View Full Version : HIV test negative

05-11-2007, 04:41 PM
Well I have secretly been worried to death for the last few months. In October I took a risk with a fat bird . I was totally pissed and when she asked me to put it up her arse I did without a condom.

The next day I started to think how many blokes has she done that with ? and why would she indulge in something so risky for a woman? This was after reading some info on an hiv website.I got paranoid. And it didn't help I didn't know her and met her in a nightclub. The only thing she told me was she was 25 and a nurse..... We didn't even exchange phone numbers... I fuked her in the toilets without thinking...

I then had to wait six months before taking an hiv test. I just got the results negative. You don't think of shit at the time like I would lose my Job (no way could I do it with hiv I would be kicked out) , Long term relationships, and what would my family think if I told them? And that is all before the horrible way you die. I only touched on the tip of the iceberg there I reckon.

I will never ever take a risk like that again. I was depressed that night as one of my friends had been wounded in a sandy place and I had already been fighting. I wasn't in my right mind and I did something fuking stupid.

I don't know what I would have done if the result had been something else......

05-12-2007, 12:22 AM
Thanks for sharing with us.

I'm sure that if your test had come back poz you would have been equally as honest and forthcoming. Right?!?!?!?!!?

05-12-2007, 01:05 AM
Thanks for sharing with us.

I'm sure that if your test had come back poz you would have been equally as honest and forthcoming. Right?!?!?!?!!?

Truth be told, there is an HA poster who did just that. Brave dude. Either way, it's something that needs to be kept in the forefront of everyone's mind. Sex is fun, but it can be deadly if you don't keep your wits about you.

I've lost a fair number of friends to this "bug" and know a few that are living with it, day to day. I've missed the bullet, but never know who's going to be next on the list.

Whatever a person's reason for revealing or withholding their HIV status, it's not for us to poke at them.

Take a breath, guy, and wear a raincoat when next you go out.

05-12-2007, 01:07 AM
^Co-sign ^

05-12-2007, 01:26 AM
Thanks for sharing with us.

I'm sure that if your test had come back poz you would have been equally as honest and forthcoming. Right?!?!?!?!!?

Truth be told, there is an HA poster who did just that. Brave dude. Either way, it's something that needs to be kept in the forefront of everyone's mind. Sex is fun, but it can be deadly if you don't keep your wits about you.

I've lost a fair number of friends to this "bug" and know a few that are living with it, day to day. I've missed the bullet, but never know who's going to be next on the list.

Whatever a person's reason for revealing or withholding their HIV status, it's not for us to poke at them.

Take a breath, guy, and wear a raincoat when next you go out.

You may have totally missed the point of the sarcasm.

05-12-2007, 01:33 AM
You may have totally missed the point of the sarcasm.


Um...Yup. 'Fraid so. Please expound. :shrug

05-12-2007, 02:06 AM
It's take some level of courage to discuss this topic on this forum or any other to any degree or otherwise.

It is good that you got the test and I am personally pleased to hear the result was not the worse case scenario. If it had been your decision to share it with the rest of us, would have been yours alone to decide.

05-12-2007, 03:07 AM
You may have totally missed the point of the sarcasm.


Um...Yup. 'Fraid so. Please expound. :shrug

Sarcasm is a literary device that should never be explained or expanded upon. You either understand it or you don't.

05-12-2007, 03:09 AM
It's take some level of courage to discuss this topic on this forum or any other to any degree or otherwise.
It is good that you got the test and I am personally pleased to hear the result was not the worse case scenario. If it had been your decision to share it with the rest of us, would have been yours alone to decide.

Yes, it takes a shit load of courage to say on a message board that you tested negative. (more sarcasm in case it went over your head again)

05-12-2007, 03:17 AM
I know what sarcasm is - and your not doing it. Your just posting stupidly obvious statements, which you mean the opposite of.
Your not clever.
Maybe it is you that isn't getting it?

05-12-2007, 03:20 AM
I know what sarcasm is - and your not doing it. Your just posting stupidly obvious statements, which you mean the opposite of.
Your not clever.
Maybe it is you that isn't getting it?


