View Full Version : Great Movie Scenes via Youtube links

06-16-2007, 04:42 AM
How about a "Great Movie Sequence" thread, using links to Youtube clips?

As far as an opening shot, I'll throw down this from Mad Max (and for anyone who hasn't seen the original Australian dialog version, this is it). Awesome sound mix, effects, amazing on several technical levels especially for low budget. It's always been something of a milestone for "cool".


06-16-2007, 05:40 AM
Ill throw this up as my favorite scene from any film, I mean it just speaks for itself.


06-16-2007, 07:14 AM
not a movie scene, but a movie explanation:


06-16-2007, 06:19 PM
Excellent post with the Glengarry Glenross scene. I don't know if the Top Gun compilation really counts, but it's damn funny and I suppose Cloudy can get away with it.

I'll get another one of the easy Top 10 ones out of the way. The classic "Indianapolis" scene from Jaws:


06-16-2007, 07:30 PM
Damn. I think I'm finally becoming addicted to Youtube. It's nice having a convenient source to find those "Oh man, that was like, the best scene ever!" vids. It's a cool resource that I never really checked out much until recently and it really has a great deal of potential.

Two more classic movie scenes that are always worth re-watching:

"We're in the pipe. Five by five"


and Jacki Chans greatest fight ever


Classics. 8)

06-16-2007, 08:13 PM
I too ---find myself loving youtube --since I got cable internet about 2 weeks ago ---

here is a music video ---Bon Scott on back up vocals ----funny as hell ----if you're a fan of Bon Scott ----you'll know how funny this video is -----just awesome!!!


06-16-2007, 08:20 PM
Not a scene clip, but this is the trailer for "The Legend of Hell House":


06-16-2007, 08:22 PM
okay ---I jumped ---now THIS is what I should have added to this topic --------I feel it's 1/16 appropriate for this board

Bon Scott in drag -----


06-16-2007, 08:57 PM
I haven't really started checking out the music videos yet. I'm way behind on my Youtubing. The old video with Bon Scott dressed like an elf was kinda funny, but then I realized he always kinda dressed like an elf. He just became more destitute looking.

And Legend Of Hell House, one of those freaky previews I remember seeing as a kid. I still haven't seen the actual movie.

But, yes, Bon Scott era AC/DC is the best. The retarded "metal" bands currently posing are a bunch of jokers.

I could have done without seeing Scott dressed as a milk maid, so here's something else:


Angus Young owned the guitar (in the cosmic sense).

06-16-2007, 09:05 PM
ahhhh yes --never fails me ----I love when people appreciate music! ---