View Full Version : Men and ladies when or are pre-op, have you faked an orgasm?

03-26-2007, 07:39 AM
I think we all agree that our partner's pleasure is important, and a major part of my pleasure is knowing she got hers. So when I reverse that I realize that my pleasure is important to her too.

But dammit there have been times when I just can't keep going, cuz I just know it ain't gonna happen for me, or she already had a couple and I got enough satisfaction from that alone. And well the beauty of condoms is you can simulate the response that you have to an orgasm, and well, she won't know the difference.

Marathon weekends do this to me. 8) Also I can multiple in the aspect that I stay hard after orgasm for a decent amount of time and can get back on the up slope towards another orgasm, sometimes attaining, sometimes staying for one more from her, and sometimes faking. (Let's be honest here too, the after-sex cuddling is great too and sometimes I would rather do that then keep doing what I know to be fruitless.)

Thoughts? Opinions? Please Share! Poll is open to all, but for post-ops answer it from pre-op experience.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-26-2007, 08:18 AM
And well the beauty of condoms is you can simulate the response that you have to an orgasm, and well, she won't know the difference.

LOL Unless you meet a girl who likes/offers to take the condom off herself then it's pretty hard faking one! :lol LOL

But ciddling is fun too. ;)



03-26-2007, 09:10 AM
LOL Unless you meet a girl who likes/offers to take the condom off herself then it's pretty hard faking one! :lol LOL

But ciddling is fun too. ;)
Having never been with a tgirl, I was speaking about myself wearing one and oral sex being a given that you can't fake it, it ain't hard to fake the experience where she would feel me cum but unable to cuz it is wrapped...oh...LOL...I just got what ur saying!

Yeah nothing beats that! And it is hard (no pun intended) to fake...damn likely impossible, unwrapped.

Leads me to another...cuddling after sex, and waking up the next day....that leads to the marathon weekend I mentioned.

OMG! I thought I got it but I didn't until reading thru my preview! Wow, I am blushing here. I can't use any experience to tease you on that. Well to be honest I have wondered about the girl not being wrapped, and straight up it was a concern of mine from lack of experience, but as I said my lady's pleasure is my own. I am so fucking red over here. :oops:

03-26-2007, 09:16 AM
It would be tough fake it during a BJ. I've pulled it off down below a number of times. Thrust,stiffen,tremble a bit and roll off of her. She'll think your a dribbler or a light cummer.

Then you're free to go make a sandwich and watch tv.

03-26-2007, 09:20 AM
I've faked orgasms in a way -- Like if the guy aint doing the deed for me I help him along or do it real fast with my hand so I get off so he "thinks" he did the deed lol

03-26-2007, 09:31 AM
For what its worth, I've never met a girl who checked the condom for sperm.

03-26-2007, 01:43 PM

03-26-2007, 02:02 PM
Okay getting reponses (Kriss is that popcorn tasty) but only my vote and another, and that was explained in a PM. CUM on people share, do tell!

Little nasty here! Have you rocked, stiffened and moaned so she thought you had one but you faked it. Flip-side, girls have you done that for a partner?

Not a hard vote...yes or no! 8)

03-26-2007, 02:02 PM
I think we all agree that our partner's pleasure is important, and a major part of my pleasure is knowing she got hers. So when I reverse that I realize that my pleasure is important to her too.

But dammit there have been times when I just can't keep going, cuz I just know it ain't gonna happen for me, or she already had a couple and I got enough satisfaction from that alone. And well the beauty of condoms is you can simulate the response that you have to an orgasm, and well, she won't know the difference.

Marathon weekends do this to me. 8) Also I can multiple in the aspect that I stay hard after orgasm for a decent amount of time and can get back on the up slope towards another orgasm, sometimes attaining, sometimes staying for one more from her, and sometimes faking. (Let's be honest here too, the after-sex cuddling is great too and sometimes I would rather do that then keep doing what I know to be fruitless.)

Thoughts? Opinions? Please Share! Poll is open to all, but for post-ops answer it from pre-op experience.

