View Full Version : Ron Paul Shag-Wagon to commence!

Trans Mission
10-20-2007, 08:22 AM
I know people adhere to blind ideology and an absolute infinite scope of political persuasion.....BUT....RON PAUL:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Free thinkers galore tend to gravitate towards an infinitely dense/wise....anomaly???????

Yes, the status quo of "all" that is Ron Paul seems to be that diametrically opposed folk wanna dissuade liberty and freedom as governed by the inherent wisdom of the constitution?

So, why is Dr. Ron Relevant? See for yourself, via the internet. He is a people-ascribed hero. and Bill Maher called him that, as well.. He makes liberals seem conservative and conservatives seem liberal! He is, common sense, distilled!

Ron Paul equals as the greatest American to date, In my very estimation. Please listen to this geniuses speeches on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Trans Mission
10-20-2007, 10:31 AM
I understand that people pushing beliefs upon people is annoying, but whatever you believe in- please listen to Ron in debates. He gets laughed at by Republicans and scoffed at by Dems. He is truly an American!

Plus, he is not only a financial genius on Greenspans level, he is an OB/GYN. Ron Paul is the last "Great American Hero!" in my estimation.

Please don't let this unique-thinking, Government-Shrinking free-thinker slide. People he is an Angel that us Americans can't afford to lose.

Much to my dismay, foreigners are donating money to his amazing policies!

Ron Paul.....Americas last Hope!!!!!!!!

10-20-2007, 06:52 PM
Ron Paul.....Americas last Hope!!!!!!!!
Oh... Then I guess we're doomed.

Trans Mission
10-21-2007, 05:55 AM
Ron Paul.....Americas last Hope!!!!!!!!
Oh... Then I guess we're doomed.

I didn't mean what you quoted that way!

I meant shaking the taxes that strangle Jane and John Doe in everyday America!

10-21-2007, 08:14 AM
im registered independent here in flerda an i think i can vote in that there reepublican primary..imna vote fer ron paul just to fuck up the rudy-romney-thomson tree-o........states rights and liberty..............

Trans Mission
10-27-2007, 12:12 PM
im registered independent here in flerda an i think i can vote in that there reepublican primary..imna vote fer ron paul just to fuck up the rudy-romney-thomson tree-o........states rights and liberty..............

I am registered Republican, but my state has open primaries, so obviously my affiliation is moot.

I have always been Libertarian, though. John Stossel influenced me to be Libertarian. I just dont get why folks want government to govern them?

Ron Paul, is at least a chance at change.

10-27-2007, 12:15 PM
an you like the republicans?the legislators of morality...werent you on that club kid thread bitchin bout the same type of thing?fuck them oligarchy fucks..

Trans Mission
10-27-2007, 12:26 PM
an you like the republicans?the legislators of morality...werent you on that club kid thread bitchin bout the same type of thing?fuck them oligarchy fucks..

I was on the "Club Kid" thread, but bitched about nothing! I like to believe I am Independent, but am always open!

10-27-2007, 12:58 PM
you know one of them micheal caine feeling sexy threads...and you had some problem with HA members "legislating"some level of propiety to what is ts"hotness"....

10-27-2007, 05:30 PM
Trans Mission remarked

“I just dont get why folks want government to govern them?”

Democratic government is people governing themselves. I don’t get why people don’t want to govern themselves. There are a lot of things we can do for ourselves. We can have a national highway system that is easy to use with no waits at toll booths and serves everyone. We can have zoning laws to make sure a hog factory doesn’t move in next to you and ruin the quality of your life and property. We can have national single payer health care so that nobody has to loose their home because their spouse or their child gets sick.

I know, I know, Ann Rand says “…selfishness is a virtue…” But it’s also a mean and vulgar vice. And it’s a that infringes on the quality other peoples lives when it places profits above health, education and community. There no law in the universe that grants people the right to inherit umpteen billion dollars and hoard it. There’s no universal law that says people have a right not to help others if they don’t want to. We the people grant that right. It’s time we deny it.

(nothing personal, Trans Mission...just used your quote as springboard into my saturday morning rant)

Trans Mission
10-28-2007, 06:43 AM
Trans Mission remarked

“I just dont get why folks want government to govern them?”

Democratic government is people governing themselves. I don’t get why people don’t want to govern themselves. There are a lot of things we can do for ourselves. We can have a national highway system that is easy to use with no waits at toll booths and serves everyone. We can have zoning laws to make sure a hog factory doesn’t move in next to you and ruin the quality of your life and property. We can have national single payer health care so that nobody has to loose their home because their spouse or their child gets sick.

I know, I know, Ann Rand says “…selfishness is a virtue…” But it’s also a mean and vulgar vice. And it’s a that infringes on the quality other peoples lives when it places profits above health, education and community. There no law in the universe that grants people the right to inherit umpteen billion dollars and hoard it. There’s no universal law that says people have a right not to help others if they don’t want to. We the people grant that right. It’s time we deny it.

(nothing personal, Trans Mission...just used your quote as springboard into my saturday morning rant)

Trish, not taken personal, at all! You seem to wave the same flag I do! You supported reasons why I like Ron. Remove government and watch people flourish!

10-28-2007, 06:55 AM
Just a quick point:
Rights are unalienable.
Power, priveleges, & entitlements are "granted" & can therefore be rescinded.

Now I'd just like to rant a bit about Ayn Rand. There's a whole cult that's grown up around her writings. She helped start it. (Shades of L. Ron Hubbard) Of course when the PR folks got involved, they changed the name from "egoism" (her term) to "objectivism". Nobody knows what it means in that context, but it sounds good. The problem with all the BS surrounding the continuous "Chicken Little" ravings of the group is that it's the very crypto-conservatives who claim to espouse her ideals that are on track to create the reactionary insanity she railed against.

So what is Ron Paul's theme? Taxes baaaaaad! Really? I don't have a problem eith the "rugged individualism" that the Libertarians like to talk about. I just see how it screws up as often if not more so than the same kind of programs we take on as a society in it's entirety. Is there really anybody who begrudges the fact that you can get hot & cold running water inside your dwelling just about anywhere you live in the US? People who spend their time & energy whining about taxes need to take a trip to Chad & try to find a decent shower, a place to take a dump that doesn't polute the surrounding groundwater, a paved road, a sidewalk, a town where every child between 6 & 14 is in school, etc... Yes our taxes buy wars, unnecessary subsidies for the undeserving, & other nonsense, & that's a problem, but they supply us with a basic infrastructure that we all use. Those taxes & that infrastructure help us to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". That's what it's all about. That's why we have a government. It's more than just words.

10-28-2007, 07:08 AM
can you imagine how slow traffic and other daily routines would be if we had to pay tolls or fees on a daily-user basis...lines everywhere to pay as you go???talk about fraud and theft waiting to happen...civilization has always relied on taxes..get over it......
and as a sidenote since when did taking big daddy warbucks estate money and investing it in what ever vulture/slave capital/hegdefund become such an honorable "pick yerself up by the bootstraps" way to earn a living????

10-28-2007, 07:42 AM
sorry Trans Mission, but i didn't say "remove government". That's exactly where i depart from Ron Paul. I have to agree with qeuqheeg and hippifried on this one.