like baseball


FalseBeautyTS: it can... but ive always had it

johnnywalker: damnit

OEMEnemyNum1: Yes Power can corrupt

FalseBeautyTS: so im not phased

01-04-2008, 01:24 AM
FUck...and i'm all out of popcorn.

01-04-2008, 01:27 AM
I'll make ya a bag :)

01-04-2008, 01:32 AM
First off:

I took a quick run-through to be sure that I was not one of the people running off at the mouth. :)

Ya never know. :shock:

Alannah, dear, you are a public figure and will always attract grief from the public. Live with it. I know that you are already pretty much in tune with that shit.

I've seen some drivel about a spat betwixt you and Jennifer Paris. Haven't a clue what it was about. Was it that important? I think not.

Dear, with your position and presence, this kind of nonsense should be far beyond you.

Leave it at that.

01-04-2008, 01:33 AM
Oh, I forgot, Stillies is a wanker!

But I'd still buy him a beer if the l'il shit would surface some day. :wink:

01-04-2008, 01:34 AM
First off:

I took a quick run-through to be sure that I was not one of the people running off at the mouth. :)

Ya never know. :shock:

Alannah, dear, you are a public figure and will always attract grief from the public. Live with it. I know that you are already pretty much in tune with that shit.

I've seen some drivel about a spat betwixt you and Jennifer Paris. Haven't a clue what it was about. Was it that important? I think not.

Dear, with your position and presence, this kind of nonsense should be far beyond you.

Leave it at that.

Oh it really is. I am so not bothered.

But since people are so interested in discussing me and dishing me- well I think everyone should see it :).

Trustt e baby- my FAT ass is laughing all the way.

01-04-2008, 01:37 AM
I'll make ya a bag :)

Anytime dear...:)

01-04-2008, 01:37 AM
hahaha dude you can buy me a beer...i love how much of a goofy motherfucker i look like on this transcript lol that video still makes me chuckle

01-04-2008, 01:38 AM
remember when mommy told us, "if you don't have anything nice to say......". LIVE AND LET LIVE PEOPLE

01-04-2008, 01:41 AM
I did forget to add that as soon as I entered the room- as CallMeMSStar

the insults did end :)

01-04-2008, 01:44 AM
Allanah: (Whose name I invariably misspell) I would pat your 'phat' ass anyday, love. :)

Stillies: Did I miss a vid of you? Were you a dick, dude? Stop that shit!

As for 'everyone should see it': Let their own lame asses find it! :x

Jeez. :roll:

01-04-2008, 01:45 AM
no i wasnt a dick...not this time at least...i was just being really off the wall...hahaha the video is some goofy ass youtube video i showed people on chat last night its in the transcript heh.

01-04-2008, 01:48 AM
The actual quote is from author Dorothy Parker:

"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anyone, come and sit next to me".

01-04-2008, 01:53 AM
This why I avoid the Gabbly Fight Club. Lot's of nonsense from what I've seen the three or four times I've stopped by. I suppose if people enjoy flaming for no reason, but personally I didn't much care for that place.

01-04-2008, 01:53 AM


01-04-2008, 01:55 AM
Wow...glad I wasn't in that chatroom. That transcript contained some world-class 'faggy' bitching.

01-04-2008, 01:59 AM
I think everyone is fairly well behaved in chat....the board is def. worse at times

01-04-2008, 02:00 AM
Alright, I have to admit that, for whatever reason, the exchange between Stillies and JWBL had me roaring with laughter.

johnnywalker: that made no sense and it was still creepy

go draw a tranny


01-04-2008, 02:01 AM
Alright, I have to admit that, for whatever reason, the exchange between Stillies and JWBL had me roaring with laughter.

johnnywalker: that made no sense and it was still creepy

go draw a tranny


Interesting to see that is your only assesement.

Peace on.

01-04-2008, 02:17 AM
Oh, Stop!

Fer chrissakes, go play nice! :shock:

01-04-2008, 02:23 AM
did you type all that? that took a long time to read!

01-04-2008, 02:29 AM
The mods have usually followed a code, we don't cross each other, if there is ever a problem with a user and an action a user has taken we deal with it, no questions asked. This seems to have been forgotten. So with that being said let me explain
"The Fight Club"

The Fight Club was initiated for members of HA to stay out of jeopardy of losing their accounts by simply taking their arguments and/or comments that might get them into trouble on HA.com to a place that was neutral and had no ill effect on the forum. It has worked very well for those who haven't been lazy enough to figure out how to access it, and it will continue to serve a purpose as it allows those who want to speak in a realtime environment.

Fight club will at times have several 'anonymous' gabbers who I refer to jokingly as 'snitches' come in the room and type messages without letting those 'brave' enough to let the others know who they are in. A cowardly move, such a move was conducted by Allanah last night, no one copied & pasted any of the text to her, this was all done on her behalf

So let's discuss the statements she obviously has issues with.

