View Full Version : Appreciation and Apologies to HA (Long Overdue) ...

08-09-2007, 11:02 PM
Something someone posted the other day (I can't remember the thread topic; I think Wendy Williams was involved in it) hit me like a bullet, and I haven't been to play it down ever since. Someone mentioned something in that thread about supporting or "giving back" to this site, and it made me come to terms with the fact that I have been extremely negligent, if not selfish, as I don't believe I have ever conscientiously made an effort to support this site and its sponsors as maybe I should be doing. This is light of all the entertainment, friendships, connections, enlightment, companionship, mirth, and knowledge, etc., that I have derived through almost 3000 posts since I first came aboard. That is, I simply haven't given back to this place in the same measure that I have received from it. The irony on several fronts is that I never would have purchased TS DVDs and/or videos from other merchants, seen an escort such as TS Doll three times as I have, or have met Allanah, Vicki, Vaniity, and Gia in person as I did, etc., had I not first read about or seen them pictured in their respective wonderful glory here at HungAngels.

I think I have ordered a couple of DVDs from this site, but not nearly as many as I should have choosing instead to go with merchants that saved me a buck or two. Price shopping for TS DVDs ends today, as I will look here FIRST for titles that pique my interest. Residing in southern California as I do I unfortunately can't attend Allanah's great parties, and paid sites such as Sean's or Vicki's, etc., just aren't feasible as I have too much on the proverbial plate already, and I really can't afford them on a month to month basis. I do however pledge to purchase all -- ALL -- of my TS videos here through this site from now on, unless the titles I'm interested in aren't available here(I'll order one today). In other words, I am going to attempt to "give back" for all that HA has provided to the current life of yours truly.

So thank you Allanah, Sean, whomever, is responsible for this site and all it has provided me with, and my sincere apologies for not realizing my role and responsibility as a long time consumer/participator sooner.


08-09-2007, 11:28 PM
Well said. Click on those links at the top of the page to buy your DVD's - and follow the links at the bottom of each posting to join a website.

Hungangels is neither Allannah's or mine ... it's all NYCe baby. Help get out of living in the back of his car and out of the used leisure suits.


08-10-2007, 12:35 AM
Thanks, Sean AND particularly NYCe. I ordered a few DVDs from this site today several minutes ago. Most of my DVDs are currently in storage, so I needed to get my eyes and hands on some new current stuff. :)

... One vid has the beautiful freshly discovered Kanandra in it. :)