View Full Version : What's the most drunk you ever been?

11-21-2007, 06:18 AM
And did you do anything crazy, and live to regret it?

Quiet Reflections
11-21-2007, 06:30 AM
after a full bottle of anything its hard to remember but i woke up in a holding cell once for public indecency and public intoxication. no charges were filled

11-21-2007, 06:48 AM
I don't know, after my day today, I'll tell you in the moning, if I wake up...

TS Jamie :-)

11-21-2007, 07:21 AM
in vegas

thats all i have to say

11-21-2007, 07:25 AM
At my brother's bachelor party, I got so drunk I passed out and couldn't remember anything that happened after I threw up on said brother because he was between me and the sink. :) Mahalo


Dino Velvet
11-21-2007, 08:42 AM
I think the most drunk I've ever been was at a high school graduation party many years ago. My tolerance wasn't as high as it is today and I was showing off and drank tons. I showed up at the party early and was all hyper and ready to party hearty(it was 1985).

I pulled my fifth of Jack Daniels out of the bag and displayed it to everyone. I started guzzling and guzzling and finished the bottle. I was really fucked up at the time and then my buddies wanted to see just how drunk I could get. They started feeding me Bartles & James Wine Coolers and I drank one after the other. Whiskey and wine coolers are not good mixed together.

I remember sitting down and my world started to spin. To make myself more comfortable I went to the back yard and layed in the cool grass. Then, all of the sudden, my stomach got angry with me and I threw up all over the grass and myself as well. A couple of my friends saw me while getting some fresh air and carried me to the bathroom where they put me in the tub and ran some warm water. I layed in the tub feeling like I was going to die and just rode it out until I felt better.

11-21-2007, 09:23 AM
Mine was in college. 2 roommates and I went to a local bar every Thursday afternoon just to hang out, and they would serve us even though we were under age. After a few months, they offered us some 'shine'. I tried it, liked it with a beer and continued to drink it until about 10.

I woke up in a stairwell, covered in leaves and spooning a bag of garbage. I, apparently, pissed on the side of the bar while seated on my stool, and that ended the drinking for the evening. My roommates lost me on the way home. Gigantic hangover, when I got back to my apartment I had a glass of OJ and vomited all over the kitchen floor.

Went back and apologized to the bartender/owner that Saturday.

11-21-2007, 09:26 AM
Do the words "alcohol poisoning" mean anything to you?

11-21-2007, 09:57 AM
This one time, I had to grab onto the grass to keep from falling off the Earth.

11-21-2007, 10:08 AM
This is of course not as bad as my friend Steve. He had been drinking etc when some hooligans decided to yell at him to come out of his house. So Steve, being the guy he is, went out into his front yard and shot those hooligans. After he killed those guys, he went back into the house to call the cops. He told them that some people came on to his property and that he shot them and needed someone to come get the bodies. The 911 operator said that they were sending some units, and to stay on the phone. The police arrived, and knocked on the door telling him to drop his guns and come out slowly with his hands up. Steve came out with his hands up. The police then asked where the bodies were that he shot. Steve told them that they were in the front yard, but the police said that there were no bodies there. Steve looked out and saw no bodies, so he then said, "They stole the bodies!"
The police then gave Steve the option to go to jail or go to the hospital. Steve chose the hospital.

11-21-2007, 10:13 AM
Well, I dont exactly remember how much I had, but at some point in high school, me and 2 of my friends decided to throw a party at my house when my parents were gone, and we had come into posession of about 3 cases of beer and 2 fifths of vodka, and we invited a lot of people, but only 2 others showed up, and they left before I passed out. All I remember after a few rounds of shots is waking up in the morning, surronded by cans, and my house was filled with vomit, and everything was empty... it sucked ass cleaning that shit up.

11-21-2007, 10:33 AM
when I went on the Atkins diet, I couldn't drink beer but there are no carbs in vodka right. I was drinking gray goose and soda like it was beer, after 14 or more I was totally smashed, I got home some how, was puking at the sink after trying to take a shower to sober up a bit, as I was puking I was shitting all over the floor, needless to say it wasn't fun in the morning all hung over and dry shit on the floor

11-21-2007, 10:49 AM
I have only been drunk once. One of roommates wanted to see what I am like drunk, so he gave me this huge glass of rum & coke. I drank the whole thing, and felt nothin.

No buzz, dizzyness, change in emotions, I could talk and walk fine. So he made me a second one. Drank that, then 10-15 minutes later I stumbled into the bathroom and threw up for the next few hours. Thankfully I was already naked, and since he felt guilty he cleaned it all up (I don't think I ever actually got any into the toilet). I had passed out on the side of the bathtub and would wake up every hour or so, vomit, then pass out on the side of the bathtub again. I remember little else besides the room spins but, he told me in the morning that in my drunken state I had told him that I felt bad for the mess and said he could do whatever he wanted with me while I was passed out since I wouldn't know the difference anyway. He said he never did and added that the mess was so much that he was sick as well throughout the night.

Now that I think of it, I haven't even had coke since then and its been a while.

11-21-2007, 10:53 AM
My bout of alcohol poisoning was due to chugging cheap rum,Sarah. I haven't touched the stuff since.

11-21-2007, 11:41 AM
I vaguely remember looking for rats one time under a car. Does that answer your question? That's what happens when you hang out with Medics at University. And no, I've never taken drugs, at least not knowingly. Hardly touch the stuff now though.

