View Full Version : In your dreams...........................

04-07-2007, 11:37 PM
How many of you guys have had transsexuals pop up in your dreams?

I had a crazy one last night (dream, not TS) I could try to describe it but it was so sexually fulfilling that it would have to insult one person or another if I posted (so feel free to IM me on yahoo or AIM for details) it.

04-07-2007, 11:42 PM
I've had 2 dreams in which I was with a TS girl. One was definitely sexual. I'll spare you the details. The other was more of a hanging around type of thing where I didn't know she was a TS until she blurted it out. Both times they were pretty lucid dreams, with me being able to remember alot of details. But it's never been with someone I knew or fantasized about.

04-07-2007, 11:46 PM
I've had dreams where a gg suddenly had a wang. Actually this was right after my marv albert 'date', from which I'm still recovering (PTSD.)

04-08-2007, 05:17 AM
i have dreams about Tgirls all the time.. usually sexual ones and i try to control my dreams, and by control, i mean molest the tgirl.

04-08-2007, 05:53 AM
It's been fairly frequent for me, at least in the past couple of years (And on the rare occassion that I actually sleep). Particularly gurls I know and some of the images are flashbacks to how I've seen them before. One special favorite, recurring dream shows a fave gurl as I saw her in silouette, with her 'T' showing nicely in shadow.


I'm going to bed now, hopefully off to dreamland.

04-08-2007, 08:07 AM
How many of you guys have had transsexuals pop up in your dreams?

I had a crazy one last night (dream, not TS) I could try to describe it but it was so sexually fulfilling that it would have to insult one person or another if I posted (so feel free to IM me on yahoo or AIM for details) it.

happens about once a week or so. Usually its a famous girl revealing shes actually a TS and i just happen to be dating em. :P that or the "got to club, pick up TS" story

04-08-2007, 12:27 PM
Just one time when I was 17 :lol:

It was a famous T-girls I dreamt of but I never thought about her, it just happened. Must have been a day deja vu after the internet porn.

04-08-2007, 03:50 PM
I have random ones every now and then but only one stood out that I really remembered. I was sitting on the couch and next thing I know I'm surrounded by 10 naked TS. I cant remember all the faces b/c it was a while ago, but I remember a few. All I can say is it was quite the dream LOL.

04-08-2007, 03:57 PM
I don't recall any dreams of TGirls right now actually, but I remember to have - on several occations - dreamt that I was a girl or I was dressing up as a girl. I'm not at all looking feminine and I would make a terrible TGirl, but in the dreams I always look like a model, so I really enjoy those dreams :)