View Full Version : Dealing with hairloss

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 02:17 AM
Here is another critical topic that Im sure most wouldnt like to discuss but a few might be dealing/struggling with.

Anything helpful info's and experiences could go a long way to helping others. So please share your own experiences if applicable..i.e how you are managing, getting help or any types of treatments etc. :wink:

I hope this helps a bit to providing some information how to cope with this. I found this useful links at http://www.tsroadmap.com/ which I shall repost on here. The specific links are given below.

Hair loss and trans women

Mild to moderate thinning or recession

Look into an oral androgen blocker and topical minoxidil first. For some, this might be enough.

Some thinning or balding at the crown or frontal recession

You might benefit from hair transplants, but it's vital to go to someone really good and experienced! There are a lot of inept people performing hair transplants (believe me, I went to one and had to have them removed later).

Significant recession

At a certain point, hair transplant will probably not be a satisfactory option. You might be better off getting a scalp advancement, a scalp reduction, or both. This can even be done prior to transplants.


If surgery is not an option

See hair systems below.

Thinning and recession

Brooklynne's tips while growing hair out

Hello my name is brooklynne and I found your site when I myself started to transition... One of the big things that I was concerned with when i started to transition was I wanted to have long feminine hair, the problem was my hair grow really slow and is only about 3-5 inches long, Then it accured to me that my friend get her hair braided with extensions added to the end of the braids this is fairly cheap (about $160 - $200) and makes a big difference when transition or at least for me it helped. My confidence was higher and I passed ten times more often I just thought i would offer my suggestion.

Denise's tips

The section on hair at your site is a little "thin," so for those of us without enough to have it medically corrected I thought I may (or may not) have something to contribute. I wear a human hair wig that I altered to be attached semi-permanently, it stays on 24/7 and is undetectable (it can also be made to be removed and reattached at will). I go jet-skiing and water skiing with no problems, it can cost $2000 or more to get this from a salon and about $150 a month for maintenance, I spend about $700 a year and do it myself (longer hair costs more and mine is about 20 inches), besides I still need two more facial surgeries.

This can be time consuming but once it's done, it's done!! Time or money? Hmmm!

Here is what you need to do: First, consult a professional about what style, length and color suit the shape of your face and is appropriate for your age (important!) nothing screams "read me" like an unsuitable style.

Another reader's experiences

I received the following in December 2005:

top four photos are "after" pictures, lowest photo is a "before" picture of hair loss at crown.



When I started transitioning I was 35 years old with extensive hair loss.

I have been on Proscar (Propecia) for 3 years. Proscar can be prescribed and in some cases be covered by insurance. Propecia is never covered by insurance. Proscar and Propecia are the same product.

I have been using Minoxidil (Rogaine) for 3 years. Use the normal strength generic Minoxidil. The extra strength is a waste of money and Rogaine and Generic Minoxidil are the same thing. Rogain is a brand name and costs more.

After 3 years I had regrown some hair, maybe 15% of it came back. It was wispy and fine. But the most important part was that the hair stopped falling out.

I then went to Hasson & Wong for hair transplants. I received 4,500 hair transplants. That was 2 years ago. It cost $11,000.00 It was worth every penny spent. The people there were honest and not out for money. I know another transperson that Hasson & Wong turned away even though the person was loaded with cash. They were honest with her and said it would be a waste of her money because her hair loss was too far advanced.

Post transplants my hair isn't perfect and Hasson & Wong told me it wouldn't be during the consultation. It is thin/fine and that is genetic from both parents. My mother could use transplants and she is in her mid 50s. Matter of fact my hair is better than my mother's hair.

Post transplants I use Nioxon shampoo & conditioner. I still take Proscar and Minoxidil to protect my investment. It is a lifetime commitment.

I couldn't deal with a lifetime of wigs if avoidable. 11k is a lot of money for me; I only make 39k a year. But I have a 401k and I took money it out of that fund. The penalty for withdrawing this money early was $3,000 dollars. But it was worth it. So technically the hair transplants cost me $14K.

Bad hair can ruin all attempts at a female presentation. Before the transplants without a wig I never ever passed. After the hair transplants I pass with ease. It was frustrating because my features are naturally not masculine. The face shot photo is not for public disclosure. I only include it to make a point about the passing issue and the importance of good hair. My quality of life improved so much after the hair transplants. I suppose it is equivalent to the feelings of many transwomen after FFS.

For more on this: http://www.tsroadmap.com/physical/hair-loss.html
__________________________________________________ ___________



04-18-2007, 02:24 AM
as a black man, if and when i lose my hair, im shavin the rest bald. I dun worry much about it now, so when its gone its gone.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 02:34 AM
as a black man, if and when i lose my hair, im shavin the rest bald. I dun worry much about it now, so when its gone its gone.

I think that's a good way to carry one's self blckhaze. I've seen alot of attractive "Bald" men. Better than having a comb-over look (alot of them I seen in Long Island, NY). LOL ;)

With TG's its a different case. I think it would be HARD not to mention a big challenge for a tg to still look feminine without hair ala Sinead O'Connors. LOL



04-18-2007, 02:54 AM
as a black man, if and when i lose my hair, im shavin the rest bald. I dun worry much about it now, so when its gone its gone.

