View Full Version : Danielle Foxxx... Fact or Fiction

Danielle Foxxx
10-24-2007, 07:00 PM
First off I am sorry to those who do not want me here and to those I have offended with my actions a few months back. It was not my intention to cause the HungAngels.com staff any trouble but to put in perspective a concern I had, clearly it is now addressed and taken care of. With that said... We can all do something to make the net a better place to express out opinions and lifestyle choices by acting as adults and respecting others views and concerns.

Do I really need to remind you that I am not doing this to hype up my business or for publicity? That I do not live my life that way...That my life decisions aren't made based solely on shallow pursuits... I have never tried to portray any character under false pretenses. I have always been myself, on screen and in my writing. This has gotten me in deep waters at imes, but as people learn that I am not mean spirited and shallow, they come around eventually. This decision to have my SRS ( sex change ) has been put off for quite sometime and I think I finally got the courage to go through with it. Right now my cock leads the way my life is heading, and it has done me really well... superficially.
Transition to me means more then being a woman, it's about being complete. I never thought I would be a genetic female if I went to get a " fabricated " vagina nor do I fool myself into thinking that having a pussy will make me a woman. I am a woman! I am a proud trans woman. I love myself more and more everyday that passes, I am learning to love every inch of my body, mind and especially my soul, which has always been the same, given my personal growth. I am just seeking to live a more drama free life. I get a lot of hatred in this community. I see a lot of things that saddens me and makes me ashamed of being a transsexual at times. I am not talking about Porn, I am talking about hatred from those in my own community. I understand some of you don't gagree with my actions and life choices and in the past I have chosen to be open and honest, which the haters have used against me. People without a soul, a purpose and life direction are like the horses in Central Park. If you take the blinder off and show them the real world they freak uout. Those horses only see one direction and that's forward. They ddisregard the fact that there is a parallel world that surrounds them. And I wish sometimes I was wearing those blinders so I would not be subjected to some of the hateful things I have encountered from some of you. Most who only stand to speak hateful things and only act to stir drama. This is why I am no longer public about my issues, no longer answer emails or calls but in a business manner, no longer have AOL, myspace or Yahoo group... It's because I want to be just a regular person, out of the spot light, and just go about my day unnoticed so that I may concentrate on my life and not get side tracked. Will I be happy without getting so much attention? LOL Probably not. I am not even content on spending time alone in my personal life. I hate being by myself. I wish I was more content with spending time by myself but I grew up in a large house with tons of people, this may be why. Or it would have a more psychological based meaning - I never felt loved and cacepted. Or simply the fact I am an attention whore LOL. Either way, I am more content around my friends and family. I must remind you that this is a very touchy time in my life and I have gone through some serious transitioning in the past few years. Getting into the lifestyle I am in now was an easy choice as I was seeking to be wanted, accepted, loved, adored... But I now realize that there was a huge price to pay for all of the blessings I received. I lost friendships, love and in the process I lost myself. I have been trying my best to live a better life because I want to respect myself, my body and so that I can have my ultimate dream and be content with it. This does not mean leaving the adult entertainment industry, it just means I am becoming a stronger person through the bad examples I have seen exposed to this world. I think it really takes a strong person to rise above all of that and use even bad energy to drive them to better themselves and I am extremely proud that I am still standing strong. There were times I truly wanted to give up and I thought that my world was a world of delusion, I saw the world I dreamed of crumble and was exposed to the dark side of the garden I thought was green. The lawn is never healthy and green without love, attention, care, water, sunlight... This goes for the soul as well. I was told by a very respectful man I met, a deep thinker with a deep personality, that everytime I did what I did it took a piece of my soul away, and that goes against all I have always believed, that we all must grow spiritually. My spirit hurts when I hear hateful things because I know alot of you say what you do because you hurt as well. Because hate has consumed you like it is trying to consume me. I refuse to became filled with hate and have my life be led by drama and to live in the shadows of life, only doing what it takes to survive... Because one must not only survive, but live. Living is not only about surviving, it is about a journey, it's the way there. The people you meet, the ones you love, the ones you touch, the ones who care for you and lead you in the right direction. The ones who hold your hand through trying times and for all you do for them. I think sometimes I wish I wasn't such a deep thinker but that's just part of who I am. I have always asked " why ". The seeker of the truth even when its harsh. My truth became very empty at one point and I just don't like the direction my life is going. I have so much more to me then using my body to survive. I am more fulfilled when I use my talents, my creativity, my ability to do anything I want, to learn it if I cannot do it, never reaching for perfection, but just doing a good job at it - this applies to anything really. I have explored so many aspects of my soul and my gifts. I have done so much and want to do so much more. I understand that I may die tomorrow or walk out and get hit by lightning, and if that happends I want to have lived my life to it's fullest, explored all aspects of myslef, leaving no doubt as to whether or not I have done well, I have helped someone, just one...and if I have made a positive impact in the world. I don't see my job as dirty money because half the job is personal contact and making someone feel special, providing someone with the same attention and attraction they have for me. Alot of times I act as a therapist as well, talking, educating, and helping men accept that the love they feel for us is nothing to be ashamed of and should be embraced, that we do not need to conform to living in a bubble, that we can venture into areas of our soul that some may not agree with, but personal choices, making yourself happy, and embracing what trully fulfills you is nothing to be ashamed of, even if those you love turn their back on you. This is life lived based on secrets, a life that is surrounded by a bubble and if one pushes too hard it can burst. Most men who love transsexuals base their lives in secrecy. This is what excites most of you when you are with us. That you are doing something you should not be doing, something Taboo. But I am way more then that. I deserve more then being a secret, I want to be part of something more then a sub-culture. I want to be part of something more. I could do this by simply living as I am now, but there is so much that will be facilitated with my transition and surgery. It will hopefully be a feeling of liberation and completion. My life will no longer be rulled by my penis. I am not just talking about sex. I am talking about waking up getting dressed and having to think about concealing who I am from the world. Tucking my penis away because in my daily life it is absolutely not used for anything but urinating. I am worried about my penis when I go to the beach, wear shorts, sweat pants, skirts. Sitting down for too long is painful, so is exercising, and also having sex. I have to come clean about the fact I have NEVER gotten pleasure on receiving oral sex. I don't hate my cock like some transsexuals who go through a sex change do. I love every inch of my body, aside from those times of insecurity which we all have, I am very content - NOW - with who I am. I am finally blossoming into someone I have always felt I should be. I can share that smile and happiness with others now in my personal life, without so much anger and hatred for myself. This indicates a time of great transition for me - that I am in the process of deepening and becaming more authentic and real.
I am reading this book that quotes Anne Wilson Scaef, who argues that we can became addicted to behaviours and thought patterns as well as substances, and anytime an archetype possesses us, addictive or compulsive tendencies may result, wether or not chemical addiction is involved. When we begin to see that we have a hero within, we quite naturally wake up. Our psyche also provides alarm clocks - usually called symptoms - to wake us up and tell us that something is wrong. If we are willing to pay attention to these symptoms. we can move out of somnambulism into wakefulness. This is what I am doing now. Waking up and starting a great jeourney. Do I know where I am going? Have I ever known? I don't really think I ever had a set direction. I have always held on to my own wheel, driving to places I wanted to see and exploring new avenues. I could however fill the voids within me with yet another project, another goal that requires me to use my body as an easy way out. But I want to try and give a better meaning to my actions, to work really hard for my blessings and not just have them handed to me or bought with easy money. I want to lay my head on my pillow at night and feel exausted and fulfilled, that I used my true self to accomplish something. With that said, I am totally not ashamed who I was, what I have done, experienced and accomplished as a boy, a girl and in my current work. I have a great apartment with just the essentials, my car is paid off ( Thank you Vicki ) and I have a few nice things like enough money to get my hair done nicely, my nails, some cute clothes, but nothing over the top. No flashy name brands, Nothing that sets a vision of perfection, or chasing an impossible goal of always striving to find the "best" in everything, of reaching higher then anyone can grasp but always coming up short without understanding where you went wrong, how, when... Getting there and realizing that there is still that empty side of you that was never really fulfilled because your true authentic driving force was completely overlooked. Heroes confront dragons, and I have slain many of them, not fighting anyone's battles but my own, protecting only my dreams.
With all of that said, having a life altering surgery is a very hard decision to make, that takes alot of thought, and therapy. Preparing yourself for the jeourney is just the first step to actually walking that path. I have contemplated and changed my mind many times, but not for any other reason then simply not being ready - physically and mentally. I have the plane tickets ready for me and one of my best friends Angela, and also a deposit... But if you really want to know I do have 30 days to change my mind, and if something happens between now and Feb. 11th and I need to make money fast - I may have to move it up some - AGAIN - so I can take care of things prior to being ready to take a HUGE pay cut...