A pre=op HAS to fake an orgasm.


I mean the physical ability to have one is gone.

03-26-2007, 02:16 PM
The poll confuses me as i do not consider myself as a "pre-op man". maybe i am splitting hairs on the wording. so i did not vote. It seems bizzare to me tho. HOW CAN YOU FAKE AN EJACULATION? WHY?
1. i have to try NOT to orgasm. it really isn't difficult so why pretend.
2. Surely the lady will know that you havent come
3. it's not good to come so close to orgasm and hold it for too long. a few hours is fine, half a day, if it is a long session with lots of orgasms for your girl. Ever heard of BLUE BALLS? I know a friend who once went to hospital so a nurse could 'apply pressure' and releive his agony. "why not have a wank?"
i asked. appartrently he couldnt bring himself off. I have had times when i held it too long and felt some 'anomaly' down there. By that time you just gotta let it out, can be very painful.

I kind of get your view. as a man I always ensure the woman comes before me and will hold off for as long as it takes to bring her to an orgasm, usually with oral. the other orgasm thread is VERY interesting but im still jus watching that one for now.

03-26-2007, 02:32 PM
Okay, maybe I wasn't clear about when you might fake (don't know why I would have to clarify it...you either have or have not faked one.)

A fabulous weekend vacation! You have came 4, 5, 6 times that weekend. You are taking care of your ladies needs but just don't have the "juice" to proceed to your own orgasm.

Have you "faked" it to finish it?

I do have to say that my lady friend who responded to my PMs may not have realized that if she wants it in that situation, she might get lockjaw! :shock: :roll: :wink: No, seriously, I think she understands that for me cuddling is just as satisfying. Damn that alone might make me 'erupt' again! :wink:

03-26-2007, 03:40 PM
OMFG! The question was shortened due to space restraints!

MEN or LADIES where the LADIES are pre-op or are post-op and recall pre-op experiences.

Jesus H. Christ...not a difficult question, men or ladies...if you are in the 1st category skip to the F'ing verb...I know everyone here has taken an English course.

Ladies, thank you for not posting "I can't read the English language" posts.

Sorry, just saw the question was and...it was to include everyone in the poll, men and women...guess it wasn't clear that you either are a man or a woman...tho I would think that should be clear to the reader which they consider themselves.

03-26-2007, 04:24 PM

O.K. I'll be blunt. I have never heard of or even imagined anyone EXCEPT a genetic female to fake an orgasms. it seems a fucking stupid question to me. basically GENETIC FEMALES usually find it difficult to come from VAGINAL stimulation alone! Most guys are thick as shit and cant be bothered or won't learn how to pleasure her orally and so she gets bore with your ineffectual grunting and shunting, fakes an orgasm so you bust your nut and get it over with so she can bring herself off later , in private , possibly thinking of tom sellick! that's how it is.
You are telling me that YOU , a man, FAKED AN ORGASM. That is so stupid.
and the question and poll are TERRIBLY WORDED.
"When or are"????
it just does not make sense, possibly the worst grammar i have seen on this site yet. Is English your first language?

what a dumb question.

03-26-2007, 06:32 PM
Oh yeah and yes with my 2 previous partners I'd always fake my orgasm or tell them it felt good when they were fucking me..So yeah I'd moan and o the whole bit lol just to get them off..Only one guy my last ex was able to get me off anally

03-26-2007, 07:38 PM

O.K. I'll be blunt. I have never heard of or even imagined anyone EXCEPT a genetic female to fake an orgasms. it seems a fucking stupid question to me. basically GENETIC FEMALES usually find it difficult to come from VAGINAL stimulation alone! Most guys are thick as shit and cant be bothered or won't learn how to pleasure her orally and so she gets bore with your ineffectual grunting and shunting, fakes an orgasm so you bust your nut and get it over with so she can bring herself off later , in private , possibly thinking of tom sellick! that's how it is.
You are telling me that YOU , a man, FAKED AN ORGASM. That is so stupid.
and the question and poll are TERRIBLY WORDED.
"When or are"????
it just does not make sense, possibly the worst grammar i have seen on this site yet. Is English your first language?

what a dumb question.

