View Full Version : Ashamed of being TS !!!

Danielle Foxxx
11-15-2007, 02:43 AM
I have to shut off my phone when I am not taking calls due to the constant ringing day in and day out but once a week I check my voice mail for anything important.

As most of you have seen, I have been very nice and have not engaged in Drama due to the fact that I seriously don't need anymore in my life. Altho recently the topid " Why T Girls don't date black men " came up and I voiced my opinion only to be ridiculed and compared to such disgusting people as the KKK.

I want you now to listen to this audio clip from my voice mail today:


As I listen to this message it trully gives me a knot in the stomach, not only for being a transgender person but also for the heart of the person who sent this to me.

I trully do not understand how someone can be so heartless towards someone and say so many horrbile things to a lady. Given some of you, or should I say most of you don't see us as humans because we are whores and take it up the ass and are called faggot to our face and basically ridiculed in public I still think that you should see that we are humans and do not deserve this kind of disrespect.

My reasons for not seeing black men as clients do not validate any reason but a professional one, and I do not see blacks as being any less then anyone but it's this kind of behavior that makes me wish I was trully born differently.

It pains me to have to deal with constant harrassment from people who vow to love us, maybe secretly but appreciate us none-the-less. I am trully hurt and very disgusted to be part of such a tragic community.

It is a shame that we must misstreat each other and go as low as out of our way to pain others like this.

I may not have any more then a high school diploma and no more then 100 IQ which is as much as a gardner... But are Gardners less people then some who have a highwer education? Do we look down at them for that?

I am extremely devastated to read some of the way the male members treat the girls in here and talk to us. I was ridiculed by my family, friends, anyone I ever came in contact with and now I chose to associate with people who understand me and care for me, either for being a slut cheap dirty whore or for being the true person I am inside. The sweet, funny, carring, honest, smart, woman that I am.

I know alot of people do not agree with what some transsexuals must do to survive, and trust me, it is not our choice to do what we do. It is a deeper psychological issue that we must deal with, and have had to deal with all our lives. An extremely inteligent educated tgirl I know escorts... What for I have no clue. But if some don't escort, others are adicted to sex, and those who are unable to use their looks to get men go into deep depression.

It is a very ugly world we live out there... When you close the door and you are alone in your house or when you are playing the "straight" role to your family and friends. It is us ' THE FILTHY DIRTY NASTY WHORES " That provide you with what you trully need to be happy, so much so you have to hide behind the internet or lie to loved ones about it, because you conform to what people expect of you instead of living your life for the things that trully filfill you.

I am done bitching and I am just in a horrible mood right now. I trully cannot wait for the day I don't have to deal with this kind of ugliness and anger in my life. I am devastated and very sad.

11-15-2007, 02:51 AM
:shock: :shock:

11-15-2007, 02:57 AM
That phone message was pretty bad. The caller clearly has mental problems, and sounds like an idiot.

You don't need to feel alone and be sad, Danielle. There's almost 30,000 members on this forum. If just 1% of us are truly good people, that's still 300 people (the actual number is probably much lower, but you see the point). Check out how many people attack me here all the time, when I've never thought of doing anything mean to anyone, ever. Most people are bad, it's a fact of life.

The good people here are all friends, and I think we always will be.

I can't even enjoy Sim City Societies tonight because I'm waiting for the next asshole to take another shot at me. . . on a thread simply about the various terms for an asshole. The irony is stunning.


11-15-2007, 03:01 AM
whatsupwiththat said to me..

"these women have gone through so much on there journey... I would hate to add any pain to there lives."

Words to live by people, words to live by.

11-15-2007, 03:12 AM
I am devastated and very sad.

Don't let the knocks crush your spirit, honey.

11-15-2007, 03:13 AM
wow,nasty message.
Danielle for whats it worth,and i know i dont know you as a person,and no doubt i will never meet you,but hun,i for one dont look down on you at all.
in fact i try not to judge anyone,if i can help it.
you will always get somebody who wants to run you down,call you names etc etc.you know the best policy?ignore it,if he sees he has got to you,he has won.
keep being you,and fuck the haters.
because hun,even the pope gets called names.
do i as i do.
and just keep being you.

11-15-2007, 03:21 AM
poor thing!

don't be sad. though the caller is on a rampage, i'm thinking he probably likes you alot. an insecure person who can't get what he wants reacts just like that. this environment is the way it is, so becareful.