Thank you for the lovely words and best wishes, and I know even those who have nothing but bad things to say really mean well. I don't believe there are bad people in the world, just misguided minds, like mine at times.

I hope to set up an example for many other girls and show them that even at trying times we all must be strong and follow our dreams, work hard and be the best that we can be ( Stolen from the Army ). Don't just dream about it, don't set barriers between you and your goals, you are the pilot on your flight - take the controls and go where you want to go, weather all the storms and hang on strong!

Danielle Foxxx

PS: Thank you Felisha Katt for the proof read and grammar corrections, along with all the love, support and for being always here for me.

Night Rider
10-24-2007, 07:09 PM
I'll be honest with u, i didn't read all that, but i've a feeling i know what it was about. I'm new hear but i've read the posts about ur srs. For every cock obsessed guy, there is a guy that respects tgirls as women, with or without a penis. Good luck in whatever ur going to do!

10-24-2007, 07:54 PM
I'm proud of you Danielle. Taking this last step requires alot of courage, and choosing personal happiness over the happiness of others and money can be quite difficult. While i was a huge fan of your porn work, and having never meet you personally, i can fully respect your choice to go through with the srs. Hopefully, this wil complete you not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well and finally give you peaco of ind long term. Good luck.

10-24-2007, 08:04 PM
Wow that is one long post covering so many of your feelings, I bet you can make a career in writing. I've always enjoyed your work, you always seem you put a lot of effort into it. I hope you don't quit the industry after having the SRS, I would still like to see you in movies as a post op.

10-24-2007, 08:15 PM
danielle foxx, i am sooo proud of you! you are certainly one of the girls i look up too, thanks!

10-24-2007, 08:16 PM
Danielle Ive always told you that you are one of the most creative and insightful people I have known though we havent really seen eye to eye in the past I totally hope that you do what makes YOU happy.........Whether its S.R.S, industry or not industry, escorting or doing makeup or hell BOTH. In the long run you know what will make you happy.

Good Luck with your Journey,

10-24-2007, 08:40 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

10-24-2007, 09:24 PM
the sooner, the better I say - for all involved

10-24-2007, 09:37 PM
hi loser bye loser

10-24-2007, 09:42 PM
I truly hope you find real happiness. I have spent a few great hours in your company - you have always made me feel comfortable and accepted. I hope everything goes well in the SRS and that you find a what you are seeking in your life.


aka Bill from NY with the car that drove you to Lucky Cheungs for dinner one nigth. (I got a parking ticket).

10-24-2007, 10:06 PM
She can still post here after that stunt last year?

I will continue to enjoy Danielle on video, but after seeing her behavior online, I pity the guy who would try to meet her in person.

Recently she responded to some criticism over on the TER board. However she frankly admitted to being rude on the phone, and said if she is not attracted to a man hiring her as a paid entertainer, she will not pretend to be. That's justifying herself?

10-24-2007, 10:18 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

If that's true, then i wish she was banned from this forum.

Goodbye Danielle and good riddance! :?

The past is just that - the past. Let's all just move on, please.

Night Rider
10-24-2007, 10:30 PM
Ok I read the statement this time. I totally understand where ur coming from, and wish u all the best with ur surgeries.

Half the people on here are self centred assholes, who don't take into account the feelings and well being of the individual. (most on the other post that informed us) The reason for that is half of them are borderline gays and all they care about is cock! If you've thought about it for a while and it's what u want to do then go for it. You'll feel better about urself!

On a personal note, i love ur work and i'll continue to buy if u choose to continue post op.

Anyway, good luck.


10-24-2007, 10:51 PM

It takes a lot of courage to publicly apologize like that. Speaking as someone who previously took strong exception to some of your statements, I salute your for it and wish you the best – both in your future endeavors and in your search for that measure of fulfillment that we all seek. Welcome back.


10-24-2007, 10:55 PM
Fuck me, can people on the internet use paragraphs. Its just one big block of writing which makes it harder to read and puts me off reading all that typing that you did.

10-24-2007, 10:57 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

If that's true, then i wish she was banned from this forum.

Goodbye Danielle and good riddance! :?

The past is just that - the past. Let's all just move on, please.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

I'm just here to ask the tough questions :wink:

10-24-2007, 10:59 PM
Fuck me, can people on the internet use paragraphs. Its just one big block of writing which makes it harder to read and puts me off reading all that typing that you did.

I was interested enough to cut-n-paste Danielle's post into Notepad and take a moment to tweak it. Paragraphs would be nice, but I managed to read it and see where she is coming from (And especially where she is going to).

Good luck, kiddo, whichever road you take.

10-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Hey, B1, I just read your signature. Damn funny stuff.


10-24-2007, 11:11 PM
Danielle is so pretty.. Good luck with your SRS girl!!

10-24-2007, 11:12 PM
Well... I really wish danielle the best.... I hope she really does fine and happy.

fyi, I would feel a very lucky guy to meet her, regardless she's pre or post.

El Nino
10-24-2007, 11:18 PM

tall, dark & Handsome
10-24-2007, 11:32 PM
She will be missed, but her happiness is the most important thing.

10-25-2007, 12:36 AM
Too long to read and while i'll admit i'm thinking strictly selfishly I don't wanna see you go but if this is the way you to go then I will support you and hope that you live a good fufilling life.

10-25-2007, 01:04 AM
I'm glad Danielle is back on the forum, her posts are always nice to read. Welcome back, Foxxx!

As far as everything else, always remember: Wherever you go, there you are. And so are all the rest of us, too.


magical meat
10-25-2007, 01:36 AM
i met Danielle back in 2004 in Boston and can say it was probably the best experience i ever had.

she was so sweet and cool with me, not to mention how super hot she is in person, and let's just say she was unbelievable.

...never forget it.

10-25-2007, 01:45 AM
Danielle, I read your post in it's entirety. I truly appreciated the insightful
and poignant look into your heart, mind, and soul. And I will go a step
further to say that it took a great deal of courage to share yourself with us
like that.

As a post op woman I can understand the mixed emotions you may be
feeling as you ponder whether to have gender reassignment surgery.

