View Full Version : A Miriam gift thread

03-16-2007, 05:28 PM
Today is payday for me, and I'm going to send a card and a contribution. But I'm wondering whether she could also use a book to pass the time. But I don't know whether she only reads Spanish or what. I remember giving my niece 'memoirs of a geisha' years ago for Christmas, and she later told me it was 'the best book she ever read.'
To me, reading is one of the greatest ways for a person to forget their troubles, or put them into perspective and grow. That's what I'd really like to do. $ will be sent appreciated, but I know it will be gone and forgotten.
Does anyone have anything to add?

03-16-2007, 05:30 PM

03-17-2007, 09:54 AM
I think times like this call for poetry. Although they aren't my cup of tea, 'Love Sonnets From the Portuguese' and Khalil Gibrain's 'The Prophet' certainly seem to have a lot of appeal. I'd go with Keats, Blake, or Wordsworth. In that order.

For inspirational reading, you could do worse than 'The Little Prince,' or Coelho's 'The Alchemist.'

Just my two shillings.

03-17-2007, 10:21 AM
I like it. Something to lift her up when she's down is what I'm going to look for. Sorry to talk about it, but you steered me in a good direction there - thanks SkyTwo. :idea:

03-17-2007, 11:02 AM
More than happy to help. And, of course, it all depends on the language factor. The Little Prince and The Alchemist should both be very simple to find in Spanish, if that's necessary, and they're both very inspirational without being embarrassingly sappy.

I've been under the weather and off the site for the last week, by the way. Since I'm still recovering, I'm feeling a little too lazy to search for any info on whether a mailing address was set up for Miriam. I'll try to come up with another idea (you can take full credit for these) and send something on.

Now that I think about it, I do remember the occassionaly somewhat temperamental Nikki saying something about books being inappropriate. Audiobooks of the above suggestions should also be readily available in English and Spanish. Maybe on audible.com.

Just trying to do my part. And I should add that I'm a little jealous of your stylish avatar, and it's inspired me to start a new thread that's undoubtedly been done before, but I don't feel like tracking down. Because I'm one lazy dude.

03-17-2007, 11:20 AM
I pm'd her, and she suggested a Paris Hilton book - something for fun. Since she was answering my question...I wonder if I should just do that, after all she knows her. Why don't you keep your idea, and I'll take Nikki's request?
She posted an address in the sticky the other day.

03-17-2007, 11:33 AM
Well, there ya have it. Better to take advice from them what knows.