11-15-2007, 03:26 AM
I once got a phone call from a supposed "sister" of mine here(I used to be in the ball scene...not very long cause that community is horrible no disrespect, but its all soo depressing to me how everyone acted at those balls) She just yelled at me for no reason, she said "LUNA YOU IS A BOY! YOU CROSSDRESSING BITCH", keep in mind this is another transgirl. Later on the "Mother" of the house told me, that I should pay no attention to her because she was dealing with insecurities and was jealous.

Basically...yes I understand what you mean...IN that said thread...I too was criticized and call all sorts of things...NEVER ONCE DID I SAY anything mean to anyone on there...I never got an attitude or said racist comments or words like the n word. Sometimes I ask myself why do people do this? What is it going to do for them? I really dont get it.

I hope people can start to understand what girls like us go through...although there are probably always going to be people that no matter what will never get why some of us transgirls do what we do.

xo, Luna

11-15-2007, 03:28 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.

11-15-2007, 03:37 AM
Danielle, please check your inbox.

Sly Fox
11-15-2007, 03:37 AM
it's terrible to hear that

11-15-2007, 03:44 AM
Jeez, Danielle

Sorry to hear that message and the smelly gape attached to it. What a fuckwad-windbag. That worthless bottom feeder has no idea how to just let go of his rage.

He's got too much time on his hands to pick up the phone and dump that shit on lil ol' you.

Unfortunately, being in the public eye, there are going to be the crazy haters. Never let them grind you down.

You have plenty of fans who think you are cool, funny, sexy and thoughtful.

We ALSO appreciate your cum-farting, shallow colon, OBTUSE side!

Keep smiling! :D :lol: :twisted:

Muchos besos


11-15-2007, 03:50 AM
Well the Geezer sounded like someone out of 'boyz in the hood'. What a twat. Jst think 'you can shit bigger than him' and forget about him. Fuck him.

I personally respect people if they give me respect no matter what job they do. Escorts, porn stars, shop workers , hell even journalists and lawyers.

Sorry your're upset. I'll leave you with a quote from Rocky Balboa to cheer you up

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!

Keep your chin up.

11-15-2007, 05:03 AM
there is a great and shocking john lennon song called "woman is the nigger of the world"

edit: mind the context of the song.

11-15-2007, 05:09 AM
there is a great and shocking john lennon song called "woman is the nigger of the world"


11-15-2007, 05:24 AM
i think the use of the word nigger is disgusting to be honest,if you understand its history.
at the end of the day,we all have a choice who we can date,jeez ,just because someone will not have a black man as a client or date one does not make them racist,im not over keen on dating white woman,we all have our preference,

11-15-2007, 05:29 AM
Danielle, I know it's easier said than done, but forget about that asshole. He's obviously got issues.

NOBODY deserves to have someone say those kind of things to them. In my opinion, if anyone needs some serious professional help, it's him. He's the kind of person who gives the rest of us, who love and admire you, a bad name.

Take care!

11-15-2007, 05:36 AM
Danni,Never Let An Asshole Bring You Down,Carry Yourself High And
Proud.Especially In Light Of The Fact You've Been On Such A Good Roll
Lately.It Happens Very Rarely Now,But If Some Nitwit Says Something Vile
And Untrue About Me I Always Confront Them To Their Face.And You Know What? They Always Deny It.Because They're Cowards.Put It In Back Of You
And Keep Walking On And Having Fun.You're A Good Person.Smile And Keep
Battling Vicki.

Vicki Richter
11-15-2007, 05:40 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.

That voicemail was from Legend. He is both gay and crazy gay.

11-15-2007, 05:43 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.

That voicemail was from Legend. He is both gay and crazy gay.

Whoops, she responded over here.


11-15-2007, 05:46 AM
Hmm. Clever girl.

11-15-2007, 06:02 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.

That voicemail was from Legend. He is both gay and crazy gay.

why do you ts girls insist on calling guys gay?i just dont get it

11-15-2007, 06:02 AM
Danielle, first of all I want to give you a big HUG!!! I deeply empathize with you. For a moment there, I thought it was me he was saying all those things. When I heard that voicemail, it really hurts to say the least.I'm sure it made your day lousy and i'm very sorry to hear that. I could not fathom someone saying all those bad things to me. Granted i've been called a lot of names before and ridiculed. I have never encountered something like that. It does bring me back to the question, why was I born like this? wouldn't it be more easier if we we're all born the right way and we wouldn't even have to deal with this kind of thing. And fellow tgirls actually do talk down on other tgirls, it happens. And I could not understand why they would do it when in fact as transsexuals, we should all know and feel how hard it is to be one. So why make it any more harder for fellow tgirls. It's very sad to see and things like this actually happens. I hope you are doing well and I'm sorry that this has happened to you. :( Just keep your head high and move on girl.