I will share with you that while having the surgery will solve some issues,
it is not a magic wand that will make everything right in your world. It is
yet another step on the long road of life, and one that must not be
undertaken lightly.

Thus think it through very carefully, talk it over with other transwomen,
and people whose opinions you value. Do your research on your surgeon
and once you have done that think it through yet again, go into it with
realistic expectations.

As I sum up I'd like to gve a shout-out to Felicia for assisting in the
editing, but having spoken with you in the past I know that the thoughts
and words are truly yours.

Good luck on your journey to self actualization. :wink:


10-25-2007, 01:47 AM
Danielle, I read your post in it's entirety. I truly appreciated the insightful
and poignant look into your heart, mind, and soul. And I will go a step
further to say that it took a great deal of courage to share yourself with us
like that.

As a post op woman I can understand the mixed emotions you may be
feeling as you ponder whether to have gender reassignment surgery.

I will share with you that while having the surgery will solve some issues,
it is not a magic wand that will make everything right in your world. It is
yet another step on the long road of life, and one that must not be
undertaken lightly.

Thus think it through very carefully, talk it over with other transwomen,
and people whose opinions you value. Do your research on your surgeon
and once you have done that think it through yet again, go into it with
realistic expectations.

As I sum up I'd like to gve a shout-out to Felicia for assisting in the
editing, but having spoken with you in the past I know that the thoughts
and words are truly yours.

Good luck on your journey to self actualization. :wink:


Night Rider
10-25-2007, 01:48 AM
I never say this but very well said peggygee....and i'm loving the inserted pic ;) people take note

10-25-2007, 01:49 AM
I never say this but very well said peggygee....and i'm loving the inserted pic ;) people take note

Thanks Night Rider. :wink:

And I have been following your posts as well,
and I would like to commend you on the quality
and degree of empathy in them.

Night Rider
10-25-2007, 01:50 AM
I never say this but very well said peggygee....and i'm loving the inserted pic ;) people take note

10-25-2007, 01:54 AM
To make up for the quadruple posts:



10-25-2007, 02:17 AM
Danielle - thank you for a wonderful letter of insight and hope. I would say much of what you wrote goes for many girls.

You are rigt to follow your dreams, and I hope that as you do that you will continue to participate in the online comunity and allow those who know you to follow your journey.

TS Jamie :-)

10-25-2007, 03:23 AM
Courage is doing what is right, not what is easy.
Courage is to follow your heart, even when it is unpopular.
Happiness comes from true self-fulfillment.

Congratulations, you're on your way.

10-25-2007, 03:41 AM
First off I am sorry to those who do not want me here and to those I have offended with my actions a few months back. It was not my intention to cause the HungAngels.com staff any trouble but to put in perspective a concern I had, clearly it is now addressed and taken care of. With that said... We can all do something to make the net a better place to express out opinions and lifestyle choices by acting as adults and respecting others views and concerns.

Do I really need to remind you that I am not doing this to hype up my business or for publicity? That I do not live my life that way...That my life decisions aren't made based solely on shallow pursuits... I have never tried to portray any character under false pretenses. I have always been myself, on screen and in my writing. This has gotten me in deep waters at imes, but as people learn that I am not mean spirited and shallow, they come around eventually. This decision to have my SRS ( sex change ) has been put off for quite sometime and I think I finally got the courage to go through with it. Right now my cock leads the way my life is heading, and it has done me really well... superficially.
Transition to me means more then being a woman, it's about being complete. I never thought I would be a genetic female if I went to get a " fabricated " vagina nor do I fool myself into thinking that having a pussy will make me a woman. I am a woman! I am a proud trans woman. I love myself more and more everyday that passes, I am learning to love every inch of my body, mind and especially my soul, which has always been the same, given my personal growth. I am just seeking to live a more drama free life. I get a lot of hatred in this community. I see a lot of things that saddens me and makes me ashamed of being a transsexual at times. I am not talking about Porn, I am talking about hatred from those in my own community. I understand some of you don't gagree with my actions and life choices and in the past I have chosen to be open and honest, which the haters have used against me. People without a soul, a purpose and life direction are like the horses in Central Park. If you take the blinder off and show them the real world they freak uout. Those horses only see one direction and that's forward. They ddisregard the fact that there is a parallel world that surrounds them. And I wish sometimes I was wearing those blinders so I would not be subjected to some of the hateful things I have encountered from some of you. Most who only stand to speak hateful things and only act to stir drama. This is why I am no longer public about my issues, no longer answer emails or calls but in a business manner, no longer have AOL, myspace or Yahoo group... It's because I want to be just a regular person, out of the spot light, and just go about my day unnoticed so that I may concentrate on my life and not get side tracked. Will I be happy without getting so much attention? LOL Probably not. I am not even content on spending time alone in my personal life. I hate being by myself. I wish I was more content with spending time by myself but I grew up in a large house with tons of people, this may be why. Or it would have a more psychological based meaning - I never felt loved and cacepted. Or simply the fact I am an attention whore LOL. Either way, I am more content around my friends and family. I must remind you that this is a very touchy time in my life and I have gone through some serious transitioning in the past few years. Getting into the lifestyle I am in now was an easy choice as I was seeking to be wanted, accepted, loved, adored... But I now realize that there was a huge price to pay for all of the blessings I received. I lost friendships, love and in the process I lost myself. I have been trying my best to live a better life because I want to respect myself, my body and so that I can have my ultimate dream and be content with it. This does not mean leaving the adult entertainment industry, it just means I am becoming a stronger person through the bad examples I have seen exposed to this world. I think it really takes a strong person to rise above all of that and use even bad energy to drive them to better themselves and I am extremely proud that I am still standing strong. There were times I truly wanted to give up and I thought that my world was a world of delusion, I saw the world I dreamed of crumble and was exposed to the dark side of the garden I thought was green. The lawn is never healthy and green without love, attention, care, water, sunlight... This goes for the soul as well. I was told by a very respectful man I met, a deep thinker with a deep personality, that everytime I did what I did it took a piece of my soul away, and that goes against all I have always believed, that we all must grow spiritually. My spirit hurts when I hear hateful things because I know alot of you say what you do because you hurt as well. Because hate has consumed you like it is trying to consume me. I refuse to became filled with hate and have my life be led by drama and to live in the shadows of life, only doing what it takes to survive... Because one must not only survive, but live. Living is not only about surviving, it is about a journey, it's the way there. The people you meet, the ones you love, the ones you touch, the ones who care for you and lead you in the right direction. The ones who hold your hand through trying times and for all you do for them. I think sometimes I wish I wasn't such a deep thinker but that's just part of who I am. I have always asked " why ". The seeker of the truth even when its harsh. My truth became very empty at one point and I just don't like the direction my life is going. I have so much more to me then using my body to survive. I am more fulfilled when I use my talents, my creativity, my ability to do anything I want, to learn it if I cannot do it, never reaching for perfection, but just doing a good job at it - this applies to anything really. I have explored so many aspects of my soul and my gifts. I have done so much and want to do so much more. I understand that I may die tomorrow or walk out and get hit by lightning, and if that happends I want to have lived my life to it's fullest, explored all aspects of myslef, leaving no doubt as to whether or not I have done well, I have helped someone, just one...and if I have made a positive impact in the world. I don't see my job as dirty money because half the job is personal contact and making someone feel special, providing someone with the same attention and attraction they have for me. Alot of times I act as a therapist as well, talking, educating, and helping men accept that the love they feel for us is nothing to be ashamed of and should be embraced, that we do not need to conform to living in a bubble, that we can venture into areas of our soul that some may not agree with, but personal choices, making yourself happy, and embracing what trully fulfills you is nothing to be ashamed of, even if those you love turn their back on you. This is life lived based on secrets, a life that is surrounded by a bubble and if one pushes too hard it can burst. Most men who love transsexuals base their lives in secrecy. This is what excites most of you when you are with us. That you are doing something you should not be doing, something Taboo. But I am way more then that. I deserve more then being a secret, I want to be part of something more then a sub-culture. I want to be part of something more. I could do this by simply living as I am now, but there is so much that will be facilitated with my transition and surgery. It will hopefully be a feeling of liberation and completion. My life will no longer be rulled by my penis. I am not just talking about sex. I am talking about waking up getting dressed and having to think about concealing who I am from the world. Tucking my penis away because in my daily life it is absolutely not used for anything but urinating. I am worried about my penis when I go to the beach, wear shorts, sweat pants, skirts. Sitting down for too long is painful, so is exercising, and also having sex. I have to come clean about the fact I have NEVER gotten pleasure on receiving oral sex. I don't hate my cock like some transsexuals who go through a sex change do. I love every inch of my body, aside from those times of insecurity which we all have, I am very content - NOW - with who I am. I am finally blossoming into someone I have always felt I should be. I can share that smile and happiness with others now in my personal life, without so much anger and hatred for myself. This indicates a time of great transition for me - that I am in the process of deepening and becaming more authentic and real.
I am reading this book that quotes Anne Wilson Scaef, who argues that we can became addicted to behaviours and thought patterns as well as substances, and anytime an archetype possesses us, addictive or compulsive tendencies may result, wether or not chemical addiction is involved. When we begin to see that we have a hero within, we quite naturally wake up. Our psyche also provides alarm clocks - usually called symptoms - to wake us up and tell us that something is wrong. If we are willing to pay attention to these symptoms. we can move out of somnambulism into wakefulness. This is what I am doing now. Waking up and starting a great jeourney. Do I know where I am going? Have I ever known? I don't really think I ever had a set direction. I have always held on to my own wheel, driving to places I wanted to see and exploring new avenues. I could however fill the voids within me with yet another project, another goal that requires me to use my body as an easy way out. But I want to try and give a better meaning to my actions, to work really hard for my blessings and not just have them handed to me or bought with easy money. I want to lay my head on my pillow at night and feel exausted and fulfilled, that I used my true self to accomplish something. With that said, I am totally not ashamed who I was, what I have done, experienced and accomplished as a boy, a girl and in my current work. I have a great apartment with just the essentials, my car is paid off ( Thank you Vicki ) and I have a few nice things like enough money to get my hair done nicely, my nails, some cute clothes, but nothing over the top. No flashy name brands, Nothing that sets a vision of perfection, or chasing an impossible goal of always striving to find the "best" in everything, of reaching higher then anyone can grasp but always coming up short without understanding where you went wrong, how, when... Getting there and realizing that there is still that empty side of you that was never really fulfilled because your true authentic driving force was completely overlooked. Heroes confront dragons, and I have slain many of them, not fighting anyone's battles but my own, protecting only my dreams.
With all of that said, having a life altering surgery is a very hard decision to make, that takes alot of thought, and therapy. Preparing yourself for the jeourney is just the first step to actually walking that path. I have contemplated and changed my mind many times, but not for any other reason then simply not being ready - physically and mentally. I have the plane tickets ready for me and one of my best friends Angela, and also a deposit... But if you really want to know I do have 30 days to change my mind, and if something happens between now and Feb. 11th and I need to make money fast - I may have to move it up some - AGAIN - so I can take care of things prior to being ready to take a HUGE pay cut...

