View Full Version : Christmas Prizes: HA Unsung Heroine

12-17-2007, 01:09 AM
Well, is it just me or are all the other guys too aware of the risks involved to get this one going?

Well, I promised and I won't shirk my dooty.

So peeps cast your vote for the GIRLS who deserve recognition for just being good for this place and for their contribution in 2007.

You get THREE nominations each and no you can't nominate yourself so tough.

I will be the first over the top clutching my battle-stained flame suit. I have to say this caused me a lot more grief than the guys, not because I am afraid of death by a thousand virtual spike heels, but because there are so many great girls here... but in no particular order,

Peggygee. You hear so much bullshit yet you rise above and with maturity and good humour, advocate the interest of TS women. You're a really lovely lady.

HaraJuku Tgirl. So many really interesting yet humorous threads, always very classy, yet warm.

(You have no idea how tough this last place was and I'm sorry I can't break the rule of three)

Anyway, last but by no means least, tsntx, Jen Justice, because some of your one-liners have made me cry with laughter. That is a real talent you have there.

12-17-2007, 01:16 AM
Arggh, Mac, you posted your thread while I was composing mine!!! So now there's two Unsung Heroine threads.....

Interesting, two out of three of your picks are mine also. ;)

12-17-2007, 01:20 AM
In a classic piece of message-board crossed-wiredness (?) both Ecstatic and I have started two threads on the same topic at the same time.

Rather than cause confusion, because I can't delete this thread and he can't delete his, we'll add them both together when the nominations close.

Ec I was thinking of letting it run up till Xmas morning and then counting 'em up over the egg-nog--good with you?

12-17-2007, 01:24 AM
Felicia Katt: for standing up for herself and whether she likes it or not, just about every CD/TV that comes on HA. Well Done.........

Kelly Shore: went from being attacked daily to stalked daily after getting some work done, now she's on the top 10 of many a chaser's must fuck list.

Nicole Dupree: survived my 1˝ years of tormenting and lashing out and became a staple on HA as far as violence and brutality are concerned, lol.

Peggy: you could have run along with the multitude of weak minded trannies that couldn't deal with a man's opinion but you took what was said with a grain of salt and stuck it out, karma to you my friend.

Dina: best pussy ever..................period

Sunny: words cannot describe you, you're honestly beyond words as far as class and I hold you as high as I'd hold a Catholic Nun as far as respect.

Leora: I'd say something but let's face it it would cause a riff in your relationship, so fuck it.

Jen Justice: You'd be my right hand if I led Rome to war.

Jen English: You make me want to visit one of the most expensive places in the world, just to have Earl Grey tea and admire the clouds.

Allison Faraday: Classy is too easy a way to describe you, I wish you all the best.

Tara Emory: you're a really beautiful woman and you have a great soul.

Jennifer Paris: your looks get you into trouble, and your personality gets you out of it, I wouldn't want another female as a friend they way you are to me. You've earned my respect no matter what.

I know we were supposed to name only 3 but I have to much to say about alot of these dames, so I'll highlight the ones you can say I'm nominating, and the rest I hope just accept the compliments.


12-17-2007, 01:32 AM
Arggh, Mac, you posted your thread while I was composing mine!!! So now there's two Unsung Heroine threads.....

Interesting, two out of three of your picks are mine also. ;)

That seems to have resolved itself, so could I persuade you to restate your nominations in here?

12-17-2007, 01:37 AM
This was Ecstatic's post which was, um rationalised, I think we might say.

Hope you don;t mind, Ec, I still had the tab open, so I thought I'd save you the trouble of writing that out again.

OK, I'm taking Mac up on the idea of someone posting this topic for the ladies. Funny though, I think none of the great gals here are "unsung"--they are, above and beyond all else, the raison dete of this forum, and if I vote for just three (to follow Mac's guidelines), there will be 10x that many that I honestly think deserve it just as much. (And I'm not brown nosing here!)