11-15-2007, 06:04 AM
take no notice dani and be proud of who you are.
name callers want a response,nothing more nothing less.

11-15-2007, 06:07 AM
I just wanted to try and clarify something that I think perhaps you, and definitely one Kelly Shore are missing, Danielle...

That someone supports you does not mean that when they believe you have erred, they do not say so. Obviously, I wouldn't call it anything other than harrassment when people threaten your physical safety or resort to calling you a "fag" or such, but it has long been my experience that any time a man disagrees with a transsexual female on just about anything, a diatribe on how we don't really support you, but just see you as sex objects immediately follows.

Many of the guys here no doubt do see you and others primarily as sex objects, and to some degree you can't blame them seeing that a number of women here escort and/or do porn, which are both inherently sexual in nature, and little or nothing else. This is not to say an escort or porn actress is subhuman or less deserving of being treated with respect, but certainly you can see why more than a few guys here respond to anything you ladies post with a request for dick picks... They know you as a porn star, not as a person, and overwhelmingly want to know Danielle Foxx the porn star, and have no immediate reason to see anything wrong with that given the nature of the board and the countless porn promotions plastered all over it. And because most of the ladies who post here are involved in the sale of sex in some way, those ladies who aren't all too often find themselves propositioned as if they were as well, once again because of the nature of the board, as well as the fact that the internet offers near absolute anonymity, emboldening those who otherwise would hesitate to be anywhere near as crass and disrespectful.

Then there are those who do read what you have to say, as I do, and are occasionally hurt by some of the things you say, as I have been. In a strange way, that shows how much we care about you, in that something you say can hurt us... If we just wanted to see dick pics and didn't give a damn about Danielle Foxx the person, that wouldn't be possible, because we wouldn't give a damn what you thought about anything. (And while I'm specifically talking to Danielle here, this also goes for many of you other ladies as well).

No matter how few of us there may be, there are guys here who care about you ladies (most of you anyway), and though we are regularly bashed by you, even as you continuously claim somehow to have little to no support whatsoever, we nonetheless keep coming here to dialogue with you, which to be completely honest, is a largely thankless endeavor. We love you ladies, but don't confuse that as meaning we're going to be asskissers. No, as I said before, those are the guys always asking for the dick pics...

11-15-2007, 06:33 AM
Danielle I wouldn't give him the time of day or the publicity to spread his hate.

11-15-2007, 06:59 AM
I really hate it when people do this. It hurts me alot aswell how people can be such hypocrites.

11-15-2007, 07:03 AM
That was fucked up Danielle. Sorry you had to hear that. The guy obviously has issues. Actually called you up...I bet he had a huge wank thinking about you right after!!

11-15-2007, 07:06 AM
That was fucked up Danielle. Sorry you had to hear that. The guy obviously has issues. Actually called you up...I bet he had a huge wank thinking about you right after!!

This is where either Danielle or Vicki steps in and talks to you.

Hah. Not gonna happen. you fucked yourself.


Teabagger Vance
11-15-2007, 07:07 AM
This is where either Danielle or Vicki steps in and talks to you. Hah. Not gonna happen. you fucked yourself.


Quit your thread-jacking, you drunk stalker.

11-15-2007, 07:10 AM
That was fucked up Danielle. Sorry you had to hear that. The guy obviously has issues. Actually called you up...I bet he had a huge wank thinking about you right after!!

This is where either Danielle or Vicki steps in and talks to you.

Hah. Not gonna happen. you fucked yourself.


Hondarobot. Five star poster and full time loser. Kudos to you, sir.

11-15-2007, 07:11 AM
This is where either Danielle or Vicki steps in and talks to you. Hah. Not gonna happen. you fucked yourself.


Quit your thread-jacking, you drunk stalker.

Vicki Richter will comment about who you are at some point, if it means anything, don't ya think? I'll wait for that before posting a response.

Teabagger Vance
11-15-2007, 07:20 AM
Vicki Richter will comment about who you are at some point, if it means anything, don't ya think? I'll wait for that before posting a response.

I'm not sure what you mean, stalker-boy. This thread isn't about Vicki or your old and tired obsession over her. Danielle posted a very serious topic here, and you have relentlessly spread your shit all over it, as you are prone to do. You are a piece of shit for dragging your drama over Vicki into a thread that does not involve her.