Thank you for the lovely words and best wishes, and I know even those who have nothing but bad things to say really mean well. I don't believe there are bad people in the world, just misguided minds, like mine at times.

I hope to set up an example for many other girls and show them that even at trying times we all must be strong and follow our dreams, work hard and be the best that we can be ( Stolen from the Army ). Don't just dream about it, don't set barriers between you and your goals, you are the pilot on your flight - take the controls and go where you want to go, weather all the storms and hang on strong!

Danielle Foxxx

PS: Thank you Felisha Katt for the proof read and grammar corrections, along with all the love, support and for being always here for me.


Rod la Rod
10-25-2007, 03:43 AM
Who is doing the surgery? You only get one chance. Don't go for the cheapest option. Make sure you have seen an example of what you are going to get.

You are young and real/passable enough that you have a whole life ahead as a woman.

There is life outside of the TS scene for you. Best of luck.

Night Rider
10-25-2007, 03:45 AM
I never say this but very well said peggygee....and i'm loving the inserted pic ;) people take note

Thanks Night Rider. :wink:

And I have been following your posts as well,
and I would like to commend you on the quality
and degree of empathy in them.

:D :wink: much appreciated

10-25-2007, 05:07 AM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Vicki Richter
10-25-2007, 05:15 AM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Seriously, NYCe said to stop, so stop. Danielle is a good person inside. I am not going to say a lot here because I am not a kiss ass who barely knows her... I am someone who was there for her a lot and one of the rare individuals who actually communicates with her from time to time. I think it is great for other girls to give her support though. I partially feel she never hit the top of her porn career, but I also am jealous that she is moving ahead to the next step. Fuck what people say. I hope you can find that white picket fence dream. You are beautiful and real enough to do that Danielle.

ps - fuck you guys talking smack, you know you've cum to her.


10-25-2007, 05:16 AM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Let's back up two minutes: Who the fuck are you Armanixxx? What is this "us" business? It's a TS forum. You're less a part of it then Danielle Foxxx is.

10-25-2007, 05:19 AM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Seriously, NYCe said to stop, so stop. Danielle is a good person inside. I am not going to say a lot here because I am not a kiss ass who barely knows her... I am someone who was there for her a lot and one of the rare individuals who actually communicates with her from time to time. I think it is great for other girls to give her support though. I partially feel she never hit the top of her porn career, but I also am jealous that she is moving ahead to the next step. Fuck what people say. I hope you can find that white picket fence dream. You are beautiful and real enough to do that Danielle.

ps - fuck you guys talking smack, you know you've cum to her.


Beat my post by one minute. I've lost my edge.


10-25-2007, 07:28 AM
Thanks for clearing the air Danielle.
It's nice to hear from you and that you are keeping positive about everything in your life.
Aside from your smoldering performances, I've always liked you for you, the presence you have 'on screen' and your openness toward your fans.
Now I see you are in my town and I can't afford to see you this time around - I am sad. :cry: Maybe next time.
Either way, peace to you and thanks for sharing what's on your mind with us.

P.S. Peggygee is WISE - AMEN!!

10-25-2007, 09:16 AM
Danielle, thank you for sharing. Thank you for apologizing. You have given me much pleasure in the past by sharing yourself. I do not have a way to repay you, so I am asking God to do it for me.

Someone here once mentioned that you helped other girls in the past. As you have given, you shall receive. More good things are coming to you.

What matters is that you want a greater happiness. We can only support you whatever you do, as long you are not harming others.

My only advice is to treasure time alone. And use it to see and feel what is really important to you. The next actions will then flow with ease.

Maybe everyone doesn't love you, but many always will, for what you have already done. Never forget that love. It is there for you, always.


