View Full Version : Shunning the new HOSTEL film

06-12-2007, 03:50 PM
I tend not to like this types of movie but hostel 2 is comprised primarily of young attractive women being tortured to death, really takes the cake and pisses me off.

Its movies like this that condone images of women being stripped, mutilated, suffering, and dying, do nothing but promote rape and hatred of women in America.

06-12-2007, 03:56 PM
I wasn't that impressed with the first one to be honest, It was just a half soft porn, half horror.
I guess the tits and violence appeal to a certain age group, I just don't think that it deserved all the praise it was given.

I was much more impressed with The Descent, made the same year.

06-12-2007, 04:21 PM
Have you seen the film?

If you have, i don't know how you can come away with that thought.
[i can't say anymore without giving the end away]

06-12-2007, 04:25 PM
ah, man. it's fiction. in the first hostel, it was all of the men being tortured. it's fair play. just treating everyone equally. eye for an eye. pun intended.

Vicki Richter
06-12-2007, 04:29 PM
I didn't really think the first Hostel was very good. Wierd, but not the best flick on the planet. I don't get these movies that go after teenage male viewers with the tits and ass and then switch to violence and gore... Oh wait, I guess that is what teenager males want right?

06-12-2007, 04:31 PM
it's obviously not meant for everyone. such is life. variety. et al.

06-12-2007, 05:11 PM
The first one didn't interest me. The second one REALLY doesn't interest me. Frankly, I find nudity and gore (especially the latter in excess), to be abnormally boring.

Sorry, but my 10 bucks would be better spent going to buying gas or q-tips.

06-12-2007, 05:38 PM
I don't get these movies that go after teenage male viewers with the tits and ass and then switch to violence and gore... Oh wait, I guess that is what teenager males want right?

Russ Meyer made a career out of tits and violence.
I thought his films were ok.....or was it just the tits? :?

06-12-2007, 05:57 PM
There's always been a link between horror and eroticism. Nearly every horror film ever made (whether it was completely tame, or the blood and guts spilled off the screen) has contained female death scenes involving hints of erotica. It could be the position of her body, the look on her face, the sound of her screams and moans, etc...
You could close your eyes during some slasher flicks, and swear you're watching a porno given some of the sounds.

That link is really nothing new. Now, granted, I have not seen Hostel 2 (nor Hostel 1 for that matter), so it very may well take that link to new highs (or lows, depending on how you look at it). It's just that it's certainly not the first, nor will it be the last.

06-12-2007, 06:11 PM
I tend not to like this types of movie but hostel 2 is comprised primarily of young attractive women being tortured to death, really takes the cake and pisses me off.

Its movies like this that condone images of women being stripped, mutilated, suffering, and dying, do nothing but promote rape and hatred of women in America.

Lighten up, Francis!

06-12-2007, 06:29 PM
don't watch the second one if you didn't like the first. Seems a bit odd...................... :roll:

06-12-2007, 06:50 PM
As a connoisseur of horror films, Hostel was actually quite different (I couldn't say original) and very well made. It was one of the better genre movies of that year.

The true horror is how Legend gets all incensed over topics he knows little about.

Some of the most disturbing torture images I've seen, were painted on the Duomo in Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, in Florence, painted almost 450 years ago so if life has been imitating art, we've been doing it for some time. What encouraged Jack the Ripper to cause women to be "stripped, mutilated, suffering, and dying" pre movies?

I do think some sick individuals do unfortuantely get their ideas from media but it's nothing new and it's not an excuse - if they didn't get their ideas from the movies it would be from some other powder keg.

Other good recent horrors, The Descent (directed by a guy in the year above me in high school in UK!!! - his next movie takes place on an oil rig and is meant to be like the thing), Severence and for pure fun the remake of The Hills have Eyes (but where was Michael Berryman?), 2001 Maniacs, and The Devils Rejects.


06-12-2007, 07:05 PM
I thought that 'Wolf Creek' was disturbingly creepy(if a bit slow out of the gate), and supposedly Roger Ebert said that it "crossed the line" and walked out of the theater...

I haven't seen the 'Hostel' flicks, but I'll watch them when they show up on HBO or STARZ. I thought that 'The Hills Have Eyes' was a pretty good remake, also.

06-12-2007, 07:06 PM
I don't need such extreme violence to entertain myself...its coarsening the public in weird ways. For that matter, most of the HOllywood trash they try and pass as entertainment is just plain uninspired, intelligent, or truly cinema. Its a bunch of cliche, one liner's with some tits and ass and product placement.

06-12-2007, 07:23 PM
I thought that 'The Hills Have Eyes' was a pretty good remake, also.