11-15-2007, 07:23 AM
wow that was fucked up ..that right their is a vivid example y alot of non black ts dont provide service for black men ..it only takes one to ruin it for all no matter how may black men they fuk just on a regular outside of business they wont service them..just to imagine if yall was face to face ..obviously very upset by what ever u said to him my heart goes out to both parties

i mostly see black men so ive been through much worst

being a ts is a journey and not even the adverage ts admirer will understand the emotional impact of the transition ..when it comes to family old friends society. when it all comes to a end its fetish and kink to men ..majority of them gonna end up with women at the end to be labeled in a catergory with us..is not their over all preference no matter how much they desire..

so dont weight your self down because one person has a issue with u cause their are lots that got mad love for you baby girl and u was not put on this earth for every to like u ..so just say fuk it keep on smiling and enjoy life

11-15-2007, 07:26 AM
You are correct. I have made a fool of myself.


You are an anonymous forum troll. Your posts are stupid. Amusing though, keep it up.

11-15-2007, 07:31 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.

That voicemail was from Legend. He is both gay and crazy gay.

why do you ts girls insist on calling guys gay?i just dont get it

It's not towards everyone.

Such insanity can only come from self-hate from someone who is gay and hates himself. I'm not categorizing all guys here like this, but it is a fact that a number of guys who are gay and in denial go to tgirls since they can more easily reconcile liking a cock as long as it's on a female-looking body.

Put 2+2 together.

BTW, it's terrible the girls have to go through this, but remember that there are insane people out there that you have to tune out.

Would you be paying attention to someone in a straitjacket in a mental asylum?

Well, these are the exact same people.

Don't even listen to what they say, since it's just insanity.

It's not real and it means nothing.

11-15-2007, 07:40 AM
i have met Danielle once and she was super nice and sweet. Don't see how someone can be such a lowlife and stoop to that level...not to her at least.

i wish i could met Danielle again in person just to tell her that i had a spectacular time (kills me when she visits Boston and i can't meet up with her) and she is A+ in my book.

Felicia Katt
11-15-2007, 08:11 AM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.
Legend, you have no idea what you are talking about. I know that Danielle sent PMs to all the people who were trashing here as a result of that thread, asking them to just let it go and leave her alone and she got that voicemail from one of them. It wasn't from someone she was associated with. Quite the opposite, it was from someone she was trying to disassociate from. All she did was try to stop all the angry posts being directed to her.

Now that you have seen the kind of hatred that is visited upon girls like Danielle, maybe you and everyone else will have a better perspective on why they may sometimes come off as unfriendly or impolite, or racist. They deal with that kind of shit all of the time, in person and online. So maybe you will get if you are the next guy to call her after she gets a voice mail like that why she is not like her on screen persona? and maybe you will understand why if you are the next African American to call her, she may not see you.

These girls are on their own when they see clients and are even more so when they do while traveling. They only have their experience and their instincts to avoid bad scenes. They don't get to call the police or even hotel security if someone causes problems or means them harm. And whether it seems fair to you or not, if they have had issues with one type or one race of guys before, one way to avoid a repeat is to not see that group. or race. This is espcially the case where you get hateful threatening phone calls or IM's or voicemails, from a blocked number or an anonymous screen name. How do you know if that person isn't the one now calling to make an appointment? You don't, so you don't see anyone who might be them.


11-15-2007, 08:25 AM
I still didn't see Danielle or Vicki respond.


Buddy Wood
11-15-2007, 08:25 AM
I'm going to speak here as a person who has had the pleasure to meet and hang out with Danielle as well as many many other t-girls - some of whom I've become very close with. Now this isn't coming from a tranny-chasing pornographer - this is coming from a well-educated, compassionate human being.

Fuck that guy.

Danielle you are a very sweet, cool and funny person. I know you have a good head on your shoulders and you shouldn't let some angry shithead get you down.

One of the things that I really find attractive and respect about ALL transsexuals is the courage they have to have made the transitions they have in their lives. Sounds corny but i'm serious. The strength it takes to change your life, mind and body to become the person you feel you truly are inside. And to pull it off well...I mean that's heavy-duty shit right there. Aside from being an object of desire or working in the "dreaded" sex industry - these are decisions that take a lot of thought and self analysis to even begin to consider.

There's always gonna be assholes that don't get it or that are too short-sighted to even try. And unfortunately in a transsexual's life that probably comes up more than in most people's. But for every angry asshole there's probably hundreds that would love to be your friend and get to know you. And not just because you're a hot transsexual but because you're a good person.

Anyway I'm also responding because I tried to call you today too. lol. Frank is still interested in working with you and I'd love to have you over to my new place.


11-15-2007, 08:38 AM
some people have just been drinking way to much hateraid. the person that called obviusly has some serius personal issues.

just stay safe Danielle :)

11-15-2007, 12:14 PM
Maybe it's a case of mistaken identity. He's confusing you with his girl friend.

