View Full Version : 75% Believe Global Warming A 'Natural Occurrence'

06-26-2007, 05:59 PM
UK News
Three Quarters Believe Global Warming A 'Natural Occurrence'

ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.

This goes against the views of the vast majority of scientists who believe the rise in the earth's temperatures is due to pollution.

The online study which polled nearly 4000 votes found that a staggering 71 percent of people think that the rise in air temperature happens naturally.

And 65 percent think that scientists' catastrophic predictions if pollution isn't curbed are 'far fetched'.

Emma Hardcastle, publisher at Pocket Issue which carried out the research, said: "If 71% of people feel that Man has nothing to do with the recent change in our climate then those same people are not going to buy into any movement to reduce their carbon footprint.

"We need to make it clear that there is nothing natural about the significant rise in both carbon emissions and global temperatures since the industrial revolution.

"Pocket Issue’s brief is to help people to understand the facts, encouraging them to click through to a carbon counter as a result.

"Pocket Issue feel that the poll highlights the need for government and influential bodies to concentrate on getting the public to understand the facts about global warming and ‘why’ rather than ‘how’ they should reduce their carbon footprint."

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which represents most scientists, stated earlier that the increase in global temperatures is 'very likely due to the observed increase of man-made greenhouse gas concentrations'.

They define very likely as 'more than 90 percent certain'.

Copyright © 2006 National News +44(0)207 684 3000
http://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=AY2638954S&news_headline=three_quarters_believe_global_warmin g_a_natural_occurrence

06-26-2007, 07:03 PM
Another bullshit waste of time thread, from the cut and paste accuser. Another poll (of the public :lol: ) against AGW from the dipshit who accuses scientists of junk science.

06-27-2007, 12:11 AM
ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.

How many times have you scolded your readers that science is not decided by consensus? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Sorry, i mean a lot hypocritcal? Oh you meant science is not the consensus of informed scientists, the content of which makes testable predictions and is subject to revision based on future evidence. Instead you meant science is the consensus of the public as reported by a sampled poll and only on those weeks when the report construes the results in your favor. Is that the libertarian perspective on science, or just your own?

06-27-2007, 12:46 AM
ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.

How many times have you scolded your readers that science is not decided by consensus? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Sorry, i mean a lot hypocritcal? Oh you meant science is not the consensus of informed scientists, the content of which makes testable predictions and is subject to revision based on future evidence. Instead you meant science is the consensus of the public as reported by a sampled poll and only on those weeks when the report construes the results in your favor. Is that the libertarian perspective on science, or just your own?

06-27-2007, 12:53 AM
ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.

How many times have you scolded your readers that science is not decided by consensus? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Sorry, i mean a lot hypocritcal? Oh you meant science is not the consensus of informed scientists, the content of which makes testable predictions and is subject to revision based on future evidence. Instead you meant science is the consensus of the public as reported by a sampled poll and only on those weeks when the report construes the results in your favor. Is that the libertarian perspective on science, or just your own?

So you prefer philosopher kings.

06-27-2007, 02:34 AM
So you prefer philosopher kings.
If this is a question (i'm not sure it is), then my response depends on the other side of the comparison and the point of the comparison. Do I prefer philosopher kings to polls? Do do I prefer philosopher kings to musician queens? And to what end would I prefer philosopher kings to...say... philospher princes? I might prefer the power of the king but the sultry good looks of the prince?

When it comes to science I neither choose polls nor kings. Science seeks to explain natural phenomena by checking the predictions of the proposed explanations against the evidence of repeated experiments and measurements. An explanation succeeds when, in the judgement of peers, the evidence supports the explanation. This judgement takes many forms. E.g. it may be favorably sited in other refereed journals. It may be used as a building block in other research. Different teams may have found the explanation worthy of being further tested to greater accuracy. It's not a poll, it's not a vote, it is not the declaration of a genius or a philosopher king. It is especially not a poll of the general populace.

06-27-2007, 02:39 AM
So you prefer philosopher kings.
If this is a question (i'm not sure it is), then my response depends on the other side of the comparison and the point of the comparison. Do I prefer philosopher kings to polls? Do do I prefer philosopher kings to musician queens? And to what end would I prefer philosopher kings to...say... philospher princes? I might prefer the power of the king but the sultry good looks of the prince?

When it comes to science I neither choose polls nor kings. Science seeks to explain natural phenomena by checking the predictions of the proposed explanations against the evidence of repeated experiments and measurements. An explanation succeeds when, in the judgement of peers, the evidence supports the explanation. This judgement takes many forms. E.g. it may be favorably sited in other refereed journals. It may be used as a building block in other research. Different teams may have found the explanation worthy of being further tested to greater accuracy. It's not a poll, it's not a vote, it is not the declaration of a genius or a philosopher king. It is especially not a poll of the general populace.

Looks like the people have listened to algore and decided he`s a raving lunatic and the science is junk.

06-27-2007, 02:45 AM
Looks like the people have listened to algore and decided he`s a raving lunatic and the science is junk.

I would like to thankyou, WMC, for the opportunity to ask this again:

How many times have you scolded your readers that science is not decided by consensus? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Sorry, i mean a lot hypocritcal? Oh you meant science is not the consensus of informed scientists, the content of which makes testable predictions and is subject to revision based on future evidence. Instead you meant science is the consensus of the public as reported by a sampled poll and only on those weeks when the report construes the results in your favor. Is that the libertarian perspective on science, or just your own?

