View Full Version : Question about hormone treatments

08-12-2007, 04:01 PM
After several months of visits to the doctor and psychologist, it looks like my girlfriend is getting the green light for a hormone prescription. She described one of the options the doctor has offered her as a pellet that is inserted under the skin and lasts for several months. Does anyone have any experience with these?

The other options the doctor offered were skin patches or pills.

08-12-2007, 05:36 PM
My gf takes both pills and shots. The shots work faster, but some people don't like needles. Apparently the patches are slower and may work better for someone looking to transform gradually.

08-15-2007, 03:01 AM
Have her look at TSroadmap.com

The pellets are generally quite expensive. I think Dr. O'Day in LA does this. I'm not sure but I think it's just contraceptive.

The "stardards" are Premarin orally, or Estradiol Valerate IM. I take injections. My partner Jessica takes oral estrogen (Estrace). And she's going to go to IM as my prescreption costs $36 for 3 months worth vs about $100 a month for the pills. We both also take low does Premarin as the conjugated estrogrens seem to provide a more well rounded doesage. But that's subjective.

Best wishes,
TS Jamie

08-15-2007, 03:05 AM
I really like Progynova. Estradiol is good too. I often switch between the two once a year or so. My development seems to kind of plateau if I don't.

08-15-2007, 03:21 AM
The longer it lasts in your body the better it is. Pills last like, 6 hours, injections last like two weeks, and pelletts last a few months. Pelletts are the best bet , though I've only used injections and pills.

08-15-2007, 03:28 AM
The longer it lasts in your body the better it is. Pills last like, 6 hours, injections last like two weeks, and pelletts last a few months. Pelletts are the best bet , though I've only used injections and pills.

How do you know how long your body takes to process an injection though? I imagine everyone has a different rate for (metabolizing?) estrogen...

I mean, that would drive me insane toward the end of the month, not knowing whether or not I still had estrogen in my blood stream...

08-15-2007, 03:33 AM
Its not how your body metabolizes it, its that its in oil injected into thick muscles (thigh, butt, etc) that it takes a while to seep out of.

08-15-2007, 05:58 PM

I mean, that would drive me insane toward the end of the month, not knowing whether or not I still had estrogen in my blood stream...[/quote]

Try switching your injection cycle to once every 2 weeks or every 10 days or so, then you won't be feeling so low at the end of the month. The injections are definitely better on your liver than premarin and as Justatransgirl mentioned, its much cheaper.

08-16-2007, 01:14 AM
My girl decided on the pellet. It cost me $800, but it mader her happy, and I'm counting on a nice present for Christmas!

08-16-2007, 02:20 AM
Yeah, I heard a little about the pellets from another trans forum (claire knows). They sound like an expensive but nice alternative.

I just bought pills and it came out to about $66 for three months. Of course, that's on a sliding scale, other people pay over $100 / month. About $48 of that is spiro and only $18 is estradiol.

In theory, after I get an orchi, I won't have to take any spiro and my estradiol will get cut in half so I'll be paying an estimated $3 / month for hormones SQUEE!

At that point, I might switch to shots just so I don't have to think about it twice a day but only once every 10-14 days. The pellets would be even better, only worrying about it like every six months or whatever it is.

Pills work fine for me but some people swear by shots, I don't like needles though...

08-16-2007, 02:30 AM
Wow, I never really researched pellets. I dont think I could ever get used to having something just sitting there under my skin. That would drive me insane....Like that chip thing in demolition man. Where the little thing was under his skin and he was scratchin it. I have been on HRT for a lil over 5 Years. I started out with pills the first 4 years. And only until about a year ago I switched to IM injection. Now Estrogel and IM Injections I do. Pills some times to keep E levels steady. I have not researched pellets much, But I know, All the types of administration has it pros and cons. The only thing that can really be done is to experiment until the best balance between both physical and financial assests presents itself.