View Full Version : Go, Dustin Hoffmann!

12-13-2007, 01:33 AM
ELMWOOD PARK, N.J. (Dec. 12) - When a thief started taking cash from his register over the weekend, Dunkin' Donuts employee Dustin Hoffmann fought back by clobbering the man with a ceramic mug.


12-13-2007, 01:36 AM

12-13-2007, 01:51 AM
What sick fuck parents would name their child Dustin Hoffman????

No wonder he's working in a Dunkin' Donuts.

LMAO when the reporter says 'He drinks coffee ALL...DAY...LONG' hahaha

12-13-2007, 02:35 AM
How the hell did you run across that, B1?

I think even stranger then the Dustin Hoffman angle, is that somewhere, some man is sitting around video taping his television. It's probably actually the robber himself, taunting police via Youtube. Soon he'll start sending them half eaten blueberry muffins.

I liked the part when he explains that "Dunkin Donut Officials" have forbid him from talking about the incident, but they apparently had no problem releasing the security video. What more is there to know?


12-13-2007, 02:46 AM
How the hell did you run across that, B1?

I saw the security vid. I think it was posted by AP, so it's waaaaayyyy out there already.


Edit: Just checked, it was Associated Press for sure. :)

12-13-2007, 02:52 AM
Dustin Hoffmann, ehh? I understand the incident was reported by Woody Allan. ;)

BTW, regarding interesting names: guy by the name of Newby had trouble registering for a forum I admin (non-porn). :lol:

12-13-2007, 02:55 AM
Dustin Hoffmann, ehh? I understand the incident was reported by Woody Allan. ;)

BTW, regarding interesting names: guy by the name of Newby had trouble registering for a forum I admin (non-porn). :lol:

Recently saw some interesting names pass by my eyeballs, including a Ms. Cool and a Ms. Furbush. :D

Any truth to the legend that the founder of Lear Jets named his daughter Crystal Shanda?

I've actually met Edward G. Robinson, Steven King (As well as THE Stephen King) and Edgar Allen Poe. :)

12-13-2007, 02:57 AM
And it's all about appearances:

But Hoffmann admits he was less worried about the stolen cash than how he might look on the video-sharing site YouTube.

"What was going through my mind at that point was that the security tape is either going to show me run away and hide in the office or whack this guy in the head, so I just grabbed the cup and clocked the guy pretty hard," Hoffmann told The Record of Bergen County.

12-13-2007, 03:03 AM
Speaking of Hoffman, I just read that he says he turned down the lead in Taxi Driver because he thought Scorcese was nuts.

12-13-2007, 03:26 AM
Martin Scorsese actually does seem kinda nuts. I'm trying to imagine what sort of conversation he'd have at me if I ever met him (I don't think anyone actually has conversations With the guy):

Meant to be read very, very rapidly

"So, you work at a club. . .In a club. . .a night club? Only open at night? Open during the day. Kinda open. . . partially open during the day. A day and night club. . .nobody calls them that. . .OK a club. The club has a bar. . .several bars. Is it a lodge? You know the mob use to run clubs back in my old neighborhood. Don't quote me on that. Bobby Deniro, he's got a club in Tribeca. . .It's more of a bar, or a restaurant I think. . .I've never been there. I hear it's nice. Who are you again? Where's my coffee?"

12-13-2007, 04:09 AM
This being HA, I was expecting to see a picture more like this.