View Full Version : Hormone therapy

12-01-2002, 08:32 PM
Hi girls,

I will start HRT quite soon and I would like to know your opinion about different regimen. I have heard that injectable hormone medicaments are the most powerful and safe to use. Please, tell your opinion and experience.


BTW. Vicki, you look so beautiful. What hormone medicament you use?

12-04-2002, 06:42 PM
I would just like to say one hormone regimen may work for one, but not another. Hormones won't turn you into a woman. Do not rely on them alone to help you pass because they won't. Hormones will only do so much for one's male body. There are permanent male features that are established by the time you reach your late teans and into the 20's. Hormones will not change them. They will only feminize the body so much. The rest, if you want to look more feminine has to be accomplished by cosmetic surgery. It is also best to beging HRT when you are young, by the time you are 25, the results will be less dramatic than if you were to begin at age 18. Also, electrolysis on facial hair is important. Laser will only do so much and most will still need electro to remove any remaining hair. Good-luck!