Go on to discuss

*how fat I am
*my relationship
*plastic surgery habits
*how fat i am
*how JWB thinks that I have ugly feet and so does Klhoe Hart
*how fat I am
*the fags of HA
*how the chatroom sucks (yet they are in it every night)
* how fat I am
*vicki richter's fake cum shots
*how they fear snitches in the room (wonder why?)
*Ms. Justice's desire to be a mod

Yes it was stated that you've gained weight, I personally stated how your current lover likes his women big. If that is a problem for you, there's Slimfast and there are crack diets that can easily speed up your weight loss, both are available to you in the NYC area.

Yes I did make a statement about how bad i thought your hooves and Khloe Hart's feet looked, sorry if it offended you, I don't like staring at hobbit feet.

Plastic Surgery habits are what they are: for the last several years I've sat on this site and had to hold my tongue because people who have destroyed their looks with too many cosmetic procedures caught feelings. I have no idea if that was issued towards me or towards everyone in the room, but I'll stand up for those that 'lol'd' in there with me when we joked about it.

Vicki Richter's fake cum shots I don't even recall being mentioned, but if she did do fake cum shots so what? She gets paid to be on film and if she has to shoot some lubriderm out of a tube to get a check so be it.

You seem to really have an issue with the fat comment, I'm assuming that's from Jen Justice saying how Neiman Marcus goes up to a size 15. She meant it with no disrespect as she's a size 13 but you seemed to take it that way, so be it.

Bottomline is this:
If you can't handle the drama that goes on in the fight club, don't come in fight club.
One of the main rules of fight club is "YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB"
In future visits to the room instead of sitting back and observing then coming on HA.com to whine about us calling you porkly you might consider taking some jabs at us on your own. Otherwise I'm sure there's a Bally's gym that would be happy to let you work off those pounds while staring at Entertainment Tonight on the LCD screen attached to the treadmills they supply.


01-04-2008, 02:32 AM

01-04-2008, 02:37 AM
Alright, I have to admit that, for whatever reason, the exchange between Stillies and JWBL had me roaring with laughter.

johnnywalker: that made no sense and it was still creepy

go draw a tranny


Interesting to see that is your only assesement.

Peace on.

With all due respect, Allanah, what would you expect me to say? Having not participated in that conversation – and not knowing those specific posters on a personal level – I can't speak to their intent. The fact is that my friends and I say far worse things about one another for the sake of a good laugh, but we never really mean any of it (nor would we tolerate, for even a second, the same language from an outsider).

My recommendation: if you feel hurt or betrayed by the actions of any one participant, talk to him directly and see if those feelings are truly warranted. Best of luck.


01-04-2008, 03:04 AM
I'm sure the pics will be posted, and once again that's my opinion, some folks might not agree with me and that's the beauty of a discussion to find out other's thoughts

01-04-2008, 03:07 AM
The mods have usually followed a code, we don't cross each other, if there is ever a problem with a user and an action a user has taken we deal with it, no questions asked. This seems to have been forgotten. So with that being said let me explain
"The Fight Club"

The Fight Club was initiated for members of HA to stay out of jeopardy of losing their accounts by simply taking their arguments and/or comments that might get them into trouble on HA.com to a place that was neutral and had no ill effect on the forum. It has worked very well for those who haven't been lazy enough to figure out how to access it, and it will continue to serve a purpose as it allows those who want to speak in a realtime environment.

Fight club will at times have several 'anonymous' gabbers who I refer to jokingly as 'snitches' come in the room and type messages without letting those 'brave' enough to let the others know who they are in. A cowardly move, such a move was conducted by Allanah last night, no one copied & pasted any of the text to her, this was all done on her behalf

So let's discuss the statements she obviously has issues with.

Go on to discuss

*how fat I am
*my relationship
*plastic surgery habits
*how fat i am
*how JWB thinks that I have ugly feet and so does Klhoe Hart
*how fat I am
*the fags of HA
*how the chatroom sucks (yet they are in it every night)
* how fat I am
*vicki richter's fake cum shots
*how they fear snitches in the room (wonder why?)
*Ms. Justice's desire to be a mod

Yes it was stated that you've gained weight, I personally stated how your current lover likes his women big. If that is a problem for you, there's Slimfast and there are crack diets that can easily speed up your weight loss, both are available to you in the NYC area.

Yes I did make a statement about how bad i thought your hooves and Khloe Hart's feet looked, sorry if it offended you, I don't like staring at hobbit feet.

Plastic Surgery habits are what they are: for the last several years I've sat on this site and had to hold my tongue because people who have destroyed their looks with too many cosmetic procedures caught feelings. I have no idea if that was issued towards me or towards everyone in the room, but I'll stand up for those that 'lol'd' in there with me when we joked about it.

Vicki Richter's fake cum shots I don't even recall being mentioned, but if she did do fake cum shots so what? She gets paid to be on film and if she has to shoot some lubriderm out of a tube to get a check so be it.

You seem to really have an issue with the fat comment, I'm assuming that's from Jen Justice saying how Neiman Marcus goes up to a size 15. She meant it with no disrespect as she's a size 13 but you seemed to take it that way, so be it.

