View Full Version : Fuck the Green Taco

Vicki Richter
05-30-2007, 06:42 AM
So I went to Carl's Junior and bought this jazzy looking Mexican Chicken Salad bowl thingy. The box they gave it to me in was labeled something like "the green taco" or something. Obviously some company that Carl's hooked up with.

Well I paid like $5.75 for it after tax. I open it and it is this taco bowl thing with shreded lettuce and some tomatoes and a BBQ like chicken breast on the top... totally not cut up at all. So I eat the chicken breast with the cheap plastic fork and knife and find that the rest of the salad is this chopped lettuce and tomatoe with no dressing. So I ate it until all the tomatoe was gone and was then left with a bunch of chopped iceberg, no dressing, and a giant taco shell. I threw it away.

Who the fuck pays almost $6.00 for a chicken breast. Fuck Carl's Junior and their crappy latin chicken salad and fuck the green taco.

05-30-2007, 06:44 AM
jr whoppers for a dollar...cant go wrong

05-30-2007, 06:49 AM
Carl's Sr. is rolling over in his grave.

Vicki Richter
05-30-2007, 06:51 AM
You know I love burgers, but I just can't eat like that and be an adult performer. I have pretty good metabolism, but I'm already a little chunky by my standards.

05-30-2007, 06:54 AM
I think it's called the green burrito, anyways it sucks asss. The name just doesn't sound right either. Pollo Loco is where it's at.

05-30-2007, 07:04 AM
Buy really lean ground beef and use the best thing since sliced bread..la george foreman grill :)

Oh, it's better if you leave the top open, only flip once, use mustard instead of mayo, and find some healthy type of buns

05-30-2007, 07:10 AM
Buy really lean ground beef and use the best thing since sliced bread..la george foreman grill :)

Oh, it's better if you leave the top open, only flip once, use mustard instead of mayo, and find some healthy type of buns

health food is over-rated..... and if we were talkin about health food...lean turkey is best.....

but chicken w tostones and mayoketchup from martins bbq is the greatest...forget tacos or a taco creation

05-30-2007, 07:21 AM
They do make some goodass burgers though. Fast food joints just ain't the place to buy salads.

05-30-2007, 07:53 AM
Vicki, I find it ironic that you are bitching about the taco you bought.

I know, bad joke.

05-30-2007, 08:24 AM
I stay away from all forms of fast food. A few years back, that's all I was able to eat and I got VERY sick so I have been clean for almost 2 years now, not a single anything, not even soda. Although, on roadtrips, I do get fountain sodas from gas stations.


05-30-2007, 08:55 AM
Hehehehehe... I love ya to death, Vicki, but it serves you right for expecting good Mexican food of any kind from a national chain burger joint. Putting some Ortega strips on a burger doesn't make it Mexican.

I don't know where you're at in the country, butt if you like green chili as I do, & you want it fast (easy enough because they make it the day before), look for the "...berto's". Filiberto's, Alberto's, Roberto's, etc... If you're anywhere in the southwest, they're everywhere.

Butt then again: You do know that you're not going to lose any weight or keep your girlish figure by eating any of this stuff, right?

05-30-2007, 08:57 AM
This thread has me craving Enchilada Suizas and everything is closed.

05-30-2007, 10:29 AM
You know I love burgers, but I just can't eat like that and be an adult performer. I have pretty good metabolism, but I'm already a little chunky by my standards.

Vicki, you should stop eating that TV dinners!

05-30-2007, 01:19 PM
Who the fuck pays almost $6.00 for a chicken breast. Fuck Carl's Junior and their crappy latin chicken salad and fuck the green taco.

Modern life is rubbish

and if we were talkin about health food...lean turkey is best.....

you couldn't pay me to eat that shit.

05-30-2007, 01:31 PM
Intriguing title. I just had to see what "Fuck the green taco" was about. And I was wondering how Vicki kept herself looking so voluptuous (and I mean that in a good way, Vicki).

Who the fuck pays almost $6.00 for a chicken breast. Fuck Carl's Junior and their crappy latin chicken salad and fuck the green taco.

Modern life is rubbish

and if we were talkin about health food...lean turkey is best.....

you couldn't pay me to eat that shit.

I hate turkey. If turkey's so good why do most people eat it only once or twice a year?

As for Carl Jr, I have no idea who he is, but I wouldn't go to his restaurants and he sounds like a shitbag. I get my burgers mostly from a local grill house, but if I'm going out I'll choose Italian, Chinese or Japanese. As for takeout and delivery, usually some grilled meat and a salad, sometimes Chinese food and on occasion (2-3 times a month) pizza.

As that old song goes "I wish I could eat pizza everyday!" Oh wait, maybe it's "Christmas" and not "pizza".

Teabagger Vance
05-30-2007, 02:46 PM
Carl's Jr. does have a great angus burger, only where I live Carl's Jr. is called Hardees.

Great thread title, by the way.

05-30-2007, 04:45 PM
a green burrito! crazy west coast, reminds me of those brightly colored plants that let you they are poisonous

05-30-2007, 05:45 PM
I thought this thread title was going to be about an episode of Star Trek, where Capt. Kirk went to a green planet and had sex with their green women...how disappointing...lol

Vicky makes me laugh though...she's wack in a good way.

05-30-2007, 07:19 PM
Modern life is rubbish

and if we were talkin about health food...lean turkey is best.....

you couldn't pay me to eat that shit.

I hate turkey. If turkey's so good why do most people eat it only once or twice a year?

most people are idiots about what they eat. its cheaper to base your diet off carl jr's..bking..mcdonalds than it is to eat totally clean and healthy......unless your gunna eat egg whites all day...

goto t-nation.com...lots of good forums about junk food and good food....

but i will re-instate; jr whopper from BK for a dollar can end world hunger

05-30-2007, 09:14 PM
Green Burritos are not logical because chicken is the white meat