View Full Version : The Death Dealer............

04-17-2007, 05:23 AM
technically this should be in the politics section but it ain't so:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

04-17-2007, 05:29 AM
lmao, Hitler should count but he doesn't

04-17-2007, 05:32 AM
:shock: This should stay civil. Would I be Godwining the thread too early to go out on a limb with...Hitler? A Chancellor, sure, but still counts, right?

hitler was a dictator not a president

04-17-2007, 05:43 AM
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

By the way, Legend, Hitler came to power through a democratic process. Though thoroughly evil, he wasn't a dictator in the same sense that Stalin or Mao were.


04-17-2007, 05:48 AM
this should be good, I wonder if any African presidents will show up on the list

04-17-2007, 05:50 AM
Ok, here's my candidate: Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir, the President of Sudan since 1993. That's the only guy I can think of who might be able to compete.

The UN estimates that the conflict has left as many as 450,000 dead from violence and disease.[2] Most NGOs (non-governmental organizations) use 200,000 to over 400,000, a figure from the Coalition for International Justice that has since been cited by the United Nations.


This may not be a good enouh entry, particularly if we count Iraq's many deaths as part of Bush's body count.


04-17-2007, 05:52 AM
Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Henry Truman (Atomic Bomb).

I am not a Bush fan in anyway but he doesn't even rate on the scale of monsters or war time rulers that have ruled in the past. The western world as a whole had become so sensitive to loss of life since the media started in depth coverage of wartime drama’s that 1 life on our side is too much. But until you reach millions dead you will not come close to the above list.


Solitary Brother
04-17-2007, 05:55 AM
technically this should be in the politics section but it ain't so:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

George W Bush is my personal lord and savior.
Stop picking on him.

04-17-2007, 05:56 AM
:shock: This should stay civil. Would I be Godwining the thread too early to go out on a limb with...Hitler? A Chancellor, sure, but still counts, right?

hitler was a dictator not a president

Well, according to wikipedia, Hitler was a "chancellor" from 1933 to 1934. After that "Fuhrer" really was his job title!

04-17-2007, 05:58 AM
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

By the way, Legend, Hitler came to power through a democratic process. Though thoroughly evil, he wasn't a dictator in the same sense that Stalin or Mao were.


thanks i didn't know that.

04-17-2007, 05:59 AM
technically this should be in the politics section but it ain't so:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

I agree Johnny...

I can't name one US president that has been as ignotrant as Pres. Bush. I agree the Middle East has their problems. So who are we to invade and change them? Bush is an idiot. But my ultra consertive bible thumping boss says we are winning the war. He says winning vs. losing depends on the definition of "winning." He argues and stands behind the fact that the US hasn't been attacked since 9-11, and says "Freedom isn't Free."

Of course, his 12 yr. old boy will never have to serve since he has money to go to college, Thanks to his Grandma and Grandpa.

04-17-2007, 06:18 AM
I am all for Hillary getting into office. I just hope she isnt like her hubby and is gonna get oral sex under the desk in the oval office.

04-17-2007, 06:48 AM
By the way, Legend, Hitler came to power through a democratic process. Though thoroughly evil, he wasn't a dictator in the same sense that Stalin or Mao were.

calling the enabling act democratic is an interesting definition of democracy

04-17-2007, 06:54 AM
technically this should be in the politics section but it ain't so:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

George W Bush is my personal lord and savior.
Stop picking on him.

LMAO, I'm a Republican, I'm allowed

I am all for Hillary getting into office. I just hope she isnt like her hubby and is gonna get oral sex under the desk in the oval office.

Wait, she's not due an under the desk tongue lashing from an ASSistant if she gets elected into office?

P.S. I'm really shocked no one wants ole cross dressing Rudy http://www.silt3.com/photos/giuliani_in_drag.jpg in office, LMAO, can you imagine the swearing in ceremony??!?!?!?!?!? Rudy's Cadillac paraded down to the capitol in the midst of a gay parade would be priceless and send shivers down every other countries leader's spine........

04-17-2007, 07:30 AM
By the way, Legend, Hitler came to power through a democratic process. Though thoroughly evil, he wasn't a dictator in the same sense that Stalin or Mao were.

calling the enabling act democratic is an interesting definition of democracy

With all due respect, you're putting the cart well before the horse. Hitler came to power before the enabling act was passed. Were it not for the electoral successes of the NSDAP – it was, by far, the single largest political party at the time – and the subsequent deal making that followed, Hitler and the Nazi's wouldn't have even been in a position to push for the Enabling Act.

Once again, as previously stated, Hitler came to power through a democratic process.


04-17-2007, 06:43 PM
Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Henry Truman (Atomic Bomb).