Bottomline is this:
If you can't handle the drama that goes on in the fight club, don't come in fight club.
One of the main rules of fight club is "YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB"
In future visits to the room instead of sitting back and observing then coming on HA.com to whine about us calling you porkly you might consider taking some jabs at us on your own. Otherwise I'm sure there's a Bally's gym that would be happy to let you work off those pounds while staring at Entertainment Tonight on the LCD screen attached to the treadmills they supply.


a little honesty is refreshing THANK YOU.

as i chew on some oreos...

as far as Jen Justice -I have nothing agaisnt her. I invited her to come out to NYC and host a party. The offer still stands.

No jabs at others thank you- I say what I have to say face to face.

Peace on.

01-04-2008, 03:09 AM
Alright, I have to admit that, for whatever reason, the exchange between Stillies and JWBL had me roaring with laughter.

johnnywalker: that made no sense and it was still creepy

go draw a tranny


Interesting to see that is your only assesement.

Peace on.

With all due respect, Allanah, what would you expect me to say? Having not participated in that conversation – and not knowing those specific posters on a personal level – I can't speak to their intent. The fact is that my friends and I say far worse things about one another for the sake of a good laugh, but we never really mean any of it (nor would we tolerate, for even a second, the same language from an outsider).

My recommendation: if you feel hurt or betrayed by the actions of any one participant, talk to him directly and see if those feelings are truly warranted. Best of luck.


I don't expect you to say anythign sweetie. Was just commeting on your comment. That's all :)

01-04-2008, 03:22 AM
Suckseed...that video image has me cracking up. I can't get it out of my head. I know I shouldn't make fun of the person in it but I can't help it.



01-04-2008, 03:24 AM
In regards to Allanah and Khloe having ugly feet, I don't think they should take to much offense to that. I personally think everyones feet are ugly. Just not my favorite part of the body.


01-04-2008, 03:26 AM
And as far as Allanah being fat, I like curves and if I had her alone in a room


Sorry, I felt like using the emoticons today

01-04-2008, 03:29 AM
we all gain pounds as we get older.
and Allanah you are far from fat.
i think certain people should take a look at themselves in the mirror.
anyone of us could find fault with anyone on this board,male or female.no one is born perfect.
the way i look at it is,if someone is talking about you on a chat room,then they are jealous or have no life.

01-04-2008, 03:38 AM
In regards to Allanah and Khloe having ugly feet, I don't think they should take to much offense to that. I personally think everyones feet are ugly. Just not my favorite part of the body.


Well I like my feet- they have gotten me this far through life so they are ok.

Granted they are wide-
but I wear a 9 or 10 US, 40 Euro, 7 UK
and I have 350 pairs to prove it.

My toes are all even lenght and I don't have one corn, or bunyon.
And I get pedicures about every 10 days.

To me they just fine.

It would be tough if I could not fit into all the shoes I love- but I wear a size that I can so I have to count my blessings.

Vicki Richter
01-04-2008, 03:46 AM
Allanah has very pretty feet and she isn't fat at all. When you are a superstar people will take shots at you all the time. Someone just suggested last week on sfredbook that because I shoot bareback scenes, I must have AIDS.

The facts are that you - Allanah - are, per Gamelink, one of the top 10 TS pornstars around right now. People will come after you. I don't know what Jen Justice problem is with everyone. She attacks me on here sometimes as well.

By the way, all my cumshots are 100% real, but I have terrible feet in my opinion. Thank God they are not gigantor feet, but I do have a bit of platypus in me.

01-04-2008, 03:52 AM
Thank God they are not gigantor feet, but I do have a bit of platypus in me.

A gigantor and a platypus reference in the same sentence. Nice... Frankly, I don't get the focus on feet so many people have. Then again, if was with a woman who had Chewbacca feet, I would most definitely notice and be bothered by it.


01-04-2008, 04:02 AM
Allanah has very pretty feet and she isn't fat at all. When you are a superstar people will take shots at you all the time. Someone just suggested last week on sfredbook that because I shoot bareback scenes, I must have AIDS.

The facts are that you - Allanah - are, per Gamelink, one of the top 10 TS pornstars around right now. People will come after you. I don't know what Jen Justice problem is with everyone. She attacks me on here sometimes as well.

By the way, all my cumshots are 100% real, but I have terrible feet in my opinion. Thank God they are not gigantor feet, but I do have a bit of platypus in me.

U are so cute.

I remember you complementing my toes in Pheonix. LOL

I must say- girl you impress me to this very day still in person.
You look white woman 100%. The voice- everything.

I hope to see you soon snookums for dinner and mojitos again!

And your feet are not big-

01-04-2008, 04:04 AM
And thanks to all the guys who were complimentary.