10-25-2007, 09:39 AM
Right now my cock leads the way my life is heading, and it has done me really well... superficially.

Yours has done you much better than mine. But you'd do well to get rid of it. I have had mine much longer that you have had yours. It has been with me to several schools and has been there through years of education. But it hasn't learned a lot, yet I still have to follow its directions.

10-25-2007, 02:29 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Seriously, NYCe said to stop, so stop. Danielle is a good person inside. I am not going to say a lot here because I am not a kiss ass who barely knows her... I am someone who was there for her a lot and one of the rare individuals who actually communicates with her from time to time. I think it is great for other girls to give her support though. I partially feel she never hit the top of her porn career, but I also am jealous that she is moving ahead to the next step. Fuck what people say. I hope you can find that white picket fence dream. You are beautiful and real enough to do that Danielle.

ps - fuck you guys talking smack, you know you've cum to her.


Next hondarobot said,

Let's back up two minutes: Who the fuck are you Armanixxx? What is this "us" business? It's a TS forum. You're less a part of it then Danielle Foxxx is.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________

That second post of the same question was an error.
I was trying to edit the first for grammar correction

However, now that the "damage" has been done, so to speak, I'm totally down to GET DOWN with it, because the sentiment, MY SENTIMENT of my feelings about the matter that is, is basically the same as the error'd post.

I just woke up so give me some time, I'll come back on this later.

10-25-2007, 03:17 PM
I would love to see you baby after your SRS - to give you a kiss and a hug

10-25-2007, 03:43 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police on us/this site?

Seriously, NYCe said to stop, so stop. Danielle is a good person inside. I am not going to say a lot here because I am not a kiss ass who barely knows her... I am someone who was there for her a lot and one of the rare individuals who actually communicates with her from time to time. I think it is great for other girls to give her support though. I partially feel she never hit the top of her porn career, but I also am jealous that she is moving ahead to the next step. Fuck what people say. I hope you can find that white picket fence dream. You are beautiful and real enough to do that Danielle.

ps - fuck you guys talking smack, you know you've cum to her.


Next hondarobot said,

Let's back up two minutes: Who the fuck are you Armanixxx? What is this "us" business? It's a TS forum. You're less a part of it then Danielle Foxxx is.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________

That second post of the same question was an error.
I was trying to edit the first for grammar correction

However, now that the "damage" has been done, so to speak, I'm totally down to GET DOWN with it, because the sentiment, MY SENTIMENT of my feelings about the matter that is, is basically the same as the error'd post.

I just woke up so give me some time, I'll come back on this later.

Your point has been posted, it doesn't seem to be in anyone's best interest, and certainly doesn't do the forum any good as a whole, to pursue it any further.

Just my humble opinion.

Felicia Katt
10-25-2007, 06:50 PM
I edited that post for Danielle, but she wrote it. I didn't know she was going to post it here, or else I would have formatted it better. Not to correct her, but to help her be better heard. Those of us who are lucky enough to really know her, know that post totally and truly reflects who she is. She is a very passionate, and creative and talented person, who always strives for perfection, and who struggles with the imperfect nature of the world.

To those of you who showed your afffection and support for her, thank you. For those few who didn't, all I can say is, if you really knew her, you would never had said what you said.


Rod la Rod
10-26-2007, 01:30 AM
If you are not aware of this site, it has a large collection of photos of neo-vaginae sorted by various surgeons with comments from the patients.

Very informative.

You might want to check it out to get an idea what you are going to end up with.


10-26-2007, 02:42 AM
If you are not aware of this site, it has a large collection of photos of neo-vaginae sorted by various surgeons with comments from the patients.

Very informative.

You might want to check it out to get an idea what you are going to end up with.


Rod thanks for bringing that to the attention of the forum. :wink:

I would strongly encourage people to take note of the post surgical time
frames, which range from a few weeks to several months.

I get a sense that even the nay-sayers will admit that the aesthetic results
are pretty good, just wait till time has truly allowed them to heal.

As I've often stated, a number of the post operative results that you may
have seen in porn that would cause some to question GRS techniques
may have been with women who rushed to show off their vaginas either
for the money, or because they were so happy because they had
realized their life long dreams.

10-26-2007, 02:45 AM
P.S. Peggygee is WISE - AMEN!!

Thank you, as one grows older, hopefully one grows wiser. :wink:

10-26-2007, 04:22 AM
Brown nosing mode - ON

Best of luck with your future Daniella. I must admit, I have wanked myself crazy over some of your movies. Watching you cum is the most erotic experience I have ever seen. But I know it's all pretty shallow. Whatever! enough of this bullshit, ignore the haters, let's all move on, and keep throwing the odd post this way, we'd all like to know how you're getting on.

Brown nosing mode - OFF


James, the Gentleman.

10-26-2007, 05:45 AM
I always thought that Danielle was/is one of the sexiest women ever. Very hot & nice girl simultaneously. I was predisposed to like her. A lot.

Then she came on here last year making a lot of false accusations & throwing bombs around in a completely self-centered (egomaniacal?) fashion against her basic demographic: the fans who love her, & tgs, the most.
I really wish you more happiness than you were able to spare for us.
Why even come back here, setting up your next drama?
Good luck. I think you're going to need it.

10-26-2007, 05:59 AM
Good luck.

10-26-2007, 06:02 AM
If you are not aware of this site, it has a large collection of photos of neo-vaginae sorted by various surgeons with comments from the patients.

Very informative.

You might want to check it out to get an idea what you are going to end up with.


Ha, ha, Ive fucked 2 post-ops, and I can tell they're post-ops 8)

Not that I had any problems with the situation


Felicia Katt
10-26-2007, 07:24 AM
Hunt the Shunt showing a cunt? to be blunt, does that stunt make you a punter? LOL



10-26-2007, 08:02 AM
Hunt the Shunt showing a cunt? to be blunt, does that stunt make u a cunt???

LMFAO, Felicia :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-26-2007, 08:09 AM
I've never actually met Danielle Foxxx, but I've been around her a couple of times at Peanuts and at the Yukon, and she's struck me as a very nice down-to-earth person. I wish her the best of luck on all her future endeavors, particularly on what has to be the biggest decision a person can make. Good luck, Danielle.

10-26-2007, 08:10 AM
Daniella, who gives a fuck about the cock??? I just noticed you post this pic!!! I would gladly stick my tongue down the back of your throat :shock:


8) 8) 8)

10-26-2007, 09:01 AM
I just got one question.....will they have 'phantom penis' sensation? Sorta like when someone looses a limb?

My scientific curiousity is kicking in.

10-26-2007, 10:19 AM
I edited that post for Danielle, but she wrote it. I didn't know she was going to post it here, or else I would have formatted it better. Not to correct her, but to help her be better heard. Those of us who are lucky enough to really know her, know that post totally and truly reflects who she is. She is a very passionate, and creative and talented person, who always strives for perfection, and who struggles with the imperfect nature of the world.

To those of you who showed your afffection and support for her, thank you. For those few who didn't, all I can say is, if you really knew her, you would never had said what you said.

FKDanielle good luck and best wishes....

10-26-2007, 10:20 AM
I edited that post for Danielle, but she wrote it. I didn't know she was going to post it here, or else I would have formatted it better. Not to correct her, but to help her be better heard. Those of us who are lucky enough to really know her, know that post totally and truly reflects who she is. She is a very passionate, and creative and talented person, who always strives for perfection, and who struggles with the imperfect nature of the world.