I am not a Bush fan in anyway but he doesn't even rate on the scale of monsters or war time rulers that have ruled in the past. The western world as a whole had become so sensitive to loss of life since the media started in depth coverage of wartime drama’s that 1 life on our side is too much. But until you reach millions dead you will not come close to the above list.


I agree. Hell, Bush doesn't even compare to his immediate neo-con predecessor Reagan, who was instrumental in the terror and atrocities that plagued South and Central America throughout the 80's, not to mention Iran/Iraq, Afghanistan (mujahadeen who blossomed into Al Qaida)etc... The US has a long and bloody history of violence and death dealt, certainly Bush has a place in that sordid history, just not one of paramount importance. There's also Roosevelt's forays in the Phillipines and the genocide of the indigenous people of the America's to consider.

04-17-2007, 07:00 PM
PW Botha

04-17-2007, 07:15 PM
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

By the way, Legend, Hitler came to power through a democratic process. Though thoroughly evil, he wasn't a dictator in the same sense that Stalin or Mao were.


well isn't that kind of stupid on your part to limit it to 7 years....from the way you phrased the sentence seems you are putting Bush in with those other idiots.
but how about the gentleman we just threw out of office in Iraq...Saddam Hussein(oh thats right he wasn't a president)..i think his track record speaks for itself.

I am all for Hillary getting into office. I just hope she isnt like her hubby and is gonna get oral sex under the desk in the oval office.

give me a fucking break....

04-17-2007, 07:27 PM
Abraham Lincoln. heard of him?

in reality there are probably a couple of hundred counting kings and emperors and emirs and other heads of state.
dubya is no prize to be sure. clinton was? al gore would be an improvement? when you consider some of the great minds native to the US it is sort of sad to look at the people who have held the Presidency.

dubya is fighting the first licks in a war to preserve our ability to feed our oil addiction. let us know when you park your car and start walking, that will be better evidence of your conviction than popping off a shot at the prexy on an anonyboard.

04-17-2007, 07:31 PM
:shock: This should stay civil. Would I be Godwining the thread too early to go out on a limb with...Hitler? A Chancellor, sure, but still counts, right?

hitler was a dictator not a president

He was elected, lest we forget.....

04-17-2007, 07:55 PM
technically this should be in the politics section but it ain't so:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

If you want examples: Stalinist Russia, Pol Pot's regime, the current leader of NK Kim Jung all have had more deaths through murder, mass starvation, and torture.

*As much as i personally disagree with many choices this administration has made following 9/11, i do think that using this part of the forum, especially with moderator status, is in especially bad form, and abuse of your responsibility. It sets a bad example for the rest of the HA site to espouse your personal grievances in this manner.

04-17-2007, 08:03 PM
Perhaps Vlad Dracula the Impaler deserves a mention?

04-17-2007, 08:24 PM
well isn't that kind of stupid on your part to limit it to 7 years....from the way you phrased the sentence seems you are putting Bush in with those other idiots.

Maybe English isn’t your first language. Maybe you simply have a problem with reading comprehension. Then again, maybe you’re just not that bright. Frankly, I’m not sure if it’s one or all of the above, but perhaps I should include as many mono-syllabic words in my response as possible so as to avoid further confusion on your part. Nah…… Here we go.

1) The thread began with the following from JWBL:

I challenge anyone on HA to name another president of ANY country that has had more death occur (here or abroad) UNDER HIS WATCH than our current [idiot] I mean president George Bush Jr.

2) I responded with the following:

How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

How anyone with so much as a rudimentary grasp of the English language would qualify that as “putting Bush in with those other idiots” is beyond me. Rather, it seeks to avoid many fairly irrelevant comparisons that will arise from measuring our dullard of a president against past leaders who operated in dramatically different geopolitical environments with very different norms (Interbellum, Cold War, etc),

but how about the gentleman we just threw out of office in Iraq...Saddam Hussein(oh thats right he wasn't a president)..i think his track record speaks for itself.

Technically speaking, Saddam Hussein held the title “President of Iraq.” Many dictators were/are presidents and vice versa.

I am all for Hillary getting into office. I just hope she isnt like her hubby and is gonna get oral sex under the desk in the oval office.

give me a fucking break....

Um……..yeah. Maybe, just maybe, you should have included this in a response to the person who actually wrote it, not me. RIF = Reading Is Fundamental.


04-17-2007, 09:13 PM
Johnson had alot...probably more...Vietnam abroad and racial riots on the homefront.

04-17-2007, 09:36 PM
Quinn wrote:
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

well gee, any simpiton can figure that out......pretty narrow minded of you to limit it to 7 years.

to all you Bush bashers...........

04-17-2007, 09:56 PM
to all you Bush bashers...........

