View Full Version : It's "ORGANIC"

07-04-2007, 09:29 AM
What's this organic trend about? People obsessing over 1 parts per million of Roundup. That's ridiculous. What else is these personal size watermelons. What's that for? These 40 year old women who're getting dumped by man after man because she's a bag of manipulation?

Is this what America has been reduced to? No one's getting married. No one is raising children so now all we have to worry about is if our canned goods are organic and single serving watermelons?

Can't we just be our old selves and do like before. Marry a drunk and if you can't have kids, adopt?

07-04-2007, 11:16 AM
Organic food tastes better on the whole.
But not far and away.

And it's no healthier.
It's just another thing for rich diet freaks to obsess about when they go shopping.

07-04-2007, 11:19 AM
Organic food tastes better on the whole.
But not far and away.

And it's no healthier.
It's just another thing for rich diet freaks to obsess about when they go shopping.

Not good enough, brother. Blaming the rich isn't good enough. In fact, IT'S FRNECH!

07-04-2007, 01:07 PM

Organic food often does taste better. Its production is less damaging to the environment.

Pesticides are not only bad for your health but bad for the health of other creatures. Rachel Carson's hypothesis in Silent Spring- that DDT was accumulating in the food chain and poisoning songbirds has been proven right. Agent Orange is another well-known pesticide and we all know the effects of that. So you may not mind ingesting 1ppm of Roundup, but many people would rather it was not used.

Free-range meat and eggs taste much better than factory-farmed meat and eggs. Their production also causes less distress to the animals.

Blaming the French for merely telling you that you were wrong is stupid and blinkered, considering all the support that France has given America in the past, considering that your most-loved symbol of freedom and the American dream was actually given to the US as a gift by France and considering the long friendship between the two nations. Friends are the people who aren't afraid to tell you if they think you are wrong.

In any case, for me the issue of food miles is more important than whether to eat organic or not. Food produced conventionally within my country or close to it is usually more preferrable than organic food which has to be imported from the other side of the world.

The issues are far more complicated than you think.

07-04-2007, 01:46 PM
TFool is just proving that he is perhaps even more of a cretin than he was before...before he slunk away from this forum with his cowardly tail between his legs, that is...after being disgraced, tarred and feathered countless times in the P & R section.

Now TFool is back...dumber than dumber.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
07-04-2007, 02:29 PM
TFan No one is obsessing about ORGANIC food. I only raised the subject (Yes I did a whiole thread about it) as to find out what people here at HA thinks about it.


The Organic Premise: Many people are aware that food grown according to organic principles is free from exposure to harmful herbicides and pesticides, but that is only one small aspect of organic agriculture. A larger part of organic agriculture involves the health of the soil and the ecosystem in which crops and livestock are raised. Organic farmers recognize that healthy, vibrant, and live soils and ecosystems significantly benefit crops. Natural, undisturbed soil is alive with microbiotic organisms that exist in harmony with the native plant life and the inorganic minerals that provide the soil's substrate.

Synthetic chemicals (such as herbicides, pesticides, and/or fast acting inorganic fertilizers) applied in or around crops interrupt or destroy the microbiotic activity in the soil. Once the microbiotic activity in the soil has stopped, the soil becomes merely an anchor for plant material. In this conventional method of agriculture (in use for only the past 75 of 10,000 years of recorded agriculture) plants can receive only air, water, and sunlight from their environment -- everything else must be distributed to plants by farmers, often from inputs transported thousands of miles to reach the farm. Plants are commonly fed only the most basic elements of plant life and so are dependent on the farmer to fight nature's challenges, e.g. pests, disease, and drought.

Eliot Coleman, in his excellent primer, The New Organic Grower (published by Chelsea Green in 1995) illustrates this very well as summarized below:

Feed The Soil

* Soil fertility is a biological process
* Only the nutrients removed from the farm as crops need to be replaced.
* Nitrogen is not purchased because it is supplied by symbiotic and non-symbiotic processes.
* Inputs are purchased in their least processed and least expensive form.
* 75% of the nutrient value of all feed consumed by animals is returned in manure as nutrient input to the farm.