11-15-2007, 12:35 PM
I´m really sad and sorry for this ugly and bad words of this guy to you Danielle. :oops:
But be sure there are so many people which accept you and treat you with good manners.
And not care about and ignore such idiots in our society.
I can`t believe that this asshole would be proud of his spoken words.

11-15-2007, 01:50 PM
So that voice mail was because of your comments from that thread,also why did that loser indicate that you emailed him or threatened to do something to him,what's the whole story here.Why would you even asscoiate yourself with a person like that who displays so much anger.I mean beating treated badly isn't cool but sometimes you have to watch who you asscoiate with and what kind of things you do in life.
Legend, you have no idea what you are talking about. I know that Danielle sent PMs to all the people who were trashing here as a result of that thread, asking them to just let it go and leave her alone and she got that voicemail from one of them. It wasn't from someone she was associated with. Quite the opposite, it was from someone she was trying to disassociate from. All she did was try to stop all the angry posts being directed to her.

Now that you have seen the kind of hatred that is visited upon girls like Danielle, maybe you and everyone else will have a better perspective on why they may sometimes come off as unfriendly or impolite, or racist. They deal with that kind of shit all of the time, in person and online. So maybe you will get if you are the next guy to call her after she gets a voice mail like that why she is not like her on screen persona? and maybe you will understand why if you are the next African American to call her, she may not see you.

These girls are on their own when they see clients and are even more so when they do while traveling. They only have their experience and their instincts to avoid bad scenes. They don't get to call the police or even hotel security if someone causes problems or means them harm. And whether it seems fair to you or not, if they have had issues with one type or one race of guys before, one way to avoid a repeat is to not see that group. or race. This is espcially the case where you get hateful threatening phone calls or IM's or voicemails, from a blocked number or an anonymous screen name. How do you know if that person isn't the one now calling to make an appointment? You don't, so you don't see anyone who might be them.


I was merely asking her did that voicemail come steam from that other thread because that loonatic suggested they have had conversation before but i see it was no more them a apology message and plea for ceasing the aruging from the other thread,i apologize for suggesting that she has associated with that person.Ms.Foxx can she who see wants to in my opinion but when you are in such a dangerous field like escorting as you suggested you are gonna get bad apples from every race and to just alienate a entire race in my opinion is just wrong why not just go by a person by person base.

11-15-2007, 05:20 PM
Oh Danielle,
Pay no attention to the guy (I know, easier said than done). It seems that more than a few people who visit this (and I'm sure other forums) need to get lives. I mean real honest to goodness real lives in the real physical world not computer/internet land. When people take what goes on in a forum conversation into everyday personal life and actually call someone on the phone and leave a fucked up message like that, they've now entered the f'n Twilight Zone. Everybody needes to chill, grow some thicker skin and just get a life. Sorry if I offended anyone, but if I did.....just another example of what I'm sayin'.
And yeah Danielle, you could probably prosecute the guy for harrasement/terroristic threats if you find out who it is. Good luck, hold your head up high, love yourself for who you are, and know there are LOTS of people who love and admire you.
Sorry So Long.

11-16-2007, 07:47 AM
I have to shut off my phone when I am not taking calls due to the constant ringing day in and day out but once a week I check my voice mail for anything important.

As most of you have seen, I have been very nice and have not engaged in Drama due to the fact that I seriously don't need anymore in my life. Altho recently the topid " Why T Girls don't date black men " came up and I voiced my opinion only to be ridiculed and compared to such disgusting people as the KKK.

I want you now to listen to this audio clip from my voice mail today:


As I listen to this message it trully gives me a knot in the stomach, not only for being a transgender person but also for the heart of the person who sent this to me.

I trully do not understand how someone can be so heartless towards someone and say so many horrbile things to a lady. Given some of you, or should I say most of you don't see us as humans because we are whores and take it up the ass and are called faggot to our face and basically ridiculed in public I still think that you should see that we are humans and do not deserve this kind of disrespect.

My reasons for not seeing black men as clients do not validate any reason but a professional one, and I do not see blacks as being any less then anyone but it's this kind of behavior that makes me wish I was trully born differently.

It pains me to have to deal with constant harrassment from people who vow to love us, maybe secretly but appreciate us none-the-less. I am trully hurt and very disgusted to be part of such a tragic community.

It is a shame that we must misstreat each other and go as low as out of our way to pain others like this.

I may not have any more then a high school diploma and no more then 100 IQ which is as much as a gardner... But are Gardners less people then some who have a highwer education? Do we look down at them for that?

