View Full Version : Am I weird?

11-28-2007, 05:52 PM
For not liking to get head? I mean Ive never had a bad one, like sudden lockjaw or a mouth full of braces smiling back at me, but they dont seem to get me going. I sometimes think I have a subconcious fear of someone crunching down on me but i dont if thats the whole case.

Anyone else feel the same page or remotely close?

Or am I just a freak :shock:

11-28-2007, 06:00 PM
Eh during the high school years I was kind of self-conscious about it. Now it's very easy for me to relax and go flow of the girl's oral skill. Learning to relax and let the girl (or guy) do what they do is a big part of it. Personally I still like giving head better, but it's always a pleasure to recieve.

11-28-2007, 06:15 PM
Very few GGs really know what they're doing, when giving head. To be honest, I've encountered only two in my lifetime that were "good" at it(and no, I'm definitely not in my twenties, thirties, or even forties). As for TSs....yet to be determined. But, I do love a good blowjob!!!

11-28-2007, 06:48 PM
Well that's a definite possibility too, I am still in my 20s and while I have a had some sex I'm not Casa-fucking-nova