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 02:03 PM
Don't fucking ask!!

11-21-2007, 02:34 PM
There have been so many occasions. New years eve 2003 was a good one. Me and the Lads decided to go on a bender from 2 pm in the after noon. Went round different peoples houses gatecrashing their parties and taking in more and more beer and eating their food.

We then went on a pubcrawl on the seafront. And went into I think every single pub going. Drinking more and more on the way. We then hit a nighclub at about 11pm and saw the new year in. I remember getting a kiss from some girl too which was nice.

We stayed there till 2am. But then it got boring so we went to this club on the seafront .By this time we were all totally legless why the bouncers let in ten pissed up lads with skinheads I dunno. This is when my mind went while I was on the dancefloor. Apparently one of us started grinding with some girl on the floor. Her boyfrined and his mates took exception and it all kicked off . I was so drunk I didn't even realise I was being punched and kicked in the head. In fact apparenly I was laughing when I was dragged out by the bouncers.

We were all lying in a heap outside and then we staggered home. I was so drunk they had to carry me. W e got to my parents house and somehow got me inside the house and on the couch. We all kipped in the front room. And then apparently I started believing I was uncle Albert from only fools and horses. And I was shouting rodders, delboy . I then opened the lounge window up jumped out and was sick in the front garden. My mates had to drag me back in and one had to sit on me.

In the morning I was woken up to my dad punching me in the head telling me to get the fuck outside and clean up the vomit in the garden. I had to do this in my boxer shorts . Much to the delight of the neighbour across the way who was a total poofter. Who decided to take his dog for a walk at the very moment and talk to me about alcholism while staring at my arse.

11-21-2007, 02:45 PM
I went to a whisky tasting when I was 16 - I looked 18 - at the Teviot Student Union in Edinburgh as my sister's guest, who was studying there at the time. I went to the bogs twice throughout the evening to throw up, returning minty fresh to get involved with some more of that goood single malt.

At around 12pm I had the urge to smoke a ciggy and some fresh air, stumbled my way down the (SPIRAL!!!) central staircase, fumbling with my smokes and lighter. All I remember after that is coming awake with the tube down my throat and two paramedics pumping my stomach. Apparently I had missed the doorway into the street and continued down into the basement. My sister found me passed out on the floor after she had got worried about me and gone on a hunt.

Apart from that I would say the most drunk I have ever been was Reading 2004.

11-21-2007, 02:49 PM
I was in high school, my 2 friends and we bought a Liter of 190 proof vodka, and split in 3 large cups, and slammed it. I was taken to hospital and had stomach pumped,(one of THE worst days in my life). Till this day I cant stand the taste or smell of vodka... I also havent cared for alcohol since. I never drank much after that exp. I do love Margarita's thou.

11-21-2007, 09:01 PM
17, barbados, beach. had loads to drink, than gave an impassioned speach about how i was going to save the children of the world. mt friends were just as ripped as i were and some managed to tape the whole damn thing. Classic. Sometimes if im down I watch it and laugh my as off.

11-21-2007, 09:03 PM
I haven't drank since I was 19 lol so I can't really remember

11-21-2007, 10:06 PM
I haven't drank since I was 19 lol so I can't really remember


11-21-2007, 10:16 PM
This is not bragging, cause I am not a drinker.......but I find it amazing.

When I wa 32 I went to a Carlos Santana concert.

In one hour before the show I drank like 8 beers and 6 shots of rumplemintz (sp?) And headed to the concert. While there the beers were coming in, so I drank my fill. I have to say I was far less fucked up than the other guys including my friend tony who was a regular drinker.

I have never pushed it, but I imagine it would take a lot to get me crazy drunk.

If I drink 12 beers a year it's alot. my vice is this place and cookies and milk.

Hazel Tucker
11-21-2007, 10:29 PM
It was right after i moved back in with my rents. I was visiting my friends Trista and Tasha. We went to the movies to see Superbad and Trista and I were drinking in the theater. Then we got back to her place. I had 6 shots of Peach Bacardi one right after the other. And i kept drinking. I don't remember barely any of it, but i woke up in nothing but my panties on. The girls told me I talked about the craziest shit and cried like a baby all nite long. That day i was sooooooooooooooo sick. lol.

11-22-2007, 12:42 AM
when I went on the Atkins diet, I couldn't drink beer but there are no carbs in vodka right. I was drinking gray goose and soda like it was beer, after 14 or more I was totally smashed, I got home some how, was puking at the sink after trying to take a shower to sober up a bit, as I was puking I was shitting all over the floor, needless to say it wasn't fun in the morning all hung over and dry shit on the floor

a bit off topic and maybe a dumb question: was this an attempt at humor? I thought vodka was made from potatoes. Is it really allowed on Atkins?

11-22-2007, 02:28 AM
I haven't drank since I was 19 lol so I can't really remember

So, you are saying that it's been like 6 months?


TS Jamie :-)

tall, dark & Handsome
11-22-2007, 03:11 AM
Naked in the street drunk.
Rum is a sneaky lil' F*cker

11-22-2007, 06:59 AM
Snot slingin', gutter crawlin'....God, I'll never do this again....Drunk!

11-22-2007, 07:12 AM
first year of college every weekend was a mess. Got stupid drunk to many times! Kelly why did you choose not to drink anymore?