View Full Version : Another "Are You a Racist" test.

04-23-2007, 08:23 AM
The other day I saw an "Are You a Racist" test on this site, so while on the MSNBC website a little while ago, I stumbled upon this little ditty. Apparently an Implicit Association Test can tell whether you have a prefernce towards white or black people.
I don't really know how pressing a few keys on the keyboard as fast as you can would possibly show a preference, but I took the test anyway.
Low and behold, here are my results...

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

I found it slightly interesting, but what do I know. Im just an ignorant man. So give it a try and tell me what you think.
There are also other tests for other races and religions. Take a test drive.


04-23-2007, 09:30 AM
took the gender-science and the gay-straight one. Interesting

04-23-2007, 11:19 AM
Too annoying to proceed with, sorry.

04-23-2007, 01:55 PM
Too annoying to proceed with, sorry.

got to agree with Mac

04-23-2007, 03:08 PM
Please no more of this. I'm still tired from my match with TFan. LOL!!

04-23-2007, 06:04 PM
Please no more of this. I'm still tired from my match with TFan. LOL!!Tfan is scum. Why that ethnocentric, psuedo-patriotic, bible-thumping, latent homosexual is still permitted to post here, I cannot understand.

Actually, after Chefmike handed Tfarce his head during a debate over what it means to be a verteran, he has essentially ceased posting here. Four words: utter and complete humiliation....


04-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

Hmm...guess I'm not a racist...

04-23-2007, 09:20 PM
That test was a little on the racist side itself. No fair! Plus I kept getting the answers wrong... :lol:

04-23-2007, 09:24 PM
Sometimes I feel I am racist, cause when we drive through the bad side of Nashville to get to downtown from the mall. I lock my doors, but I really wouldn't call that racist. I'd call it ghettoist. lol

04-24-2007, 12:49 AM
I think most white people sublimely associate people of color with criminal behavior. I think Kelly locking her car doors in certain neighborhoods is more of a reflexive action than one of a racist. We need to realize how deep-seated and subconscious our bigotry is and fight it every day. I try to remind myself everyday that assholes and jerks have no color barrier.

04-24-2007, 03:21 AM
What about white pride? Just bringing it up because people often confuse it with racism. If blacks/Asians/Latinos can be pride of themselves, why can't whites?

Again, I'm not trying to start another race war here on the board but I'm just bringing it up. White pride is not racism BTW.


04-24-2007, 04:09 AM
White Pride?
what exactly are you proud of Vala?

04-24-2007, 04:12 AM
Yeah flabbybody thats a good way to put it in perspective.

04-24-2007, 04:24 AM
What about white pride? Just bringing it up because people often confuse it with racism. If blacks/Asians/Latinos can be pride of themselves, why can't whites?

Again, I'm not trying to start another race war here on the board but I'm just bringing it up. White pride is not racism BTW.


That's the same philosophy nazi's use.

04-24-2007, 04:57 AM
White Pride?
what exactly are you proud of Vala?

Well, I'm proud of my Scotch-Irish background. Heck, I would even wear a kilt if I had one. I'm proud to like country music, I'm not ashamed of that (I guess you can consider that "white music"). Basically, all that stuff. I don't care what other people listen to, that is what I like.

What, so it's ok to be proud of who you are as long as you're not white is what you're thinking? Should we be ashamed for being white? No. Isn't that technically racist as well? It's a damn double standard! Again, not trying to start another fight, I just think it's stupid that whites should be put down if they want to be proud of themselves.

White pride = Being proud of being white.
White supremacy = The belief that all other races are inferior to whites.

I fail to see a connection between the two.


04-24-2007, 05:14 AM
White pride = racist.

We black people have black pride by default because we were left with nothing else but, we were stripped of our native language and culture when our ancestors were stolen and brought here to America, where we had to create a set of culture from scratch. We are divorced from the many cultures of which we are descendants.

European americans have the priviledge of being able to trace a heritage to ethnic group or geographic region.I have no problem with someone being proud of their German, Scottish, French, Spanish etc. heritage. Even be proud of the American heritage your ancestors created here.

But to say you are proud to be white is putting your pride squarely in the color of your skin and the priviledge you unjustly enjoy because of it.

04-24-2007, 07:02 AM
Im going to be racist if i see one more of these posts! But in all honesty id say im half and half, when it comes to actual people, such as striking up a conversation or becoming friends, i could care less your race or ethnicity as long as we share common interests, but when it comes to discussions like this i tend to get agitated and over defensive with every one jumping on the every white person should be full of white guilt band wagon. And the white man is evil for stealing the blacks from africa (dont get me wrong i never have or will condone slavery) but slavery still goes on today amongst tribes which white people have nothing to do with. I also get offended when EVERY white person no matter their background (ie. irish, german, french...) is blamed for the atrocities of all whites every where.

/end semi racist rant. :?