Big Allanah hugs ****

01-04-2008, 04:05 AM
don't know about Allanahs feet since i have not see them but from her description they sound kissable, i do think Allanah has nice hands though so usually one who has nice hands tends to have nice feet, I don't know JW i think between us two leg men we have to post pics of girls feet that we think are pretty and then we can see if we have the same tastes lol

dude it is what it is
as a leg man you know as well as i do that eventually you're gonna stare at the feet, and you might like what you see and you might NOT like what you see

what kills me is how this has become a podiatrist's dream thread over what it really was, a weak attempt to cause drama

as always I'll be in chat under my name greeting folks
we are currently discussing politics and mountain biking but you never know what else might come up

p.s. hi Vicki ;)

01-04-2008, 04:12 AM
What's wrong with this thread morphing into a foot fetish thread? :twisted:

Allanah seems to be cool after being able to publish her piece. Time for a good hijack. 8)

01-04-2008, 04:13 AM
don't know about Allanahs feet since i have not see them but from her description they sound kissable, i do think Allanah has nice hands though so usually one who has nice hands tends to have nice feet, I don't know JW i think between us two leg men we have to post pics of girls feet that we think are pretty and then we can see if we have the same tastes lol

dude it is what it is
as a leg man you know as well as i do that eventually you're gonna stare at the feet, and you might like what you see and you might NOT like what you see

what kills me is how this has become a podiatrist's dream thread over what it really was, a weak attempt to cause drama

as always I'll be in chat under my name greeting folks
we are currently discussing politics and mountain biking but you never know what else might come up

p.s. hi Vicki ;)

not an attempt at anything- just pointing out facts which you proceeded to delete originally.

i called you people out and that's that.

fight club smchight club. if you are going to talk smack- have the balls to do it when the people you are talking about are present.
If you can't do that- then I will deal with what I feel is being said about me accordingly.

that's all.

01-04-2008, 04:29 AM
hingshing you did nothing wrong, this is all petty bullshit

01-04-2008, 04:30 AM
For what it's worth Allanah when I went in there a few days ago she started up calling me fat white I was in the chatroom. I just ignored her then she stopped.

At least she had the respect (or fear) of you enough to stop when you entered the room.


uhhh so look at it this way... it could be worse. :-)

01-04-2008, 04:36 AM
lol, obviously fight club isn't for the emo's

01-04-2008, 04:46 AM
sigh, here we go with the old black & white flicks again

let me remind everyone reading this thread what it's mainly about


the pic basically says it all, it's called the "Fight Club"
if you can't handle the fight club stay out of the fight club
don't cower under a gabber name in fight club STAY OUT OF FIGHT CLUB

If you get hurt feelings at someone referring to your shape, or your actions click the X button and leave FIGHT CLUB

I'm not going to apologize for what gets said in fight club, there's arguments in there all the time, thats what it's for, to bring the drama that goes on in FIGHT CLUB back on HA to seek sympathy from a bunch of ass-kissers that mainly dream of shaking their monkeys with a jar of vaseline on a nightly basis is pathetic............

01-04-2008, 04:50 AM
I don't know what Jen Justice problem is with everyone. She attacks me on here sometimes as well.

i dont attack you vicki unwaranted... maybe you think i should treat you like every other stranger on the street but im not one of your fans... ill treat you the same way id treat any other girl making threads about me being a $10 hooker... if u cant stand the heat get out of the forum... oh wait youre already gone right? :roll:

01-04-2008, 04:53 AM
For what it's worth Allanah when I went in there a few days ago she started up calling me fat white I was in the chatroom. I just ignored her then she stopped.

At least she had the respect (or fear) of you enough to stop when you entered the room.


uhhh so look at it this way... it could be worse. :-)

thats not what happened at all

i wasnt dissrespecting her to begin with

and when she did announce her entrance finally i said

"shouldnt you be ms. yehuda gouda"

keep it real ppl :lol:

01-04-2008, 04:55 AM
Saying someone is fat and has ugly feet.... what's that supposed to be a complement? :-/

01-04-2008, 04:56 AM
lol, obviously fight club isn't for the emo's

Club kids.

01-04-2008, 04:57 AM
exactly it's amazing how select things were shown in this thread, not the whole text from chat

pathetic and all done for sympathy and consolation from cyber silicone ass kissers

01-04-2008, 05:00 AM
Saying someone is fat and has ugly feet.... what's that supposed to be a complement? :-/

i never said "she is fat" or "she has ugly feet"

01-04-2008, 05:04 AM
exactly it's amazing how select things were shown in this thread, not the whole text from chat

pathetic and all done for sympathy and consolation from cyber silicone ass kissers


This is the information I recieved via email.

I have my assked kissed enough at home- I don't need strangers to do it.

You are on this symphathy kick. PLEASE.

Why don't you grow some cojones and stop trying to silence me when I post something that you don't like.

Keep on diggin- I certainly don't mind.

If you are going to do something then be liable for your actions.

Answer for them as you have- but if you continue to make false accusations as to my motives. I will continue to respond.

01-04-2008, 05:14 AM
Sweety no one is digging, no one is trying to silence you. If ANYTHING I'm trying to keep you from looking like the fool you are currently resembling, if it was just me thinking this that would be one thing, but the ONLY people that don't think you're acting a fool are the ones you still owe $$$ to or the ones that as I stated earlier would love to jump your bones.

this thread is done as far as I'm concerned, when women that act like women are sitting on the phone, sending me text messages, or IM's telling me to ignore foolishness such as this I'll listen.

01-04-2008, 05:18 AM
Sweety no one is digging, no one is trying to silence you. If ANYTHING I'm trying to keep you from looking like the fool you are currently resembling, if it was just me thinking this that would be one thing, but the ONLY people that don't think you're acting a fool are the ones you still owe $$$ to or the ones that as I stated earlier would love to jump your bones.

this thread is done as far as I'm concerned, when women that act like women are sitting on the phone, sending me text messages, or IM's telling me to ignore foolishness such as this I'll listen.