06-27-2007, 03:01 AM
Looks like the people have listened to algore and decided he`s a raving lunatic and the science is junk.

I would like to thankyou, WMC, for the opportunity to ask this again:

How many times have you scolded your readers that science is not decided by consensus? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Sorry, i mean a lot hypocritcal? Oh you meant science is not the consensus of informed scientists, the content of which makes testable predictions and is subject to revision based on future evidence. Instead you meant science is the consensus of the public as reported by a sampled poll and only on those weeks when the report construes the results in your favor. Is that the libertarian perspective on science, or just your own?

False assumption that scientists are informed and not being politically and financially motivated.

Secondly, there`s no voting in science. Third, everyone`s heard of algore and his Leni Riefenstahl-esque propaganda movie.

You can only fool some of the people some of the time.

It`s all coincidence. That or humans live on other planets in our solar system and drive big SUVs

06-27-2007, 03:48 AM
False assumption that scientists are … not being politically and financially motivated.
Point above to where I made that assertion. I didn’t. However, I will say this much about political and financial motiviations now. You never see political arguments in peer reviewed papers being used to support a scientific hypothesis. Such a display would be career ending.

Secondly, there`s no voting in science.
Point above to where I said there was voting in science.

Third, everyone`s heard of algore and his Leni Riefenstahl-esque propaganda movie.
So...what’s that have to do with anything I’ve said above?

Fourth: YOU FAILED ONCE AGAIN TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS PUT TO YOU. Did you not say in the past that science isn't determined by consensus? Are you or are you not now asserting that it is determined by the consensus of a randomly polled sample of the public? Are you once against entangled in a contradiction, or are you just a hypocrite?

06-27-2007, 04:13 AM
Science is simply not run on consensus and you`re wrong to state it does or ever has. And so called "peer review", just another name for fellow travelers.

Climate change related projects accounted for over 25% of the 3-year total reported grants and contributions received by 10 of the top-20 institutions. For 6 organizations, climate change grants accounted for 50% of their reported grants and contributions received.

Of the list of recipients of those private funds reveals that the vast majority are spent by groups favoring restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions and believe that climate change requires dramatic government action.

The "consensus" scientists have been politicized and bought and paid for.The 2007 IPCC Summary for Policy Makers (pols) was released before the report itself so that " Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter. See Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work, p4/15 "
They released the IPCC's the political conclusions first, and then will adjust the actual science to fit them.

06-27-2007, 04:27 AM
Does the grand pubah of science decide what theories get published in journals, make it into textbooks, and are taught to undergrads and grads? Just who makes those decisions. Publishers, reviewers, text book committees and curriculum committees that's who. And gee, what's it called when every university in the world decides that general relativity will get the spot-light when it comes to what they teach their grads about gravity? What's is called when every graduate level biology course is grounded in the notion of natural selection? It's called consensus.

How does one explain the consensus? The scientists who compose those review boards and curriculum committees are versed in the competing theories, their predictions and evidence for and against as discovered through observation and experiment. They are familiar with the scientific process because they are researchers themselves and bring their experience to the table. After reading, thinking, experimenting and discussing everyone comes to their own conclusions and when it’s the same conclusion it’s called what? A CONSENSUS!

06-27-2007, 04:53 AM
Look Trish, we`ve been all through the science, from the ice core proxy that is at least 55ppm too low, to the flawed CGMs to the anthropomorphic CO2 which is insufficient and CO2 in general which does not and never has driven temperatures.

It`s just not happening and people see through the BS.

06-27-2007, 04:56 AM
Does that last post have anything what-so-ever to do with our discussion? No. Redirection is avoidance behavior. You're beat.

06-27-2007, 05:24 AM
Sigh, alright, here we go again, Let`s start from the beginning:

-CO2 is only 0.038% of the atmosphere and only 3.6 per cent of greenhouse gases.. Of that only 3.4 to 5% is man-made. CO2 as a result of man's activities was only 3.2 per cent of that, hence only 0.12 per cent of the greenhouse gases in total. Human-related methane, nitrogen dioxide and CFCs etc made similarly minuscule contributions to the effect: 0.066, 0.047 and 0.046 per cent respectively.

-Mankind (anthropomorphic climate change) IS NOT the primary cause of GW now or for instance during the Medieval period when it was actually warmer than today. Mankind was neither responsible for the little ice age either or the warming taking place on Mars or Pluto today. Greenland was called Greenland for a reason, it was green. The Vikings lived there during the Medieval warming period and it was hot enough to cultivate grapes. Did the Vikings drive SUV`s !?

-CO2 does not antedate temperature increases. Temperature increases first, CO2 follows behind by up to 800 years.

-There is enough CO2 in the atmosphere to absorb almost all of the IR in the main carbon dioxide absorption bands.Added CO2 would still only cause an incremental increase in the amount of infrared absorption.Each time CO2 is doubled the increase in temperature will be less than previously simply because all the longwave radiation that can be absorbed has already been absorbed. It`s been calculated that CO2 absorbance is 376 units per km for 380 ppm. Doubling CO2 at it`s absorbtion bandwidth would only cause an increase IR absorbtion of about 0.17%.