OK, so let us know which three angels (they don't need to be hung) you think have contributed substantially to HA in 2007. This should not be a popularity contest, or a beauty pageant. You needn't follow suit, but I'm splitting my vote into three categories:

1) Intelligent and richly informational discourse regarding all aspects of transgenderism, in spite of the bald fact that HA is, to a large extent, a porn-oriented forum.

2) Great humor, lively discussion, thought-provoking topic starting, and generally being "the life of the party."

3) Taking a stand regardless of whether that stand might lessen others' opinions of you, but speaking out on issues from a personal basis.

My first vote goes to Peggygee, for her intelligence, wit, and knowledge, for presenting her experiences as a transwoman in an illuminating and thought-provoking way, and for staying above the fray and focusing on real issues, not on sidebar distractions.

My second vote is a very close one, because several of the ladies here meet my standard for this vote, from Vicki's off-the-wall topics to Felicia's brilliant one-liners. But my vote goes to Harajuku for the combination of always interesting and sometimes wild topics and her good humor and wit in reply. HA would be a far less interesting forum without Hara's input.

My third vote is also a tough one, but my votes goes to Allanah because she always tells it like it is, speaking from her experience and heart and without concern for what others might think.

I have a runner-up for my third category, who I think also deserves a nod as "poster of the year" and that's Kelly Shore. When she joined HA in January, yes, she posted at a frenetic pace which we thought would never be matched (then came night rider...), and she took a world of heat. She proved herself (something which I knew all along), and HA in 2007 would have been much different without her. Rookie of the Year, Poster of the Year, whatever the title, she's earned it.

Gee, I guess I did vote for four after all....

12-17-2007, 01:43 AM
Kelly Shore: went from being attacked daily to stalked daily after getting some work done, now she's on the top 10 of many a chaser's must fuck list.


I think we can allow ourselves a "Best Newcomer" it being Christmas and all, and my nomination is also for Miss Shore in this category. Like Ec I knew her before she came here and so I knew she'd win 'em over.

12-17-2007, 02:41 AM
In a classic piece of message-board crossed-wiredness (?) both Ecstatic and I have started two threads on the same topic at the same time.

Rather than cause confusion, because I can't delete this thread and he can't delete his, we'll add them both together when the nominations close.

Ec I was thinking of letting it run up till Xmas morning and then counting 'em up over the egg-nog--good with you?

Sounds good to me, Mac.

12-17-2007, 02:45 AM
This was Ecstatic's post which was, um rationalised, I think we might say.

Hope you don;t mind, Ec, I still had the tab open, so I thought I'd save you the trouble of writing that out again.

Cool. You know, I was going post my criteria first, then my nominations, in which case my thread would've gone up first, lol.

Just for clarity's sake, my nominations are:


and, as "rookie of the year" or whatever spin you want to give it, Kelly Shore.

12-17-2007, 02:57 AM
Great thread, Mac, but definitely a tough call. My three are as follows:

1) Peggygee: She always comports herself well, seeks to edify for all the right reasons, and always asks people to reach for the best in themselves.

2) FeliciaK: Smart, funny, and an all around great representative of the the community. Another woman on HA that I feel has been underappreciated for her contributions.

3) Hara: Playful, witty, and very down to earth. Starts a lot of fun threads.

A number of woman here deserve honorable mention, but my short list would include TrueBeauty, Trish, and, despite differences long-ago, Kelly.

Ladies, there are people here who appreciate your contributions whether you show flesh or not (or even a pic in certain cases).


Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-17-2007, 06:56 AM
Aww, this made my night. Thanks MacShreach, Ecstatic and Quinn. I'm a big fan of all three men so guess I don't need to name my 3 top picks then! LOL ;)

SMH@JWBL's list.



12-17-2007, 01:16 PM
Aww, this made my night. Thanks MacShreach, Ecstatic and Quinn. I'm a big fan of all three men so guess I don't need to name my 3 top picks then! LOL ;)

SMH@JWBL's list.



Hi Hara. Mind if I copy and paste that into the Unsung Heroes thread?

BTW it is always a pleasure to give you pleasure, even if it is only in cyberspace.