Seriously dude! :moon The question was for men, all men, and the ladies (when they were pre-op) or (are pre-op) don't get up on me for the character limit in posting!

And I truly feel sorry for you if you never had a weekend marathon. But that 5th or 6th time in one day can get a bit exhausting and difficult to cum. That was my point...that is when you might wanna fake it.

But on the grammar issue, if you don't understand ALL the ways to use a conjunction then yeah you would be lost. I think I already stated numerous times that there might have been easier ways to word it for the feeble-minded to easily grasp it. But hey, sorry you can't read beyond the topic and into the actual post to fully grasp the concept that the written word was trying to convey.

And a grammar lesson for you:

Most guys are thick as shit and cant be bothered or won't learn how to pleasure her orally and so she gets bore with your ineffectual grunting and shunting, fakes an orgasm so you bust your nut and get it over with so she can bring herself off later , in private , possibly thinking of tom sellick! that's how it is.
Using guys as the subject would require you to use the plural possesive their and continue the sentence in the plural subjective they. Also bore should be in the past tense, and I can't even begin to comment on your poor use of punctuation and the rules of capitalization!

There is a reason they required 4 years of English in high school. Shall I continue? Need a lesson on their, there, they're or your, you're? Perhaps a brush up on its and it's. Learn to read and write for yourself before you complain about other peoples' writing! :twisted:

03-26-2007, 07:42 PM

O.K. I'll be blunt. I have never heard of or even imagined anyone EXCEPT a genetic female to fake an orgasms. it seems a fucking stupid question to me. basically GENETIC FEMALES usually find it difficult to come from VAGINAL stimulation alone! Most guys are thick as shit and cant be bothered or won't learn how to pleasure her orally and so she gets bore with your ineffectual grunting and shunting, fakes an orgasm so you bust your nut and get it over with so she can bring herself off later , in private , possibly thinking of tom sellick! that's how it is.
You are telling me that YOU , a man, FAKED AN ORGASM. That is so stupid.
and the question and poll are TERRIBLY WORDED.
"When or are"????
it just does not make sense, possibly the worst grammar i have seen on this site yet. Is English your first language?

what a dumb question. Kriss I faked my orgasms with my first and my second boyfriend when they did me anally. I'd fake my moans etc to make them think they were doing something lol

03-26-2007, 07:54 PM
It would be tough fake it during a BJ. I've pulled it off down below a number of times. Thrust,stiffen,tremble a bit and roll off of her. She'll think your a dribbler or a light cummer.

Then you're free to go make a sandwich and watch tv.

I hear that! Hope you made a sandwich for your lady too! :wink: Also she might want some cuddling while you watch tv, so don't put on the WWE. 8)

03-26-2007, 09:34 PM
I faked my orgasms with my first and my second boyfriend when they did me anally. I'd fake my moans etc to make them think they were doing something lol


03-26-2007, 09:42 PM
Oh, of course I have. Pre and post.


I'm tired.

I'm sore.

I / you gotta go to work.

You ain't hitting it right. :smh

Your hour is up, j/k :lol:

But you get the drift.

03-26-2007, 09:45 PM
And I truly feel sorry for you if you never had a weekend marathon. But that 5th or 6th time in one day can get a bit exhausting and difficult to cum. That was my point...that is when you might wanna fake it.