The origins of your reading comprehension issue are no longer such a mystery. With that less than eloquent statement of support for the chimp-in-chief, it now becomes clear that it's a "monkey see, monkey do" problem. Nice job, stupid.


04-17-2007, 10:05 PM
well gee, any simpiton can figure that out......pretty narrow minded of you to limit it to 7 years.

In perhaps the ultimate act of irony, you actually managed to misspell the word "simpleton." Furthermore, you are the inbred dullard who failed to comprehend simple written English and needed to be corrected. You are the inbred dullard who made an incorrect statement regarding Saddam Hussein not being the President of Iraq. Last but not least, you are the imbecile who can't even keep track of who said what in which post and respond to the same person.

Congratulations, you walking cautionary tale for high-school dropouts.


04-17-2007, 10:19 PM
*As much as i personally disagree with many choices this administration has made following 9/11, i do think that using this part of the forum, especially with moderator status, is in especially bad form, and abuse of your responsibility. It sets a bad example for the rest of the HA site to espouse your personal grievances in this manner.

Shut the fuck up otto

personal grievances??? LMAO

04-18-2007, 12:14 AM
*As much as i personally disagree with many choices this administration has made following 9/11, i do think that using this part of the forum, especially with moderator status, is in especially bad form, and abuse of your responsibility. It sets a bad example for the rest of the HA site to espouse your personal grievances in this manner.

Shut the fuck up otto

personal grievances??? LMAO

What he said^^^^

04-18-2007, 12:47 AM
In no particular order:

1. Lincoln

2. Washington (as Gen.)

3. JFK

4. LBJ

5. Clinton

Add the war dead from the JFK/LBJ years and that is probably the highest.

04-18-2007, 12:54 AM
Quinn wrote:
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

well gee, any simpiton can figure that out......pretty narrow minded of you to limit it to 7 years.

to all you Bush bashers...........

Bush hating is not a domestic or foreign policy, merely irrational hate. So it is futile to engage in rational debate with the irrational.

And this quinn aka Village Idiot is one of the three stooges aka irrational left. Easily dealt with, past tense. Possesses zero comprehension of basic law:


04-18-2007, 01:11 AM
Quinn wrote:
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

well gee, any simpiton can figure that out......pretty narrow minded of you to limit it to 7 years.

to all you Bush bashers...........

Bush hating is not a domestic or foreign policy, merely irrational hate. So it is futile to engage in rational debate with the irrational.

And this quinn aka Village Idiot is one of the three stooges aka irrational left. Easily dealt with, past tense. Possesses zero comprehension of basic law:


whats wrong white-male-canada you didnt get enough men to top you. why so sad that evryone treats you like jamie michele. you are the HAs liar

04-18-2007, 01:22 AM
Quinn wrote:
How about we simply restrict the criteria to presidents serving their respective countries during the Bush presidency? That way, we can avoid discussions about Hitler and other idiots.

well gee, any simpiton can figure that out......pretty narrow minded of you to limit it to 7 years.

to all you Bush bashers...........

Bush hating is not a domestic or foreign policy, merely irrational hate. So it is futile to engage in rational debate with the irrational.

And this quinn aka Village Idiot is one of the three stooges aka irrational left. Easily dealt with, past tense. Possesses zero comprehension of basic law:


whats wrong white-male-canada you didnt get enough men to top you. why so sad that evryone treats you like jamie michele. you are the HAs liar

Listen Sven, there is no copyright on that nickname. Get it? Did you post that yourself at some other obscure site in a very stupid attempt to embarrass?

Problem is, that site most likely has your IP address.

Jokes on you sport !

And if you`re so frustrated that you cannot debate, watch helplessly as your fellow travellers get used as mops as I wipe the floor with them, then just leave Sven. No need to impersonate me on some obscure site while being totally oblivious to the fact they recorded your IP address.

04-18-2007, 01:26 AM
LMAO..... I think a certain old queen is upset that she can't get any of us to top her, let alone win a debate with any of us.

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Good call on the Jamie-Michelle similarity, Svenson, though I think it's already been pointed out more than once.


04-18-2007, 01:36 AM
LMAO..... I think a certain old queen is upset that she can't get any of us to top her, let alone win a debate with any of us.

I like toping Tgirls aka chicks with dicks. I also like being topped by men. Makes me feel like a panywaist after but it feels so good. 8)

Good call on the Jamie-Michelle similarity, Svenson, though I think it's already been pointed out more than once.


Perhaps a demonstration is in order. Would you like that Village Idiot? I`ll take the time to find some obscure gay forum, use your nick, post some obvious derogatory statements, then get banned. But I wouldn`t be as fucking stupid as sven there, I`d use your sarcastic tone and tenor to closely impersonate you.

Then copy and paste the post here. Understand just how juvenile you morons really are? `Course not, beaten black and blue from pillar to post has made you kooks irrational beyond all belief.