I am extremely devastated to read some of the way the male members treat the girls in here and talk to us. I was ridiculed by my family, friends, anyone I ever came in contact with and now I chose to associate with people who understand me and care for me, either for being a slut cheap dirty whore or for being the true person I am inside. The sweet, funny, carring, honest, smart, woman that I am.

I know alot of people do not agree with what some transsexuals must do to survive, and trust me, it is not our choice to do what we do. It is a deeper psychological issue that we must deal with, and have had to deal with all our lives. An extremely inteligent educated tgirl I know escorts... What for I have no clue. But if some don't escort, others are adicted to sex, and those who are unable to use their looks to get men go into deep depression.

It is a very ugly world we live out there... When you close the door and you are alone in your house or when you are playing the "straight" role to your family and friends. It is us ' THE FILTHY DIRTY NASTY WHORES " That provide you with what you trully need to be happy, so much so you have to hide behind the internet or lie to loved ones about it, because you conform to what people expect of you instead of living your life for the things that trully filfill you.

I am done bitching and I am just in a horrible mood right now. I trully cannot wait for the day I don't have to deal with this kind of ugliness and anger in my life. I am devastated and very sad.


11-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Btw, as for the title of the thread, you don't have to be ashamed, Danielle, and neither do any of the black gentlemen who appreciate and respect Tgirls. The person who needs to be ashamed is the rabid dog that left that mesage.
omg nicole you always snap loves it !!!!!

11-17-2007, 05:35 PM

11-17-2007, 05:47 PM
Hi Danielle, I'd like to echo what Buddy Wood said. It takes a huge amount of courage, determination and strength of character to do what you and the other girls do. To decide to start on the journey you and the other girls take requires the kind of courage few of us have and few of us I beleive could image (if we're honest) needing.

I hope you can continue to find the courage you need, to continue doing what you need to do. It is afterall your life, not anyone elses.

Unfortunately just as there are brave, courageous and decent people out there like yourself amongst others. There are also lesser people, who seem only able to express themselves through hate and vitriol.

I can only hope that those hateful people don't prevent you from doing want you need to do. Cliche's aside, It's your life Danielle. You should live it to the full, no matter where it takes you.

Love L.

11-17-2007, 08:25 PM
I agree with and suppport all the positive things people have said in this thread.

There is a philosophy which says that people see themselves in other people. That person obviously has a lot of self hate, and has some major mental health issues.

As far as the race issue, I'm not happy with the fact that someone might refuse me for race alone. I consider myself to be a citizen of the world. But I support the right of anyone to control the activities of their own bodies. This is because that is what I want for myself.

I strongly indentify with some things said by TJ347. Know that the vast majority, (not 1%) love and support you. And there is a big differnce between healthy criticism and and the insanity of that caller.

11-17-2007, 09:27 PM
The thing is, no matter how many times it's said, the girls continuously overlook the fact that there are people here who really care about them, to the point that as a guy you quickly get tired of saying it and simply begin responding to their regular complaints with things like "How many times are you going to say goodbye to HA?", and so forth.

I mean, if men as a whole are so awful to deal with, then just stop dealing with men altogether and spare us these self-pity threads already. Enough is enough. Not trying to sound negative there, but I'm positively sick of this "it's everybody's fault but mine" bullshit. Take some responsibility for your life and accept that if it takes two to tango, then you're doing half of the dancing. While this is a bit aways from the exact topic of this thread, it's relevant nonetheless, and if I may be so bold, more than necessary given some of the man bashing threads I've seen the last few months.

11-17-2007, 11:59 PM
Too bad. I've not been posting here in quite awhile but most of you can see that I've been a member here probably since the beginning. I saw the MEGA BODY wars. I saw the evolution from the birth of this board to what is essentially a mainstream site. And while obviously I'm repulsed by the phone call, I'll have to weigh in with what I hope Danielle and others will read and personally not publicly reflect on.

I'm familiar with Danielle. Don't know her unfortunately. I say that not because my tongue wags over her great looks, but because in viewing her from afar, I've seen a bright sensitive woman flourish, and I see someone that I bet could be a great friend in good times and bad. However, Danielle exemplifies something I dislike about the "TS WORLD." Her obvious tenacity, obvious smarts both street and book, her charm, her humor, make her to me a whirlwind at everything. She could do whatever she chooses with success I'm sure. Be it in any business, be it a wife, a mother, be it an employee, be it a representative of a social cause. And I'm sure she knows it, and in fact is that in many ways. But she exemplifies my dislikes by choosing the industry.