-Temperatures have both risen and fallen during the period atmospheric CO2 has been rising. CO2 only plays a very minor part in climate change and man-made CO2, even less.

-Spending billions if not trillions to redistribute wealth(Kyoto) and creating a precursor to a command and control economy only to reduce the earth`s temperature by about 0.003055225 °C by the year 2050 or so, is just not worth it.

-" Kyoto represents the first component of an authentic global governance."
Jacques Chirac at The Hauge 2000

-The IPCC claimed climate change to be "very likely" 90% man-made. All scientific statistical tests are subject to a 95% confidence interval and must be proven with objective data and analysis Therefore, the IPCC`s “very likely” claim is opnion, not scientific fact.

-National Research Council report on the UN`s IPCC/Mann chart stated that Mann`s method was biased towards producing hockey stick-shaped temp. chart, that uncertainties had been underestimated. In otherwords, the UN`s IPCC Temp. chart was false.

-Last year the National Academies convened a committee and asked scientists to model temperatures from a thousand years ago to within 0.5 °C (0.9 °F). None claimed they could, except for Mr. "hockey stick" himself, Mike Mann. And we all know his "hockey stick" temp. chart has been debunked long ago,regardless of "peer review" aka, fellow travellers.

-Climate models are programmed to overstate potential warming response to enhanced greenhouse forcing by a huge margin.

-The 2007 IPCC Summary for Policy Makers (pols) was released before the report itself so that " Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter. See Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work, p4/15 "
They released the IPCC's the political conclusions first, and then will adjust the actual science to fit them.

-Climate change related projects accounted for over 25% of the 3-year total reported grants and contributions received by 10 of the top-20 institutions. For 6 organizations, climate change grants accounted for 50% of their reported grants and contributions received.

-Of the list of recipients of those private funds reveals that the vast majority are spent by groups favoring restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions and believe that climate change requires dramatic government action.

-The U.S. federal government spent nearly $2 billion to support climate change science programs in 2004.

-Global alarmists are dependant upon these funds and must continue to produce doomsday scenarios.

-Algore owns oil stock (oxy) and owned a zinc mine.

-Algore lied in his book and has a history of exaggerations, I "took the initiative in creating the Internet", there was " no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law" ( it was) , stated he " found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal" and of course, "within as little as 10 years (GW will) make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet's habitability for human civilization."

-Alogre`s his manions use 20 X the electricity of an average home. he “buys” his “carbon offsets” from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy “carbon offsets” through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.

Algore`s book, An Inconvenient Truth is rife with either one sided, misleading,speculative,exaggerated or just plain wrong statements:

One-sided statements

• It neglects to mention that aggregate mortality and mortality rates due to extreme weather events declined dramatically during the 20 th century.

• It neglects to mention the circumstances that make it reasonable rather than blameworthy for America to be the biggest CO 2 emitter: the world's largest economy, abundant fossil energy resources, markets integrated across continental distances, the world's most mobile population.

• The book impugns the motives of so-called global warming skeptics but never acknowledges the special-interest motivations of those whose research grants, direct mail income, industrial policy privileges, regulatory power, prosecutorial plunder, or political careers depend on keeping the public in a state of fear about global warming.

• AIT never addresses the obvious criticism that the Kyoto Protocol is all economic pain for no environmental gain and that regulations stringent enough to measurably cool the planet would be a “cure” worse than the alleged disease.

Misleading statements

• AIT implies that, throughout the past 650,000 years, changes in CO 2 levels preceded and largely caused changes in global temperature, whereas the causality mostly runs the other way: CO 2 changes followed global temperature changes.

• It ignores the societal factors that typically overwhelm climatic factors in determining people's risk of damage or death from hurricanes, floods, drought, tornadoes, wildfires, and disease.

• It implies that a study, which found that none of 928 science articles (actually abstracts) denied a CO 2 -global warming link, shows that Gore's apocalyptic view of global warming is the “consensus” view among scientists.

• It reports that 48 Nobel Prize-winning scientists accused Bush of distorting science, without mentioning that the scientists acted as members of a 527 political group set up to promote the Kerry for President Campaign.

Exaggerated statements

• AIT hypes the importance and exaggerates the certainty of the alleged link between global warming and the frequency and severity of tropical storms.

• Claims polar bears “have been drowning in significant numbers,” based on a report that found four drowned polar bears in one month of one year, following an abrupt storm.

• Portrays the collapse in 2002 of the Larson-B ice shelf—a formation the “size of Rhode Island”—as harbinger of doom. For perspective, the Larson-B was 180 th the size of Texas and 1/246 th the size of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).

• AIT presents a graph suggesting that China's new fuel economy standards are almost 30% more stringent than the current U.S. standards. In fact, the Chinese standards are only about 5% more stringent.

Speculative statements

• AIT blames global warming for the record-breaking 37-inch downpour in Mumbai, India, in July 2005, even there has been no trend in Mumbai rainfall for the month of July in 45 years.

• It blames global warming for recent floods in China's Sichuan and Shandong provinces, even though more damaging floods struck those areas in the 19 th and early 20 th centuries.

• It blames global warming for the disappearance of Lake Chad, a disaster more likely stemming from a combination of regional climate variability and societal factors such as population increase and overgrazing.