The layman's definition of sarcasm.

Thanks Sean...youdaman.

By the way, I wasn't attempting to be clever. You need to be around clever people for that to have a chance at working.

I go to other message boards for that.

05-12-2007, 03:26 AM
well arnie 666, you dodged a bullet, as no doubt many here have. I know what you went through, been there myself. I guess sometimes you just gotta share with whoever is around, whether it's good news or bad. Funny thing: you're never as lonely as when the shit in your life hits the fan. It's usually then that you discover that there is no one between you and your maker. Friends can hold your hand, but you will suffer and die alone...

05-12-2007, 04:00 AM
Congrats on getting the test. Out of fear, so many do not and end up infecting their partners. And others.

And you were right to be scared. Every single person on this board should be scared. And if they've had unprotected sex, heck, even protected sex, they should get tested now.

***the following might seem a little angry, but i'm sick of attending funerals and hospital rooms. thank you*****

i know there are people with HIV on this board, some of them, like Azanti, have had the courage to be open and honest about it as a means to educate. And for him, I have nothing but compassion and support. And all of you should, because the odds are good someone reading this will be diagnosed with HIV. That's what happens when you're in a high risk category.

And if any of you think it's some kind of cakewalk because you believe the pictures on advertisements or what the press feeds you (hint: they're regurgitated press releases from the pharm companies)...wise up. Not every person responds to the meds. Don't believe me, go visit the AIDS ward in a hospital. And if they do respond, you can bet your ass life will be very hard, as the meds take a serious toll on the body. It would suck never being able to dance again because your bones are so brittle, no? Or how would you like some organ failures? The list goes on and on of what you might or can expect if you take the meds.

/misses the days of act up...when they told it like it was...and still is

//sick of the feel good advertising about 'safe sex' being put out there...the younger generation just won't respond to that lame-ass crap

///oh, and fuck off to the idiots on this board who talk about barebacking or getting barebacked by people they hardly now.

05-12-2007, 04:14 AM

The layman's definition of sarcasm.

Thanks Sean...youdaman.

By the way, I wasn't attempting to be clever. You need to be around clever people for that to have a chance at working.

I go to other message boards for that.

Wow, you are just so fucking intelligent.

05-12-2007, 04:16 AM
hmmm yea, Aids, it's become the silent disease. As a European smoker who's just been to NY. All that fuss about smoking in public places, jeeezzz!! Yet unprotected fucking never gets a mention. What would you rather be, a monogamous 20 a day man or a non-smoking barebacker?

05-12-2007, 04:22 AM
hmmm yea, Aids, it's become the silent disease. As a European smoker who's just been to NY. All that fuss about smoking in public places, jeeezzz!! Yet unprotected fucking never gets a mention. What would you rather be, a monogamous 20 a day man or a non-smoking barebacker?

Americans are clueless when it comes to AIDS. It used to be we were at the head of the pack when it came to education and rights and whatnot. Just take a look at some of the posts on this board. Un-fucking-real how ignorant some people are.

05-12-2007, 04:26 AM
two old ads.

05-12-2007, 04:33 AM
Two new ads.

One, American. The other, French. Look at the difference.

05-12-2007, 04:59 AM
it's an unpalatable fact guys and girls. It's out there, it's right next to you, it's deadly, so be responsible! Face it, no one's gonna admire your six pack, 40DD or 10 incher in an aids ward!!!

05-12-2007, 05:03 AM
it's an unpalatable fact guys and girls. It's out there, it's right next to you, it's deadly, so be responsible! Face it, no one's gonna admire your six pack, 40DD or 10 incher in an aids ward!!!

So true.

05-12-2007, 01:07 PM
Whatsupwiththat kind words, thanks x

05-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Thanks everyone for their messages. I have learnt my lesson and the reason I posted was there is no one else I can speak to about this.There is absolutely no way I could tell anyone in realife whatever the result .It was bad enough going to the MO at work and telling him what test I needed.

It was one stupid moment but that all it takes so Iam to understand.. Look after yourself Azanti.