However, with many girls, and I'm generalizing but maybe not extremely so, they are drawn into an industry that doesn't necessarily cater to but includes many sick individuals including psycho and sociopaths. This phone call for example is disturbing, but does it go with the territory?

If I were with Danielle I would certainly wipe her tears if it was upsetting to her, and I would hold her in my arms, but for me, I find her value in every other walk of life, but I get zero from her in "that industry." She makes me laugh out loud. Reading some of her musings is a treat. But if I had to do it all over again and if I could stand up and shout it, I would object to her being in the traditional TS industry. It breeds this type of miscreant behavior. And it makes me sad for her. But my instincts, if I were with her, would be to take her away from it all. There's a fun, exciting, crazy enticing life out there. And for someone that can put up with the journey of hard knocks the way Danielle has, the industry offers pennies on the dollar for what she'd accomplish outside of it. And that's just the capitalistic side of it. The personal rewards would have no boundaries.

So in that diatribe lies my own heartbreak. My own disgust with a past love that got its head bashed in at every turn. Entering into this world we think we are different and can accept it. I'm open and could care less what people think of my relationships. But often time the forces of that industry subject us to the gambit of atrocities. Call it self inflicted and I won't argue with you. Danielle knows that. Not that it makes it better.

God's speed Danielle

11-18-2007, 02:00 AM
this is very thought provoking & emotive :-/

The shear hate in that recording is an ugly evilness that is best not given credense, no one deserves this sort of shit being hurled at them.
Speaking from personal experiance, being bombarded with stuff like that nearly cost me my life when I was growing up...dad had lrg' anger issues & the verbal was worce than the physical imhop.

Theres a moari saying, something like "kia-kaha" 'Be Strong'

If hate msgs are getting to be a prob,
1) change all your contact details (phone number, e-mail, p2p, what ever)
2) only give out details to resonable ppl & avoid hatefull ppl

Be happy with yourself, as many have stated....its your choice who you 'do' .
Tho for my self I apreciate any race, its more person inside + physical makeup.

11-18-2007, 02:25 AM
I didnt see the original post about seeing black men as clients. I dont see black men as clients either. Although in my personal life I have dated black and mixed men.

I stopped seeing black men as clients early into my escort work. I also stopped seeing all foreign men, black/white/middle-eastern or what ever. Because I have had many problems with black and foreign men showing up with less then what was agreed to over the phone.

When I had my agency many years ago, before the days of Eros and girls were all in papers, I had black girls who worked for me that wouldn't see black men because they had the same experience.

11-18-2007, 02:37 AM
I didnt see the original post about seeing black men as clients. I dont see black men as clients either. Although in my personal life I have dated black and mixed men.

I stopped seeing black men as clients early into my escort work. I also stopped seeing all foreign men, black/white/middle-eastern or what ever. Because I have had many problems with black and foreign men showing up with less then what was agreed to over the phone.

This is all very interesting... A little ways back, before I swore off any further dealings with escorts, I talked very briefly with you Julie, but admittedly didn't get to the point where we had set anything up, or anywhere close to it. You told me where you were located and I told you I expected to be in that area soon as I recall, and hoped to rendezvous with you when and if I was... And that was that.

I suppose had I tried to set something up, you might have inquired as to my race and then told me to get lost because you didn't see black men, but I'd love to know how you would've made that segway from polite conversation to "get your black ass off my phone before I miss a call from a white client". I mean, who you see is your business entirely, and I'm not exactly shocked by this revelation seeing as it's quite common from what I've gathered of late, but I really would love to know how upon getting the news that a potential client is... "out of bounds", shall we say :wink:... you make the transition from trying to get his business to telling him to fuck off, just out of curiosity. I simply can't imagine being able to make that switch myself.

11-18-2007, 03:01 AM
I didnt see the original post about seeing black men as clients. I dont see black men as clients either. Although in my personal life I have dated black and mixed men.

I stopped seeing black men as clients early into my escort work. I also stopped seeing all foreign men, black/white/middle-eastern or what ever. Because I have had many problems with black and foreign men showing up with less then what was agreed to over the phone.

This is all very interesting... A little ways back, before I swore off any further dealings with escorts, I talked very briefly with you Julie, but admittedly didn't get to the point where we had set anything up, or anywhere close to it. You told me where you were located and I told you I expected to be in that area soon as I recall, and hoped to rendezvous with you when and if I was... And that was that.

I suppose had I tried to set something up, you might have inquired as to my race and then told me to get lost because you didn't see black men, but I'd love to know how you would've made that segway from polite conversation to "get your black ass off my phone before I miss a call from a white client". I mean, who you see is your business entirely, and I'm not exactly shocked by this revelation seeing as it's quite common from what I've gathered of late, but I really would love to know how upon getting the news that a potential client is... "out of bounds", shall we say :wink:... you make the transition from trying to get his business to telling him to fuck off, just out of curiosity. I simply can't imagine being able to make that switch myself.

