View Full Version : I miss the sunshine (Mandy makes no sense)

11-19-2007, 09:11 PM
It's been raining ever since I got back from Los Angeles. Everyday I wake up and hope that maybe today, might be the day I get to run around in the woods, but no, its still raining.

So, since its been raining so much lately, I would like to share a couple of movies that have helped me pass the time.

Topping the list, is a movie that I would like to remake with other TS. It is called "convent of the sacred beast". Has anyone seen it? It's an amazing 70's Japanese Nunsploitation flick. There is Lesbianism in the convent, men in nun drag hooking up with nuns, brutal punishment, and of course some supernatural themes. I highly recommend this film to anyone with an interest in BDSM or sinning religious figures. And it would please me greatly if any girls want to remake this film with me.

Next, was another nun film, well it started out in a convent....
The Marquis De Sade's: Justin
This was another dirty film, French this time, following the luck of hapless Justin, orphaned and innocent and completely unprepared for the ravages of society. Contrasted with her older sister Juliette who turns to debauchery after being expelled from the convent, Justin seeks to live a righteous life and suffers one mishap after another. Meanwhile, Juliette gets everything she wants. Its a fun film, worth watching for a laugh or two.

Heading back to American cinema, I thoroughly enjoyed Diana Ross in Mahogany. What is this you say, a movie about a community organizer dating a super-model? It's kind of like my left brain, dating my right brain. Amazing. This movie has it all, Diana Ross, fashion, Diana Ross, politics, check it out.

Then of course, comes an American classic, which I can't believe I just now saw at the age of 26 in the year 2007:
Robocop. Robocop, a sci-fi thriller about the crime-ridden city of Detroit's police department being run by a private corporation which creates super-cops out of Robots. Not so sci-fi anymore huh? At least not with the privatized security companies running municipal systems, maybe with the re-animated humans used as super weapons. Anyways, wow, I've always wanted to see what would happen when a criminal gets doused in a vat of "toxic waste".

So that's life here in the PNW. I read alot, watch movies, and cuddle to pass the cold wet days, and even longer nights.

Tomorrow I head down to SF to do a shoot with kink.com and hopefully see some sunshine (though SF might not be the best place either)

What do you do to pass the winter months?

11-19-2007, 09:20 PM
Great pic Mandy ... I'm in LA... I wish we had more rain. No reason to be shut in. Anyway, my fav recent Sci-Fi DVDs are "The Island" and "Transformers."

11-19-2007, 10:12 PM
I know how you feel mandy. It was actually pretty nice weather until recently - the rain was broken up with sunny days, high sixties. The long months of gray are upon us.
I have a question...do you have to drive twenty miles out of Portland to get into some real forest? I head east up the Columbia to get away, but in Boulder the wilderness was a ten minute walk from downtown.
Hey, ever been to Escape? My new band practices under the club!

11-19-2007, 10:38 PM
I know how you feel mandy. It was actually pretty nice weather until recently - the rain was broken up with sunny days, high sixties. The long months of gray are upon us.
I have a question...do you have to drive twenty miles out of Portland to get into some real forest? I head east up the Columbia to get away, but in Boulder the wilderness was a ten minute walk from downtown.
Hey, ever been to Escape? My new band practices under the club!

Well there is always Forest Park in Northwest which is a massive woodland park with some excellent hiking trails. It's nothing like the beauty of an old growth or the gorge, but for a city park there's nothing like it. Down in Southwest there is Tryon creek, which only has 3 or 4 miles of trails (nothing like the 30+ hiking trail in Northwest) but is quite beautiful, there is also the Marquam in Southwest as well as the Arboretum on the Eastside. I prefer the solitude of the parks further outside of town, if I wanna wander around Portland I will generally stick to the Eastside waterfront and industrial areas.

I've never been to Escape, but congrats on the new band.

11-20-2007, 04:24 AM
So I now spend my winter months staring at Mandy in the blue space suit.


That being said, I am a city boy. So Give me miles and miles of pavement, sidewalks and towers and let me roam.

Grew up in the same area you are in, and much prefer the city to the woods.

So what do I really spend my winter months doing to pass the time?

I travel. One day I'm in warm weather, the next 2 feet of snow. Being on the road during winter can suck sometimes.

Quiet Reflections
11-20-2007, 04:44 AM
I spend the winter months camping believe it or not. i love the beach in the summer but theres something about the cold and the mountains in the winter that i cant resist

11-20-2007, 05:07 AM
Well, I too am from the Portland area, so during the fall/winter/spring rainy months I like watching a lot of movies in my spare time as well. I guess you could call me a pirate though, as I download all my movies instead of going out or renting them.

Coincidentally, I just downloaded Robocop 1 last week. I haven't watched it yet, as honestly, I remember the movie being pretty boring having watched it as a child. I'm just not into action movies, I guess. Comedy and horror is more my bag.

Other than movies, I have a huge video game collection to keep me from being bored. I also like to get out to bud's house parties as often as possible. I try to skip as many family functions as I can and focus primarily on selfish indulgence. lol.

11-20-2007, 05:28 AM
I'm in Chicago and the weather here has been dismal for the past few days: showers, dark skies...nothing but that.

And somehow, I like it.

PS: nice picture, Mandy. ^_~

11-20-2007, 12:52 PM
San Diego report...

What is rain?

TS Jamie :-)

11-20-2007, 12:57 PM
What do you do to pass the winter months?

What is a winter? :?

Buddy Wood
11-20-2007, 01:38 PM
Mandy -

Well it's tough to watch movies when you're drinking yummy cocktails and smoking things in your jacuzzi - but I did grow up in Chicago where staying in and watching fine films is sometimes necessary so...
watch Farenheit 451 - a Francois Truffaut classic - shot for shot one of the best movies ever made.

Early Brian DePalma is always good - Blow Out, Carrie, Body Double.

And you can't go wrong with the Planet of the Apes films - the originals in widescreen.

Either that or just come back to L.A.


11-28-2007, 01:53 AM
Mandy -

Well it's tough to watch movies when you're drinking yummy cocktails and smoking things in your jacuzzi ....

Either that or just come back to L.A.


I bet it isn't snowing there either... You know what to do to bring me back... of course the jacuzzi calls me subliminally, I cannot resist...