View Full Version : Question about breast implants

05-31-2007, 06:11 PM

This is a question about breast implants for those girls who have had them (or anyone in the know!).

I'm saving for implants (long way to go yet), but would like some advice...

Is there anything I should know or consider before taking the plunge?

Do I go for large implants or start smaller and gradually have bigger implants?

Any recommendations for consultants/surgeons/clinics?

Just some general help and advice.

Thank you in advance my lovelies!


05-31-2007, 06:29 PM
I'm sure many of the girls can and will offer more thorough advice, but consider the following: 1) give hormones time to develop your breasts as fully as possible, as this will yield better results in the long run; 2) size is what makes you feel good, but try for a size that is proportional to your body type; 3) consider the various techniques (armpit, nipple, under breast) for implant insertion; 4) start smaller and more natural-looking, then go larger later if you feel that's right for you; 5) above all, find a good surgeon who will do the work without scarring and leave you with natural-looking breasts. Everyone has their opinion, and I think recommendations have been made on the board before. I know several transwomen who have had their implants done by Dr Grey in SF who love the results, which are pretty near flawless from the ones I've seen.

05-31-2007, 06:31 PM
Thanks for the advice...

I'm 5ft 7 tall with a 32inch chest at the moment. Naturally I have a b cup...

What are the pros and cons of the different surgical techniques?

05-31-2007, 06:41 PM
With a frame like that, you can probably go pretty large and look very natural. A good friend of mine is 5'11" and has 38DD implants and they look (and feel) absolutely wonderful (Dr Grey was her surgeon). On a smaller body, they might seem too much, but not for her.

I think one of the differences in technique has to do with the likelihood and type of scarring, also how the implant is placed (under the muscle rather than over it). I'm sure someone else can explain the differences a whole lot better than I can, though.

06-02-2007, 07:45 AM
Yes PLEASE - Girls I'd like to hear your comments too.

Also what the guys say to you about their preferences. (Enhanced or natural).

TS Jamie

06-02-2007, 05:03 PM
How long does an implant actually last? Are there long term health risks to it? I mean what if you're getting it in your 30's or 20's and you're about live 80 or 90 years...

05-18-2013, 12:17 AM

This is a question about breast implants for those girls who have had them (or anyone in the know!).

I'm saving for implants (long way to go yet), but would like some advice...

Is there anything I should know or consider before taking the plunge?

Do I go for large implants or start smaller and gradually have bigger implants?

Any recommendations for consultants/surgeons/clinics?

Just some general help and advice.

Thank you in advance my lovelies!


Wow! It was that long ago when you were considering implants?!!!
So glad you went ahead with your plan!
Fine fine fine!!!
Gotta tell us where you get your lingerie from ;)

Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but its good to see a bit of history :)

TS Evelyn Summers
05-18-2013, 06:16 AM
Breast Implants are NOT Lifetime Devices....

05-18-2013, 06:29 AM
considering the implants...tips and tidbit of awesome knowledge ;)

1. make sure you find a doctor who you are comfortable with
2. make sure to talk with your doctor to figure out what size, shape, texture, and profile is best
3. choosing size is a big choice...go too small ( unhappy ) go too big ( unhappy ). get a size that you feel most comfortable with that will give you the least regrets. because honestly most who get this procedure have at some point have regrets. but the biggest thing is let them heal, settle, and soften...then, contemplate regrets if any.
4. second big thing after figuring on the size is...Incision placement. There are 3
a- though nipple ( not recommended, higher chance for infection and loss of sensitivity )
b- armpit ( great for hiding scar but higher chance for infection as the armpit is a warm/moist place...germs love that )
c- underbust ( where i got mine :) ) highly recommended because....lowest chance for infection, you can easily get rid of the scar 99% by after care instructions and scarguard. Also IF you do decide to do a revision ( either go bigger or smaller ) surgeons will most likely remove the implant via underbust anyway ( so...best choice i believe )
Any Q's let me know, my email is in my signature :)

05-18-2013, 07:55 AM
There are many different types of breast implants to choose from. There are silicone, saline, gel, smooth breast implants, textured breast implants, round breast implants, anatomical breast implants. There are all sorts of "profiles" such as moderate profile, high profile, and low profile breast implants it all depends on your body type, how much you want to spend and what your doctor recommends.

Rule #1 for breast implants is DON'T GO CHEAP!!! The second rule is see rule #1! I saved for two years for mine because I did not want to go cheap and was so glad I did. I went with the incesion on the lower edge of my areola and was so happy. You can not tell I had an incision anywhere like many of my gf's who had the incesion under the breast which scars never fully went away. There is risks no matter where you cut yourself open, so make sure you go to a quality doctor.

As far as size goes most girls wake up after the surgery and things heal and think to themselves.....damn I wish I would have gone with the larger size. So if you are torn between two sizes go for the larger size. You also need to realize this surgey will not be your last, they need maintance as you age so its not a one surgery and you're done for the rest of your life.

Do your research on size and shape and if you want it under or over the muscle, oh and did I mention to not go cheap?? ;)