I don't think she looks like a fool. I think that Gabbly room is foolish venting. What's the point? Who cares, that's what it is.

01-04-2008, 05:21 AM
Sweety no one is digging, no one is trying to silence you. If ANYTHING I'm trying to keep you from looking like the fool you are currently resembling, if it was just me thinking this that would be one thing, but the ONLY people that don't think you're acting a fool are the ones you still owe $$$ to or the ones that as I stated earlier would love to jump your bones.

this thread is done as far as I'm concerned, when women that act like women are sitting on the phone, sending me text messages, or IM's telling me to ignore foolishness such as this I'll listen.

Thank you for your kindness and concern towards me.
You have shown it abundantly to keep me safe of my foolishness-

I am sure all of your motives were completely unselfish and had my best interest in mind. LOL

01-04-2008, 05:22 AM
I don't think she looks like a fool. I think that Gabbly room is foolish venting. What's the point? Who cares, that's what it is.

coming from the village idiot your thoughts mean nothing

01-04-2008, 05:24 AM
quinn remember the movie Boomerang? lol

Yeah, I was thinking of that too. :lol: Great movie.


01-04-2008, 05:26 AM
I don't think she looks like a fool. I think that Gabbly room is foolish venting. What's the point? Who cares, that's what it is.

coming from the village idiot your thoughts mean nothing

In grade school, there was this girl who really liked me, but I didn't like her, so she would occasionally walk by and snap me with a rubber band.

I don't like you, Jenn.

01-04-2008, 05:29 AM
I don't think she looks like a fool. I think that Gabbly room is foolish venting. What's the point? Who cares, that's what it is.

coming from the village idiot your thoughts mean nothing

In grade school, there was this girl who really liked me, but I didn't like her, so she would occasionally walk by and snap me with a rubber band.

I don't like you, Jenn.

thats ok retard ill still give you a fork and tell you jokes about your imaginary gf later

01-04-2008, 05:45 AM
Much ado about nothing. I've seen much worse here in the forums than anything said last night in the chat room. Most of it was just good natured ribbing with no malicious intent whatsoever. I didn't say anything then that I wouldn't say to anyone face to face either. I mean, come on. Complaining that someone doesn't like your feet? Or had too much surgery? From the picture I saw last night, I agree with them. You looked so much better in that old pic Allanah.

Finally, while it was intimated that you were, nobody said you were fat. I thought New Yorkers had thicker skin than this. I know JWBL is a wuss, but I thought you were better than him. Actually, I spent most of the time making fun on Johnny & Jen and they're not complaining. I guess with Nite Rider gone, someone has to be the villian now. And no, it will never be you Stillies. Mahalo


01-04-2008, 05:54 AM
How sad that magically Johnny's and Hara's post from this morning has been erased.

I should say I did say I didn't think Klikkbotts new photos of your recent party with Carmen Cruz were flattering. I said you always look so classy at the parties, and it looks like he took no time at all to take the pics of any of the girls and posted pics with eyes closed and double chins. It's sad it looks like her just rushed through it.

01-04-2008, 06:10 AM
great...i'm immortalized talking about hollywood's penis! lol ;)

01-04-2008, 06:19 AM
great...i'm immortalized talking about hollywood's penis! lol ;)

E's eventual epitaph: "Here Lays Hollywood's Penis!".

That's a pretty funny one, actually. I wouldn't complain about that.


01-04-2008, 06:19 AM
i don't think anyone will remember that part...

01-04-2008, 06:40 AM
How sad that magically Johnny's and Hara's post from this morning has been erased.

I should say I did say I didn't think Klikkbotts new photos of your recent party with Carmen Cruz were flattering. I said you always look so classy at the parties, and it looks like he took no time at all to take the pics of any of the girls and posted pics with eyes closed and double chins. It's sad it looks like her just rushed through it.

As fas as his photos- he did us a big favor for filling in at the last minute when we has an emergency. So it was last minute. I myselft look akward in the poses because I had a wardrobe malfunction.

When I bough the dress @ the Cavalli store I did not realize the zipper was damaged. So when I put it on- it literally was already split.

So Dina had to form a contraption to get me to stay in it.

I am greatful for what he did for me last minute.

And Im damn mad that you could not see my new Givenchy shoes in the pics!


Next time

01-04-2008, 06:40 AM
It's not just the HA chat room? It's the "Fight Club? Why not just speak you're minds on the board? The board is where you're supposed be nicer? But you get to be more of an asshole in "Fight Club"? That sounds pretty fucking retarded. People always have to live with their words, right? What does a book/movie about the mind of a schizophrenic dweeb have to do porn?

Anybody who actually wants to argue with me or insult me, please remember that I would say nothing different IRL that I won't say right here or in a chat room. :)


01-04-2008, 06:42 AM
It's not just the HA chat room? It's the "Fight Club? Why not just speak you're minds on the board? The board is where you're supposed be nicer? But you get to be more of an asshole in "Fight Club"? That sounds pretty fucking retarded. People always have to live with their words, right? What does a book/movie about the mind of a schizophrenic dweeb have to do porn?