• AIT warns that a doubling of pre-industrial CO 2 levels to 560 ppm will so acidify seawater that all optimal areas for coral reef construction will disappear by 2050—implausible because coral calcification rates have increased as ocean temperatures and CO 2 levels have risen, and today's main reef builders evolved and thrived during the Mesozoic Period, when atmospheric CO 2 levels hovered above 1,000 ppm for 150 million years and exceeded 2,000 ppm for several million years.

• It warns of “significant and alarming structural changes” in the submarine base of the WAIS, but does not tell us what those changes are or why they are “significant and alarming.” The WAIS has been retreating since the early Holocene. At the rate of retreat observed in the 1990s, the WAIS should disappear in about 7,000 years.

• It warns that half the Greenland Ice Sheet could “slide” into the sea, even though the ice sheet sits in a bowl-like depression surrounded by mountains that restrict glacial outflow to the sea.

Wrong statements

• AIT claims glaciologist Lonnie Thompson's reconstruction of climate history proves the Medieval Warm Period was “tiny” compared to the warming observed in recent decades. It doesn't. Four of Thompson's six ice cores indicate the Medieval Warm Period was as warm as or warmer than any recent decade.

• It claims the rate of global warming is accelerating, when it has been remarkably constant for the past 30 years—roughly 0.17°C/decade.

• It attributes Europe's killer heat wave of 2003 to global warming; it was actually due to an atmospheric circulation anomaly.

• It claims that 2004 set an all-time record for the number of tornadoes in the United States. Tornado frequency has not increased; rather, the detection of smaller tornadoes has increased. If we consider the tornadoes that have been detectable for many decades (F-3 or greater), there is actually a downward trend since 1950.

• It blames global warming for a “mass extinction crisis” that is not, in fact, occurring

06-27-2007, 05:48 AM
just one question
if you know so much about the science behind global warming and apparently know more than any scientist working in that field... how come youre not publishing papers but wasting time on a board for pornography?

06-27-2007, 05:57 AM
Sarcasm duly noted. 8)

06-27-2007, 06:34 AM
Sigh, alright, here we go again, Let`s start from the beginning: -CO2 is only…
That’s’ not the fuckin’ beginning of this thread. This is

ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.
Our entire discussion in this thread up to now concerns what role polls and consensus have in science. Stick to the point. Answer the questions. Failure to do so will once again be interpreted to be concession.

06-27-2007, 06:46 AM
Sigh, alright, here we go again, Let`s start from the beginning: -CO2 is only…
That’s’ not the fuckin’ beginning of this thread. This is

ALMOST three quarters of people believe global warming is a 'natural occurrence' and not a result of carbon emissions, a survey claimed today.
Our entire discussion in this thread up to now concerns what role polls and consensus have in science. Stick to the point. Answer the questions. Failure to do so will once again be interpreted to be concession.

already answered your question, the fact you don`t like the answer is not my problem.

the fact is big bucks and politics is running your phony man-made co2 scam.

once more:

Climate change related projects accounted for over 25% of the 3-year total reported grants and contributions received by 10 of the top-20 institutions. For 6 organizations, climate change grants accounted for 50% of their reported grants and contributions received.

Of the list of recipients of those private funds reveals that the vast majority are spent by groups favoring restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions and believe that climate change requires dramatic government action.

The "consensus" scientists have been politicized and bought and paid for.The 2007 IPCC Summary for Policy Makers (pols) was released before the report itself so that " Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter. See Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work, p4/15 "
They released the IPCC's the political conclusions first, and then will adjust the actual science to fit them.

06-27-2007, 06:50 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

06-27-2007, 06:52 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

06-27-2007, 08:01 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way? LMFAO....


06-27-2007, 08:04 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

06-27-2007, 08:10 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

Says the closeted pillow biter who brought it to this thread in the first place. Nice grasp of reality, White_Delusional_Dullard.


06-27-2007, 08:18 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

Says the closeted pillow biter who brought it to this thread in the first place. Nice grasp of reality, White_Delusional_Dullard.


Hey, i`m not the fag with mono, that`d be you villageidiot :lol:

06-27-2007, 08:21 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

Says the closeted pillow biter who brought it to this thread in the first place. Nice grasp of reality, White_Delusional_Dullard.


Hey, i`m not the fag with mono, that`d be you villageidiot :lol:

No, you're just the guy who likes to get topped by men and feels like a pantywaist afterward. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-27-2007, 08:25 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

Says the closeted pillow biter who brought it to this thread in the first place. Nice grasp of reality, White_Delusional_Dullard.


Hey, i`m not the fag with mono, that`d be you villageidiot :lol:

No, you're just the guy who likes to get topped by men and feels like a pantywaist afterward. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh really ? just received an interesting PM

who`s the cocksucker now fagboy :lol:

06-27-2007, 08:30 AM
Thankyou, I accept your concession. Good night.

non given

the villageidiot syndrome seems to have become an airborne pathogen

don`t tell me you`re going to become as unglued as that moron

Says the self-loathing closeted homosexual whom numerous posters have characterized as delusional and crazy (none have ever said so of me, by contrast). Nice grasp of any objective reality, want wit.

As an aside, is it my imagination or does Cupcake seem particularly angry today. What's wrong, nancy boy, things not going your way?

