View Full Version : HIV and the transsexual

12-08-2007, 03:05 AM
1: Cult Health Sex. 2007 May-Jun;9(3):233-45. Links

'It's really a hard life': love, gender and HIV risk among male-to-female transgender persons.Melendez RM, Pinto R.

San Francisco State University Human Sexuality Studies, Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA. rmelende@sfsu.edu

Scientific studies demonstrate high rates of HIV infection among male-to-female (MTF) transgender individuals and that stigma and discrimination place MTFs at increased risk for infection. However, there is little research examining how gender roles contribute to HIV risk. This paper reports on in-depth interviews with 20 MTFs attending a community clinic. Data reveal that stigma and discrimination create a heightened need for MTFs to feel safe and loved by a male companion and that in turn places them at a higher risk for acquiring HIV. Male-to-female transgender individuals appear to turn to men to feel loved and affirmed as women; their main HIV risk stems from their willingness to engage with sexual partners who provide a sense of love and acceptance but who also may also request unsafe sexual behaviours. A model illustrating how HIV risk is generated from stigma and discrimination is presented.

PMID: 17457728 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:07 AM
1: AIDS Care. 2002 Feb;14(1):127-34. Links
HIV among transgendered people.Kenagy GP.

Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. kenagy@uic.edi

This study explores HIV status and HIV-related risk factors among transgendered people. A needs assessment survey developed with the help of transgendered people was used to conduct face-to-face interviews with 81 transgendered persons, 49 male-to-females (MTFs) and 32 female-to-males (FTMs). The findings indicate that HIV/AIDS is a serious health concern facing the transgender community. The majority of respondents engaged in at least one high risk sexual activity during the past three months, were willing to have high risk sex in the future and did not believe they were susceptible to infection. FTMs have a significantly lower level of AIDS knowledge than MTFs (p < 0.01). Over half (56.7%) of FTMs have not been tested for HIV/AIDS. Efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among the transgender community are urgently needed. HIV/AIDS prevention must specifically target transgendered people, including FTMs who, despite being at risk, have been largely ignored.

PMID: 11798412 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:10 AM
1: Am J Public Health. 2004 Jul;94(7):1193-9. Links
HIV risk behaviors among male-to-female transgender persons of color in San Francisco.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Keatley J, Han L, Soma T.
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, San Francisco, 94105, USA. tnemoto@psg.ucsf.edu

OBJECTIVES: The authors examined HIV risk behaviors among African American, Asian/Pacific Islander (API), and Latina male-to-female (MTF) transgender persons in order to improve HIV prevention programs. METHODS: Individual survey interviews with MTF transgender persons of color (n = 332; 112 African Americans, 110 Latinas, and 110 APIs) were conducted. RESULTS: Prevalence and correlates of receptive anal sex and unprotected receptive anal sex (URAS) varied by type of partner (primary, casual, or commercial sex partners). URAS with primary partners was associated with drug use before sex; URAS with casual partners was associated with HIV-positive status and drug use before sex; and URAS with commercial sex partners was associated with African American ethnicity and low income. CONCLUSIONS: Findings on current risk behaviors among MTF transgender persons provided meaningful implications for HIV prevention interventions.

PMID: 15226142 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:11 AM
Thank you, Peggy! This is a huge issue in our community and one that is really easy to lose site of in the search for love and acceptance.

I'll also add this study which I've posted on here a few times:

National HIV Prevention Conference
Atlanta, Georgia - Jun 12-15, 2005


ISSUE: HIV/STD transmission issues within the TG (transgender) community are misunderstood not only by the general population but by the transgender individual themselves. HIV/STD’s are also increasing at an alarming rate within the TG community.

SETTING: HIV/STD transmission routes unique to the TG individual, issues in testing and receiving care, psychosocial issues of risk taking behavior.

IMPLICATIONS: The Transgender community is a largely diverse group. Within the TG community are particular sub-groups that are more at risk than others. MTF (male to female transgender) sex workers have high rates of HIV infection, with overall rates of 35% in San Francisco in 1997 and 22% in Los Angeles in 1998. A study of MTF sex workers in Atlanta found that 68% tested positive for HIV. Infections among MTFs continue to rise, with an estimated rate of new infections of 3-8% per year. Injection drug use is also visible among MTFs, again putting them at high risk for HIV. In a San Francisco study, 18% of the respondents reported non-hormonal injection drug use in the past six months and half of this group shared syringes. MTFs may inject female hormones in order to feminize their bodies, putting them again at increased risk. Transphobia, or the pervasive social stigmatization of MTFs, greatly exacerbates their HIV risk. This intense stigmatization results in their social marginalization, which includes the denial of educational, employment and housing opportunities. It also creates multiple barriers to accessing health care. Such marginalization lowers MTFs’ self esteem, increases the likelihood of survival sex work and lessens the likelihood of safer sex practices. All of this can lead to high rates of HIV, STDs, drug use and attempted suicide. Pre-GRS (genital reassignment surgery) MTFs primarily have sex with men and are likely to engage in receptive anal sex, which puts them at increased risk. Some MTF commercial sex workers are willing to not use condoms with their paying partners if they are offered more money however, some studies show that most unprotected sex occurs with primary partners, not paying partners. Psychosocial factors such as poverty, low self-esteem, depression, rejection, and powerlessness are cited by many MTFs as barriers to sexual and drug risk reduction. For example, many MTFs state that they engage in unprotected sex because it validates their female gender identity and boosts their self-esteem. Commercial sex is largely a means of survival. For many MTFs, securing employment and housing are more pressing issues than HIV and must be addressed before HIV prevention efforts can be effective. Many trans-gender individuals do not access HIV prevention or health services due to the insensitivity of service providers and health care staff or fear of being revealed as transgender.

Special thanks to: Transgender Advisory Committee to the AIDS Office and the San Francisco Department of Public Health, AIDS Office Kristen Clements, Kerrily Kitano, and Willy Wilkinson San Francisco County Jail (San Bruno), Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, Tom Waddell Clinic And the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at the University of California San Francisco.

Copyright notice: The National HIV Prevention Conference is collaborative effort by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a U.S. Government agency, and other governmental and non-government organizations. All abstracts published by the conference organizers are in the public domain and can be used without permission. Proper citation, however, is required.

12-08-2007, 03:14 AM

12-08-2007, 03:21 AM
1: AIDS Care. 2004 Aug;16(6):724-35. Links
Social context of HIV risk behaviours among male-to-female transgenders of colour.

Nemoto T, Operario D, Keatley J, Villegas D.
University of California at San Francisco, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, San Francisco, CA, USA. tnemoto@psg.ucsf.edu

To explore the social context of drug use and sexual behaviours that put male-to-female (MTF) transgenders at risk for HIV, focus groups were conducted consisting of African American, Latina and Asian and Pacific Islander MTF transgenders (N = 48) who reside or work in San Francisco, California. Participants were likely to report having unprotected sex with primary partners to signify love and emotional connection, as well as to receive gender validation from their partners. In contrast, viewing sex work with customers as a business encouraged intentious to use condoms. Safer sex intentions with customers were frequently undermined by urgent financial needs, which stemmed from transphobia, employment discrimination and costly procedures associated with gender transition. Participants reported using drugs as a way to cope with or escape life stresses associated with relationships, sex work, transphobia and financial hardship. Interventions with at-risk MTF transgenders should address the interpersonal and social context of unsafe sex and drug use, particularly the unique roles of relationship issues with male partners, stigma, discrimination and community norms regarding sex work and drug use.