Anybody who actually wants to argue with me or insult me, please remember that I would say nothing different IRL that I won't say right here or in a chat room. :)

It would be cool to have civil, moderated discussion on the forum, and "anything goes" on the chat. I think that's reasonable. Gotham and Metropolis. That makes sense.

01-04-2008, 06:50 AM
Suckseed...that video image has me cracking up. I can't get it out of my head. I know I shouldn't make fun of the person in it but I can't help it.



To be clear, I was just trying to add a light note to the thread. The kid in the gif is actually an awesome kid - he has a version of the Numa Numa dance on youtube.

01-04-2008, 06:54 AM
How sad that magically Johnny's and Hara's post from this morning has been erased.

I should say I did say I didn't think Klikkbotts new photos of your recent party with Carmen Cruz were flattering. I said you always look so classy at the parties, and it looks like he took no time at all to take the pics of any of the girls and posted pics with eyes closed and double chins. It's sad it looks like her just rushed through it.

As fas as his photos- he did us a big favor for filling in at the last minute when we has an emergency. So it was last minute. I myselft look akward in the poses because I had a wardrobe malfunction.

When I bough the dress @ the Cavalli store I did not realize the zipper was damaged. So when I put it on- it literally was already split.

So Dina had to form a contraption to get me to stay in it.

I am greatful for what he did for me last minute.

And Im damn mad that you could not see my new Givenchy shoes in the pics!


Next time Oh okay I was just wondering why, his work is usually always good.

01-04-2008, 06:54 AM
It's not just the HA chat room? It's the "Fight Club? Why not just speak you're minds on the board? The board is where you're supposed be nicer? But you get to be more of an asshole in "Fight Club"? That sounds pretty fucking retarded. People always have to live with their words, right? What does a book/movie about the mind of a schizophrenic dweeb have to do porn?

Anybody who actually wants to argue with me or insult me, please remember that I would say nothing different IRL that I won't say right here or in a chat room. :)

It would be cool to have civil, moderated discussion on the forum, and "anything goes" on the chat. I think that's reasonable. Gotham and Metropolis. That makes sense."Anything goes" about what? Saying what you think? It seems kinda pretentious need "fight club", doesn't it? ;)

People are going to say all sorts of things, especially on internet forums they can hide behind. It sucks, but they have to be allowed to say it. There also should be a place where ranting is filtered out so that good discussion isn't driven into nonsense.

That seems fair to me. The chat is Gotham, the forum is Metropolis. I don't go to Gotham because I don't find it interesting.

01-04-2008, 06:55 AM
How sad that magically Johnny's and Hara's post from this morning has been erased.

I should say I did say I didn't think Klikkbotts new photos of your recent party with Carmen Cruz were flattering. I said you always look so classy at the parties, and it looks like he took no time at all to take the pics of any of the girls and posted pics with eyes closed and double chins. It's sad it looks like her just rushed through it.

As fas as his photos- he did us a big favor for filling in at the last minute when we has an emergency. So it was last minute. I myselft look akward in the poses because I had a wardrobe malfunction.

When I bough the dress @ the Cavalli store I did not realize the zipper was damaged. So when I put it on- it literally was already split.

So Dina had to form a contraption to get me to stay in it.

I am greatful for what he did for me last minute.

And Im damn mad that you could not see my new Givenchy shoes in the pics!


Next time Oh okay I was just wondering why, his work is usually always good.

Thanks for the compliment early btw

01-04-2008, 07:01 AM
I think a one on one argument makes more sense here. Fight Club fights are 1-on-1, aren't they? ;)

My fights here have usually been 10 on me. You know what I'm saying. Leave the fights to Fight Club.

01-04-2008, 07:02 AM
I think a one on one argument makes more sense here. Fight Club fights are 1-on-1, aren't they? ;)

fight club is better for argueing as you can do it in one night w/o making a stupid thread go on for 30 pages bc of everyones imput
an arguement on fight club happens in real time and ppl not involved sit back and watch where as when it happens on here every fag wants to put their WORTHLESS :2cents in .... its not needed... fight club is great for what it was intended for ... a place where members can chat about w/e in real time and should an arguement happen its usually handled and settled in a matter of minutes and its resolved

01-04-2008, 07:02 AM
Oh gosh, it took all of a day after emptying the trash for a new family squabble to start.

Ya just gotta love HA.

TS Jamie :-)

01-04-2008, 07:59 AM
SMDH...thanks for sharing that, Allanah.

01-04-2008, 08:55 AM

come on in kids the waters fine!

01-04-2008, 09:00 AM

come on in kids the waters fine!

Too hot for me... besides I'm too busy taking over some unmentioned parties posting duties...

But maybe I'll come and watch.

TS Jamie :-)

01-04-2008, 09:02 AM
That transcript(and this thread) also totally confirms the fact that this BilboButtmunch putz needs to shut his(?) cock-holster...Mahalo, Matt *smirk* Mahalo, nancyboy!!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-04-2008, 09:33 AM
Allanah, Like I said previously to you on the thread that got deleted lastnight. It's a damn shame that something I started out as a positive is now being talked about negatively by someone. I mean, How pathetic it must be for someone to say the gabbly chatroom sux but only to see the same freaking person log on it nightly? Hmm..if you ask me, something doesn't quite add up..Up there you know?!? And I've just had it.