Don`t infect the others idiot. Things couldn`t be better, I`m disease free, unlike you and McCain is fucked.

Says the closeted pillow biter who brought it to this thread in the first place. Nice grasp of reality, White_Delusional_Dullard.


Hey, i`m not the fag with mono, that`d be you villageidiot :lol:

No, you're just the guy who likes to get topped by men and feels like a pantywaist afterward. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh really ? just received an interesting PM

who`s the cocksucker now fagboy :lol:

ROTFLAMO...... The fact that you went to all the touble to go out there and create that -- like you previously said you would do -- shows you truly are obsessed with me like rogers and others have said. Let me guess, you're hoping I'll top your nanacy boy ass and make you feel like a pantywaist. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-27-2007, 08:32 AM
well well, looks like you`ve been busy faggot :lol:

06-27-2007, 08:40 AM
well well, looks like you`ve been busy faggot :lol:

ROTFLMAO...... You couldn't even get my puncutation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surpise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. You really must be gay if you spend your spare time on there making that type of shit up.

06-27-2007, 08:43 AM
well well, looks like you`ve been busy faggot :lol:

ROTFLMAO...... You couldn't even get my puncutation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surpise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. You really must be gay if you spend your spare time on there making that type of shit up.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

No wonder you`re diseased and full of mono.

06-27-2007, 08:46 AM
3) ROTFLMAO...... You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. You really must be gay if you spend your spare time on there making that type of shit up.

i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements

06-27-2007, 01:09 PM
3) ROTFLMAO...... You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. You really must be gay if you spend your spare time on there making that type of shit up.

i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements

Ah the good old lie by omission, you` re usual bullshit. Totally expected from a liar such as yourself.

The whole paragraph you pathological liar. I clearly stated I had neither the time nor inclination to bother with such nonsense.

But lucky me, someone stumbled onto you`re game and sent me one wild email.

It`s now my opinion you`re a pedophile who was run outta NY by the authorities.

06-27-2007, 01:21 PM
your the person who had acount on the chadzboyz.com and deleted it after I posted other gay link of you a long time ago. you used a other name but had same email addres gawpledouche@hotmail.com. your a liar person white-male-canada

06-27-2007, 06:55 PM
Sarcasm duly noted. 8)

still waiting for an answer

06-27-2007, 07:08 PM
your the person who had acount on the chadzboyz.com and deleted it after I posted other gay link of you a long time ago. you used a other name but had same email addres gawpledouche@hotmail.com. your a liar person white-male-canada

In fact, you are the liar, much like your butt-buddy the village idiot.

Now prove your accusation or go slink back to your other site: :lol:

06-27-2007, 07:13 PM
LG, notice how all these supposedly real accounts – I"m sure you saw that the fictitious bliskin edited his post to remove a host of pics depicting a bogus account for svenson – were created after White_Prevaricating_Poltroon stated he would do so. Not one predates his statement and all three (including the now removed svenson account) had only a handful of posts, at best.

It’s funny how specialk, svenson, and I have also each been accused by White_Prevaricating_Poltroon of creating his now notorious account on hipforums.com and how we each share the same sig. ROTFLMAO…………..

06-27-2007, 07:35 PM
LG, notice how all these supposedly real accounts – I"m sure you saw that the fictitious bliskin edited his post to remove a host of pics depicting a bogus account for svenson – were created after White_Prevaricating_Poltroon stated he would do so. Not one predates his statement and all three (including the now removed svenson account) had only a handful of posts, at best.

It’s funny how specialk, svenson, and I have also each been accused by White_Prevaricating_Poltroon of creating his now notorious account on hipforums.com and how we each share the same sig. ROTFLMAO…………..

It`s hilarious, watching your last shred of dignity evaporate.

As it now turns out, you`re a pathological liar and in my opinion, a predator pedophile who must have been run out of NY on a rail.

What you edited for your lie:
"i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements "

The whole statement that clearly indicates I`d never sink to your level:

Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!

PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level.

06-27-2007, 07:40 PM
LOL...You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. How sad that you it’s so easy to establish that you truly have no integrity.

i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements

I suspect that White Boy Pantywaist is cooking up new identities as we read this...

its a trick from white-male-canada. when I first post hip gay link for white-male-canada there were other gay acounts this person deleted to protect heself. one of white-male-canada acounts was on the chazboyz.com gaysite its no coinsidense he uses the chadzboyz.com for the trick

More nonsensical bullshit.

your the person who had acount on the chadzboyz.com and deleted it after I posted other gay link of you a long time ago. you used a other name but had same email addres gawpledouche@hotmail.com. your a liar person white-male-canada

LG, notice how each of these supposedly real accounts – I"m sure you saw that the fictitious bliskin edited his post to remove a host of pics depicting a bogus account for svenson – were created after White_Prevaricating_Prevaricating stated he would do so. Not one predates his statement and all three (including the now edited out svenson account) had only a handful of posts, at best.

It’s also quite the coincidence that each of us three individuals have been accused by White_Prevaricating_Poltroon of creating his own now notorious account on hipforums.com and how we each share the same sig. ROTFLMAO…………..


I understand everything you are saying and agree. The fictional character of Bliskin appears to be another persona of WMC and all those accounts came well after WMC's threat. Most were created very, very recently. He sure has put in a lot of time to defame all three of you.