Feed The Plant

* Soil fertility is an imported commodity.
* All nutrients required to "create" a crop are purchased from off the farm.
* Nitrogen is a very important purchased input.
* Inputs are purchased in their most processed and expensive form. Solubility and availability of these inputs is considered a chemical process performed on an industrial level.
* All feed is a pure expense; animal manure is treated as a problem rather than an asset.


Why should a consumer care about agricultural techniques if an organically cultivated green pepper looks identical to a conventionally grown pepper?

The answer is multi-faceted, but simply stated, an organically cultivated pepper will be healthier and more nutritious than a conventionally cultivated pepper. By growing in a living soil where microbiotic activity constantly breaks organic matter and solid minerals into nutrients a plant can use, an organically cultivated pepper plant always has exactly what it needs to grow, from germination to fruit set, and the plant will be healthier throughout its lifespan than a conventionally grown pepper plant. As a result, the organically grown plant will be able to add more and complex components to all of its parts, including its fruit, resulting in a pepper chock-full of micro-nutrients and trace minerals that are important for human nutrition.

Flavor is another benefit of healthy plants growing in a living soil. Flavor results from a mixture of many different and complex molecules. Healthy, living soil provides a constant and more complex mixture of these molecules, which results in more flavor. It's no surprise that chefs working in the highest caliber restaurants prefer organic ingredients to conventionally grown ingredients.

By purchasing locally-grown, organic produce, the consumer supports sustainable methods of land use that result in far less pollution and top-soil loss than does conventional agriculture. Synthetic pesticides and herbices not only kill soil microbes and leave toxic residues on food, they also threaten the health of farmworkers and disrupt natural ecosystems around the farm. Chemical fertilizers pollute lakes, ponds, rivers, and groundwater.

The alternative to using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers usually requires more labor on a farm. With more labor, organic farmers can match or exceed the productivity and quality of chemically dependent crops. Labor, rather than synthetic inputs, typically means more support for local economies, but it can also mean higher prices. Conventionally grown foods cost less because their hidden costs are passed on to consumers and the environment. These hidden costs include creating synthetic inputs, the resulting pollution from spreading them, and long-term health effects of pesticide residues in our food.

In the long run, organically grown food is the best bargain for us, the environment, and future generations.

MOFGA defines organic agriculture as a locally sustainable, low-input technique for raising crops and livestock. For details on the legal definition of the word "organic," which is now regulated in the United States by the US Department of Agriculture, read the USDA National Organic Program standards and rules.

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association promotes the production of safe, high quality food in a manner that does not harm the environment and that preserves or improves soil fertility, soil structure, and farm sustainability. Our organic certification program, MOFGA Certification Services, LLC, annually reviews the practices of farms and food processors to help assure the public that food labeled as "certified organic" (indicated either by the USDA organic logo, a MOFGA certified logo, or both) has been grown according to nationally accepted organic standards.

SOURCE: http://www.mofga.org/tabid/166/Default.aspx

Also you might be interested to know about ORGANIC foods/Free Range vs Conventional meat and poultry by reading this thread:






Certified organic meat, poultry, dairy and eggs have been fed certified organic food, and are not medicated. This immediately eliminates the risk of consuming the consolidated toxins found in the fat of the animals, and ingesting the residues of the antibiotics and steroid hormones that become a part of conventional meats, poultry, dairy and eggs. But "certified organic" does not mean that the animals were allowed to exercise, nor does it tell you what the animals were fed. Ask any five-year old what a cow is supposed to eat, and they will reply "grass", not grain. Ruminants get digestive distress on grain as their digestive systems are not meant to handle it, and they don't get the nutrition they need from grain. Look for "free-range" poultry, eggs, meat or dairy, or "pasture-fed" meats. Pasture-fed poultry and ruminants are healthier, happier, and have far more omega 3 and less omega 6 in their meat, dairy and eggs, which improves our omega 3/6 balance as well. So, look for certified organic, free-range meat, poultry, dairy and eggs, and you will know the animals were more humanely treated, and the food products are more healthy. And you know what? They taste better too!