12-17-2007, 04:59 PM
Aww, this made my night. Thanks MacShreach, Ecstatic and Quinn. I'm a big fan of all three men so guess I don't need to name my 3 top picks then! LOL ;)

SMH@JWBL's list.


:oops: You made me blush, Hara! ;)

12-18-2007, 12:44 AM
In no particular order ... Felcia, Hara, and Jennifer

Night Rider
12-18-2007, 01:49 AM
I'll go with:

Hara - she's showing me the cold shoulder at the min because of a misunderstanding, but she's always fun to have around.

Trish - the most grounded and down to earth girl here with a good sense of humour.

SarahG - don't know what she's been at lately but she's definitely one of my fav girls.

I guess I'll be nominated in the brown nose category after this but it was worth it....


12-18-2007, 01:55 AM
Awe golly gee thank you, I never thought I'd make this list lol Especially by Quinn.

12-18-2007, 01:56 AM
errrrrrrr ummmm Kelz, i see a washcloth and some big black nuts


you know what time it is

12-18-2007, 01:58 AM
rofl I have to go shopping first

12-18-2007, 03:24 AM
Awe golly gee thank you, I never thought I'd make this list lol Especially by Quinn.

LOL... You can be a pain in the ass (enough with the Britney has talent nonsense already!), and though my position regarding our original difference of opinion remains unchanged, it's a long dead matter. The fact is that you do bring a lot to the forum, which you don't get credit for – hence your honorable mention.


12-18-2007, 03:25 AM
I would have to say Peggy & Felicia.

I always respect their intelligence and posts.

And my sister Dina
For always keeping it real.

And I have to say NYCe for holding it all together. I know it was ONLY girls- but he is the true hero of HA.

I have known him for many years and introduced many of people we all know. He was there when I was one of the first on this site and at the begining of the parties.

Much respect always for his service, friendship, and work he has done for me.

I can honestly say that there are many prominent people on this board I dislike and do not care for- for reasons well known to them. I know some of you here think I am a bitch-but I have my reasons. I don't air everything out publicly- but those of you I love you know why- and those of you I loathe you know why as well. I have never been a very good hypocrite.

Thanks Ecstatic but I am no one's unsung hero.

I'm just a business woman doing her thing and just happy to have been part of this forum in it's beginings. Many of the things I did and started have been duplicated and copied-and many of the people I once held dear on here have stabbed me in the back- but that is life.

I would nominate Vicki- and I sad she left because I really value her intelligence and wit and what she says. I think we had the best reconciation on HA ever- and it just goes to show you how bitter oponents can let their stupidity go and becone good friens.

But I am always proud that I am always here, no matter what, no matter what anyone says.

And I am really proud of all the girls who really contribute, post, and respond on this board to do other things than just promote their cause.

Thank you ladies- you make HA a better place.

12-18-2007, 03:35 AM
bitch you're hardly a giver
when you do give Tylenol™ is usually needed

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-18-2007, 06:46 AM
Aww, this made my night. Thanks MacShreach, Ecstatic and Quinn. I'm a big fan of all three men so guess I don't need to name my 3 top picks then! LOL ;)

SMH@JWBL's list.



Hi Hara. Mind if I copy and paste that into the Unsung Heroes thread?

BTW it is always a pleasure to give you pleasure, even if it is only in cyberspace.

Ok..just walked in. Oh Not at all sweety! I saw it and it's kewl! ;)

:oops: You made me blush, Hara! ;)

My pleasure! :P



Felicia Katt
12-18-2007, 07:59 AM
thanks, everyone. I'm really flattered. Its nice to be recognized as unsung when my goal is for this place to be as harmonious as possible.



12-18-2007, 09:29 AM
And I have to say NYCe for holding it all together. I know it was ONLY girls- but he is the true hero of HA.

I have known him for many years and introduced many of people we all know. He was there when I was one of the first on this site and at the begining of the parties.

Much respect always for his service, friendship, and work he has done for me.

Mind if I stick that on the guys list?


12-19-2007, 05:43 PM
My shortlist for this is in fact not short at all, but trimmed down to only three entries it could look somewhat like this:

*) Caleigh
*) SahraG
*) Trish