What's even sadder are the hoards of guys who doesn't have the balls to even say anything about it. :roll:



01-04-2008, 10:51 AM
What's even sadder are the hoards of guys who doesn't have the balls to even say anything about it. :roll:

Okay I admit it, I've used the gabbly chat and I thank you HJ for creating it in the first place. I've probably only been in there a half dozen times since you created it, but I've enjoyed it.

I was in there twice recently, though not during the chat that Allanah posted the transcript of. But on these recent chats I've chatted with same folks in the Allanah post.

I offer no defense for those who participate or use it for gossip. But also, I'm not really sure what to say in defense of those who are talked about. One of the unfair aspects of this forum is that 99% of the guys are completely anonymous while most the Angels participate fully undisguised. That makes gossip about any specific Angel sort of unfair.

So I side with Allanah on what happened. But I also would side with Jenn if something similar happened to her. I hope, in the end, Allanah posting this thread will ultimately make a positive difference in the communications within the gabbly chat.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Thanks Odelay. You know sometimes, being appreciative for the little things goes a long long way. A simple THANK YOU would have sufficed. I don't expect a plaque of recognition or a monument in my honor to be built for the good deed/s I made. But Gosh darn it! Some people need to act accordingly to their 'assumed' gender roles and STOP being whiny Fags! ;)



01-04-2008, 03:57 PM
Allanah, Like I said previously to you on the thread that got deleted lastnight. It's a damn shame that something I started out as a positive is now being talked about negatively by someone. I mean, How pathetic it must be for someone to say the gabbly chatroom sux but only to see the same freaking person log on it nightly? Hmm..if you ask me, something doesn't quite add up..Up there you know?!? And I've just had it.

What's even sadder are the hoards of guys who doesn't have the balls to even say anything about it. :roll:



What does your statement have to do with what Allanah posted, Hara? I don't get it. What hoard of guys are you speaking of, and what does this "hoard" have to do with what Allanah was saying? No offense, but as for myself, I've never visited there and I've never had the inclination to. Nor do I now.

01-04-2008, 04:39 PM
Allanah, Like I said previously to you on the thread that got deleted lastnight. It's a damn shame that something I started out as a positive is now being talked about negatively by someone. I mean, How pathetic it must be for someone to say the gabbly chatroom sux but only to see the same freaking person log on it nightly? Hmm..if you ask me, something doesn't quite add up..Up there you know?!? And I've just had it.

What's even sadder are the hoards of guys who doesn't have the balls to even say anything about it. :roll:



i've been in there a little over a dozen times. i was in there "that" night, but according to the transcript all this took place just after i left so i didn't catch the mudslinging. anyway, hara, the chat is a welcome diversion and it can be fun. i think, actually, that's its only real purpose...a diversion and a bit of fun.

01-04-2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks Odelay. You know sometimes, being appreciative for the little things goes a long long way. A simple THANK YOU would have sufficed. I don't expect a plaque of recognition or a monument in my honor to be built for the good deed/s I made. But Gosh darn it! Some people need to act accordingly to their 'assumed' gender roles and STOP being whiny Fags! ;)



I'll reiterate what Odelay said and add my thanks Hara. I wasn't aware that you created the chat room which I enjoy so much. I think it's 10 times more fun than any thread here. It's a great thing you did and you shouldn't let the actions of anyone else lessen your feelings of accomplishment. So thanks for all the hard work and pull up a chair sometime. I'd love to chat with ya. Mahalo


Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-04-2008, 09:15 PM
Allanah, Like I said previously to you on the thread that got deleted lastnight. It's a damn shame that something I started out as a positive is now being talked about negatively by someone. I mean, How pathetic it must be for someone to say the gabbly chatroom sux but only to see the same freaking person log on it nightly? Hmm..if you ask me, something doesn't quite add up..Up there you know?!? And I've just had it.

What's even sadder are the hoards of guys who doesn't have the balls to even say anything about it. :roll:



What does your statement have to do with what Allanah posted, Hara? I don't get it. What hoard of guys are you speaking of, and what does this "hoard" have to do with what Allanah was saying? No offense, but as for myself, I've never visited there and I've never had the inclination to. Nor do I now.

Chefmike, It's about talking about someone or something (aka gabbly chatroom) in a bad light (Allanah refers to the former while I refer to the latter). It's simply unsolicited and highly irritating at best! Especially when that someone (Allanah) or something (gabbly) hasn't done or said anything negative about you (Ms. loudmouth?). If someone isn't happy with our gabbly chatroom then stop hanging on in there like a leech and find elsewhere to chat! :evil:



01-04-2008, 09:35 PM
I'm still confused...is this Ms. loudmouth the person that you're upset with? If so, who is this person and what does she(?) have to do with these "hoards" of guys that you are pointing your finger at? Or are you upset because Allanah exposed the catty(and vicious) chatter in your chat room on that particular night?

On second thought, never mind...