Personally for me, I'd prefer to know these things to be readily available to me so I can decide intelligently which food I would want to consume than not knowing if the food I have eaten would later on give me a cyst or something that can result in my poor health simply because of being uninformed about healthy nutrition! ;)

I guess moving to LA has slowly been changing me since everyone here is a health nut! LOL Not that's a bad thing. :P

BOTTOMLINE: It's your health and your money so you can do as you please with it!



07-04-2007, 03:37 PM
oh i see

tfan has again access to the asylums computer again making blahblah posts again. and cant even spell FRENCH no more

a sad case indeed

07-04-2007, 04:01 PM
What else is these personal size watermelons.

Say, TFan, you wouldn't happen to have a degree in English, would you?


07-04-2007, 04:06 PM
I never understood the whole America and France thing.

I mean, I UNDERSTAND it, in the sense that the French are reserved and have an established history and culture, whereas Americans are larger than life, and are building there current culture from scratch.

But seriously, French people are fine with me.

07-04-2007, 04:34 PM
I never understood the whole America and France thing.

I mean, I UNDERSTAND it, in the sense that the French are reserved and have an established history and culture, whereas Americans are larger than life, and are building there current culture from scratch.

But seriously, French people are fine with me.

I think the only people still bitter with the French or people who think they should have gone along with George Bush's Iraq plan. I believe these are the same geniuses who renamed french fries to call them "freedom fries"

And we wonder why the world thinks we are idiots.........................

07-04-2007, 04:45 PM
For me, ORGANIC is BULLLLLLSHITTTTTTT!!! Much of what is labelled Organic, ISN'T!!! So you spend as much time reading frickin' labels as you would in a library doing a research paper....FUCK THAT!!! I don't need that much brain damage when food shopping!!!

"Your gonna die, ANYWAY!!!!

07-04-2007, 09:25 PM
For me, ORGANIC is BULLLLLLSHITTTTTTT!!! Much of what is labelled Organic, ISN'T!!! So you spend as much time reading frickin' labels as you would in a library doing a research paper....FUCK THAT!!! I don't need that much brain damage when food shopping!!!

"Your gonna die, ANYWAY!!!!

Have to add that quote to the archives of the jedi order. lol.

That's what I'm saying. You can go to the store, buy yourself some personal sized watermelon, go home, eat it and feel pretty that you did something good for the environment while exhaling carbon dioxide all the while.

Come to find out that the field was fertilized with cow shit the whole time and now you're fucked! Cow shit? I don't even mind eating it! But think of the methane!

07-07-2007, 10:21 AM
You both actually think you're making sense, don't you? Judging from your impeded logic, slaughter of the English language, and dreadful taste in automobiles, you've both washed down your Swanson Hungry Man meals with hundreds of GALLONS of Roundup.

Concern over your brain damage at the super market seems moot, wouldn't you say? How is choosing to eat healthy, clean foods and prtect the environment even worthy of argument?

LG explained the issues and facts quite nicely, yet you still prattle on, like brainless, cackling parrots. Why don't you make your next post about global warming and how it's cyclical and nothing to be worried about? Idiots like the two of you are destroying the planet with your fear, denial and ignorance.

Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Give up as well, while you're at it. Organically raised escargots have larger frontal lobes than the two of you combined.

07-07-2007, 10:28 AM
I never understood the whole America and France thing.

I mean, I UNDERSTAND it, in the sense that the French are reserved and have an established history and culture, whereas Americans are larger than life, and are building there current culture from scratch.

But seriously, French people are fine with me.

I think the only people still bitter with the French or people who think they should have gone along with George Bush's Iraq plan. I believe these are the same geniuses who renamed french fries to call them "freedom fries"

And we wonder why the world thinks we are idiots.........................

Yeh well if ya's just called them chips there wouldn't have been a problem to begin with. lol.

Have you ever heard this joke?

"Q:How many Frenchmen does it take to defend france?"

"A:It's never happened"

It makes me think

"Q:How many Americans does it take to defend America?"

"A:You got attack once on your home soil and declared war on the fucking world, jeez get over yourself.
France was attacked by the Nazi's and razed, of course they're going to get fucked on!"

07-07-2007, 06:33 PM
Organic is largely a scam to charge more $ for less fruit ! it's a con job !