View Full Version : Something I said to a girl I respect- and a thank you to all

05-09-2007, 01:52 AM
I don't know if she took it the wrong way but I mentioned a quote from a John Lennon song, where he says "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans" and suggested that true happiness is often found in the moments rather than an often unattainable goal.

This may be how it works for me. Some moments in my life make me truly happy and when I come to look back I will add up those moments- time is a healer and bad memories can be wiped out. I will recall only the good times.

But that doesn't mean we mustn't strive for something we want. The girls here have worked all their lives to become who they want to be, to make their dreams a reality, to make the reality of what they see in the mirror match the image they have in their minds. The girls here have spent years gathering the mental strength to make the kind of life changing decisions that most of us could never make, taking action, when many of us guys can't even decide what to have for lunch, and actually changing things. They've spent time and money and gave their blood, sweat and tears to attaining something they planned for themselves. And that's why each and every girl here has my admiration. I used to lust after most of you. Fuck, I don't care about the sexual side so much anymore (although you still make me kinda horny :D ). I have a deep respect that came after I realised what you've all been through.

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, for most of us happy to life our humdrum lives, work 9 to 5 and bitch about how the world is treating us and how we're not getting enough. For the girls here, who have the courage and strength to make their plans a reality, maybe happiness can be achieved. I hope so.

I am grateful to all of you girls for letting me glimpse your world. I'm not saying you're all perfect in every way. But you sure as hell make an effort to achieve your ideals of perfection, your vision of how things should be. For the rest of us schmucks here who let life pass us by hoping for little moments of happiness, you are an inspiration.

Thank you, all of you.

That is my two cents. I may start ranting again tomorrow. But for now I just had to say this. Thank you once again.

I'm off to bed now.

05-09-2007, 02:04 AM
Perfection is indeed an unobtainable goal.

John Lennon was indeed one of the greatest minds of all time, my father knew him well. (He could be a pain too apparently, but who isn't from time to time)

LG, I think though some people (Not me) may think your words cheesey, I think they're sincere and probably echo the sentiments of many people here.

Well spoken.

05-09-2007, 09:55 AM
Ha, he said this while chatting with me. I don't think I took it the wrong way, it's just for me right now the opposite statement makes more sense. A year ago, I was doing well, had my days planned and stuck to them (good diet, good exercise, and whatever else was needed to improve my well being). My time down in FL this winter saw a breakdown in a lot of those good habits. I had no plans and often felt that I was wasting time that I should be using to make myself happier. FL wasn't all bad though, had some great times that I'll never forget and I'm happy for that. It was an emotional goodbye on several accounts. I'm back up north now and I'm already eatting better (keeping a food journal too), exercising again, and planning things for myself in these next few months. The only thing that's getting me down right now is that I'm staying with family until I get my new living space and it feels like a slight step back but should be over soon. Met with my potential new roommate (she's posted on here, Saige) last weekend and it seems like we'll be looking at apartments this week so hopefully I'll get over this feeling soon. Can't wait to have my first apartment to design and decorate, been thinking a lot about it already. Had some other moments this week that had me feeling good and is cause for me to be motivated again :)

I'm glad you didn't take it the wrong way. I'm really happy that your life is going the way you want it to and that new things are coming your way, sweetie, and I wish you health and happiness. You've got my admiration and respect.


And, to everyone else: I'm bumping this topic, becuase I want you to know how I feel about the girls here and because I don't think these forums should be all about the dick threads.

Thank you for listening.

05-09-2007, 10:05 AM
food journal?

05-09-2007, 10:53 AM
food journal?

A food journal, diary or log is a written record of all foods and drinks consumed by someone over a given time. It's meant to assist in personalizing dietary planning. As far as I understand, it can help to assess what you eat and under what conditions and modify it, helping you to eat healthfully, to avoid foods which are unhealthy or high in calories or fat and to avoid the circumstances that make you consume these foods.

It seems like a very good idea. I've never tried it. Usually, when I want to lose a few pounds I'll try to make my lunch a little smaller, drink just a glass of skimmed milk for breakfast and have soup or salad for dinner. I'll keep this up for a month until I've lost a maybe four pounds, then revert to my usual diet and put it all back in a few weeks.

But keeping a food journal takes real, long-term commitment. I think most of us, qeuqheeg222 could learn a thing or two about that.

05-09-2007, 10:56 AM
Good read and I totally agree.

05-09-2007, 12:56 PM
Good read and I totally agree.

Thanks Fox.
I'm glad someone is reading something other than the dick posts.

05-09-2007, 05:24 PM
Hi Leora...say, how old are you anyway? And how much, out of curiosity, does a Hoboken rental go for?

I hope the age question isn't rude...you look like you're barely out of your teens so I thought you might not mind.

By the way, I took Vicki's advice and got one of those ab rollers..I ebayed up a double 10" wheeled used one for eight bucks with a pad. 25 reps will make your abs so sore the next day you can barely sit up. She said it put her abs in great shape...Don't know if that's a problem/goal but there you are.

That's a great picture.