I can't comment on it's standing as a remake, because I've never seen the original, but I was very disappointed in The Hills have Eyes. It's hardly what I'd call scary...there didn't even seem to be an attempt made at building tension up to a scare point. It was really just a gore-fest. Not that there's anything wrong with gore-fests mind you, but there is a big difference between gory and scary. A big difference between squirming in your seat due to the blood, and jumping out of your seat due to being scared.

Seems to me too many movies confuse that now-a-days. An axe to the head doesn't automatically make it scary, you need tension, you need surprises, you need dead ends, misleads, and such. You can't just pile corpses atop one another (no matter how inventive you get with the kill methods) and call it "horror".

06-12-2007, 07:33 PM
Eli Roth is a product of Troma films and 80's B-movies, so its not surprising Hostel 1 and 2 feature nudity and gore. I mean if you saw the first one, you pretty much had a good idea of what part two would be about.

Oh and ur right seanchai, severance was a good flick, and I would also suggest the movie Feast for any classic 80 B-MOVIE fans out there.

06-12-2007, 07:43 PM
By the way, "Notes on a Scandal" is a great alternative horror. No killing or gore - but Judy Dench is pretty terrifying in it.


06-12-2007, 07:57 PM
Korean films probably rank up high on my favorite films to watch in terms of horror. Audition, The tale of two sisters are great and even non horror such as OldBoy, Lady Vegenance are great films.

06-12-2007, 08:02 PM
I thought that 'The Hills Have Eyes' was a pretty good remake, also.

I can't comment on it's standing as a remake, because I've never seen the original, but I was very disappointed in The Hills have Eyes. It's hardly what I'd call scary...there didn't even seem to be an attempt made at building tension up to a scare point. It was really just a gore-fest. Not that there's anything wrong with gore-fests mind you, but there is a big difference between gory and scary. A big difference between squirming in your seat due to the blood, and jumping out of your seat due to being scared.

Seems to me too many movies confuse that now-a-days. An axe to the head doesn't automatically make it scary, you need tension, you need surprises, you need dead ends, misleads, and such. You can't just pile corpses atop one another (no matter how inventive you get with the kill methods) and call it "horror".

I can't argue with that, you made some very good points about the genre. Have you ever seen the movie 'The Other'? It was made in the 70's, I believe. IMDB would have all the info. I saw it again on cable recently, and I think that it's right up there in Hitchcock territory.

06-12-2007, 08:58 PM
Korean films probably rank up high on my favorite films to watch in terms of horror. Audition, The tale of two sisters are great and even non horror such as OldBoy, Lady Vegenance are great films.

Korean movies are easily the best and most exciting around at the moment. Other great ones "Crying Fist" - the only boxing movie which comes close to Raging Bull, "Blood Rain" - like the Name of the Rose and "The King and the Clown" - cute period piece with a cute tranny!

On the subject of foreign movies - I'm still pushing my two favourite movies of last year;
Argentinian movie - "Chronicles of an Escape" - http://imdb.com/title/tt0479354/

French/Morrocon/Belgian/Algerian movie - "Indigenes"

06-12-2007, 09:03 PM
halloween was the first film to ever scare the hell out of me. for the longest time, this segment on the news called "crime stoppers" always played the halloween theme song and it always gave me the same chills. thus, it always have a place in my heart. and i haven't killed or turtured anyone... yet.

06-12-2007, 09:05 PM
I dunno ---for me --the first one was good --not great --

it was slow --which was good ---maybe there wasn't an alarming soundtrack ----I dunno ---started off slow --harmless enough ----it really didn't kick my ass like ......I guess it did some people ----

06-12-2007, 10:00 PM
I dunno ---for me --the first one was good --not great --

it was slow --which was good ---maybe there wasn't an alarming soundtrack ----I dunno ---started off slow --harmless enough ----it really didn't kick my ass like ......I guess it did some people ----

I agree.

06-12-2007, 10:02 PM
Wolf Creek was a funny one, I think I fell for the hype again after hearing how it was supposed to be one of the most shocking films made in years etc.
I've never so wanted all the characters to be killed haha.

I wasn't a fan of House of a Thousand Corpses - though I was drunk when I watched it, but I did like The Devils Rejects.

I might be in the minority but I actually liked Silent Hill as well, I've admired Christophe Gans since Brotherhood of the Wolf, I think he can create a brilliant atmosphere in a film.

I've heard rumours of The Descent 2, I hope they're untrue.

I want to see 28 Weeks later as I've heard good things about it, I thought the first was pretty good.

06-12-2007, 10:13 PM
Saw the first one, had nightmares. Wont see the second one, those are a little to gory for me . I will be watching E.T in protest

06-13-2007, 08:21 AM
My bad, I always though Audition was a korean film, hmm learn something new everyday. In any regards, Zombi is an ok movie in my book and features the zombie vs. shark scene which is the only reason why I bought the film. For Italian horror, I pretty much stick with Dario Argento, just great surreal and visual horror films.