I do feel this is getting very childish and tiresome on his behalf. It would be nice to move on.

06-27-2007, 07:51 PM
You`ve lost again. Yet another bold faced lie from the idiot. The old lie by omission is a lie no matter how you attempt to spin it.

What you edited for your lie:

"i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements "

The whole statement that clearly indicates I`d never sink to your level:

Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!

PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level.

You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever[/u]. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. How sad that you it’s so easy to establish that you truly have no integrity

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. It`s clear in my opinion you are a pedophile and were run out of NY by the authorities

06-27-2007, 08:21 PM
LOL...You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. How sad that you it’s so easy to establish that you truly have no integrity.

i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements

I suspect that White Boy Pantywaist is cooking up new identities as we read this...

its a trick from white-male-canada. when I first post hip gay link for white-male-canada there were other gay acounts this person deleted to protect heself. one of white-male-canada acounts was on the chazboyz.com gaysite its no coinsidense he uses the chadzboyz.com for the trick

More nonsensical bullshit.

your the person who had acount on the chadzboyz.com and deleted it after I posted other gay link of you a long time ago. you used a other name but had same email addres gawpledouche@hotmail.com. your a liar person white-male-canada

LG, notice how each of these supposedly real accounts – I"m sure you saw that the fictitious bliskin edited his post to remove a host of pics depicting a bogus account for svenson – were created after White_Prevaricating_Prevaricating stated he would do so. Not one predates his statement and all three (including the now edited out svenson account) had only a handful of posts, at best.

It’s also quite the coincidence that each of us three individuals have been accused by White_Prevaricating_Poltroon of creating his own now notorious account on hipforums.com and how we each share the same sig. ROTFLMAO…………..


I understand everything you are saying and agree. The fictional character of Bliskin appears to be another persona of WMC and all those accounts came well after WMC's threat. Most were created very, very recently. He sure has put in a lot of time to defame all three of you.

I do feel this is getting very childish and tiresome on his behalf. It would be nice to move on.

06-27-2007, 08:23 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You`ve lost again. Yet another bold faced lie from the idiot. The old lie by omission is a lie no matter how you attempt to spin it.

What you edited for your lie:

"i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements "

The whole statement that clearly indicates I`d never sink to your level:

Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!

PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level.

You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever[/u]. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. How sad that you it’s so easy to establish that you truly have no integrity

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. It`s clear in my opinion you are a pedophile and were run out of NY by the authorities
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lady Angela
06-27-2007, 09:08 PM
This thread really deterioated.

Back to topic.
Global warming can be natural or influenced by human activity.
The presentday global warming could be both.
But virtually all credible scientists believe human activity is influencing it.

It would be better to switch to alternative energy and cars anyway.
It would get us off of Middle East oil.
It would be better for the environment and human health.
And it would create new jobs and new industries in alternative energy.
It is part of the future economy.
The countries and businesses that get in on it will be the winners in the future.
That is always true of those who invest in and cultivate new technologies.

06-27-2007, 09:55 PM
LOL...You couldn't even get my punctuation or writing style right, stupid. Given that you previously said you would create fake accounts for myself and other posters, you're not even being clever. No surprise there, huh? Like rogers and others have said, you're clearly obsessed with me. How sad that you it’s so easy to establish that you truly have no integrity.

i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements

I suspect that White Boy Pantywaist is cooking up new identities as we read this...

its a trick from white-male-canada. when I first post hip gay link for white-male-canada there were other gay acounts this person deleted to protect heself. one of white-male-canada acounts was on the chazboyz.com gaysite its no coinsidense he uses the chadzboyz.com for the trick

More nonsensical bullshit.

your the person who had acount on the chadzboyz.com and deleted it after I posted other gay link of you a long time ago. you used a other name but had same email addres gawpledouche@hotmail.com. your a liar person white-male-canada

LG, notice how each of these supposedly real accounts – I"m sure you saw that the fictitious bliskin edited his post to remove a host of pics depicting a bogus account for svenson – were created after White_Prevaricating_Poltroon stated he would do so. Not one predates his statement and all three (including the now edited out svenson account) had only a handful of posts, at best.

It’s also quite the coincidence that each of us three individuals have been accused by White_Prevaricating_Poltroon of creating his own now notorious account on hipforums.com and how we each share the same sig. ROTFLMAO…………..


I understand everything you are saying and agree. The fictional character of Bliskin appears to be another persona of WMC and all those accounts came well after WMC's threat. Most were created very, very recently. He sure has put in a lot of time to defame all three of you.

I do feel this is getting very childish and tiresome on his behalf. It would be nice to move on.


06-27-2007, 11:36 PM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

06-28-2007, 12:53 AM
I don't think you'll find too much porn on the Politics & Religion forum.

06-28-2007, 01:24 AM
You have an innocent's conception of pornography.

06-28-2007, 01:51 AM
This thread really deterioated.

Back to topic.
Global warming can be natural or influenced by human activity.
The presentday global warming could be both.
But virtually all credible scientists believe human activity is influencing it.

It would be better to switch to alternative energy and cars anyway.
It would get us off of Middle East oil.
It would be better for the environment and human health.
And it would create new jobs and new industries in alternative energy.
It is part of the future economy.
The countries and businesses that get in on it will be the winners in the future.
That is always true of those who invest in and cultivate new technologies.

