View Full Version : Moderator Resume'

01-04-2008, 12:52 AM
Okay Gals & Guys,

There was a thread started the other day. The title of it was" Reasons to be a Mod" . the things I read were hella interesting. People's diff points of view were astounding to me.

So I guess this is like a continuation or branch off of that thread.

So here goes: I would like to know If you care to share......( Yes...ANOTHER stupid demographic..LOL) All the places on the net you've ever moderated for.

Weather it be as an Administrator, Global Mod, Mod...or just plain Hall monitor...lol

To start things off,

I have been the Creator/Administrator for my very own beauty forum.

I have been a Regular mod and Adminstrative mod for several Virtual Railroad Forums.

And some day I hope to become a Mod for the hung angels forum! :D

So with that said. Lets see your resume!

01-04-2008, 01:00 AM
"Virtual Railroad Forums" :?:

I knew I liked you for some reason. :) I learned to drive subway trains when I was 13 (Didn't drive a car until I was 19).

I was once asked to be a mod for a rather popular forum (Whose name I will not mention for privacy reasons) and all I thought was "Hell to the NO!". I have enough grief in my life. :roll:

Thumbs up to those with the cojones or the ovaries to do the job.

01-04-2008, 01:18 AM
PureT'nA Forum Moderator.

Did this for about a year, but got too busy with real life and real work so I bowed out.

Great experience. I highly recommend that a user accepts if they're asked to do it.

Best of luck to you TopHeavy in your wish to be a Moderator here.

UPDATE: Oops, forgot. I run all aspects of a blog that gets literally no traffic (which shall continue to remain confidential... haha). But despite the no-traffic, it has afforded me the experience of working within Word Press and doing the system admin of a user interactive website.

01-04-2008, 01:41 AM
Thank you Odelay!!

Much obliged sweetheart.


01-04-2008, 02:19 AM
The power of the mods...it intoxicates....