I think that's a good way to carry one's self blckhaze. I've seen alot of attractive "Bald" men. Better than having a comb-over look (alot of them I seen in Long Island, NY). LOL ;)

With TG's its a different case. I think it would be HARD not to mention a big challenge for a tg to still look feminine without hair ala Sinead O'Connors. LOL



lol thats tru. ladies in general just look better with at least an 2 - 2 1/2 inches of hair. never been a fan of women rocking fades or ceasars with waves better than mine :P

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 03:29 AM
Well Nobody wants a bald girl thats for sure. LOL And how many men on here really want a ts with short hair? Hair is for the most part the "Crowning Glory" of both women and ts women..without it not alot looks sulty nor appealing enough. Only a few with great facial features can carry the bald or short hair look. e.g. Demi Moore, Natalie Portman, Sinead O'Connors etc.




04-18-2007, 07:11 AM
I thought that TG's don't lose their hair if they're on hormones. Or does this refer to the ones that aren't or quit?


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 07:18 AM
I thought that TG's don't lose their hair if they're on hormones. Or does this refer to the ones that aren't or quit?


Actually, It is believed that hormones "help" tg's get a thicker full set of mane. But on the otherhand, born males genetically..TS'es arent spared from male pattern baldness especially if it runs in their families.

There are tips to facilitate hair growth and healthy scalp tho:

How To Reverse Hair Loss
These are helpful tips to help regenerate hair follicles, but they do not cure any underlying conditions, or stress-related hair loss.

* Try drinking this - blend bananas with honey, yoghurt & low-fat milk. A drink rich in biotin can help keep your crowning glory firmly rooted.

* Take dietary supplements such as Vitamin B6, zinc & saw palmetto. Supplements are useful when you can't get enough from natural food sources.

* Invert your head while you shampoo & massage your scalp. This helps promote blood circulation to the head.

* Eliminate stress or else it can be disastrous to your precious hair!

* Get enough sleep.

Hope that helps!



04-18-2007, 07:21 AM
I thought that TG's don't lose their hair if they're on hormones. Or does this refer to the ones that aren't or quit?


Actually, It is believed that hormones "help" tg's get a thicker full set of mane. But on the otherhand, born males genetically..TS'es arent spared from male pattern baldness especially if it runs in their families.

There are tips to facilitate hair growth and healthy scalp tho:

How To Reverse Hair Loss
These are helpful tips to help regenerate hair follicles, but they do not cure any underlying conditions, or stress-related hair loss.

* Try drinking this - blend bananas with honey, yoghurt & low-fat milk. A drink rich in biotin can help keep your crowning glory firmly rooted.

* Take dietary supplements such as Vitamin B6, zinc & saw palmetto. Supplements are useful when you can't get enough from natural food sources.

* Invert your head while you shampoo & massage your scalp. This helps promote blood circulation to the head.

* Eliminate stress or else it can be disastrous to your precious hair!

* Get enough sleep.

Hope that helps!



Scary! Are you 100% about this? Because everything I read says that if you are on T blockers or are castrated (does that make a difference) you don't go bald.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-18-2007, 07:26 AM
Well you can read through this webpage and get the info's you might need. As far as I know, even TG's on hormones arent guaranteed not to suffer hairloss especially if it runs in their families. Not sure if castration and T blockers helps any..then again, I *could be wrong?




04-18-2007, 07:28 AM
Natalie Portman rocked the bald look well. I could date her like that. Why does Britney Spear's head look jacked up bald? She has a really big and unattractive head.

04-18-2007, 09:05 AM
* Deleted *

04-18-2007, 09:08 AM
My hair started falling out when I was 19,well before minoxidil.

What gets me is when a guy in his 30's/40's who is going bald comes to me for sympathy? My usual response is "tough shit."

You've got the right attitude Haze. I've walked around looking like Mr. Clean since the 70's. I used to scare the Hell out of people before shaving your head became trendy.

Hara's right,even if you're a GG if the genetics are set up right,about 10% of those women will have significant hair loss.

BTW,if you're a guy going bald there is a bright side. You'll never need Viagra. The same little genetic quirk causes your hair to fall out keeps your lil' friend working until they put you in the ground.

04-20-2007, 06:06 PM
Here is a wiki article that says that castrated individuals do NOT suffer male pattern baldness.


You may have to scroll down to the "Medical consequences" section.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-21-2007, 05:50 AM
Here is a wiki article that says that castrated individuals do NOT suffer male pattern baldness.


You may have to scroll down to the "Medical consequences" section.


Castration prevents male pattern baldness if it is done before hair is lost, however, castration will not restore hair growth after hair has already been lost due to male pattern baldness. [6] Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.