Thank you. Well said. Not that anyone's listening anymore. You've seen the level of discussion here... :roll:

06-28-2007, 01:54 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

Tell it to the mods. 8)

06-28-2007, 01:56 AM
This thread really deterioated.

Back to topic.
Global warming can be natural or influenced by human activity.
The presentday global warming could be both.
But virtually all credible scientists believe human activity is influencing it.

It would be better to switch to alternative energy and cars anyway.
It would get us off of Middle East oil.
It would be better for the environment and human health.
And it would create new jobs and new industries in alternative energy.
It is part of the future economy.
The countries and businesses that get in on it will be the winners in the future.
That is always true of those who invest in and cultivate new technologies.

Like I`ve stated, I`m not the one going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming. All I can do is reply.

Tell the mods to get it in gear concerning the hi-jack spammers.

Apart from that what source of energy gives us more BTU bang for the buck than oil ?

06-28-2007, 01:56 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

[b] Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...

Now let's get back to the topic...

06-28-2007, 02:10 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...

[b] Hi-jacking a thread yourself? Seems you`ve caught the village idiot`s disease.

I did not require any support in demonstrating just how ignorant this ugly american is about Constitutional law. I`ve easily stripped away all credibility this idiot ever had.

Now prove your accusation with facts and not you`re opinion. Wich is like assholes, they all stink, except your`s just happens to stink the most.

Put up or shut up.

Now, I really don`t care if those profiles are fake or not,where they came from or who posted them or copied them. What is going on here is that it was perfectly ok for these fake profiles to be used by leftists and the biggest physco i`ve ever met, but turn about is NOT fair play.

Total complete hypocrisy.

I`m not the lunatic going around hi-jacking threads, creating taglines from phony profiles and spamming to no end.

Guess what, turn about IS fair play irregardless of who what or where the profiles came from.

You`re a hypocrite. 8)

06-28-2007, 02:11 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

[b] Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...

Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.......we're gettin to him :P :P :P

06-28-2007, 02:18 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...

[b] Hi-jacking a thread yourself? Seems you`ve caught the village idiot`s disease.

I did not require any support in demonstrating just how ignorant this ugly american is about Constitutional law. I`ve easily stripped away all credibility this idiot ever had.

Now prove your accusation with facts and not you`re opinion. Wich is like assholes, they all stink, except your`s just happens to stink the most.

Put up or shut up.

Now, I really don`t care if those profiles are fake or not,where they came from or who posted them or copied them. What is going on here is that it was perfectly ok for these fake profiles to be used by leftists and the biggest physco i`ve ever met, but turn about is NOT fair play.

Total complete hypocrisy.

I`m not the lunatic going around hi-jacking threads, creating taglines from phony profiles and spamming to no end.

Guess what, turn about IS fair play irregardless of who what or where the profiles came from.

You`re a hypocrite. 8)

Firstly, as I said in my post, let's get back to the topic.

Secondly, I don't know whether it was you or someone else who used your handle in the gay forums. But it's obvious and implicit from your post that you were the one who created not one but at least three new identities in various gay forums to defame other users.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck if you or anyone else is gay, but you obviously do, given that you've teased Quinn endlessly for having "gay mono" as you call it. So why should Bliskin, if he existed (which he doesn't), give you those screen capturers? It's obvious you are the most homophobic of anyone here.

I tried to make peace. I tried to stay away. But you obviously don't want me to. You want to annoy the shit out of me. Truth is, I don't give a fuck what you think, but it's clear to me that the biggest hypocrite around is you.

And everyone now knows that.

06-28-2007, 02:23 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

[b] Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...


Well well, it`s leather vest boy. find a bf yet ? :lol:

06-28-2007, 02:32 AM
[quote="White_Male_Canada"][quote="LG"][quote="White_Male_Canada"][quote="Irisheyes"]hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

Firstly, as I said in my post, let's get back to the topic.

[quote]Secondly, I don't know whether it was you or someone else who used your handle in the gay forums. But it's obvious and implicit from your post that you were the one who created not one but at least three new identities in various gay forums to defame other users.

It is only implicit because you believe the idiot who lied by omission. What I said was,

" Can`t argue intellectually in the P&R page, so now they`re down to this. Ha!
PS: want to play childish games? i`ll select some gayforum, use your nick,post inflammatory statements, get 'specialk' banned, come back here and do as you do.

But then i`d be sinking to your anti-intellectual level."

So from the entire text it`s clear I prefer not to sink to the anti-intellectual level apart from defending my topics from spammers and Hi-jackers. The fact is you prefer to accept the lie by omission. Your problem, not mine.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck if you or anyone else is gay, but you obviously do, given that you've teased Quinn endlessly for having "gay mono" as you call it. So why should Bliskin, if he existed (which he doesn't), give you those screen capturers? It's obvious you are the most homophobic of anyone here.

Again, I`ve stated I don`t care if you fuck sheep in your home as long as tax payers do not pay for it.

I did not bring up the topic of mono and open myself up to ridicule.

My email addy is available, the fact that spammers and Hi-jackers scare people away is not my problem, it`s HAs`.

