View Full Version : A very interesting/different documentary about HIV/AIDSA

06-20-2007, 03:03 AM
Presenting views from scientist/researchers/doctors who offer a few on HIV/AIDS that are not very much publicized.

I think this opens up a great dialougue-since medicine/doctors/scientist have been wrong about many medical theories in the past- I think this is very interesting to watch.

A must watch!


06-20-2007, 03:27 AM
While I always welcome debate of any kind on this subject, to suggest that AIDS or HIV is not caused by sexual transmission, among other things, is sheer lunacy, and down right irresponsible.

06-20-2007, 03:37 AM
I have just started to watch it, thus I will reserve comment
till I have finished.

Thank you very much for bringing it to the boards attention.

06-20-2007, 12:13 PM
While I always welcome debate of any kind on this subject, to suggest that AIDS or HIV is not caused by sexual transmission, among other things, is sheer lunacy, and down right irresponsible.


Well if medicine is a theory, and not an exact science, and thousands uponthousands of people die from medical errors and mistakes each year, nd the medical community has been wrong many times in regards to teatment and management of many diseases- like cancer. Then why is is irresponsible to present a different point of view not discussed in the status quo?

The big mistake people make- as you have- when they hear AIDS dissidents speak onthe subject- is that they fear they are telling people go out and fuck without condoms and fuck everyone and don't be safe- which is a crock of shit. I never heard that ONCE in the documentary. IN FACT- if you watch early on, they speak on how extreme promiscuity. stds. and the constant treatment thereof with antibiotics (that created resistance to the drugs), and lifestyle, where first thought to be the cause of AIDS and the breakdown in the immune system

They are simply discussing inconsistensies in the HIV/AIDS theory and their experiences, and their knowledge and opinions. It is VERY important in my opinion to have this dialogue.

Resreachers int he 70's believed cancer was a retro virus and they were wrong. Women were given estrogen for years as a treatment and prevention for breast cancer, when hrt itself can cause breast cancer. No medicine is perfect or absolute and doctors and researchers are not gods. People often think those mistakes. But the truth is that Mistakes in medicine are PLENTY.Drugs that are deemed safe are then deemd dangerous and pulled off the market all the time. Medicine is NOT an absolute science.

AIDS has been made an extremely political and marketable disease- especially by drug companies. Well every drug is marketed like a damn designer car anyway these days..

But my point is posting was to show the different opinions that some highly regarded doctors, including a Nobel prize winner for chemistry, have on the subject. It's not like they pulled any joe off the street to talk about this stuff.

This is just to make you THINK and be EXPOSED to different medical theories. If you think a doctor can't botch you or fuck you up majorly, come and talk to me sometime about a little breast surgery I had that left me almost unable to get out of bed for month.

It's not a command to make anyone change their minds about anything. It's simply exposing a different school of thought not heard in the media.

There is too much pharmaceutical money involved in the establishment and fear that a simple different opinion will cause widespread unsafe sex practice- as you have have expressed- for a lot of this stuff to be discussed publicly.

And I think reasearchers and doctors - so many habe such EXTREME egos- that they can never admit they were wrong and made a mistake. Trust me I have experienced that too.

Why are you so scared of a difference of opinion?

Vicki Richter
06-20-2007, 07:21 PM
This was very interesting Allanah. I watched part of it last night and another part of it today. I felt there were a few inconsistencies which can be debated

#1 - They say that HIV is transmittable one in 2000 times or so, but in the recent adult industry HIV scare, 3 girls contracted HIV by only performing with Darren James once. Whatever HIV is, it is clearly contageous through sexual contact.

#2 - While AZT(?) sounds like a surer way to a death sentence than HIV, I was thinking more about this and realized that of the million people allegedly dying of AIDS in Africa each year (and another huge number of people in Asia), very few of those people could afford western medicines. So the medicine can't be killing them, it has to be AIDS right?

#3 - I think they tried too hard to totally debunk the entire HIV thing by attacking the testing. The PCRDNA (assuming that is Western Blot) testing is actually very good in my opinion. There may be some false positives, but I haven't heard of there ever being any false negatives. They found all the newly infected people in the adult industry on their first test. However, I do believe that the ELISA test should stop being used due to it's clearly deficient accuracy.

Some collaborative evidence that HIV does not = AIDS is the fact that not a single one of the adult industry people who have contracted HIV over the past decade, of which there are several, have died of or contracted AIDS. In my opinion, were I to contract HIV someday, after watching this video, I would definitely not take any prescribed drugs. That AZT shit is total poison. I like the skull and crossbones warning on the actual packaging. Nice. Can you give me a little rat poison with my cyanide?

In all a very interesting documentary. It is way too much information to summarize in an email and do it justice so I will let you all watch the video.

06-20-2007, 11:41 PM
#1 - They say that HIV is transmittable one in 2000 times or so, but in the recent adult industry HIV scare, 3 girls contracted HIV by only performing with Darren James once. Whatever HIV is, it is clearly contageous through sexual contact.

i havent watched the video yet but about this

male to female infection (or in the context of this board rather top to bottom) from my understanding usually happens through small wounds forming in the vagina/anus during sex
obviously the risk of this happening increases with duration and 'hardness' of the sex
those numbers are for usual every day sexual contact and dont really account for what youll find on a porn set

06-21-2007, 01:39 AM
I agree with you Vicki, if I ever were to test HIV positive I would NEVER take the meds. I have a few friends, particulary one who has been positive for 20+ years and she has never taken a med., and has never been hospitalized for and AIDS related disease. Which is kinda bull to me you think about it because lets say you contract pneumonia and you are HIV neg- but if you are positive and you contract pneumonia then that is considered AIDS. Does not make a whole lot of sense to me really.

I believe that a lot of the people who died in the early staged of AIDS died of AZT poisening- when that is ALL they were giving out and in mass doses. AZT is a poison.

In 2002, the World Heath organization declared that most AIDS patients were not dying of AIDS- but of liver faiulure side effects of HIV/AIDS meds.

It's also quite interesting how the how Tcell count thing works. In other words, you could be healthy and not ill but if your TCell count is at a certain amount you are diagnised with having AIDS. However, you can cross the border to Canada, and NOT be diagnosed with AIDS as the TCell count there that qualifies an HIV patient as an AIDS patient is different than the US.

Just a lot of questions and inconsistensies....