To those of you who showed your afffection and support for her, thank you. For those few who didn't, all I can say is, if you really knew her, you would never had said what you said.

FKDanielle good luck and best wishes....

10-26-2007, 10:28 AM
I just got one question.....will they have 'phantom penis' sensation? Sorta like when someone looses a limb?

My scientific curiousity is kicking in.

from what i understand there are some people that do experience that. :shock:

To everyone Danielle included that is haveing or will have the SRS operation i wish you all the best and hope your life becomes everything you ever wanted. :)

10-26-2007, 05:47 PM
NYCe, sorry to tell you this dude, but truth be told your being a fool when you say the "past is the past, let's just move on", the bootom line is that Danielle Foxx should never be allowed to post on this website.

10-26-2007, 05:57 PM
You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And that fact will not change due to what is between your legs.
I wish you the best of luck.
And hope to see more of you in the future.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 06:28 PM
NYCe, sorry to tell you this dude, but truth be told your being a fool when you say the "past is the past, let's just move on", the bootom line is that Danielle Foxx should never be allowed to post on this website.

Explain???? :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

10-26-2007, 06:40 PM
good luck!

Vicki Richter
10-26-2007, 08:18 PM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 08:20 PM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

I was thinking exactly the same thing...

10-26-2007, 08:24 PM
NYCe, sorry to tell you this dude, but truth be told your being a fool when you say the "past is the past, let's just move on", the bootom line is that Danielle Foxx should never be allowed to post on this website.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________

I'm back,

and agreed.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 08:25 PM
NYCe, sorry to tell you this dude, but truth be told your being a fool when you say the "past is the past, let's just move on", the bootom line is that Danielle Foxx should never be allowed to post on this website.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________

I'm back,

and agreed.

Does someone want to give me an update :!: What did she do :?:

10-26-2007, 08:27 PM
NYCe, sorry to tell you this dude, but truth be told your being a fool when you say the "past is the past, let's just move on", the bootom line is that Danielle Foxx should never be allowed to post on this website.

Explain???? :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

__________________________________________________ ____________________

Refer back to what I asked/commented on page 1.

10-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Your point has been posted, it doesn't seem to be in anyone's best interest, and certainly doesn't do the forum any good as a whole, to pursue it any further.

Just my humble opinion.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

I disagree with you.

There's people on this board who have gotten kicked out for less.......MUCH MUCH less.

As a matter of fact, so I'll be true to what I said, I think I'll start a new topic.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 08:32 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

I can't make sense of it! She called the police about this site?

10-26-2007, 08:50 PM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

I can't make sense of it! She called the police about this site?

__________________________________________________ _________________________

Long story short, She went on some crazy tirade/fit/rage, calling everybody every name in the book, except a child of God, mostly because she was angry about somebody posting pics about teen porn, claiming it was child porn.

Then, in her estro. laced tantrum, she went and called the authorities on the HungAngels site.

Apparently, since she's hawt, she's supposed to be easily forgiven.


10-26-2007, 08:51 PM

That's the 20 second nutshell. ;)

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Ok, cool! That clears things up

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 09:31 PM
Long story short, She went on some crazy tirade/fit/rage, calling everybody every name in the book, except a child of God, mostly because she was angry about somebody posting pics about teen porn, claiming it was child porn.

Then, in her estro. laced tantrum, she went and called the authorities on the HungAngels site.

Apparently, since she's hawt, she's supposed to be easily forgiven.


I think it's also important to point out that the pictures in question came from sites that were U.S.C. Title 18, Section 2257 compliant. Meaning the model were at least 18 years old and legal. True that many Asians tend to look younger than Westerners.....but as long as they are 18, then so what?

Im with u m77 (as long as they don't look really young :? ) It's like not letting a pensioner on the bus, free bc they're young looking :lol:

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 09:44 PM
Im with u m77 (as long as they don't look really young Confused )

As long as they are of legal age, then it doesn't matter what they look like.

A porn site is not the place to impose morality... especially without a legal basis.

I mean, I wouldn't want to look at them personally if they looked like children. And i'm sure u wouldn't either, legal or illegal...

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 09:48 PM
What you choose to look at is your own concern. :wink:

Thanks for enlightening me, are u telling me u like to look at girls that look like kids. Or am i off the mark?

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 10:02 PM
What you choose to look at is your own concern. :wink:

Thanks for enlightening me, are u telling me u like to look at girls that look like kids. Or am i off the mark?

I'm telling you that i like to look at 18 year olds who are of legal age....if you or anyone else don't like the "Barely legal Teen" look, then don't look at them. :roll:

So do i, AS I SAID, as long as they don't look like 'children'. Fuck me man, i was agreeing with u :roll:

10-26-2007, 10:15 PM
So do i, AS I SAID, as long as they don't look like 'children'. Fuck me man, i was agreeing with u :roll:[/quote]

__________________________________________________ ________________

I haven't rented any "Barely Legal" collections series,

But, to clarify what I think M77 is trying to illustrate, "looking like children" is pretty subjective.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 10:25 PM
Later m77

...armanixxx ur missing the point...i said, i personally wouldn't want to look at pics that look 'way underage'...that's my preference, but im not saying its wrong to post them if they're legal

10-26-2007, 11:37 PM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

Yikes! :shock:

I find this an especially strong comment as it comes from you, Vicki. I always thought that you and Danielle were "an item". :?:

Perhaps she is not as net-addicted as we?

How's about we put the Danielle issue to rest and go look at some nice T-porn shot in lovely Brasilian valeys?


Sly Fox
10-27-2007, 01:36 AM
exactly my opinion

10-27-2007, 02:46 AM

10-27-2007, 04:59 AM
I know what was really going on in that situation. I'm just smart that way.

It's over, drop it.

10-27-2007, 06:33 AM
i for one will miss the way you pound those little faggots in your movies

good luck with the new jizztrap

Rod la Rod
10-27-2007, 06:41 AM
"jizztrap" I am going to use that one.

10-27-2007, 06:58 AM
I must admit, that I took the time, Like Beardy, to read the whole thing, but am not sure the stream of consciousness made any sense - Having said, that I don't watch Danielle's Videos for her grammar.

Good Luck, if the GRS is what you want - However, I for one, would be MORE than happy to meet you if were to do a fly-by farewell visit to London, before the big day. Selfish, I know, but where else can I be selfish, if not anonymously on this forum?

10-27-2007, 07:23 AM
Ha, ha, Ive fucked 2 post-ops, and I can tell they're post-ops

That's Ok honey, I've fucked a lot more than 2 men, and I could tell they were men... but so what, a hole is a hole is a hole...

TS Jamie :-)

I'm not a slut - I'm a whore, cause I get paid!

10-27-2007, 08:16 AM
I wish her the best of luck.

10-27-2007, 09:54 AM
if what was siad about the cops being called is true, i don't know for fact because i was not here at the time. She may have over reacted to some pics that where posted but keep in mind that this is just a website... granted a website with a lot of hot sexy T-Girls. People need to take messgae boards a little less serius, i have been on a few boards that have self destructed due to people not being able to seperate real life from what happens on a mesage board.

was calling the police and over reaction? probably

is she human? yes

all humans make mistakes and why should anyone not be given a chance to redeem themselves one way or another.

she apoligized for what happened and i for one am willing to accpet that apology and move on. I wish her all the best and hope that she will do some more posting. i have always been a fan hers and would love the chance to get to know her as well as all the others on here that have made the cold winters in canada that much more bareable ;)

10-27-2007, 06:33 PM
"We can all do something to make the net a better place to express out opinions and lifestyle choices by acting as adults and respecting others views and concerns. "

This is EXACTLY what she didn't do when she was here before. After it was explained to her that these were all legal 18 & 19 yo "teenagers"....... she called the Feds on us because she is incapable of "respecting others views and concerns".