PMID: 15370060 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:25 AM
1: Am J Public Health. 2007 Jun;97(6):1030-3. Epub 2007 Apr 26. Links
Male-to-female transgender and transsexual clients of HIV service programs in Los Angeles County, California.Edwards JW, Fisher DG, Reynolds GL.
California State University, Long Beach, USA.

Data on HIV risk were collected with the Countywide Risk Assessment Survey from 2126 participants; 92 were male-to-female transgender persons (i.e., cross-dressers, and those who identify with the opposite sex), and 9 were male-to-female transsexual individuals (i.e., those who have undergone gender-reassignment surgery or other procedures). Transgender-identified individuals were more likely than the rest of the sample to have received hormone injections, offensive comments, and HIV testing; injected hormones with a used needle; been Asian or American Indian; been paid for sexual intercourse; and lived in unstable housing but less likely to have used heroin. Transgender-identified individuals are at high risk for HIV infection because of reuse of needles and being paid for sexual intercourse.

PMID: 17463365 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:27 AM
1: Posit Aware. 1999 May-Jun;10(3):57.Links
Transgenderism and the AIDS epidemic.Sebastian C.

AIDS: Large numbers of transsexual/transgender (TS/TG) sex workers have HIV in comparison to others in the transgender community and to other sex workers. Issues contributing to these numbers include substance abuse, the uneven supply of hormones that can contribute to erratic behavior changes precipitating risky conduct, and needle sharing. Transsexual and transgender people often face a lack of acceptance, often have no insurance, and may avoid going to emergency rooms because of their fear of being discriminated against. Health care providers frequently do not understand the TS/TG community, and because of the abuse TS/TG individuals may endure from society, other sex workers, and police, they become mistrustful. These issues leave little time for TS/TG individuals to educate themselves on protection from HIV infection. The problem of TS/TG sex workers and AIDS has been largely ignored by both AIDS service agencies and government funding sources, despite the fact that this group is becoming one of the fastest growing groups within the HIV epidemic.

PMID: 11366771 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12-08-2007, 03:28 AM

12-08-2007, 03:38 AM
Thank you, Peggy! This is a huge issue in our community and one that is really easy to lose site of in the search for love and acceptance.

I'm sure this is a very difficult topic for many to deal with, one that we
wished that we didn't have to even contemplate.

The sad reality is that it is a major problem in society in general, and the
transcommunity in particular.

However discussion and knowledge are our most powerful tools against
the spread of STIs.


12-08-2007, 03:55 AM
HIV in the UK is increasing, while in other eurpoean countries it is on the decline.

Food for thought.

Shining Star
12-08-2007, 04:13 AM

Some friends and I were discussing the "old days", and the 1980's with all the working girls down in the Meat Packing District, then the bars and such. Topic turned to how many of the girls who worked those venues are either gone because of AIDS, or are HIV positive and do not know, or care to find out. Then you multiply all the men those girls had dates with who not only had unprotected oral, but anal intercourse as well. Further collateral damage would come in the numbers of straight GGs (wives, girlfriends and others) those men had sex with, and one begins to see the vastness of the problem.

For a brief moment it seems the TS scene like the gay scene was all about condom usage, but most girls reported guys don't like their trannie stuff wrapped in latex, to keep customers happy/making money, many girls dropped the mandate.

It really is scary how many girls could be infected and how many dates still insist they can "tell" if a girl has it, or even if they cannot commit unprotected oral and or anal sex.

What is also striking is how many girls run around claiming they make several thousands per day or week, yet cannot be bothered going for at least an annual visit to a doctor, much less a free/GLBT clinic for testing. And people wonder why there are so few "mature" trannies, and or why many trannies stay away from "chasers". OTHO there is a growing movement of guys who like trannies to find girls not on the game, one presumes the risk of AIDs and other diseases has something to do with things.

12-08-2007, 04:23 AM
Here is a quote from the NYC.gov Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene website (http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/ah/ah.shtml)

"Approximately 1 in 70 New Yorkers is infected with HIV, but the proportion of people in different groups who are infected varies widely:

1 in 40 African Americans.
1 in 25 men living in Manhattan.
1 in 12 black men age 40-49 years.
1 in 10 men who have sex with men.
1 in 8 injection drug users.
1 in 5 black men age 40-49 in Manhattan.
1 in 4 men who have sex with men in Chelsea."

Now, we all know that MTF transsexuals are not Men per se, however, I believe they would be included in the bold statistic above. So a quick check on the eros-ny.com listings of TS/TV working girls shows 161 advertisements, that makes about 16 who are HIV+. JOHNS beware, use rubbers ALWAYS.

The other alarming stat is the 1 in 4 men who have sex with men in Chelsea are HIV+.

Be fun and be SAFE.

Shining Star
12-08-2007, 04:40 AM
Just for the record, Chelsea is not the gay mecca it once was, as neither is the West Village. True lots of gay men still make both areas their home, but high rents/living costs, deaths from AIDs (back in the raging 1980's and 1990's), not to mention the real estate boom have cooled things a bit.

Keep in mind there is a difference between HIV positive men who disclose their status to potential dates, and those who operate on the down low. The areas may have large number of gay men, but they could also be men who have been living with AIDS (and in some cases living rather well), for 10, 20 or so years.

More troubling numbers, for me at least are those regarding the minority communites (where many trannies and young gays are coming from these days that are on the game). These persons are less likely to be in positions to demand safe sex from their clients, and or know about risk factors for AIDS in both their private and "business" lives. Many minority men will have nothing to do with AIDS testing, even those with good health plans for several reasons. One, they don't consider being on the "down low" as gay, so they "won't" get the disease. Secondly they are afraid if their status is positive their results will reach their employer and thus the public at large. Much of this ignorace is killing not only minority males, but females as well. Just as with my previous comment, these men sleep with women as well as boys/trannies, thus bringing the maddness home. Often these girls/women do not find out their status until either they become with child (and tests are done by law on the child at birth), or something else causes them to seek medical attention and a test is done to rule things out.

As for TS girls on Eros and otherwise still working, know of several who have been working for YEARS being HIV+. There was also the furore a few years back when a major trannie escort threw herself out a window, and it was revealed after her death she was HIV+ for years and still saw dates, never telling a soul. That shook up a few guys, I shouldn't wonder. This girl was beautiful and a top tier worker as well.

12-08-2007, 05:57 AM
HIV in the UK is increasing, while in other eurpoean countries it is on the decline.

Food for thought.

One can almost understand the rise of HIV / AID / STIs in the so-
called 'third world'.

Azanti, would you or anyone else care to hazard a guess as to why there
is an increase of HIV in the UK.

Additionally why is it on the decrease in other parts of the European community?

12-08-2007, 06:20 AM
SS, in your posts above you've touched on a number of things:

You've reminded me of the 'old days' at Peter Rabbits, hanging out on
Christopher Street or the docks, smoking pot with friends looking out on
the river.

Bittersweet memories.

And then came crack and AIDS.

Sex became a life and death matter.

And yeah the crack, 'the monster', and the ravages of time took a hell
of a lot of girls out of here.

I notice that there are a number of guys on the forum who can remeber
'back in the day'.

Rarely will I hear from a transwoman from that time period.

Guess there aren't many of us from the 'old days'.

Shining Star
12-08-2007, 06:37 AM
Depending upon where in the UK/Europe one is prossing is not the huge crime it is in most parts of the United States. Pimping, soliciting and other parts of the make up can be crimes, but if you want to pass around cards, or hang out on a stroll prossing that is your bidness. In some instances long as you pay your taxes, are registered and undergo routine mandatory health checks, your on your own.