I know this a a touchy subject and no matter what I say or how I say it I will probably have some people cast stones at me.

First off I never would say "get your black ass off my phone before I miss a call from a white client". That is not my style, and as I said before I have dated black and mixed men. If you spoke with me you gathered that I am not rude. I can be blunt at times but am never rude.

I dont often ask someone their race over the phone, although sometimes I will. If they sound like someone I dont want to see over the phone then I wont see them, I say I am busy and cant find the time. With that said I have had black men show up not knowing their black and I still see them I dont send them away. Its not an attraction thing. When someone calls me and says "whats up Ma", if they are white, black, blue or purple I know they are going to be a problem. When someone talks more street that often means they have more street and hustling skills in them. They will show up with less then what I asked for and try to hustle me when I am the hustler, lol.

11-18-2007, 03:06 AM
I meant what I said jokingly, but you're right that there's no easy way to say what you said. Still, thanks for the response... I doubt many people would've said as much as you did under the same circumstances.

11-18-2007, 03:55 AM
the gentleman that left the message raises some very interesting points that perhaps should not be dismissed out of hand. whores do lick cum out of their asses after all. and it was rather amusing to boot.

11-18-2007, 08:57 AM
I will fuck that guy up for you, Danielle. I'd beat the shit out of him. (Not that violence solves anything!)

11-19-2007, 02:40 AM
why should i react more sympathetically to the story of arbitrary alienation of one person than another? the op wrote a long post about how cruel and unfair the world is for failing to meet their expectations which were perfectly reasonable in their opinion and mine as well.

but in everyone’s mad rush to sycophantically fawn over this girl your ignoring a very blatant and obvious point which is that both the op and the angry caller were met with the same manner of bigotry, only the bigotry the angry caller was faced with came from the op.

the only real difference i can see here is that while the angry caller chose to direct their frustration at a single individual for the purpose of getting it off their chest the op directed their frustration at an entire community of people for the purpose of garnering sympathy. both of these actions are equally dubious in my opinion.

whether you’re judging someone because their gender doesn’t match their choice of clothing or because their skin is darker than a brown paper bag i disagree with you. i don’t think the fact that the person works in the pornographic film industry gives me cause to change that.

11-19-2007, 05:07 AM
Danielle, I feel badly about you getting that message, no decent human being should do that to another.

That said, I can sort of understand where they're coming with on the racist comments. Racism isn't just hating all people of a different race, its treating people of a certain race a certain way because of their race. You admit to doing that when you say you don't see black men. That is by definition racist. You group all people of a certain race together, saying that because some have stiffed you you'll assume all will.

Its your job and you have the right to see whoever you want. If you're just not attracted to black men and choose not to see them for that reason, that's fine, as long as one doesn't see anyone they aren't attracted to. I'm a clean cut white guy. I'm also fairly overweight. Admittedly not the most attractive guy around. Would you not see me because of this? If so, fair enough, but most escorts realize its a job and they aren't being paid to be attracted to the guy. Your time, your choice how to use it, but the reasoning you used was by definition racist.

As for the whole ebonics issue you brought up, I can perfectly understand not wanting to see someone using it over the phone. But what about a college educated black man who called you speaking perfect english. What reason is there not to see him?

11-19-2007, 11:04 AM
Just wanted to chime in again here, after which point I'll keep it moving, as this thread really isn't going anywhere, and won't...

If an escort chooses not to see a client because of his race, religion, accent... whatever, then fuck 'em is my opinion. There are other escorts out there, as hot or hotter even. Now, I didn't always feel that way, but that's where I'm at today. Next week, I may modify my position a bit.

In any event, the only issues I have with an escort refusing minority clients at present is when the escort in question is herself a minority. People with self-hate issues simply piss me off to no end, and no justifications I've heard to date have ever convinced me that those escorts who fit the above scenario don't have issues with their own identities.

Black guys want to haggle, Latinos have accents, Middle Easterners wear turbans... Any reason an escort gives for her particular "restrictions", they ultimately breakdown to being rather traditional stereotypes. Funny thing is, if someone were to stereotype them as simply being effeminate gay men, these women would have the audacity to be offended, as if the things they've said were any less insulting. Not that I care, mind you. I'm out of the escort game, and could give a shit who sees whom, or why. I just want to call it for what it is very clearly one time... bigotry. Case closed.