View Full Version : The magic of the Hermaphrodite:

06-02-2007, 11:01 PM
I think that one of the great attractions to HA's is the magical property of transformation.. There is a tremendous amount of precedent throughout history of magic being attributed to those between genders..

I am curious if any of the Angels here have experienced anything "Magical".........

Please add any thoughts or info you can to this.

06-02-2007, 11:22 PM
Origins of Hermaphrodite


Hermaphroditus was brought up in a mountain-cave by nymphs, and when he was fifteen he left home to wander unknown lands. When he came to Halicarnassus, on the coast of Asia Minor, he discovered a lovely clear pool of water surrounded by fresh green grass. A nymph, Salmacis, inhabited the pool. She refused to hunt in the woods and follow the pursuits of Artemis, but instead remained at her pool, often languishing seductively on its verdant banks.

Once when she was picking flowers nearby, she caught sight of the divinely beautiful Hermaphroditus and was smitten with an irresistible desire to have him. She carefully made herself as attractive as possible before she addressed him with a fervent declaration of love that she insisted must be consummated.

The boy blushed because he did not know what love was, and when she touched his lovely neck and demanded at least the kisses of a sister, he threatened to leave. Salmacis, afraid to lose him, said that she would give him free access to the place and pretended to leave him all alone. Instead she hid behind a nearby grove of bushes to watch. Hermaphroditus, captivated by the pool, threw off his clothes, and Salamacis was overwhelmed by the sight of his naked body. He dove into the water, and Salmacis, inflamed by passion, quickly dove in after him. She grabbed hold of him and held him, enveloping him with kisses as he struggled to be free. Salmacis clung to Hermaphroditus with her whole body, and it was as though they were one. The gods granted her prayer that they never be separated. Their two bodies were joined together, and they no longer were boy or girl but partook of both sexes.

The parents of Hermaphroditus, now a hermaphrodite, granted his prayer that any man who bathed in this pool would emerge with limbs weakened and softened and but half a man.

from Classical Mythology, Sixth Edition adapted from OVID's Metamorphoses

06-03-2007, 12:00 AM
I've only seen hermaphrodites depicted in art, primarily in the form of cartoons (hundreds of examples existing in the "Shemale Cartoons" thread). My understanding is that they are very rare among humans.

Anyway, for whatever reason, the very concept of hermaphrodites is somewhat unsettling to me, though a large number of people feel differently. Of course, a tgirl is different from a hermaphrodite and the two should not be confused (as it seems you have kind of done here, which may be why there has been so few responses), as hermaphrodites have both a penis and a vagina, where a tgirl (or GG) will have one or the other. Hmmm...

I guess I just don't like that much variety in the groin area... Who the hell knows what my problem with hermaphrodites is really?

06-03-2007, 12:10 AM
Are not shemales a modern invention? I just see the word hermaphodite as a more ancient description of the same thing.. Granted their is a medical difference but I am more interested in the mythological implications of such a play between the sexes. I think that either way you call it .There is something supernatural or magical about the process.

06-03-2007, 12:16 AM
I think you're on to something.

I've posted a couple of things about this before. In certain cultures transexuals are considered to have "magical" properties. The Lakota Sioux had the Winkte, who gave warriors their "second" name. In India there's a group of transexuals that bless (or curse) newborn babies. The list goes on and on.

The thing I notice about a lot of transexuals is, they do have a special insight on things.

06-03-2007, 12:19 AM

I remember seeing a lot of them in Union Square after 911. It seemed they had all come out as "mystical advisors" A japanese girlfriend of mine noticed it and pointed it out to me.

06-03-2007, 12:21 AM
Well, I see what you're saying, but I don't come to the same conclusion is all.
First off, I've never met a tgirl who liked the term "shemale", so if we're going to be talking about the meaning of words here, that's worth stating. Secondly, the definitions of "hermaphrodite" and "transsexual" are not the same, which is why I come to a different conclusion than you do on the meanings of the word "hermaphrodite".
Lastly, what? You're talking about "magic" as if some fairy with a magic wand granted these ladies' wishes, where in actuality some of them have spent enough money on surgery that they could've bought some very nice houses. Might rankle a few of the more easily enraged is all I'm saying...