There is also the fact most European countries have good state health care, which extends to free HIV testing and treatment. Also consider these same countries do not demonize prossing the way the US does. If you are working and minding your own business, long as you are obeying laws and such, no one is going to bother you. You might not be invited to Prince Williams next party, but that is another thing.

Again, part of the problem in the United States is girls are too busy doing other things with their money and or lack the will to put their foot down with clients when it comes to HIV prevention.

In NYC most all persons pleading guilty to or found guilty of a prossing offense are sentenced to an AIDS prevention/awarness session. The session includes free condoms and literature regarding HIV. How much good it does is anyones guess.

I think trannies are in a special situation when it comes to working as their clients almost always want to either (to put it bluntly), suck or get fucked. For the former 98% simply don't like the "taste of latex), the rest may settle for a condom for the later. Consider also how small the hardcore TS scene really is, and you have the makings for a disaster.

It is sort of like six degrees of separation. If one takes one popular escort, and add up the number of dates she sees in any given period. Add to this who those dates have been with before this girl and afterwards, then it is like weeds spreading out in a garden.

One other note, because of the new HIV drugs, young gays and trannies today do not have the memory of seeing full blown AIDS. Persons can be walking around looking like a Vouge or GQ model and still be HIV+. Sadly many girls and dates will throw good sense out the window if a date or girl is "hot" and "looks healthy".

12-08-2007, 07:10 AM
Depending upon where in the UK/Europe one is prossing is not the huge crime it is in most parts of the United States. Pimping, soliciting and other parts of the make up can be crimes, but if you want to pass around cards, or hang out on a stroll prossing that is your bidness. In some instances long as you pay your taxes, are registered and undergo routine mandatory health checks, your on your own.

There is also the fact most European countries have good state health care, which extends to free HIV testing and treatment. Also consider these same countries do not demonize prossing the way the US does. If you are working and minding your own business, long as you are obeying laws and such, no one is going to bother you. You might not be invited to Prince Williams next party, but that is another thing.

Again, part of the problem in the United States is girls are too busy doing other things with their money and or lack the will to put their foot down with clients when it comes to HIV prevention.

In NYC most all persons pleading guilty to or found guilty of a prossing offense are sentenced to an AIDS prevention/awarness session. The session includes free condoms and literature regarding HIV. How much good it does is anyones guess.

I think trannies are in a special situation when it comes to working as their clients almost always want to either (to put it bluntly), suck or get fucked. For the former 98% simply don't like the "taste of latex), the rest may settle for a condom for the later. Consider also how small the hardcore TS scene really is, and you have the makings for a disaster.

It is sort of like six degrees of separation. If one takes one popular escort, and add up the number of dates she sees in any given period. Add to this who those dates have been with before this girl and afterwards, then it is like weeds spreading out in a garden.

The disaster is already here. People haven't woken up to it. See below.

One other note, because of the new HIV drugs, young gays and trannies today do not have the memory of seeing full blown AIDS. Persons can be walking around looking like a Vouge or GQ model and still be HIV+. Sadly many girls and dates will throw good sense out the window if a date or girl is "hot" and "looks healthy".

There are a couple of factors in public perception that are also leading to unsafe sex and HIV infections.

On one side, you have the pharma companies. From the doctors to key decision makers in the gay community to putting out these ads with muscle-bound, healthy models that are the rarity among those who are on longterm HIV meds, they've taken over HIV health policy. Now, combine that with a politically correct approach to safe sex/hiv/aids awareness advertising where no one wants to offend and, of course, the younger (and older) generations have thrown caution to the wind.

The result...people are still dying of AIDS and, on an average day in NYC, there are twenty new infections.

I just want to add...I'm not sure if you're my long lost trans sister, but everything you've said in this thread is spot on to everything I've been saying and feeling. If anything, we must come from the same time and places in our lives. I feel like I repeat that every time you post, but its true. I've never read anything on here, or elsewhere, where I am so in line with what has been written as when I read what you write. I would give anything to sit down and have coffee with you sometime.


It's so true. From the drugs to AIDS, so many gone from that time. So many.

12-08-2007, 07:34 AM
I think trannies are in a special situation when it comes to working as their clients almost always want to either (to put it bluntly), suck or get fucked. For the former 98% simply don't like the "taste of latex), the rest may settle for a condom for the later. Consider also how small the hardcore TS scene really is, and you have the makings for a disaster.

It is sort of like six degrees of separation. If one takes one popular escort, and add up the number of dates she sees in any given period. Add to this who those dates have been with before this girl and afterwards, then it is like weeds spreading out in a garden.

One other note, because of the new HIV drugs, young gays and trannies today do not have the memory of seeing full blown AIDS. Persons can be walking around looking like a Vouge or GQ model and still be HIV+. Sadly many girls and dates will throw good sense out the window if a date or girl is "hot" and "looks healthy".

I truly don't believe either the providers or the clients put on a 'jimmy' for

Thus opening themselves up to a whole host of STI's which they will
then pass around the community of 'trade', significant others, clients
and their significant others.

Now I'm not trying to cock block or keep anyone from getting their freak
on, but know what you're doing before you do it.

And the second point about 'healthy looking sex partners'

No, HIV isn't the death sentence that it was in the 80s, but it along with
herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, HPV - genital warts, and a host of other STIs
can stay with you for a lifetime.

And they most definetely can impact upon people wanting to be married
or in an LTR with you.

So please be safe out there.

12-08-2007, 07:42 AM

It's so true. From the drugs to AIDS, so many gone from that time. So many.

Yup, wiped out my whole crew, about a 100+ women (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=17662&start=0)


12-08-2007, 07:50 AM
Here is a quote from the NYC.gov Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene website (http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/ah/ah.shtml)

"Approximately 1 in 70 New Yorkers is infected with HIV, but the proportion of people in different groups who are infected varies widely:

1 in 40 African Americans.
1 in 25 men living in Manhattan.
1 in 12 black men age 40-49 years.
1 in 10 men who have sex with men.
1 in 8 injection drug users.
1 in 5 black men age 40-49 in Manhattan.
1 in 4 men who have sex with men in Chelsea."

Now, we all know that MTF transsexuals are not Men per se, however, I believe they would be included in the bold statistic above. So a quick check on the eros-ny.com listings of TS/TV working girls shows 161 advertisements, that makes about 16 who are HIV+. JOHNS beware, use rubbers ALWAYS.

The other alarming stat is the 1 in 4 men who have sex with men in Chelsea are HIV+.

Be fun and be SAFE.

This is from the same site.

Far too many New Yorkers are being infected with HIV and dying of AIDS. We must do better.

New York City remains the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the U.S. More than 100,000 New Yorkers are living with HIV, but thousands don’t know they’re infected. New York City has the highest AIDS case rate in the country, with more AIDS cases than Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, and Washington DC combined. HIV is the 3rd leading cause of death below age 65 in New York City. HIV is also the health problem with the largest racial disparity; 80% of new AIDS diagnoses and deaths are among African Americans and Hispanics. Prevention, testing, and treatment programs are being expanded, but more must be done.

12-08-2007, 07:53 AM
Its amazing how all the "escort" clients or usual posters ALWAYS avoid this topic like the plague (no pun intended).......These threads are NEVER hijacked! Thats probably part of the reason HIV will continue to grow with the TS and TS lovers community.

