View Full Version : blackmagic aka classydtwngrl

04-25-2007, 06:11 AM
I don't normally call out people for there bullshit but in this case i have too but if you want to question someone elses mental stability make sure your don't have any skeletons in your own closet,

*admitted that his dad dressed him up in little girl's clothing and made him his bitch
*made up some bullshit story about just wanting a feminine face when he was really transitioning MtF(bonafide liar)
*admitted to beating up his dad and enjoying it
*admited to worshipping the devil
*has two different screennames blackmagic and classydtwngrl (which he still posts on both names but the rules clearly state you can't do that)

And lastly don't try to make fun of someone elses looks on here when you yourself isn't even comparable to any girl on here let alone jen.Come on,

Comparing this

To this is laughable in so many ways

Well my point is look in the fringing mirror before you start making fun of anyone's appearace and don't go after jen because frankly you can't compare to her "BELEIVE IT"

04-25-2007, 06:15 AM
I don't normally call out people for there bullshit but in this case i have too but if you want to question someone elses mental stability make sure your don't have any skeletons in your own closet,

*admitted that his dad dressed him up in little girl's clothing and made him his bitch
*made up some bullshit story about just wanting a feminine face when he was really transitioning MtF(bonafide liar)
*admitted to beating up his dad and enjoying it
*admited to worshipping the devil
*has two different screennames blackmagic and classydtwngrl (which he still posts on both names but the rules clearly state you can't do that)

And lastly don't try to make fun of someone elses looks on here when you yourself isn't even comparable to any girl on here let alone jen.Come on,

Comparing this

To this is laughable in so many ways

Well my point is look in the fringing mirror before you start making fun of anyone's appearace and don't go after jen because frankly you can't compare to her "BELEIVE IT"

Even Arny's saying..............

04-25-2007, 06:18 AM
"its not a two-mur!" is better

04-25-2007, 08:05 AM
yea dat guy is pretty homely what makes it even worse is those got awful man boobs

04-25-2007, 08:15 AM
OH look more drama lol