View Full Version : Last minute good, bad, and I wish it was real gifts.........

12-13-2007, 05:30 PM
I do this every year, just adding to it this year with new concepts
as always feel free to add, please just don't be gross.....

The following isn't in any order, they are simply good, bad, and concepts that should be made because they'd make really interesting gifts this Holiday season.

The Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet
The LM Technologies LM959 Bluetooth vibrating bracelet is a revolutionary product that gives the user discreet and increased awareness of an incoming mobile phone call by vibrating.

The LM957 is styled in a sporty design with a user friendly interface that can be connected and working in minutes.

The Natural Wave is a ceramic plate that fits atop your radiator and serves as a warmer for snacks and beverages. Useful and energy efficient.

The beanbag cellphone chair ensures that your loyal friend can kick back with you when you're unwinding. Ergonomically designed to not stress the delicate electronics of your favorite gadget.

Amazingly, the main selling point of the two-person toilet is that it "brings couples closer together." Nothing like seeing your most delicate flower stinking it up to make you appreciate her even more. And to enhance your quality time together, you can upgrade to an LCD and iPod docking version. And when you're both done a single flush takes care of both thrones. True love awaits.

Mod note: FUCK THIS CONTRAPTION. I refuse to ever take a dump with my chick. Let's face it, no one wants to hear their chick rip one and say excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What looks like a fencer's mask is really an oscillating heater. I have a gas heater at home but my workplace, perversely, has the AC blasting despite it being wintertime. Why? My office is adjacent to the server banks and we share the same circulation array due to an architectural quirk. Blame it on emphasizing design over function. When my toes start feeling numb I rest my feet on this warm office buddy. Set the temperature with a digital thermostat and never fear the thing burning down the building since it has a safety shut-off. If you hate the thought of walking into a cold office in the morning and you're truly trusting of modern timer technology (which I am not), you can program it to activate at a preset time.

Massagers are a dime a dozen, but not all of them look like the latest in personal robot technology. This thing is just downright cute, and with the rechargeable massaging capability, it's got uses beyond just looking pretty. So, if you're single and are seeking something that looks good and makes you feel even better, forget the meaningless bar encounters on weekends and stay at home with the Mini Massager.

Mirrors are endlessly fascinating. I think every child has imagined those reflective surfaces as a portal to another world, one of magic and eternal childhood. These mirrors from Domestic serve those fantasies well by taking a fanciful approach to their design. If you have enough wallspace and don’t mind looking longingly into your own eyes, then these mirrors are the perfect enhancements to your boudoir.

Still desperately looking for something this holiday season to gift at your office’s secret Santa? These evergreen trees in a tube are just the answer. The tubes are recyclable and can be converted into birdfeeders so you get extra-nice points from Santa for being eco-friendly. You can choose from Redwood, Pine, or Spruce and the labels are customizable with your very special message of love this holiday season.

It’s such a wonderful feeling to first move in with someone. It’s a step in the relationship where you’re thinking and hoping that things might be truly long-term. But before you start buying high-priced items together consider the statistics of most relationships. They fail. You’re not yet thinking about marriage so a prenup is premature. Never fear, there’s the e-nup – a contract to protect you from the grubby hands of an ex-girlfriend (or BF) from taking your favorite gadgets. Thinking about buying a washer/dryer together? Do yourself a favor and slyly slip the Gadget Prenuptial Agreement (pdf) and a pen into her groggy fingers first thing in the morning as she wakes. When things go south, at least you’ll know you can be consoled with a good bottle and your HDTV. Though watching something you two bought together might just extend that heartache into year 2010

There's one problem with this clock, I think I'd rather stay in bed at the sound of a woman vocalizing her pleasure. The Orgasmo Clock has that one distinctive feature that sets it apart from other run-of-the-mill alarm clocks. It sounds a female orgasm at whatever time you set the alarm to go off. Now, if the clock INDUCED an orgasm at the time of your choosing, well, that would probably bring about world peace and save all the children of the world from disease and starvation. It would be that powerful a device.

This is about all a guy needs to determine when he should go outside. From the seller: "Weather Girl" dresses (and undresses!) to show you what to expect from playing on the beach to building snowmen! 15 different forecast icons. Also displayed are indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity with min/max recording. The time is set automatically by radio signal.

The lighted gift box alternates between red, green, white, and blue. Gone are the days of using newspaper to wrap your gifts. A side-benefit is if your ingrate giftee decides to re-gift, at the very least they won’t be able to recycle your box because you’ll spot that bit of caca a mile away.

12-13-2007, 05:50 PM
The Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet
The LM Technologies LM959 Bluetooth vibrating bracelet is a revolutionary product that gives the user discreet and increased awareness of an incoming mobile phone call by vibrating.

The LM957 is styled in a sporty design with a user friendly interface that can be connected and working in minutes.

Does it come in cockring sizes? :twisted:

12-13-2007, 05:53 PM
lol, you wish

I tried to order the bracelet, shit is sold out, I could have given out a few to friends for gifts at the price they wanted

Night Rider
12-13-2007, 06:20 PM
Whoever created that has their head screwed on. Such a simple idea too. I always forget about my cup when I'm doing something and then I end up having to make a new one.

One word - genius.