12-08-2007, 08:01 AM
Its amazing how all the "escort" clients or usual posters ALWAYS avoid this topic like the plague (no pun intended).......

These threads are NEVER hijacked!

Thats probably part of the reason HIV will continue to grow with the TS and TS lovers community.

I laughed so hard I scared the cat.

And then I cried because what you said is true.

12-08-2007, 08:06 AM
Its amazing how all the "escort" clients or usual posters ALWAYS avoid this topic like the plague (no pun intended).......These threads are NEVER hijacked! Thats probably part of the reason HIV will continue to grow with the TS and TS lovers community.

Patrick....I'm more concerned that the girls avoid it as well. It troubles me personally. I've lost girlfriends to drugs, escorting and all the other Transgender pitfalls. No they haven't actually died but how can your love grow? It's an epidemic. I'm heartsick over the lack of desire for more of these beauties to mainstream.

Thanks for trying to raise awareness peggygee.

12-08-2007, 08:09 AM
I think one of the things w/ AIDS that threw ratios out of balance then was most girls bottomed in those days. There weren't Viagra like drugs to give that "boost" to overcome the hormones the girls were taking to give them the ability to top regularly.

Crack ruined folks. Back in the 70's weed was dirt cheap and any type of cocaine was expensive. Pot had a mellow buzz that lasted a couple of hours. The only thing you had to worry about a pothead trying to steal from you was Doritos.

Crack changed the whole equation. Cheap highly addictive short-lived high. Junkies could be bad when they were short of smack,but they were harmless when high. Crack heads were nuts on and off the shit. Meth is the same damned way.

Bring back cheap weed and take a bite out of crime.

Night Rider
12-08-2007, 08:12 AM
More than 100,000 New Yorkers are living with HIV, but thousands don’t know they’re infected.

What are the basic signs of infection, and how long could you have it for before you realise?

12-08-2007, 08:22 AM
I've been on this board for a year and the HIV threads are always ignored. I think the reason is that most of the guys on this board think of themselves as STR8. They are not at risk with a ts escort??

12-08-2007, 08:28 AM
Most sexually active people don't want to talk about AIDS period.

Put a wrapper on the damned thing and don't sweat it. Syphilis was the killer venereal disease before the 1930's. Rubbers worked for Grandpa,they'll work for you.

12-08-2007, 08:30 AM
Most sexually active people don't want to talk about AIDS period.

Put a wrapper on the damned thing and don't sweat it. Syphilis was the killer venereal disease before the 1930's. Rubbers worked for Grandpa,they'll work for you.

co-sign....its as simple as you put it !!!

12-08-2007, 08:48 AM
Thanks for trying to raise awareness peggygee.

That's me the resident buzzkill. :lol:

12-08-2007, 08:57 AM
The old heads will remember this as a re-post, so please don't flame me. :oops:

For the newbs:

Welcome back students, trust you
had a pleasant summer.


We have a quick quiz for you, it is closed book.

Please use the #2 pencil given you and do not look at your neighbors answers.

You may begin, now.

1.Is oral sex safe , should I use a condom when performing it. If, I swallow am I am risk of getting HIV?

2. I like lambskin condoms, but my know it all girlfriend, says that we should not use them, who's right?

3.. My new boyfriend is fine, he is so handsome, he's got big muscles. He works out all the time, and plays sports. He doesn't do drugs or anything. I want our first time that we have sex to be special, so I don't want him to wear a condom, is that okay?

4.I am non op transsexual, and I am HIV+. I had a orchiectomy, I was castrated, thus I no longer ejaculate. it would be safe to put my penis in my boyfriend, right?

5. My boyfriend is HIV+, and the condom broke in me while we were having anal sex, what should I do?

6. This girl that I have been after for months, finally gave in and said that we could have sex. But she, said 'I must lick it, before I stick it'. She told me to get dental dams. I am not a dentist or an engineer, so don't know what that is. It is 2 in the morning, she's rolling her hair, and putting on face cream, what can I do?

7.As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods, so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams. My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me, and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to wear a condom, are they correct?

12-08-2007, 01:05 PM
it sure is funny how nobody comes to talk here in this thread...i think i hear some frogs singin in the background that i normally couldnt hear above the noise..one thing down here is many of the tg escorts practice oral with a condom....i think more to do with the rampant syphillis(sp?)that comes off the boat than hiv...sad but true..i have been to sub saharan africa and when one comes to a country and sees whole villages of orphans or not a single old man any where you realize the scope of this problem...

12-08-2007, 02:58 PM
it sure is funny how nobody comes to talk here in this thread...i think i hear some frogs singin in the background that i normally couldnt hear above the noise..one thing down here is many of the tg escorts practice oral with a condom....i think more to do with the rampant syphillis(sp?)that comes off the boat than hiv...sad but true..i have been to sub saharan africa and when one comes to a country and sees whole villages of orphans or not a single old man any where you realize the scope of this problem...

why no one talks in these threads? hmmm, a considerate person will not have unprotected sex. period.

a fool will .

you can only repeat the basic facts, and either preach to the converted or to the deaf on that subject. sadly enough, the deaf dont care and dont listen.

as for the latest statistics and more on the subject:

12-08-2007, 03:43 PM
Depending upon where in the UK/Europe one is prossing is not the huge crime it is in most parts of the United States.

In Sweden prostitution is illegal. In UK prostitution is legal but solicitation and kerb-crawling are not. In France prostitution is legal. In Italy too although pimping and advertisement of prostitution are illegal, and the carabinieri periodically shut down sites. In Spain all fully legal.

IMO Spain is definitely the model. The scene is exremely safe and there is a generally very high standard, which is good for the girls and also for the men. Nevertheless, STD's including HIV are still an issue.

Across Europe Public Health initiatives to increase awareness and reduce the risks of STD's are similarly inconsistent, ranging from excellent to non-existent. Some areas are very good with free condoms supplied to the girls and free, sometimes mandatory, health checks. A recent study in Rome amongst TG prostitutes showed a marked reduction in HIV incidence as a result of these. Other areas are less so.

However there are areas where there is a strong correlation between prostitution and drug dependency, or between financial hardship and prostitution, particularly in the case of single mothers. (Obviously not a TS-specific issue, duh.) Often these girls get into the clutches of loan sharks and this will cause real problems. I remember one girl I know saying "It's like this; most regular girls insist on condoms but if at the end of the line there's a girl who's desperate to score or has to pay off a shark, and will do anal bareback for an extra twenty quid, then the whole thing falls apart."

I have to say I think prohibition of prostitution is incredibly stupid and just leads to health and safety issues as the business goes underground. Legalise and licence, together with the provision of proper RLA's away from residential zones, has to be the proper way forward, backed with good public health and proper support, and dare I say it, training. (Yes! Training! BA Hons in Courtesanship-- and why the fuck not?) Being a prostitute is a job like any other and driving it into the arms of the criminal class, which is all prohibition does, helps no-one. Except the criminals and politicians, maybe.

Another issue that does not get enough attention here is bareback porn, which is worse than drunk driving. I've been in several rows with porn merchants here about this. Bareback porn not only sends out all the wrong messages to people in general it actively puts actors and actresses at risk. People should remember that even routine testing is a stable-door defence-- the person has the disease already. We have to promote across-the-board safe sex and the culture of PREVENTION.

I note that in recent months a new apparently Thai-based website has launched featuring bareback sex with the girls. It is to be hoped that people with integrity will refuse to have anything to do with it.