And it is amusing.

04-18-2007, 01:59 AM
With all due respect, you're putting the cart well before the horse. Hitler came to power before the enabling act was passed. Were it not for the electoral successes of the NSDAP – it was, by far, the single largest political party at the time – and the subsequent deal making that followed, Hitler and the Nazi's wouldn't have even been in a position to push for the Enabling Act.

Once again, as previously stated, Hitler came to power through a democratic process.


depends on how you define comming to power
but either way using sa terror to win the previous election doesnt exactly qualify as democratic by todays standards either

04-18-2007, 02:42 AM
*As much as i personally disagree with many choices this administration has made following 9/11, i do think that using this part of the forum, especially with moderator status, is in especially bad form, and abuse of your responsibility. It sets a bad example for the rest of the HA site to espouse your personal grievances in this manner.

Shut the fuck up otto

personal grievances??? LMAO


04-18-2007, 04:59 AM
With all due respect, you're putting the cart well before the horse. Hitler came to power before the enabling act was passed. Were it not for the electoral successes of the NSDAP – it was, by far, the single largest political party at the time – and the subsequent deal making that followed, Hitler and the Nazi's wouldn't have even been in a position to push for the Enabling Act.

Once again, as previously stated, Hitler came to power through a democratic process.


depends on how you define comming to power
but either way using sa terror to win the previous election doesnt exactly qualify as democratic by todays standards either

I would define coming to power as having the single most dominant party in the Reichstag, by far, and holding the position of Chancellor. It was the fact that he had already come to power in the first place that allowed Hitler to pass something as onerous as the Enabling Act to begin with.

There’s no doubt that the SA could have had an effect upon elections (as did the operatives of competing parties), but its involvement wouldn’t even begin to account for the formidable electoral success the NSDAP enjoyed in comparison to the other parties (it wasn't even close).

While there’s no doubt that Hitler became a very undemocratic dictator, it was a democratic process that served as the basis for Hitler’s rise.


04-19-2007, 03:35 AM
I would define coming to power as having the single most dominant party in the Reichstag, by far, and holding the position of Chancellor. It was the fact that he had already come to power in the first place that allowed Hitler to pass something as onerous as the Enabling Act to begin with.

There’s no doubt that the SA could have had an effect upon elections (as did the operatives of competing parties), but its involvement wouldn’t even begin to account for the formidable electoral success the NSDAP enjoyed in comparison to the other parties (it wasn't even close).

While there’s no doubt that Hitler became a very undemocratic dictator, it was a democratic process that served as the basis for Hitler’s rise.


the time prior to their first relatively successful election was filled with sa terror in the strrets and at that time they didnt get a landslide victory
what they got however was being the second strongest party with 18% (talk about how rubbish weimar was with the absence of the 5% limit germany has nowerdays)

their second noteworthy election was won after banning competing parties

and then again the enabling act was made possible by keeping a large portion of the parliament away

youre probably the first and only persion ive met so far who thinks the way hitler became chancelor was perfectly democratic

04-19-2007, 04:47 AM
youre probably the first and only persion ive met so far who thinks the way hitler became chancelor was perfectly democratic.

And you’re probably the only person I’ve met so far who could so thoroughly misrepresent my argument. Feel free to show me where I have stated or implied that Hitler's rise to power was “perfectly democratic”? Rather, I have repeatedly stated that he came to power through a “democratic process” – which is fairly uncommon for a dictator. There’s an obvious difference.

Seriously, muhmuh, with all due respect, what don’t you get about this? Allow me to make this as simple as possible:

1) Did Hitler assume power due to a revolution (like Mao, etc.)? No.
2) Did Hitler assume power due to a military coup (like Pinochet, etc)? No.
3) Did Hitler assume power following an internecine struggle within an existing dictatorship (like Stalin, etc.)? No.
4) Did Hitler come to power as the result of the repeated electoral success of the NSDAP Yes……..

the time prior to their first relatively successful election was filled with sa terror in the strrets and at that time they didnt get a landslide victory
what they got however was being the second strongest party with 18% (talk about how rubbish weimar was with the absence of the 5% limit germany has nowerdays)

their second noteworthy election was won after banning competing parties

As with your initial argument concerning the Enabling Act, you seem to be confused as to the order of events – once again putting the cart before the horse. The NSDAP achieved its second electoral victory in the Nov. 1932 election – against multiple other parties that weren’t banned until later, after the NSDAP achieved its electoral success.

and then again the enabling act was made possible by keeping a large portion of the parliament away

Agreed, but since we’ve already established that Hitler came to power before the Enabling Act was passed – the enabling act only extended his power and formalized a dictatorial structure after power had been achieved – this is irrelevant.