What a hypocritical, self centered, c*%@t!
Again, I wish her good luck in her endeavors, but we've seen her toxicity.

10-27-2007, 08:08 PM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

Perhaps she does not wish to stir up more bad blood here

there have been a lot of negative responses to her post .

seems to me to be a bit unfair to her ,since she only came in to apologise and to clear the air.

it's like some of you couldn't wait for her to post just so you could criticize her again,no matter what she wrote

if she was to respond (no matter how she responded)you would be all over her again with your negative comments

10-29-2007, 05:40 AM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

It's called mind games Vicki, surely you have been introduced to these little obscurities in human nature... not??? LMFAO!!!

10-29-2007, 06:01 AM
Did anyone else notice Danielle just did a hit and run? I mean this seems like a meaningful debate and she just posted and afterwards, although she is absolutely reading all of these replies, she just ditches us like rotten cabbage. Bad bad Danielle.

It's called mind games Vicki, surely you have been introduced to these little obscurities in human nature... not??? LMFAO!!!

I have no intention of being offensive, but what are you wearing in your avatar? It looks like the space suit for a Scottish astronaut.


10-29-2007, 06:09 AM
Scottish astronaut.


Scottish cosmonauts!!! tell me more, LOL

10-29-2007, 06:11 AM
Hey, alright then. Cheers.


10-29-2007, 08:03 AM
Interesting. There's no way I would read that whole thing but this whole thread is pretty long so I guess it's interesting for a reason. Anyone have any footnotes? Who is she? What's this about the police?

11-01-2007, 08:55 AM
Danielle I hope you the best!

Thank you for sharing this with us. I wasn't here at the time the last thing happened, so i cant say anything about that.

I think this post was really beautiful and real and I loved reading it.

Once again I hope you the best! And I agree with you about allot of the things you said in this post. Loved the reference to the horses in Central Park. You truly have allot of talent in writing. I can understand that feeling of wanting to come home and feeling exhausted and tired and FULFILLED.



11-03-2007, 03:02 AM
no surgery will ever make you a real women, there are things in life no can change. Piety cosmetic alterations, can never change what you are. Very few men will accept a fake pussy. If you do not wish to be judge, by the cruel and unforgiving world. Keep your business to your self :twisted:

11-03-2007, 04:13 AM
OMG, are you ever asking for it!

Rod la Rod
11-03-2007, 04:16 AM
no surgery will ever make you a real women, there are things in life no can change. Piety cosmetic alterations, can never change what you are. Very few men will accept a fake pussy. If you do not wish to be judge, by the cruel and unforgiving world. Keep your business to your self :twisted:

Speak for yourself moron. How the fuck would you know what men think.

11-03-2007, 04:23 AM
Danielle is not just defined by her genitals - she's a person. Whatever will happen I wish only the best for her.

11-03-2007, 05:21 AM
people judge you by looks and sex. If that wasen't the case, transexuals woulden't be attacked and murdered, by men who find out their real sex. It's sad, but its a truth about life. Ask any man or women if they don't define themselves by sex. If thats not the case, why go through SRS at all then. Dick and breast size woulden't matter all, by your logic. :moon

12-21-2007, 10:53 PM
Danielle Foxxx have always been an arrogant bitch thinking she is better than everyone and getting into other girls business. Even people who don't know you don't like you.
Hearing you talk is like reading a history book-you're always repeating yourself. Yeah, yeah, keep talking, someday you might say something intelligent. Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date.
She reminds me of nothing so much as a homeless dog crazed into near dementia by the need to be petted. You do sure have a lot of Well-wishers. They'd all like to throw you down one...Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice...
I'd like to leave you with one thought...unfortunately I ain't sure you have anywhere to put it! Don't think it hasn't been really great knowing you-because it hasn't. This is an excellent time for you to become a missing person. Do us all a favor, and please shut that gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle that you call a mouth; you are a puss-filled cyst in the colon of society.

12-21-2007, 10:56 PM
why don't you just tell us how you really feel?

12-22-2007, 12:15 AM

Wait a minute, lets back up a little bit.....just for clarification purposes:

Didn't you, DANIELLE FOXXX, effectively, call the police us/this site?

Yes, she did. I wonder if Ms. Foxxx causes as much trouble in her personal life as she caused Hung Angels(and for no valid reason whatsoever, I might add.) Perhaps Ms. Foxxx should consider adding some mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, etc.(and a shrink) to her hormone therapy... :screwy

12-22-2007, 12:45 AM
There seems to be a lot of grudges being held. Whether she called the cops or not, oh well. Everyone makes a mistake. I'm sure every person that has posted on here has made a mistake of similar magnitude and regretted it.

That being said, don't let what she did spoil your day. Move on for Godsake and enjoy the holidays and enjoy the wonderful moments Danielle has brought to our tranny-loving lives.

Merry Christmas y'all!

12-22-2007, 07:08 AM
There seems to be a lot of grudges being held. Whether she called the cops or not, oh well. Everyone makes a mistake. I'm sure every person that has posted on here has made a mistake of similar magnitude and regretted it.

That being said, don't let what she did spoil your day. Move on for Godsake and enjoy the holidays and enjoy the wonderful moments Danielle has brought to our tranny-loving lives.

Merry Christmas y'all!

You can stuff the Captain-Save-A-Ho routine, sport...because I ain't buying that shit that you're selling...this forum wouldn't even be here for you slobbering cock mongrels if Ms. Foxxx had gotten her way. To put it bluntly, I think that she is somewhat deranged...crazy like a fox...but not in a good way...so why don't YOU move the fuck on, ya suckup!

Happy Festivus, ya'll!

12-22-2007, 07:11 AM
There seems to be a lot of grudges being held. Whether she called the cops or not, oh well. Everyone makes a mistake. I'm sure every person that has posted on here has made a mistake of similar magnitude and regretted it.

That being said, don't let what she did spoil your day. Move on for Godsake and enjoy the holidays and enjoy the wonderful moments Danielle has brought to our tranny-loving lives.

Merry Christmas y'all!

You can stuff the Captain-Save-A-Ho routine, sport...because I ain't buying that shit that you're selling...this forum wouldn't even be here for you slobbering cock mongrels if Ms. Foxxx had gotten her way. To put it bluntly, I think that she is somewhat deranged...crazy like a fox...but not in a good way...so why don't YOU move the fuck on, ya suckup!

Happy Festivus, ya'll!

From what I remember, Danielle left in protest of Chef Mikes implied pedo picture thread. Did I get that wrong? Nope, that what it was. Chef Mike's "Young Looking TS thread".

Chef Mike= homosexual pedo picture poster

12-22-2007, 07:28 AM
The mods have warned your punkass about posting that lie at least once, you little piece of shit...but I guess since I've humiliated you so many times on this forum, you just couldn't resist trying it again...so please keep it up, jizzmopper...but if you think that I'm going to waste any more time tonight bitch-slapping you, nancyboy...you'd best think again, you mincing little attention whore, because I got better things to do...you are here for OUR amusement, until you finally get your imbecilic punk ass banned, that is...like you were banned from VR's forum...BWAAHAHAHAHAA....