01-04-2008, 10:38 PM
It's not just the HA chat room? It's the "Fight Club? Why not just speak you're minds on the board? The board is where you're supposed be nicer? But you get to be more of an asshole in "Fight Club"? That sounds pretty fucking retarded. People always have to live with their words, right? What does a book/movie about the mind of a schizophrenic dweeb have to do porn?

Anybody who actually wants to argue with me or insult me, please remember that I would say nothing different IRL that I won't say right here or in a chat room. :)

that's a fair point. When hara started the gabbly room like 6 months ago it was pretty chummy. Its only recently been made 'Fight Club', which to my mind is pretty redundant considering the forum of late. If you want good people, check gabbly around, 9pm GMT. English crowd...better jokes..good beer...warm fires

01-05-2008, 12:33 AM
All I'm going to say is this: There are some things in that email that are strangely absent. The things are absent put that entire transcript in a completely different context.

When I left, there was someone in there being an idiot. And they got ribbed for it. Strangely, that person is absent from the transcript. That's some pretty crafty editing though.


01-05-2008, 01:49 AM
I'm still confused...is this Ms. loudmouth the person that you're upset with? If so, who is this person and what does she(?) have to do with these "hoards" of guys that you are pointing your finger at? Or are you upset because Allanah exposed the catty(and vicious) chatter in your chat room on that particular night?

On second thought, never mind...

not to spell it out man... but I think she's from texas

01-05-2008, 07:23 AM
You're saying that something was edited out?

Yeah. I'm not sure about the part after I left, but I know the part of the log where I was in there was edited, so the rest had to be. Allanah said it was sent the way it was posted, I believe that. Whoever sent it took some things out.

01-05-2008, 08:36 AM
I'm still confused...is this Ms. loudmouth the person that you're upset with? If so, who is this person and what does she(?) have to do with these "hoards" of guys that you are pointing your finger at? Or are you upset because Allanah exposed the catty(and vicious) chatter in your chat room on that particular night?

On second thought, never mind...

not to spell it out man... but I think she's from texas I see.

01-05-2008, 09:13 AM
You motherfuckers are all kinds of crazy...

01-05-2008, 02:50 PM
Well, that was an entertaining read....

loving your new cool avatar Jennifer

i want my avatar to have that much coolness! it's not fair!

01-05-2008, 02:55 PM
You're saying that something was edited out?

Yeah. I'm not sure about the part after I left, but I know the part of the log where I was in there was edited, so the rest had to be. Allanah said it was sent the way it was posted, I believe that. Whoever sent it took some things out.

he was the pussy who i said emailed it....hes the biggest kiss ass on ha...

01-05-2008, 08:17 PM
The way I see it, the major parties in this dispute know each other in real time, so it is probably best that they sort it out in real time, instead of carrying on like a bunch of Kansas City Faggots behind each others backs on the interweb.

01-05-2008, 08:34 PM
he was the pussy who i said emailed it....hes the biggest kiss ass on ha...Why not just say his name? I mean, is he another mod? lol

Anyway, I didn't get the concept of this "Fight Club" thing being a potential way of getting viciously confrontational with people. I thought it was just the chatroom version of the forum; only it had a goofy name put on it. But I now assume if anytime someone goes off on me in there, that person wanted to get heavily into it with me. In other words, it's a place for real-time flame wars.

This is where people lose me on the value a brief fight that saves board space. It's bound to reveal long held resentments and grudges and, as we can all see, it will carry over to the forum.

Also the concept of the girls deserving, and getting, more basic respect here will be undermined. I've already experienced the guys "in there", who although I said nothing offensive to, being antagonistic towards me. You were anyway.

Also, there will always be this transcript accuracy issue now. People will bluff, with the excuse that it was "rewritten", "reworded", taken out of context, etc. Soon everyone will want a transcript to see who was recently talking shit about them in there.

I don't know why you go to the Gabbly Gothem at all, it doesn't seem like a good time to me, but I guess that's just my brief experiences there.

This isn't to say all "flame threads" are bad. For example: Last night DJ Asia made a post here regarding the pay working girls in Thailand make. It was an interesting and informative post. I posted something along the lines of "That's shitty money, you producers are crooks!"

What followed was several interesting posts regarding various aspects of the adult business I'm sure many people are curious about. Seanchai also called me an idiot several times, and I was left wondering about the price of roasted pork in SE Asia.

The thread is still going and contains several good posts by people who know what they are talking about. That was a good "flame thread" in my opinion. The bickering I saw over in chat just seems pointless.

01-05-2008, 10:21 PM
its not a mod and he is not my friend....its not my business...i am pointing out the obvious 4 anyone that was in there...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-06-2008, 05:10 AM
its not a mod and he is not my friend....its not my business...i am pointing out the obvious 4 anyone that was in there...

Pickles, baby who is it? Please share..LOL j/k ;)



01-08-2008, 07:57 AM
Suckseed...that video image has me cracking up. I can't get it out of my head. I know I shouldn't make fun of the person in it but I can't help it.



To be clear, I was just trying to add a light note to the thread. The kid in the gif is actually an awesome kid - he has a version of the Numa Numa dance on youtube.

Found him!