View Full Version : What the hell is diesels double vision?

03-16-2007, 04:31 AM
The adverstisement for the DVD up in the top left hand corner sometimes....That is the most revoltingly disgusting thing I have ever see. Who buys that?? Is he a hermaphrodite or something??

03-16-2007, 04:36 AM
More likely a chick who became a dude, but kept the naughty bits.

Hell, I see GG's like that in Michigan, mostly in southeasten region, except their beards are a big longer :roll:

03-16-2007, 04:39 AM
This isn't the first run-in the forum has had with a diesels visage. Said visage is a horror beyond redemption that has left many a forum member scarred for life. Abandon all hope………


03-16-2007, 04:41 AM
The bearded lady was real!!!! i knew that shit from Euclid Beach wasn't fake!!!

03-16-2007, 05:16 AM
To my knowledge Mr. Diesel is a transman, a F to M transsexual,
worthy of the same level of respect that one would afford a M to F

I have not seen any of Mr. Diesels movie, though I have heard that
Buck Angel, another transman has better cinematic work.

Nontheless I feel that they as well as all transpeople should be
respected for their choices.

03-16-2007, 07:00 AM
if it bothers you that much here's what I did so i wouldn't have to look at that jpeg

adblock image: its an extension on firefox (hopefully you're using firefox), once it's installed right click on the actual image and go down to where it says [adblock image] works everytime

03-16-2007, 04:18 PM
Yeah, it's horribly gross. I don't know who'd watch that. It's Female to male transexuals, the opposite of what the central topic of this board is.


03-16-2007, 04:45 PM
Now, now. Horribly gross is the picture on that 'worst thing that could happen' thread. I can't unsee it. Scared the hell out of me.

03-16-2007, 04:48 PM
FTM transexuals aren't my cup of tea either and I wouldn't buy the video (although I do remember seeing a very intriguing little clip with Allanah and Buck Angel doing a bit of kinky role reversal.

There have been a few threads here about Buck Angel and he's popped in to say "hi". Seems like an okay guy. Diesel I don't know anything about but I expect he'll come by and say hello as well if he's reading the forums.

Diesel seems to have a less masculine body but perhaps he's still transitioning. I think FTM transexuals aren't that common so it does come a bit of a shock to see him and the whole concept of a "man with a pussy" is a turnoff for me but those are personal tastes. I agree it would be hypocritical to slam FTM transexuals having waxed lyrical about how we love MTFs. So, even though I won't look at the pic, I will refrain from making hurtful comments.

And so, even though I wouldn't buy his videos, I think we should respect him as much as we respect the girls here. He's doing his thing, being what he wants to be and you've got to give him respect for that. I doubt many of us look at his advert and say "that's a DVD I'm going to buy" so perhaps he's better off advertising elsewhere, but he has every right to do what he wants. Good for you Van, but a word of advice: advertising here is probably a waste of money.


03-16-2007, 04:52 PM
So watched FTM porn? Gay guys? GG's?


03-16-2007, 05:21 PM
Diesel seems to have a less masculine body but perhaps he's still transitioning. I think FTM transexuals aren't that common so it does come a bit of a shock to see him and the whole concept of a "man with a pussy" is a turnoff for me but those are personal tastes. I agree it would be hypocritical to slam FTM transexuals having waxed lyrical about how we love MTFs. So, even though I won't look at the pic, I will refrain from making hurtful comments.

It's, in a kind of a fucked up, roundabout way, probably a compliment, "No dude, we don't want to see you naked...You're a bloke!" but i think you're right, hurtful comments are unnesessary and, well, hurtful.