View Full Version : The Chat Program Crashed with only 13 people in it!!!!

01-06-2005, 07:22 PM
that's all

01-07-2005, 05:07 AM
I think we either need to expand the room, or some of you need to go on a diet. It's definitely too crowded with 13 in there. One needs to inhale and walk in sideways in order to get in. The fire department had it capped at 10 I thought ?

I think y'all just need to replaced those tired old hampsters you've got powering it. ;)

On the serious side, why can't we have the Chat icon light up or indicate in some way ("There are currently three members in the chatroom", etc.) when it is actually being used by some folk as it is on some nights ? One can't tell unless they go in, and it also might draw the casual peruser to drop in and paticipate in real time.

01-07-2005, 03:01 PM
you might have checked them out already, but anyway.....






also www.transgender-chat.com www.transgression.com and www.urnotalone.com all have pretty solid chat software going

just trying to help :)
we love this place