View Full Version : Finally coming to grips with all this

11-02-2007, 10:09 PM
I'm sure there are others here like this, wouldnt mind hearing other stories.
Ive been interested in tgirls since high school (Im 39), and all during that time Ive dated several GG's, and had one or two experiences with tgirls that were wonderful, but left me with lingering feelings of guilt and some self hatred because it was something that I knew was "wrong" and wouldn't be accepted by mainstream society (the whole "if you like dick you're Gay" thing) . I knew all along that this was something I had to work out on my own, and I eventually would just have face up to where my interests really are, and enjoy that life.

All thats pretty much history now. I spent some time with a tgirl recently and it was one of the most incredible experiences Ive had in a long time. The only regret or guilt I have now is that it took me this long to get comfortable with that side of my sexuality.

11-02-2007, 10:19 PM
i dont see the whole "if you like dick you're gay as true to be honest"

ask yourself this. are you attracted to the apearance of men?

if no then you are not gay. just because the girl has something different between her legs doesnt make you gay.

its like people say you're gay if you like anal. thats totaly untrue. anal sex has nothing to do with sexuality. it has something to do with sexual experiences.

thats my view anyway

Night Rider
11-02-2007, 10:23 PM
It took me a couple of years to feel 100% comfortable too. But now i think, what was i missing out on!! The only concern i had was wondering if my friends and family would label me gay. Now even my gf knows and i feel like it's a weight of my mind. I don't think anyone should keep it a secret as it's nothing to be ashamed about and it's disrespectful for the tgirls.

If people didn't keep it a secret then it would become more accepted, faster than the rate it's going now!

11-02-2007, 10:24 PM
Well sweety that kind of thing does take a while t figure out.

11-02-2007, 10:29 PM
"i dont see the whole "if you like dick you're gay as true to be honest" "

No, its not honest, and thats what I guess I was hung up on for awhile.

ask yourself this. are you attracted to the apearance of men? "

Not one bit....

As to worrying about what friends/family think, thats really not as important to me. Persuing my own happiness is what is important. If freinds/family arent supportive of personal choices one makes (as long as they are legal), than they arent that great of friends or family.

11-02-2007, 10:30 PM
i dont see the whole "if you like dick you're gay as true to be honest"

I can explain it to you sir. People with a phallus (the male reproductive organ) are male (in terms of gender). Another male, attracted to this male (mainly due to the physical trait of having a phallus- otherwise colorfully referred to as a cock or pussycock) and aroused by this image is homosexual/gay.

The blinding of the male traits (manjaw, broad shoulders etc) with long hair, silicon implanted breasts or other alterations to give the impression of a female is what you call "gay by denial". It's not a bad thing- infact it's very good. It helps end wars.

Does this explanation help sir?

Night Rider
11-02-2007, 10:43 PM
I'm 100% certain that me telling my friends and family is a much bigger deal than "most" other countries. Transexuals, gays and any minority is looked down on here. [N. Ireland]

Telling them could have led to me being booted out of the house. But i thought about it for a while and decided, fuck it, if they can't accept me that's their problem. Most of them took it well, but their were a few that made jokes about it, which led to fights.

Most of them didn't understand but once i explained a tgirls situation, they started to accept it. I think the problem with most people is they aren't educated about tgirls. They just view them as men that want to look like girls, when they're girls that were born physically male...

11-03-2007, 07:35 AM

11-03-2007, 07:47 AM
awesome. glad to hear it, man. very glad. now get out there and have some fun. :)