NOW I STart to get you, it makes sense now you said that. I just would never expect to fuck AND come 5 or 6 times, jesus christ man, you'll end up spunking an organ out. no wonder it's hard to come. you have no semen left!!! IT all makes sense now. For me , i liked the long sessions . was my life but I would always HOLD IT and DELAY comming until she had at least 229 orgasms. Usually i can tell as my ejacu;lation approaches so mI will DELAY this by thinkingf of somethiong really nasty like a styinking old dustbin fiull of vuinigary rankness. or perhaps margeret thatchers evil cronish face or her legacy on britains transport network, manufacturing industyies, civil liberties. (this may provoke psychotic violence to CAUTION with this techmnique. you may also find that you get turned on by this which could really ruin your sex life)this wiull stop you coming prematurely, relax a boit, then back to it. g

sorry biout spelling , no time to write proply toiniught

aN A simple commar would pbobaly fix your gram,merD

03-26-2007, 09:46 PM
I faked my orgasms with my first and my second boyfriend when they did me anally. I'd fake my moans etc to make them think they were doing something lol

WHY? So they wouldn't feel inadequate lol

03-26-2007, 09:52 PM
So they wouldn't feel inadequate lol

Then you are a Kind soul. Sometimes it is kinder to be honest or the guy will never learn. I understand why now but you gotta let people know what you like or they will never get it right. If you just want to get it ovwer than i understyand that completely

03-26-2007, 10:18 PM
So they wouldn't feel inadequate lol

Then you are a Kind soul. Sometimes it is kinder to be honest or the guy will never learn. I understand why now but you gotta let people know what you like or they will never get it right. If you just want to get it ovwer than i understyand that completely Well they pleased me in other ways, and I did say something. They tried their hardest, and I definitely wasn't going to be like YOU SUCK lol Matt's the only one that was able to honestly.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-26-2007, 10:30 PM
I dont understand WHY START when you CANT FINISH? LOL :lol:

I hate being bothered if a guy cant/wont be able to finish (If you didnt FINISH ..you'll never hear the end of it)! LOL :evil:



03-27-2007, 06:28 AM
I dont understand WHY START when you CANT FINISH? LOL :lol:

I hate being bothered if a guy cant/wont be able to finish (If you didnt FINISH ..you'll never hear the end of it)! LOL :evil:

I don't know :shrug maybe he's just happy YOU finished?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-27-2007, 07:02 AM
I dont understand WHY START when you CANT FINISH? LOL :lol:

I hate being bothered if a guy cant/wont be able to finish (If you didnt FINISH ..you'll never hear the end of it)! LOL :evil:

I don't know :shrug maybe he's just happy YOU finished?

Aww that's sweet Aragon21! LOL But isnt it supposed to be both ways? ;) I mean, what's hotter than having both your cum all over a girls body as you crash on top of her in exhaustion? LOL :lol: :P



03-27-2007, 07:04 AM
I dont understand WHY START when you CANT FINISH? LOL :lol:

I hate being bothered if a guy cant/wont be able to finish (If you didnt FINISH ..you'll never hear the end of it)! LOL :evil:

I don't know :shrug maybe he's just happy YOU finished?

Aww thats sweet! LOL But isnt it supposed to be both ways? ;) I mean, whats hotter than having both your cum all over a girls body as you crash on top of her? LOL :P



Not much. being exuated after is the sign of a job well done ;)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-27-2007, 07:06 AM
I agree blckhaze. It's always hot being able to release (bothways) and then cuddle and fall asleep. :P

BTW..Nice new Avatar! ;)



03-27-2007, 07:17 AM
BTW..Nice new Avatar! ;)



same goes for u sexy[/quote]

03-27-2007, 07:28 AM
I faked before...It was one of few and last time I did cocaine...My dick was harder then chinese math but I felt nothing when fucking..After about 40 minutes I finally dipped my shoulder, groaned and faked it all....I never did coke after that!!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-27-2007, 07:35 AM
BTW..Nice new Avatar! ;)



same goes for u sexy



07-25-2007, 09:39 AM
yes i did. occasionally

because i was tired for instance, but my gf got my mojo worked up and at least out of respect one should pretend...lol

or i couldnt reach orgams for whatever reason and after half an hour or so of trying u just want it to stop.

yep, guys can fake orgams too

07-25-2007, 01:22 PM
Yes I have faked it a few times. Mostly because I wasn't really into the girl and she had gotten hers...