06-03-2007, 12:36 AM
Well, I see what you're saying, but I don't come to the same conclusion is all.
First off, I've never met a tgirl who liked the term "shemale", so if we're going to be talking about the meaning of words here, that's worth stating. Secondly, the definitions of "hermaphrodite" and "transsexual" are not the same, which is why I come to a different conclusion than you do on the meanings of the word "hermaphrodite".
Lastly, what? You're talking about "magic" as if some fairy with a magic wand granted these ladies' wishes, where in actuality some of them have spent enough money on surgery that they could've bought some very nice houses. Might rankle a few of the more easily enraged is all I'm saying...

No, no, no. He's not talking about hermaphrodite in the modern, scientific terms, he's talking about hermaphrodites in the classical greek sense. And he's making an analogy between that and how they're or were viewed in other cultures.

Since you know, myths were used to explain things they couldn't understand, they made up great stories.

There's also the story of Tireisias (sp?) and the crossdressing Hercules.

06-03-2007, 12:42 AM
No, no, no. He's not talking about hermaphrodite in the modern, scientific terms, he's talking about hermaphrodites in the classical greek sense. And he's making an analogy between that and how they're or were viewed in other cultures.

Since you know, myths were used to explain things they couldn't understand, they made up great stories.

There's also the story of Tireisias (sp?) and the crossdressing Hercules.

Oh, well then that's something altogether different, of course. That said, I'm reminded of your "Do We Understand Each Other" thread Tom... and the difficulty you and Nicole Dupree had communicating, while seemingly everyone else got what you were talking about (though with some degree of difficulty and a fair amount of guessing on my part, I must say).

It would appear that in this thread, the two of you understand each other fairly well, but I don't know what the hell you all are carrying on about (magic, obscure analogies, etc.), so I'll just move on. Funny how people can speak the same language yet get totally different meanings from reading the same words...

06-03-2007, 12:45 AM
Oh, well then that's something altogether different, of course. That said, I'm reminded of your "Do We Understand Each Other" thread Tom... and the difficulty you and Nicole Dupree had communicating, while seemingly everyone else got what you were talking about (though with some degree of difficulty and a fair amount of guessing on my part, I must say).

It would appear that in this thread, the two of you understand each other fairly well, but I don't know what the hell you all are carrying on about (magic, obscure analogies, etc.), so I'll just move on. Funny how people can speak the same language yet get totally different meanings from reading the same words...


06-03-2007, 01:04 AM
Shamans are examples of this phenomena. Carlos Castaneda discusses the crossdressing qualities of the shaman in a book called Tales of Power.

06-03-2007, 11:10 AM
no no no, Hermaphrodite is what it is, a person with both female and male genitalia, the only difference is that now a-days doctors in hospitals alter the baby at birth to be what ever they lean more towards. A "shemale" is the term used to describe a "transgender person" it CAN be used to describe a transgender, but not to any degree of accuracy, and if you called a transgender a Hermaphrodite to her/his face, they will probably either look at you funny, laugh or be out right offended.

06-03-2007, 12:57 PM
no no no, Hermaphrodite is what it is, a person with both female and male genitalia, the only difference is that now a-days doctors in hospitals alter the baby at birth to be what ever they lean more towards. A "shemale" is the term used to describe a "transgender person" it CAN be used to describe a transgender, but not to any degree of accuracy, and if you called a transgender a Hermaphrodite to her/his face, they will probably either look at you funny, laugh or be out right offended.

Read all the other posts first.

Btw, just so everyone knows, it's near impossible to be a "perfect hermaphrodite" which is why they use the word interesex now. Because the chances of having both a fully formed penis and vagina is slim to none.

06-03-2007, 04:27 PM
man I Have never seen a group of people so preoccupied with definitions.. Okay , so you dont want to talk about the word hermaphodite.. is there a way to change the name of the topic? geez. you know what I am talking about....get over the word hermaphodite.. I am trying to acess a conversation about the nature of the mind. the universe and the magic of transformation..

06-03-2007, 09:43 PM
the mind.