12-22-2007, 07:32 AM
The mods have warned your punkass about posting that lie at least once, you little piece of shit...but I guess since I've humiliated you so many times on this forum, you just couldn't resist trying it again...so please keep it up, jizzmopper...but if you think that I'm going to waste any more time tonight bitch-slapping you, nancyboy...you'd best think again, you mincing little attention whore, because I got better things to do...you are here for OUR amusement, until you finally get your imbecilic punk ass banned, that is...like you were banned from VR's forum...BWAAHAHAHAHAA....

Ha! The mods never "warned" or said anything to me in regards to anything related to you trolls. You have no importance here. Post more picture threads.

12-22-2007, 08:58 AM
no surgery will ever make you a real women, there are things in life no can change. Piety cosmetic alterations, can never change what you are. Very few men will accept a fake pussy. If you do not wish to be judge, by the cruel and unforgiving world. Keep your business to your self :twisted:

How about giving Danielle the space to make her own decisions for her own reasons? She wants to finally have The Operation, that's cool with me (not like I have anything to do with her decision).

Danielle, I was moved by your powerful initial post in this thread, and I want you to be happy. You've already given us more than plenty. So go on and live your life. I applaud you for having more courage to do so than the majority of us human beings, especially many of us who are attracted to t-women.

12-22-2007, 09:40 AM
no surgery will ever make you a real women, there are things in life no can change. Piety cosmetic alterations, can never change what you are. Very few men will accept a fake pussy. If you do not wish to be judge, by the cruel and unforgiving world. Keep your business to your self :twisted:

That's a shitty thing to say, a girl has SRS because she feels she can no longer live a happy life with male genitalia. It is something that is necessary for them to be comfortable with who they are. Whether assholes like you will except a fake pussy or not is irrelivant!

Dino Velvet
12-22-2007, 09:42 AM
Danielle, I was moved by your powerful initial post in this thread

I was moved too. I fell out of my computer chair and hit my head on the floor after falling asleep halfway through her post. That incoherent jibberish is something The Unibomber would have been proud of. Danielle brought more unintentional humor to these boards than intentional sexuality.

Well, after writting the moderators who by the way have been very accomodating to me after being attacked and ridiculed by the Kitty Porn lovers I have no reason to be part of this board anylonger.

For the record, I have never seen nor am interested in ever viewing Kitty Porn. It's bad enough they make tons of noise and keep me awake all friggin' night with their fucking in the bushes.

the commander
12-22-2007, 01:43 PM
Dear Miss Foxxx,

I've thought for a long time that you were an incredibly attractive woman. I've enjoyed your movies and pictures. I understand there has been lots of drama on the site, which I'm sure I don't know half of it, but it is pretty unimportant. I hope that getting SRS will help you feel "complete" and bring a little peace and sanity to your life. Thank you, and good luck.

The Commander

12-22-2007, 03:36 PM
There seems to be a lot of grudges being held. Whether she called the cops or not, oh well. Everyone makes a mistake. I'm sure every person that has posted on here has made a mistake of similar magnitude and regretted it.

That being said, don't let what she did spoil your day. Move on for Godsake and enjoy the holidays and enjoy the wonderful moments Danielle has brought to our tranny-loving lives.

Merry Christmas y'all!

You can stuff the Captain-Save-A-Ho routine, sport...because I ain't buying that shit that you're selling...this forum wouldn't even be here for you slobbering cock mongrels if Ms. Foxxx had gotten her way. To put it bluntly, I think that she is somewhat deranged...crazy like a fox...but not in a good way...so why don't YOU move the fuck on, ya suckup!

Happy Festivus, ya'll!

Hey, how about go fuck yourself you pencil-dicked asshole. I'm sick of bitter fucking closet homos like yourself using this site to vent about how pathetic your life is and taking it out on other people instead of taking a long look in the mirror to realize what a piece of shit you really are. Do something about yourself for a change instead of taking it out on others you complete fuckup!!!!

12-22-2007, 03:46 PM
Danielle Foxxx have always been an arrogant bitch thinking she is better than everyone and getting into other girls business. Even people who don't know you don't like you.
Hearing you talk is like reading a history book-you're always repeating yourself. Yeah, yeah, keep talking, someday you might say something intelligent. Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date.
She reminds me of nothing so much as a homeless dog crazed into near dementia by the need to be petted. You do sure have a lot of Well-wishers. They'd all like to throw you down one...Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice...
I'd like to leave you with one thought...unfortunately I ain't sure you have anywhere to put it! Don't think it hasn't been really great knowing you-because it hasn't. This is an excellent time for you to become a missing person. Do us all a favor, and please shut that gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle that you call a mouth; you are a puss-filled cyst in the colon of society.

Looks like someone is looking for attention by posting such negativity. So here you have it. What are your qualifications to judge Danielle? She did admit to errors in judgement. Plus, I read somewhere on this forum that she helped others girls out by giving them her tips etc. I agree she's no angel, but she's a 'hung angel', so that gives her special qualifications here. So what's yours?

12-22-2007, 07:17 PM
There seems to be a lot of grudges being held. Whether she called the cops or not, oh well. Everyone makes a mistake. I'm sure every person that has posted on here has made a mistake of similar magnitude and regretted it.

That being said, don't let what she did spoil your day. Move on for Godsake and enjoy the holidays and enjoy the wonderful moments Danielle has brought to our tranny-loving lives.

Merry Christmas y'all!

You can stuff the Captain-Save-A-Ho routine, sport...because I ain't buying that shit that you're selling...this forum wouldn't even be here for you slobbering cock mongrels if Ms. Foxxx had gotten her way. To put it bluntly, I think that she is somewhat deranged...crazy like a fox...but not in a good way...so why don't YOU move the fuck on, ya suckup!

Happy Festivus, ya'll!

Hey, how about go fuck yourself you pencil-dicked asshole. I'm sick of bitter fucking closet homos like yourself using this site to vent about how pathetic your life is and taking it out on other people instead of taking a long look in the mirror to realize what a piece of shit you really are. Do something about yourself for a change instead of taking it out on others you complete fuckup!!!!

LMAO....now you sound just as mentally unbalanced as DF, peckerbreath! Maybe you should just shut yer cock-holster for a while, francis...ya suckup schmuck!!

12-23-2007, 12:06 AM

Speak for yourself moron. How the fuck would you know what men think.

That was so well put it is deserving of recognition even this far down the line. Well said sir.

12-23-2007, 12:24 AM
Why is this thread still going?

12-23-2007, 12:26 AM
Why is this thread still going?

because some dumbo bumped it and you JUST DID THE SAME

12-26-2007, 05:08 PM
Thanks for sharing your deepest feelings with us all , live go's in steps and you are now ready for a next step ...

Hope you will have lot's of friends around you in the coming period , but i'm sure you will .

Greetings from Belgium

Pamela xxx

04-12-2008, 12:27 AM
what i wanna know is... does she have her old wee wee laying around in a jar or somethin.. i bet she coulda got a pretty penny for that on ebay.. im not trying to be funny im dead serious.. sorry if it sounds harsh..

04-12-2008, 08:13 AM
what i wanna know is... does she have her old wee wee laying around in a jar or somethin.. i bet she coulda got a pretty penny for that on ebay.. im not trying to be funny im dead serious.. sorry if it sounds harsh..

I wouldn't way "harsh"....more like "sick"