View Full Version : hmmmmm, quiet up in the library

12-15-2004, 03:41 PM
HEY, SHUT THE FUCK UP OVER THERE, CANT YOU SEE IM TRYING TO READ OVER HERE....DONT MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!...well, kinda like all the bad kids got kicked out a school....or at least out of the cafeteria, and now its just all the goody goody kids, quietly eateing their grilled cheese.....kinda wierd how after the server got upgraded, some of the usual mania voices, have not reappeared...of course, most notably, MEGA....THE WILDMAN OF THE MARKET DINER, and of course who could possilby go a day without the sweet vitriol of the lovely talented savage tongue of absolute shad....oh well, maybe they taking a rest, there was some serious long ass tirades a week or so ago, makes me wonder if any muther gots a job...but hey, to each his fking own ...funny how a room, like a party needs some extreme cats , some wailers, some nutso opionionated, passionate people to attract the rest of the group, the intellectuals, the lost, the totally ill informed, the evil, the stupid, and the rest of the band of merimacers....and of course how could i forget the closet dwellers, the lustaholics, the sexual maniacs who fk and suck mor in the thier head than anywhere else....just driffting on a reed....to all the truely eye opening posters over the last month or so that ive been reading religiously, i just say thank you, to all the series of pix and videos that magically adorn this site from day to day, i say thank you...of course the up grade smupgrade, takes a day a half for some of these damn threads to load, but i aint complaining....hope all you fellow travelers get thru another holiday season, with a couple bucks in your jeans, and your brains in tack...for me, dec. is the toughest time of the year.....mentally, im talking bout...later.....

12-15-2004, 09:26 PM
Hey guitcher yappin' dajuicy, some of us are trynna read here... :lol: I hope it's just the time o'year coupled with people being frustrated by the smupgrade. At least the forum software seems to be responding better today. Have one on me.