12-08-2007, 10:53 PM
The old heads will remember this as a re-post

i do and i most certainly remember this answer to it
(sry if it drags down the thread a bit but its rather sensible at the end and a laugh every now and then will help any topic especially if its a downer like hiv)

Lord Goatse has not posted for a while, but thought that he should offer his advice to the earnest members of this forum.

1.Is oral sex safe , should I use a condom when performing it. If, I swallow am I am risk of getting HIV?

Lord Goatse feels that if you need to swallow, your partner is performing fellatio incorrectly, and needs lessons.

2. I like lambskin condoms, but my know it all girlfriend, says that we should not use them, whose right?

Lord Goatse has not heard of Lambskin condoms. He has heard of the term 'sheepshagger'.

3.. My new boyfriend is fine, he is so handsome, he's got big muscles. He works out all the time, and plays sports. He doesn't do drugs or anything. I want our first time that we have sex to be special, so I don't want him to wear a condom, is that okay?

Lord Goatse feels that your new boyfriend sounds like a bit of a poofter. Don't touch him, even with a shit-covered bargepole.

4.I am non op transsexual, and I am HIV+. I had a orchiectomy, I was castrated, thus I no longer ejaculate. it would be safe to put my penis in my boyfriend, right?

Lord Goatse feels it depends if your penis is still attached, too.

5. My boyfriend is HIV+, and the condom broke in me while we were having anal sex, what should I do?

Lord Goatse feels that your boyfriend suffers from an awful lot of bad luck. Fate is trying to tell you something.

6. This girl that I have been after for months, finally gave in and said that we could have sex. But she, said 'I must lick it, before I stick it'. She told me to get dental dams. I am not a dentist or an engineer, so don't know what that is. It is 2 in the morning, she's rolling her hair, and putting on face cream, what can I do?

Lord Goatse always finds that one off the wrist can help in awkward situations.

7.As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods, so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams. My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me, and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to wear a condom, are they correct?

Lord Goatse feels that the risk of pregnancy is somewhat low. One up the arse is alway a useful policy if in doubt.

On a more sensible note, my Butler, Bentley (who is typing this) feels that it is important to tell you to always use a barrier contraception, regardless of the situation, and if you feel that you have been exposed to a risk of HIV, seek a physician's advice as soon as possible - post exposure prophylaxis saves lives.

12-08-2007, 11:05 PM
I like lambskin condoms, but my know it
all girlfriend, says that we shouldn't use them,
who's right?

First off, women are always right,
and you should always listen to us. :)

But seriously guys, you should never put your
penis in anything that involves a lamb.

Lambskin condoms, while allowing a very high degree
of sensation, will allow the HIV virus to pass through,
and possibly lead to disease transmission. They are useful
at blocking sperm cells, but due to very small size of
the STD cells including HIV, they can not block those cells.


Additionally, lambskin condoms can easily slip
off the penis, thus clearly lambskin condoms
should not be used to prevent STD transmission,
but rather latex condoms would be the safer alternative.



Shining Star
12-08-2007, 11:34 PM
Bareback Porn:

Condoms have been around in one form or another for almost 2000 years, and bottom line is most men do not like them, and would rather swim nude than with a swimsuit. However the threat of disease and unwanted pregnancy helped at least put some men's tackle into sheaths. Once the pill came along however, and most STD's could be cured by drugs, usage rates went way down. When AIDS came on the scene, and it was clear how it was spread, condoms again came back in style, but then as now, men still don't like them and even within the gay community there has been much backsliding to "unsafe" sex.

Prossing in Europe vs United States:

Europe is an old country, with over 2000 years of history, and as such many areas/cultures have worked out sex and prossing, which as been around ever since one woman found out she could make money for what others were giving away free. The United States OTHO was founded by strait-laced/anal-retentive religious who often said one thing in public, but did different things in private. Hence prossing is a huge crime and those that practice the trade are seen as beneath contempt. That they contract diseases in the course of their work, does not move many to offer assistance, just as they didn't for the many unwanted children which were the natural results of unprotected sex.

The Economics of "Working":

Have often said there are three types of workers: Those that are forced, those that wish to work, and those that have to work.

Leaving aside those that are forced, the persons who want to work often have other means of support to supplement their income and can be a bit more choosy on who they see and setting the rules of play. Those that have to work, are in sort of a bind as they can loose customers if they do not do what the customer wishes. Hence a girl who hasn't had a good day or week, and finally gets a client who demands unsafe sex, will probably have to go along. There used to be a joke in NYC that the best time to see girls was the day before Screw Magazine's ad day, when girls would need money to pay their adverts. Not only would rates come down in some cases, but even the girls who sat high on their horses would often come down and do a deal.

Being as all this may, seeing multiple sexual partners and engaging in unprotected sex weather for pay or free is simply not a good idea. There are trannies, who just like gay men like to sleep around, and again it is not easy telling who has AIDS. That hot papi picked up at the gym, bulging muscles and all can have AIDS, but the drugs are working well enough so you won't notice easily.

Bottom line is when someone is paying for a service, and this includes sex, the provider is at that person's mercy to fulfil their end of the deal. True if one is being flown to Saudi Arabia, the man in question is likely to insist you are "clean", but then again Ali Baba has paid you several thousands, and you better do what he says or find yourself in a very tight spot.

AIDS like most other diseases breeds and grows in secrecy and ignorance. Speaking of Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries, there is a growing problem with AIDS, and since homosexual acts are illegal under Koran law, becoming infected is almost an admission of gay sex, so men are not likely to come forward for testing or treatment.

As have often stated, the sad thing about this current trend of promoting "escorting" as a career choice for young trannies is probably going to further increase the high numbers of AIDS in the community. Too many girls are focused on raking in funds, and too few on taking precautions to safe guard their health. Again, many do not have the position of power to insist a date do the right thing. This increases as their near their shelf life, and are no longer the "new girl" in town. In short they have to work harder to make the same or in some cases less money and that can lead to bad decision making.

Some states are moving towards mandatory testing for anyone arrested and or convicted of prossing. Others have made prossing while knowingly infected with AIDS a felony. While the first may have some benefits, the later simply pushes workers further down the path to hell. I mean if someone is HIV+, it is likely they would stop and seek treatment if they could. However services for former sex workers are few, and AIDS budgets are getting tight. Also many AIDS programs are not exactly welcoming of sex workers (don't ask me why), so they are stigmatised yet again.

Finally let us not put the blame all on the girls. It takes two to tango,and someone has to be infected by someone else to get AIDS. All those men out there jumping on trannies trade like a monkey on a cupcake, begging her to "come in my mouth", aren't helping things. Again multiply that activity by the number of girls a date has been with, and you begin to see the dangers. The smart thing would be for guys to admit what they are doing is high risk sex, and get tested often. But we've been down this path before.....

12-09-2007, 01:40 AM
Find An HIV Testing
Site Near You (http://www.hivtest.org/)


:idea: http://www.hivtest.org/

12-09-2007, 01:47 AM

As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods,
so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams.
My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me,
and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to
wear a condom, are they correct?


She is still at risk for contracting and spreading
any STD, that any other person would be.

The research is still out as to how infectious the
fluids that come from the Cowpers gland can be
in the transmisssion from an HIV+ post op.

The Cowpers gland is found under the prostate
gland, and is responsible for the pre-cum or
clear fluids that you see emitted from the penis.


In a post op women that fluid may provide lubrication
to the neo-vagina. Again, what risk that poses to her
partner is not statistically known.

It is known though, that the receiving partner, is
at a higher risk of infection. And all the other
STD transmission rates remain about the same,
for syphillis, hepatitis, herpes, etc.

