View Full Version : Draw your own conclusions.

09-11-2007, 04:58 AM

09-11-2007, 06:09 AM
I saved it and will watch it. But not tonight. :wink:

09-11-2007, 08:44 AM
There are 2 major problems with conspiracy theories from what I've seen.

1. Usually the seen set of facts is enough to indict the bastards all by itself as long as the prosecutors have a little bit of backbone. By delving into the unseen and concocting various scenarios and asking unanswerable questions, you ultimately blur the entire picture, to where even the seen set of facts are not so clear anymore.

2. Whatever truth is embedded in the conspiracy theories is often totally lost. The truth gets colored by the conspiracy theory. That's bad, in my opinion.

For example, in this movie, the first third takes on an interesting topic, the basis for the various myths from the early recorded history of man that have formed the underpinnings of all the modern world religions.

Good topic. There was no need to start asking the unanswerable question of whether Jesus was a real historical figure. As soon as you do that, you've turned the entire analysis into conspiracy theory.

But the more egregious error in this movie is following up the interesting mythology topic with 2) the conspiracies around 9/11, and 3) the modern power conspiracies from the late 1800's to today. These 2 topics automatically color the 1st. So while the religion-mythology topic was interesting, by about halfways through the 9/11 conspiracies you realize the first religion-mythology topic is totally tainted.

Seriously, they should have turned this into 3 separate movies. By combining the 3 parts into a single movie they have tainted all 3 parts. By the time you reach the end, you realize that the authors of the movie feel there are conspiracies everywhere, ever present, existing all the way through historical time, and ultimately unstoppable. The final panel, a call to revolution, is rather hilarious. How can people who see conspiracies everywhere even begin to plan a revolution? Where do you fire the first shot? You're talking about paranoics that see enemies everywhere.

The best revolutions are started by rational men and women... Susan B Anthony, Dorothy Day, Cesar Chavez, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King. These people were the picture of good psychological health. The people who were psychologically unhealthy often led short-lived, wrong-headed revolutions that were warped by their diseased minds, and ultimately defeated by more rational minds. Joan of Arc and Hitler come to mind.

Well sorry for the ramble. A free internet movie that's worth the watch but which falls extremely short of the author's intentions, in my opinion.

09-11-2007, 09:46 AM
Well, I'm really glad to see an intelligent response to start this off...not to mention a potential one from ezed!

The first thing I did after watching it (well, actually during...it's pretty long) was to try to do some fact checking. The last third of the movie was the best for me. In fact if a friend hadn't told me about it I might not have gotten through the opening sequence. I used to be an animal rights activist and I've seen enough examples of shitty human behavior to hold me for a few more years yet...but I digress.
The first part was pretty interesting - I'm pretty much with you there Odelay.
The middle (911) part I watched with a skeptical eye...but there sure were a lot of witnesses who thought they heard explosions from below. But ultimately what are we supposed to do with this? Be shocked that Halliburton is profiting?
What stuck with me in the third part was the credibility of the people quoted as well as the news clips. I've seen 'Manufacturing Consent' and am not easily surprised anymore...and really it's just the cumulative effect of all the points made that made me want to share this. Mostly I wanted to know what you all think about the canada/mexico/shared currency thing, and the real ID/microchip thing. Knowing what we know about the power elite, is any of this out of the realm of possibility?

Finally...what the hell are we supposed to do, even if it's all true, but wait for civilization to end, or move to the south pacific? The first thing I thought of was to spread the word. I want you guys to challenge some of these so called facts about the Federal reserve, the IRS, the canada/mexico thing, etc. Is this just conspiracy theory bullshit or are we being sold down the river? And are humans capable of stopping their daily pursuits and struggles long enough to act..or are we just sheep and too dumb to do anything?
Part of me thinks we are, in fact, that stupid. Part of me thinks it doesn't matter in the long run. And part of me thinks that if push came to shove the average joes would rise up and eat the rich in a heartbeat.

09-11-2007, 08:39 PM

09-11-2007, 09:39 PM
the federal reserve is a rampant beast, has been for years. Its actually not part of the federal government at all, by the way. Ill check out the movie.