View Full Version : Randy Tobias, Risky Sexual Behavior, and AIDS

04-29-2007, 03:53 AM
I thought that some of you good people might find this article of interest:

The news that Randall Tobias, the former Lilly executive and chief of the Bush Administration's global AIDS programs, was using the services of call girls, led to this reaction from one AIDS activist:

Oh my God. Mr. Married Abstinence only used an ESCORT service!!!!!! The anti-prostitution pledge promoter?

The press coverage about this has predictably focused on the apparent hypocrisy of the leader of a government agency that to fight AIDS in Africa and other developing countries, promotes "abstinence only" and derides sex workers, and then is caught doing exactly the opposite.

AIDS is a terrible health crisis, and no one would deny the importance of discouraging risky sexual behavior, particularly in countries and populations with extremely high infection rates. The problem with the Bush Administration's "abstinence only" efforts was the word, "only," since prevention should include other strategies, including the use of condoms.

I asked friends who would know, "How much of the 'abstinence only' efforts at USAID were the fault of Tobias, and how much from the White House." The push for this policy, which is actually mandated by a Congressional requirement, came from Republicans in Congress, the White House and the religious right.

Activists give Tobias much more blame for efforts to protect big drug companies from competition from generic manufacturers of AIDS drugs, for example, by undermining the World Health Organization's program to certify generic AIDS drugs (the WHO pre-qualification program) and forcing U.S. taxpayers to unnecessarily pay top dollar for brand name AIDS drugs in PEPFAR treatment efforts. This policy has been poorly covered in the press, but it is far more consequential than Tobias' sex habits.

That said, the Tobias case illustrates just how difficult it is to persuade people to give up risky sexual behavior. This, and plenty of other evidence leads many experts to believe that the "abstinence only" programs pushed by the Bush Administration are costly wasted opportunities to reduce the harm of AIDS.

04-29-2007, 06:17 AM
* Deleted *

04-29-2007, 08:43 AM
i think the hypocrisy of the right wing really makes people laugh but their own need to look at their religious righteousness behaviour and how people in the secular world really behave...we are human and imperfect,full of lust,hunger and desire..ted haggard needed that meth....why dont they get off the high horse and get real..

04-29-2007, 10:58 AM
Hypocrisy: still the greatest luxury.

04-30-2007, 01:08 AM
And while we're on the subject of bible-banging hypocrites aboard the rapidly sinking USS Shrubya, how about the 150 "lawyers" hired out of charlatan Jerry Falwell's televangelist jesus camp that masquerades as a university...


04-30-2007, 01:17 AM
Hypocrisy: still the greatest luxury.

lmao.... nice avatar.... way to prove that having tits and a pussy DONT make you a woman lolololol


04-30-2007, 06:28 AM
The only requirement to being in government is that you must be a hiprocrit. I'd say Randy is doing a great job.

El Nino
04-30-2007, 06:57 AM
Google, Conspiracy of Silence.... seriously do it

04-30-2007, 08:13 AM
these guys will go down as the worst bunch to ever run the u.s. govt...give it a few years....

04-30-2007, 04:54 PM
LG posted this in a thread of his, and I couldn't resist adding it here. The infamous Larry Flynt spoof of Falwell and his so-called Moral Majority-

05-01-2007, 09:22 PM
Dear Jerry Falwell
Maddie Lear

This letter was written by three sixth grade students -- two of my friends and myself -- as a sixth-grade history class assignment, while learning about the Buddha and his teachings. The assignment was to send a letter to someone who you think is not obeying the Buddha's teachings of the Four Noble Truths, and the Twelve Step Path.

Dear Jerry Falwell,
We are writing this letter to inform you of our feelings about your actions, and how they conflict with the Buddha's teachings. We are in sixth grade, and as a part of our history class, we are learning about Ancient India and the Buddha. We have chosen to write to you as a project because your teachings about other faiths and lifestyles are hurtful, and against the Buddha.

On your website, as a part of your mission statement, it says that you work towards "healing the wounds of immorality and godlessness in our nation." And, "seek morality in American life and government." The constitution states that religion and government are to be separated. By having one major religion, people of other faiths are not as well respected.

On television with Pat Robertson, you stated, "I really believe that the pagans, the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle. The ACLU, People For The American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'you helped this happen.'" (This quote was said about the tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001). No apology will erase the amount of hate that you have caused and promoted throughout this world.

Also, you once said, "If you're not a born-again Christian, you are a failure as a human being." These remarks are hurtful, and completely disrespectful to the people of this world that are not exactly like you. We are not putting down your religion, simply encouraging you to respect other faiths and people, as well as your own.

The Buddha respected people of all religions. The Four Noble Truths inform us that, "suffering and sorrow are caused by people's greed, hatred, and ignorance." Also, "We can be freed from suffering by overcoming it's cause." We feel that your hatred for people of other religions and lifestyles is unruly, and causing much sorrow and distress to the people of this country and the world.

We hope that our letter has made a difference in the way you will act and treat others. We ask you to treat every person in this world with respect, and peace.

Three Hopeful Sixth Grade Students

Jerry Falwell is accusing People For The American Way of attempting to secularize this country. Well, I don't understand how that is possible -- Norman Lear, its founder, believes in god more than anyone I've ever met. He accuses the gays and the lesbians "who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle." Not once have I ever heard of a gay or lesbian force people to believe in something, or to become homosexual. And when Mr. Jerry Falwell blames people for 9/11, because they apparently upset god, I don't know how that is possible.

I could never believe in a god who chooses to punish people by killing hundreds of innocent ones. God is supposed to be a kind figure, who is for everyone, who believes in peace. There is no difference between doing something that hurts other people in "the name of god," and doing something that hurts people for no reason. I believe in god, I truly do, but just because I don't have the same faith as someone else, does in no way imply that I try to force my beliefs on them, or that I am a bad person, or that I don't believe in god at all. So, I ask you, even if you may be hurting someone right now, what sounds better: trying to make things right, even though you've caused a lot of pain, or, never attempting to become a peaceful person, being to ashamed, and continuing to hurt someone more? I'd go with the first one if I were you.

05-01-2007, 11:13 PM
Hey shitheadmike, take this to the POLITICS forum!

05-01-2007, 11:37 PM
This is not a left/right issue. This is a whole culture of corruption on the left and right by our politicians who ALL are telling us one thing, yet doing another. Countless examples of iconoclasts brought down by scandal litter the isles left and right...no one holds a higher moral ground in Washington.

05-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Hey shitheadmike, take this to the POLITICS forum!

Go piss up a rope, redneck!

05-02-2007, 03:53 PM
Hey shitheadmike, take this to the POLITICS forum!

Go piss up a rope, redneck!

Wow, is that the best you could come up with? I suppose that's pretty damn good for a 6 year old. Truly amazing...

Me, a redneck? lol You don't know the first thing about me do you. I guess I'll have to ride my horse up there to kick your ass with my Texas-sized boots and spurs!


Again, take your idiotic posts to the Political Forum!

05-02-2007, 09:57 PM
Maybe you should shut yer fuckin' cock-holster, tex...before you prove yourself(once again) to be as stupid as that piece-of-shit wannabe cowboy in the oval office...

Go piss up a rope, redneck.