Also a post op woman is also at risk for UTIs, urinary
tract infections. Basically, for the most part a post
ops vaginas', flora and fauna is the same as a natal

It smells the same, tastes the same, feels the same, and
is prone to pretty much the same concerns

Oh, and don't forget 'to lick it, before you stick it'


12-09-2007, 02:17 AM
This thread or something like it should be a "sticky" at the top of HA. Something like this should also be on every porn site or discussion board where sex is a topic.

12-09-2007, 02:29 AM
I'm here. Recently my doctor asked me if I wanted to take an aids test. I laughed. I told him no because I was too old. No one looks at me anymore.

12-09-2007, 03:25 AM
Had a full battery of test a few months ago. I called for the results and the guy over phone said everything is fine but we had a problem with the HIV results. A problem..He said they have to retest it. My heart dropped for two days I could not sleep. The results came back negative. But I remember that feeling of fear and helplessness. All the fun times I had with girls just didnt seem to matter. There is only one sure fire way..Its not pretty or preferred but its brutally necessary. I know a guy with HIV he his healthy and and a good guy takes one pill a day and says he feels fine. But in the end he has to take those pills or he'll get AIDS. Many of these girls are hot, the transmission rates with condoms are very small, the transmission rates from female to male are hardly measurable. Still with all those facts..It just doesnt seem worth it. Just my 2 cents. You cant unsuck a cock. Once you get it you have it and truly youll life will change.

12-09-2007, 04:07 AM
As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods,
so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams.
My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me,
and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to
wear a condom, are they correct?


She is still at risk for contracting and spreading
any STD, that any other person would be.

i find this answer a bit surreal as i would imagine anone who got married has been in a relation with the person he or her is married to for at least 3 months (safeguard time between infection and the antibodies showing up in a test) and has been tested for all noteworthy stds by then or contacted all the ones the parter has anyway

12-09-2007, 04:40 AM
As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods,
so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams.
My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me,
and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to
wear a condom, are they correct?


She is still at risk for contracting and spreading
any STD, that any other person would be.

i find this answer a bit surreal as i would imagine anone who got married has been in a relation with the person he or her is married to for at least 3 months (safeguard time between infection and the antibodies showing up in a test) and has been tested for all noteworthy stds by then or contacted all the ones the parter has anyway

I can understand how you would feel it's very improbable.

I included it to illustrate how a post op woman is still capable of
infecting or of being infected by an STI.

Particularly if she or her or husband are creeping around, and having
unsafe sex outside of their marriage.

12-09-2007, 04:48 AM
Depending upon where in the UK/Europe one is prossing is not the huge crime it is in most parts of the United States.

In Sweden prostitution is illegal. In UK prostitution is legal but solicitation and kerb-crawling are not. In France prostitution is legal. In Italy too although pimping and advertisement of prostitution are illegal, and the carabinieri periodically shut down sites. In Spain all fully legal.

IMO Spain is definitely the model. The scene is exremely safe and there is a generally very high standard, which is good for the girls and also for the men. Nevertheless, STD's including HIV are still an issue.

Across Europe Public Health initiatives to increase awareness and reduce the risks of STD's are similarly inconsistent, ranging from excellent to non-existent. Some areas are very good with free condoms supplied to the girls and free, sometimes mandatory, health checks. A recent study in Rome amongst TG prostitutes showed a marked reduction in HIV incidence as a result of these. Other areas are less so.

However there are areas where there is a strong correlation between prostitution and drug dependency, or between financial hardship and prostitution, particularly in the case of single mothers. (Obviously not a TS-specific issue, duh.) Often these girls get into the clutches of loan sharks and this will cause real problems. I remember one girl I know saying "It's like this; most regular girls insist on condoms but if at the end of the line there's a girl who's desperate to score or has to pay off a shark, and will do anal bareback for an extra twenty quid, then the whole thing falls apart."

I have to say I think prohibition of prostitution is incredibly stupid and just leads to health and safety issues as the business goes underground. Legalise and licence, together with the provision of proper RLA's away from residential zones, has to be the proper way forward, backed with good public health and proper support, and dare I say it, training. (Yes! Training! BA Hons in Courtesanship-- and why the fuck not?) Being a prostitute is a job like any other and driving it into the arms of the criminal class, which is all prohibition does, helps no-one. Except the criminals and politicians, maybe.

Another issue that does not get enough attention here is bareback porn, which is worse than drunk driving. I've been in several rows with porn merchants here about this. Bareback porn not only sends out all the wrong messages to people in general it actively puts actors and actresses at risk. People should remember that even routine testing is a stable-door defence-- the person has the disease already. We have to promote across-the-board safe sex and the culture of PREVENTION.

I note that in recent months a new apparently Thai-based website has launched featuring bareback sex with the girls. It is to be hoped that people with integrity will refuse to have anything to do with it.

Ethically or morally I don't have any real problems with prostitution.

I do have concerns if as you alluded to organized crime forces the women
into it, or if there are minors involved.

But yes, let's legalize, regulate it, get some health protection and
coverage for those involved in it.

And please by all means let's have some sort of pension, retirement,and
training options in place for those will will at some point leave it.

12-09-2007, 04:53 AM
Had a full battery of test a few months ago. I called for the results and the guy over phone said everything is fine but we had a problem with the HIV results. A problem..He said they have to retest it. My heart dropped for two days I could not sleep.

The results came back negative. But I remember that feeling of fear and helplessness. All the fun times I had with girls just didnt seem to matter. There is only one sure fire way..Its not pretty or preferred but its brutally necessary. I know a guy with HIV he his healthy and and a good guy takes one pill a day and says he feels fine. But in the end he has to take those pills or he'll get AIDS. Many of these girls are hot, the transmission rates with condoms are very small, the transmission rates from female to male are hardly measurable. Still with all those facts..It just doesnt seem worth it. Just my 2 cents. You cant unsuck a cock. Once you get it you have it and truly youll life will change.

I was talking with someone who went through a similiar scenario, there
was a problem with their results.

they went through the 5 stages of grief:

The stages are:

Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair!" (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as "responsible")
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my child(ren) graduate."
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK."

Ultimately they tested positive, but they are very healthy, and it actually
caused them to stop engaging in alot of self-destructive behavior.

12-09-2007, 06:47 AM
I can understand how you would feel it's very improbable.

I included it to illustrate how a post op woman is still capable of
infecting or of being infected by an STI.

Particularly if she or her or husband are creeping around, and having
unsafe sex outside of their marriage.

well ok but if someone doesnt even feel safe from stds inside a marriage they might have other problems than stds to deal with

btw how the heck did this myth that you can see if someone in hiv+ come to be?

12-09-2007, 06:55 AM
I can understand how you would feel it's very improbable.

I included it to illustrate how a post op woman is still capable of
infecting or of being infected by an STI.

Particularly if she or her or husband are creeping around, and having
unsafe sex outside of their marriage.

well ok but if someone doesnt even feel safe from stds inside a marriage they might have other problems than stds to deal with

btw how the heck did this myth that you can see if someone in hiv+ come to be?

If only all people who were married were monogamous, or at a minimum
practiced safe sex then we might not have the pandemic that we have.

People are on the down low, creeping around, have friends with benifits,
and they ass-u-me that if the person looks healthy, that they're good to go.

Fatal mistake.