Once more, I do not care if all those profiles are real, or not. The fact is you now display your total hypocrisy when fake profiles are used by the kook left but turn about happens NOT to be fair play.

06-28-2007, 02:48 AM
hmmmm. i used to like this forum. havet been here long, but i slowly realised that this place is full of complete dickheads. this thread shows perfectly that there are people out there who really spend too much on the internet.

the internet for me is for porn, music, films, tv shows, reviews and information. not for talking to dickheads. from now on im here for the porn.

get a fucking life u sad fucks.

[b] Hey, I`m not the "sad fuck" going around Hi-Jacking threads and continually spamming.

No, you're just the guy who creates fake profiles to defame other users and makes up imaginary friends to support his claims...


Well well, it`s leather vest boy. find a bf yet ? :lol:

I got my eye on these 2 ........BBBWWWWAAAAHHHHHH :P :P

06-28-2007, 02:53 AM
I did not bring up the topic of mono and open myself up to ridicule.

Okay, so Quinn said he had mono. It's not a disease contracted only by gay people and it's nothing to make fun of. So even if Quinn did mention it, you were the one who used it against him.

My email addy is available, the fact that spammers and Hi-jackers scare people away is not my problem, it`s HAs`.

You have repeatedly spammed and hijacked this and other threads.

Once more, I do not care if all those profiles are real, or not.

Those profiles are not real because you made them up. This is obvious to all of us. And if you don't care whether they are real, it means that you accept publicly that they may be fake, in which case you shouldn't be posting those screen captures.

The fact is you now display your total hypocrisy when fake profiles are used by the kook left but turn about happens NOT to be fair play.[/b]
You've said this before. Please note that I never used the profile you had (or claim not to have had) on those gay forums against you, so am surprised how you can criticise me of hypocrisy. But then, I should have expected it from you.

Now, let's get back to the fucking topic.

06-28-2007, 03:04 AM
Okay, so Quinn said he had mono. It's not a disease contracted only by gay people and it's nothing to make fun of. So even if Quinn did mention it, you were the one who used it against him.

Seriously, gay mono ? Is there even such a thing. The fact that the villageidiot became incensed indicates zero sense of humor. How easy it could have been to brush it off. gaymono !?

You have repeatedly spammed and hijacked this and other threads.

I do not spam other threads. What you define as hijacking an objective individual would see as heated debate. I do not spam over and over denying reality.

Those profiles are not real because you made them up. This is obvious to all of us. And if you don't care whether they are real, it means that you accept publicly that they may be fake, in which case you shouldn't be posting those screen captures.

You had best come forward with IP addies that prove your opinion. Otherwise it`s your opinion. I`m not the obsessed lunatic who went back, read all my posts, captured other poster`s opinions, created taglines based on fake profiles, etc.

You've said this before. Please note that I never used the profile you had (or claim not to have had) on those gay forums against you, so am surprised how you can criticise me of hypocrisy. But then, I should have expected it from you.

You sat by and idly did nothing and yet protest and engage in speculation as to who,what where ,when,why and erroneously conclude I`m the culprit with absolutely no factual eveidence.

So now, turn about is NOT fair play.

Pfft~ yeah right . We all know what`s going on here:


Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly.

06-28-2007, 03:19 AM
I do not spam other threads. What you define as hijacking an objective individual would see as heated debate. I do not spam over and over denying reality.

Yes you do. I'm not even going to bother arguing that one. It's self evident.

[b] You sat by and idly did nothing and yet protest and engage in speculation as to who,what where ,when,why and erroneously conclude I`m the culprit with absolutely no factual eveidence.

I did say I wasn't sure it was you but that it did sound like you...What? You expected me to defend you after you had called me every insult under the sun?

And with that word- sun-, we come full circle to the issue of solar radiation being trapped by the greenhouse effect.

And, by the way, it's "turnabout" (one word). And no, it's not fair play. Only objectivity and intelligent arguments are fair play. If someone is unfair or cruel to you, you won't beat them by being unfair and cruel to them. But then, I never expected you to realise that anyway.

Lady Angela
06-28-2007, 06:27 AM
Most of the oil will eventually run out in future decades. And much of the oil that is left is in the Middle East, and some of the oil money is funneled to terrorists, and props up dangerous and fascist regimes like the one in Iran.

And saying cars using oil isn't bad for the environment, most credible scientists would agree, is obviously denial. Much like many smokers and tobacco companies for years denied smoking adversly effected health.
People are beyond that.
People who say technology like cars run on gasoline have no adverse environmental effects, and that modern, updated technology and alternative energy is not part of the future, lack credibility, are considered by most rational, intelligent people as either stupid or foolishly reactionary, and basically are making fools of themselves, with their stubborn, silly obstinance.

Also as the decades go on and oil becomes more scarce, it will become more expensive. As alternative energy develops and gets on the market more, it will become more cost effective. That is always the case with new technology.

There are those who live in the past, like those who resisted the automobile for the horse and buggy, or resisted computers for files of paper.
Governments and businesses who take advantage of new technologies are the winners. Those who resist new technologies are the losers, the ones left behind, the people who are unable to adapt or adjust to changes that are already occuring and will occur even more in the future.

As I stated, it is those who take advantage of new technologies and alternative energy who will win. Both environmentally and economically. And people will live better as a result of it.