View Full Version : Are you active in your community?

10-19-2007, 09:47 PM
Do you even have a sense of community?

Moving to a new city i lost mine.. I dont really know my neighbors or am as active in things..

I still try to do volunteer work, not as much as i'd like

But if its the ts community, your neighbrohood, black, latino are you active?

If so tell us a lil bit about it

Night Rider
10-19-2007, 09:51 PM
the only place im active is in my pants ;)

10-19-2007, 10:51 PM
I knew this would bomb :(

10-19-2007, 10:58 PM
ok ,you asked, so I ll reply

In 2000 I used to do volunteer work for a n organisation which helped former drug adicts, alcoholics and homeless people to get back on the road to a "semi-normal" life. (NO, I am not an ex-addict myself...)

I did that for about one year. I saw really fucked up shit on there, and believe me, anybody who says "oh that cant happen to me" is a fool. we had engineers there, college grads etc. that got homeless due to a bad divorce.

Unfortunately I had to give that up pretty much due to my job which got ever more time-consuming, but I still help them out every now and then.

I should in fact devote more time again to their cause instead of wasting it on this board!!! :cry:

10-19-2007, 11:00 PM
ok ,you asked, so I ll reply

In 2000 I used to do volunteer work for a n organisation which helped former drug adicts, alcoholics and homeless people to get back on the road to a "semi-normal" life. (NO, I am not an ex-addict myself...)

I did that for about one year. I saw really fucked up shit on there, and believe me, anybody who says "oh that cant happen to me" is a fool. we had engineers there, college grads etc. that got homeless due to a bad divorce.

Unfortunately I had to give that up pretty much due to my job which got ever more time-consuming, but I still help them out every now and then.

I should in fact devote more time again to their cause instead of wasting it on this board!!! :cry:

Thank you for sharing

10-19-2007, 11:03 PM
I am the co-facilitator of a trans-support group held here in Chicago on every first and third Monday of the month. I also volunteer with a trans-mentor program we have here in Chicago. I have donated my show talents for many different types of fundraisers thru-out the city too. The presence of trans woman in their community's is much needed. The gays and lesbians have a huge representation in their community, often forgetting us. Its up to us to show up and represent, les we be swept under the rug.

10-19-2007, 11:05 PM
I knew this would bomb :( No it didn't, just be patient sweetie :wink:

10-19-2007, 11:06 PM
I am the co-facilitator of a trans-support group held here in Chicago on every first and third Monday of the month. I also volunteer with a trans-mentor program we have here in Chicago. I have donated my show talents for many different types of fundraisers thru-out the city too. The presence of trans woman in their community's is much needed. The gays and lesbians have a huge representation in their community, often forgetting us. Its up to us to show up and represent, les we be swept under the rug.

Thanks for sharing this..

Did you have a mentor or someone to look up to starting out? Do you think thru more programs like those that your in, could possibly improve relations with the straight community?

10-19-2007, 11:41 PM
I used to be heavily involved as a community organizer/activist before I transitioned. It was my life, and sadly that life crumbled when I began to be out about being trans.

It has been years now since I've been to an anti-war demo, police brutality demo, organized against hunger and poverty, worked on anything publicly, etc.. and I spend most of my time gardening in the woods. Still I maintain a strong connection with many people (trans, queer, straight) who are still fighting to make this world a better place, I'm just not sure what my role is in it.

Not to mention that most of the work I used to do put me in constant conflict with law enforcement, and being a sex worker has made me less willing to needlessly risk arrest.

Thanks for asking.

10-21-2007, 01:48 AM
I do some volunteer work at my local hospital. Recently though I've been trying to organize a new way of recycling but the most of the people here in Toronto are fairly lazy and don't care for such things. All you need to do is look at the recycling bins in the subway. It'll say cans only and there would be newspapers, candy wrappers, shoes, plastic bags, boxes. Don't let anyone tell you different about this city, it's pretty cold and heartless. The ones that say otherwise rarely travel outside their home or haven't been in the club district after hours.
Most of the ladies who have been in Toronto have meet with some cold and nasty people I'm sure.

10-21-2007, 02:35 AM
Yes, I throw trash on the ground all the time.

10-21-2007, 02:42 AM
Anyone who escorts (which is basically a colorful way of saying prostitutes) is doing community work- because the service is available to any member of the community that pays. Those turned away can find another public worker to service them for required number of roses *rolls eyes*

10-21-2007, 03:23 AM
I go to the bar alot! I professionaly contribute to the consumption of barley and hops, thus keeping many people employed! :shrug

10-21-2007, 04:05 AM
Having grown up in an era of civil unrest and politcal change, I have
activism, and empathy for the rights of all people deeply ingrained in

Today, people may feel that they would like to do something to bring
about change for justice and equality, but are so overwhelmed or
unsure that they become paralyzed with inaction.

An example may be transwomen and their SOFFAs (significant others,
family, friends, and admirers, who no doubt would like to aid the plight
of transwomen but may be reluctant to march in protests, or have alot
of time to participate in activist organizations.

Interestingly activism can be carried out in many forms. Speaking to your
legislators is a form of activism, a letter or email will suffice. Perhaps
you could donate to agencies that promote transrights. Educating people
about the transgendered is another form of activism, indeed there
are many large and small ways to be a force for change.

Here are some from our friends at wikipedia: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activism)

Types of activism
Civil disobedience
Community building
Activism industry
Cooperative movement
Voluntary simplicity
Economic activism
Divestment (a.k.a. Disinvestment)
Franchise activism
Media activism
Culture jamming
Internet activism
Guerrilla communication
Non-violent confrontation
Violent confrontation
Direct action
Theater for Social Change
Protest songs
Strike action
Youth activism
Student activism
Youth-led media

[edit] See also
Activism industry
Judicial activism
Political Campaign
Reform movement
Social movement
Teaching for social justice
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activism"

But bottom line for the transcommunity and it's SOFFAs whether you are
able to make a large or small impact, please do something.