12-09-2007, 07:02 AM
Bareback Porn:

Condoms have been around in one form or another for almost 2000 years, and bottom line is most men do not like them, and would rather swim nude than with a swimsuit. However the threat of disease and unwanted pregnancy helped at least put some men's tackle into sheaths. Once the pill came along however, and most STD's could be cured by drugs, usage rates went way down. When AIDS came on the scene, and it was clear how it was spread, condoms again came back in style, but then as now, men still don't like them and even within the gay community there has been much backsliding to "unsafe" sex.

Prossing in Europe vs United States:

Europe is an old country, with over 2000 years of history, and as such many areas/cultures have worked out sex and prossing, which as been around ever since one woman found out she could make money for what others were giving away free. The United States OTHO was founded by strait-laced/anal-retentive religious who often said one thing in public, but did different things in private. Hence prossing is a huge crime and those that practice the trade are seen as beneath contempt. That they contract diseases in the course of their work, does not move many to offer assistance, just as they didn't for the many unwanted children which were the natural results of unprotected sex.

The Economics of "Working":

Have often said there are three types of workers: Those that are forced, those that wish to work, and those that have to work.

Leaving aside those that are forced, the persons who want to work often have other means of support to supplement their income and can be a bit more choosy on who they see and setting the rules of play. Those that have to work, are in sort of a bind as they can loose customers if they do not do what the customer wishes. Hence a girl who hasn't had a good day or week, and finally gets a client who demands unsafe sex, will probably have to go along. There used to be a joke in NYC that the best time to see girls was the day before Screw Magazine's ad day, when girls would need money to pay their adverts. Not only would rates come down in some cases, but even the girls who sat high on their horses would often come down and do a deal.

Being as all this may, seeing multiple sexual partners and engaging in unprotected sex weather for pay or free is simply not a good idea. There are trannies, who just like gay men like to sleep around, and again it is not easy telling who has AIDS. That hot papi picked up at the gym, bulging muscles and all can have AIDS, but the drugs are working well enough so you won't notice easily.

Bottom line is when someone is paying for a service, and this includes sex, the provider is at that person's mercy to fulfil their end of the deal. True if one is being flown to Saudi Arabia, the man in question is likely to insist you are "clean", but then again Ali Baba has paid you several thousands, and you better do what he says or find yourself in a very tight spot.

AIDS like most other diseases breeds and grows in secrecy and ignorance. Speaking of Saudi Arabia, and other Arab countries, there is a growing problem with AIDS, and since homosexual acts are illegal under Koran law, becoming infected is almost an admission of gay sex, so men are not likely to come forward for testing or treatment.

As have often stated, the sad thing about this current trend of promoting "escorting" as a career choice for young trannies is probably going to further increase the high numbers of AIDS in the community. Too many girls are focused on raking in funds, and too few on taking precautions to safe guard their health. Again, many do not have the position of power to insist a date do the right thing. This increases as their near their shelf life, and are no longer the "new girl" in town. In short they have to work harder to make the same or in some cases less money and that can lead to bad decision making.

Some states are moving towards mandatory testing for anyone arrested and or convicted of prossing. Others have made prossing while knowingly infected with AIDS a felony. While the first may have some benefits, the later simply pushes workers further down the path to hell. I mean if someone is HIV+, it is likely they would stop and seek treatment if they could. However services for former sex workers are few, and AIDS budgets are getting tight. Also many AIDS programs are not exactly welcoming of sex workers (don't ask me why), so they are stigmatised yet again.

Finally let us not put the blame all on the girls. It takes two to tango,and someone has to be infected by someone else to get AIDS. All those men out there jumping on trannies trade like a monkey on a cupcake, begging her to "come in my mouth", aren't helping things. Again multiply that activity by the number of girls a date has been with, and you begin to see the dangers. The smart thing would be for guys to admit what they are doing is high risk sex, and get tested often. But we've been down this path before.....


An incredibley powerful post.


12-10-2007, 07:01 AM
Its funny when you think about how an incredibly strong urge can get you so much grief. I remember during the clinton affair this guy said sex for men is something that can take the least amount of time and cause the most amount of trouble. That always stuck with me. Having children wuld suck when youre not ready, but this HIV deal is just too much to deal with. BTW have you ever got geared up at see a gal, decided to jackoff then realize wonder what the hoopla was all about. Increasingly it seems like prostitution is like a drug and youll always be a recovering john. Im coming to realize that. On the upside, it sure has been a fun lucky ride. Ignorance is bliss.

12-10-2007, 09:35 AM
I personally think that most girls that end up catching hiv and other stds catch them outside of business..(trade, tranny chasers, freak boys, a guy fuking u and your best friend, dl bisexual or trisexual men. Client to Escort conpanionship usally start as a business so safe sex is inforced unlike casual sex with some u are fellling. I think that girls should use the same proceedure they used with their client that they use with trade they meet and stop looking for love and thinking that if u give im some bare or he give u some that that makes a relationship or a bond..

One of my friends that passed was never a escort and was 25 when she passed away sad caught it from being in a ltr with a guy that she was with..she was much younger then him when they meant so she got blind sided, she aint have a chance she was like 15 when she got it

These days these girls are coming out early and before they hit maturity they already are infected. 2 years ago a TS I knew was only 22 and died from aids..and she was known around the scene for having so much trade (having sex with straight boys) Girls flocked around her cause she was young cute and always had sexy trade around her..now she gone and they gaged.. It was told she had it since she was like 12 or 13 now thats crazy..

So just cause u meet a young cutie fellas dont mean she aint infected...

She looked good probalby up untill the last week cause, i had seen her at the club that week earlier...and when i got to the hospital with the family cause they was keeping her body alive by machine her brain was dead..They wanted all the family their before they turned off the machine..If u ever see a ts with full blown aids in a hospital with not that long to live trust me u will never get that thought out your mind and u will think more than twice before u decide not to protect ya self

i known and have known a pleant of infected gays and ts it seem like all of them got it being a freak having fun free sex with willing partners or have short to longterm meaningless relationship with guys

people needs to just play it safe and stop being risky cause they hornee..1min of ignorance can be a life time if misery

think we should all used protection ..and if u chose not make sure u know the status of that person and get tested together..doing that makes yall bond closer anyway ..

12-10-2007, 09:45 AM
I personally think that most girls that end up catching hiv and other stds catch them outside of business..(trade, tranny chasers, freak boys, a guy fuking u and your best friend, dl bisexual or trisexual men. Client to Escort conpanionship usally start as a business so safe sex is inforced unlike casual sex with some u are fellling. I think that girls should use the same proceedure they used with their client that they use with trade they meet and stop looking for love and thinking that if u give im some bare or he give u some that that makes a relationship or a bond..

One of my friends that passed was never a escort and was 25 when she passed away sad caught it from being in a ltr with a guy that she was with..she was much younger then him when they meant so she got blind sided, she aint have a chance she was like 15 when she got it

These days these girls are coming out early and before they hit maturity they already are infected. 2 years ago a TS I knew was only 22 and died from aids..and she was known around the scene for having so much trade (having sex with straight boys) Girls flocked around her cause she was young cute and always had sexy trade around her..now she gone and they gaged.. It was told she had it since she was like 12 or 13 now thats crazy..

So just cause u meet a young cutie fellas dont mean she aint infected...