04-21-2007, 05:55 AM
Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.[/i]

No shit! :shock: :lol:

04-21-2007, 06:52 AM
Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.[/b][/i]

That's a reproduction rights thing- doctors usually make it as hard as possible when it comes to stuff that results in sterilization. Generally this is more of an issue with people with male reproductive systems... I know many GGs who have been able to talk doctors into hysterectomies without much trouble and I have yet to find someone (ts or GB or other) whose been able to easily obtain a bilaterial orchi from random doctors able to perform the procedure.

If you do you're research, there are a few (not many) docs in the US that will do an orchi w/out letters et al- but thats the exception rather than the rule.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-21-2007, 07:55 AM
Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.[/b][/i]

That's a reproduction rights thing- doctors usually make it as hard as possible when it comes to stuff that results in sterilization. Generally this is more of an issue with people with male reproductive systems... I know many GGs who have been able to talk doctors into hysterectomies without much trouble and I have yet to find someone (ts or GB or other) whose been able to easily obtain a bilaterial orchi from random doctors able to perform the procedure.

If you do you're research, there are a few (not many) docs in the US that will do an orchi w/out letters et al- but thats the exception rather than the rule.

Thanks SarahG. I dont have any hair problems to date since Ive been lucky enough to get more of my moms genes who has thick fuller hair (my dad's actually not doing bad at his present age). But I do know a few tg's who has this problem and also tgirls at my forum. hence I started this thread. I will forward to them what you've suggested (though they might need to look somewhere in the UK). Vala TS seems to have some concern about this subject so I was merely re-stating what the link (she gave us) said about castration. I suppose..If youre a transitioning m to f transgender it could be a blessing indisguise option. But clearly, not an option for all if not most males. ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-21-2007, 07:57 AM
Ahhh..triple post! :evil:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-21-2007, 08:03 AM

04-21-2007, 01:49 PM
My dad's bald and my granddad was bald so hopefully it's skipping me. I have pretty long hair though (braided for the most part) so I'm not really worried about going bald....and if I ever do, well I'm sure there's worst things that could happen to me.

04-21-2007, 05:05 PM
Here is a wiki article that says that castrated individuals do NOT suffer male pattern baldness.


You may have to scroll down to the "Medical consequences" section.


Castration prevents male pattern baldness if it is done before hair is lost, however, castration will not restore hair growth after hair has already been lost due to male pattern baldness. [6] Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.




Well, I hope to be on hormones long before that happens and castrated as well.


04-21-2007, 05:36 PM
as a black man, if and when i lose my hair, im shavin the rest bald. I dun worry much about it now, so when its gone its gone.

As a white man, I did the same thing. :)

Which is funny, when the time came last year I was fairly upset about it. But when I finally got around and wiped it off, it was an extremely liberating experience. No combing, no cutting, no shampooing, no checking to see how it's messed up in the wind/ rain/ wash. All the women I know said it looked great. One of the best things I ever did.

I was wondering what options would be around for folks who transitioned, so thanks to the OP for this thread...

04-22-2007, 07:48 AM
Ain't that the truth Scroller. Once you shave it you never go back.

04-22-2007, 04:07 PM
as a black man, if and when i lose my hair, im shavin the rest bald. I dun worry much about it now, so when its gone its gone.

As a white man, I did the same thing. :)

Which is funny, when the time came last year I was fairly upset about it. But when I finally got around and wiped it off, it was an extremely liberating experience. No combing, no cutting, no shampooing, no checking to see how it's messed up in the wind/ rain/ wash. All the women I know said it looked great. One of the best things I ever did.

I was wondering what options would be around for folks who transitioned, so thanks to the OP for this thread...

No offense, but I never really understood why people would think that covers it up. Because you can still see the little black dots on your head where the hair follicles/stubble is.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-24-2007, 07:05 AM
Here is a wiki article that says that castrated individuals do NOT suffer male pattern baldness.


You may have to scroll down to the "Medical consequences" section.


Castration prevents male pattern baldness if it is done before hair is lost, however, castration will not restore hair growth after hair has already been lost due to male pattern baldness. [6] Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.




Well, I hope to be on hormones long before that happens and castrated as well.


Kewl Vala. I hope everything works out for you! ;)



04-24-2007, 07:11 AM
Here is a wiki article that says that castrated individuals do NOT suffer male pattern baldness.


You may have to scroll down to the "Medical consequences" section.


Castration prevents male pattern baldness if it is done before hair is lost, however, castration will not restore hair growth after hair has already been lost due to male pattern baldness. [6] Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss.




Well, I hope to be on hormones long before that happens and castrated as well.


Kewl Vala. I hope everything works out for you! ;)



Thanks. I hope so too.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-24-2007, 08:32 AM
Hara_Juku Tgirl, you post some of the most interesting and useful stuff on this board. Thanks for the info, and well done!

You're welcome hun! :P



04-24-2007, 10:26 AM
Vala,once the hair on the top goes the hair on the sides starts to do funny things without the weight/length of that extra hair to keep it in control?

For a lot of bald guys with wavy/curly hair if the hair on the sides gets over an inch long you get tufts like a clown's wig.

It's not a matter of hiding the baldness.It's matter of not wanting to look like Bozo with what you've got left?