She looked good probalby up untill the last week cause, i had seen her at the club that week earlier...and when i got to the hospital with the family cause they was keeping her body alive by machine her brain was dead..They wanted all the family their before they turned off the machine..If u ever see a ts with full blown aids in a hospital with not that long to live trust me u will never get that thought out your mind and u will think more than twice before u decide not to protect ya self

i known and have known a pleant of infected gays and ts it seem like all of them got it being a freak having fun free sex with willing partners or have short to longterm meaningless relationship with guys

people needs to just play it safe and stop being risky cause they hornee..1min of ignorance can be a life time if misery i can sypathize with some people that are infected some of them was just to young and no home training and got minuplated into it ..but for these other people thats just out their and end up catching it and know that risks no sypathy it kill me when people go blaming someone for giving them a std..lol

your in control of your own body so if you leave your body for someone else to despose of its your fault

think we should all used protection ..and if u chose not make sure u know the status of that person and get tested together..doing that makes yall bond closer anyway ..

12-10-2007, 11:03 AM
she is right..when you really want to get serious with yer girl-tg or otherwise always take a walk down by the county office....i've been there and the sky never looked bluer, and my baby's booty never felt better than that day,after the test............

12-10-2007, 12:58 PM
she is right..when you really want to get serious with yer girl-tg or otherwise always take a walk down by the county office....i've been there and the sky never looked bluer, and my baby's booty never felt better than that day,after the test............

Amen. Chalk one up for monogamy.

12-19-2007, 09:54 PM
Yes indeed, THANK YOU Peggy! :)

12-19-2007, 10:10 PM
SS, in your posts above you've touched on a number of things:

You've reminded me of the 'old days' at Peter Rabbits, hanging out on
Christopher Street or the docks, smoking pot with friends looking out on
the river.

Bittersweet memories.

And then came crack and AIDS.

And shortly before those two came Reagan and his feed-the-greed cronies.

I notice that there are a number of guys on the forum who can remeber
'back in the day'.

Rarely will I hear from a transwoman from that time period.

Guess there aren't many of us from the 'old days'.

That's just plain sad.

12-19-2007, 10:30 PM
It is ashame that more people don't get tested. We should all include this as part of a regular check up.

Night Rider
12-19-2007, 10:33 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

12-19-2007, 10:34 PM
I've been on this board for a year and the HIV threads are always ignored. I think the reason is that most of the guys on this board think of themselves as STR8. They are not at risk with a ts escort??

Wasn't Magic Johnson's 1991 HIV admission supposed to teach all of us that ANY OF US can get this virus, regardless of orientation?

12-19-2007, 10:37 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

That's one of the foremost reasons I believe prostitution should be legalized, for the protection of the workers, their clients, and everybody whom both workers and clients are having sex with.

Night Rider
12-19-2007, 10:48 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

That's one of the foremost reasons I believe prostitution should be legalized, for the protection of the workers, their clients, and everybody whom both workers and clients are having sex with.

I agree. There would be a drop in the number of STDs.

12-19-2007, 10:50 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

That's one of the foremost reasons I believe prostitution should be legalized, for the protection of the workers, their clients, and everybody whom both workers and clients are having sex with.

I agree. There would be a drop in the number of STDs.

Possibly. Or there could be a spike. Too many variables. One thing is certain ~ sex worker or not everyone should protect themselves and get tested on a reg basis.

We (as a society) are getting to lax on the whole STD issue. Check out the CDC site - it is on the rise.

12-19-2007, 10:54 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

That's one of the foremost reasons I believe prostitution should be legalized, for the protection of the workers, their clients, and everybody whom both workers and clients are having sex with.

I agree. There would be a drop in the number of STDs.

Possibly. Or there could be a spike. Too many variables. One thing is certain ~ sex worker or not everyone should protect themselves and get tested on a reg basis.

We (as a society) are getting to lax on the whole STD issue. Check out the CDC site - it is on the rise.

You forget if prostitution is legal - as in many european states - you still will have a relatively high number of "illegal" prostitution of hookers who do it on the side, or dont register bc of a drug habbit, or are beeing forced by for instance mafia organisations. Just like in any other "legal" business activity there is a "black market" for legal prostitution which will go mostly unchecked by the authorities.

12-19-2007, 11:00 PM

As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods,
so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams.
My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me,
and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to
wear a condom, are they correct?


She is still at risk for contracting and spreading
any STD, that any other person would be.

The research is still out as to how infectious the
fluids that come from the Cowpers gland can be
in the transmisssion from an HIV+ post op.

The Cowpers gland is found under the prostate
gland, and is responsible for the pre-cum or
clear fluids that you see emitted from the penis.


In a post op women that fluid may provide lubrication
to the neo-vagina. Again, what risk that poses to her
partner is not statistically known.

It is known though, that the receiving partner, is
at a higher risk of infection. And all the other
STD transmission rates remain about the same,
for syphillis, hepatitis, herpes, etc.

Also a post op woman is also at risk for UTIs, urinary
tract infections. Basically, for the most part a post
ops vaginas', flora and fauna is the same as a natal

It smells the same, tastes the same, feels the same, and
is prone to pretty much the same concerns

Oh, and don't forget 'to lick it, before you stick it'


Of course, it also depends on whether both persons are clean (i.e. HIV-). So as long as they both practice strict monogamy, they have the privilege of going condomless with each other.

12-19-2007, 11:02 PM
It's a fact that you're less likely to get STDs from hookers in Amsterdam, than you are from the average girl because in Amsterdam the girls are regularly tested.

We should do the same.

That's one of the foremost reasons I believe prostitution should be legalized, for the protection of the workers, their clients, and everybody whom both workers and clients are having sex with.

I agree. There would be a drop in the number of STDs.

Possibly. Or there could be a spike. Too many variables. One thing is certain ~ sex worker or not everyone should protect themselves and get tested on a reg basis.

We (as a society) are getting to lax on the whole STD issue. Check out the CDC site - it is on the rise.

You forget if prostitution is legal - as in many european states - you still will have a relatively high number of "illegal" prostitution of hookers who do it on the side, or dont register bc of a drug habbit, or are beeing forced by for instance mafia organisations. Just like in any other "legal" business activity there is a "black market" for legal prostitution which will go mostly unchecked by the authorities.

Of course you're always going to have some illegal prostitution going on. But if it were legal one would at least have a safer alternative.

02-25-2008, 05:09 AM

Sorry I didnt respond to your question before on the second page. I don't visit the site as much as I once did.

The increase in the UK is down to several factors, the MAJOR (Not the only one) contributor would be the fact that we do NOT have a general consensus of sex education in schools. Some do not teach it at all, a framework for it simply doesn't exist, with most schools left to their own devices as to how to teach about STDs and issues of sexual health.

Compare this with Holland, one of the most sexually liberal countries in Europe, where it has a full education policy on the subject,hitting the kids before they even goto secondary school at 12/13 years of age. They have one of the lowest rates in Europe, and the lowest rate of pregnancy - go figure!

1 in 3 new cases in the UK are inmigrants, and we had a huge influx of migrants in the last 15 years especially. Many of the came here because they knew to stay at home was a death sentance, so who can blame them. For a while HIV status would often give people Leave To Remain in the UK, this however is no longer the case.

They're are numerous other factors but those are the leading two.

02-25-2008, 06:00 AM
HIV in the UK is increasing, while in other eurpoean countries it is on the decline.

Food for thought.

One can almost understand the rise of HIV / AID / STIs in the so-
called 'third world'.

Azanti, would you or anyone else care to hazard a guess as to why there
is an increase of HIV in the UK.

Additionally why is it on the decrease in other parts of the European community?

i would put it down to a couple of factors.
1)people have got lazy,they seem to have lost the fear of this disese
2)and like Azanti says,poor education.
and it"s not just aids in the increase in my country,violent crime also is on the rise.