View Full Version : Porn at work ?? Be very careful

03-15-2007, 07:36 AM
I manage over 80 people for a Fortune 100 company. Over the past 14 months I had to fire 12 people for "inappropriate use" of the internet. Most companies systems have use an intranet system and corporate security monitors the use of all company computers when they go off the intranet. In the past the majority of people I had to fire were e-bay/shopping related (fuck ups) but today I had to fire two employees, one of them a real good talented worker and someone I cared for because of excessive visits/(hours) to porn sites. I had no choice (new company policy).

Up until last summer I used to get this long report that about internet use/abuse to monitor at my discretion. I basicially ignored it, I`m too busy trying to get new business and I manage my team based on production. But with technology improvements on monitoring, corporate security now produces a color coded easy to read report. When an employee is highlighted in yellow then they are to be terminated. No choice on my part regardless how good the employee is, company policy.

Be careful friends......Today I fired one of my best people and I`m sick about it :(

03-15-2007, 07:38 AM
[quote="PatrickFromNYC"]I manage over 80 people for a Fortune 100 company. Over the past 14 months I had to fire 12 people for "inappropriate use" of the internet. Most companies systems have use an intranet system and corporate security monitors the use of all company computers when they go off the intranet. In the past the majority of people I had to fire were e-bay/shopping related (fuck ups) but today I had to fire two employees, one of them a real good talented worker and someone I cared for because of excessive visits/(hours) to porn sites. I had no choice (new company policy).

Up until last summer I used to get this long report that about internet use/abuse to monitor at my discression. I bascially ignored it, I`m too busy trying to get new business and I manage my team based on production. But with technology improvements on monitoring, corporate security now produces a color coded easy to read report. When an employee is highlighted in yellow then they are to be terminated. No choice on my part regardless how good the employee is, company policy.

Be careful friends......Today I fired o

Spoilsport :wink:


03-15-2007, 07:41 AM
Seanchai...Sorry...Whats your company policy on monitoring porn?? LOL

03-15-2007, 07:46 AM
yeah people should keep all their pron peepin to the homestead only..in the interest of productivity of course.

03-15-2007, 07:49 AM
we have that also at our work...I come into the office to check my messages and all of the cust service reps are busy drooling at Dane Cook on myspace, lol....we have signs everywhere bout the type of monitoring going on..only time we got in trouble cause one of my guys downloaded "Party Poker" when I left my PC logged in (reg logins have no Internet).....it fried the server....I thought it was really funny cause our IT guy sucks and does nothing all day..

03-15-2007, 07:50 AM
Why not use a web filter, spam firewall to filter out pornography,
ebay/shopping sites or other objectionable content, like this
one from Barracuda, or other companies.


03-15-2007, 07:56 AM
Why are "corporate managers" always the worst at spelling and grammar? I seriously feel compelled to tell my students at school to just fuck studying and learn to kiss ass and be a toady, apparently that's the only way to get ahead.

03-15-2007, 07:58 AM

The scary part to me is that as a boss I cant pull you to the side anymore and say" hey buddy stay off ifriends.com". I don`t even get warning of employees who are close to the edge. Just a list to terminate. It sucks. Today I fired a friend with a wife and kid and one on they way

03-15-2007, 08:03 AM
Why are "corporate managers" always the worst at spelling and grammar? I seriously feel compelled to tell my students at school to just fuck studying and learn to kiss ass and be a toady, apparently that's the only way to get ahead.

Because many times in business it's performance and ideas that matter most. Sometimes the semantics of the english language are less important than the innovation of the workforce and team.

03-15-2007, 08:05 AM
Why are "corporate managers" always the worst at spelling and grammar? I seriously feel compelled to tell my students at school to just fuck studying and learn to kiss ass and be a toady, apparently that's the only way to get ahead.

Hey Scroller .....Give me a break, it late in NYC and I had a couple of black and tans LOL

03-15-2007, 08:07 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 08:07 AM

The scary part to me is that as a boss I cant pull you to the side anymore and say" hey buddy stay off ifriends.com". I don`t even get warning of employees who are close to the edge. Just a list to terminate. It sucks. Today I fired a friend with a wife and kid and one on they way

Once again it's sounds like a problem that your IT staff should be
on top of. It is extremely easy to curtail inappropriate content, and
not at all costly to do so.

03-15-2007, 08:16 AM
Why are "corporate managers" always the worst at spelling and grammar? I seriously feel compelled to tell my students at school to just fuck studying and learn to kiss ass and be a toady, apparently that's the only way to get ahead.

dilberts law

03-15-2007, 08:34 AM
* Deleted *

03-15-2007, 09:02 AM
thank you fer postin the reality of the corp.work place especially in warren mich.i'm originally from mich. and ive seen how these auto corps act when it comes to loyalty to their employees!!!!!

03-15-2007, 09:53 AM
Seanchai...Sorry...Whats your company policy on monitoring porn?? LOL

To be fair though, I did send around a memo in the office about msn/yahoo chat when I spotted some either using that or text msg'ing - that they need to cut it out.
The policy on looking at porn - is when we see something really freaky or super nastt, to tell everyone else to gather round. STD's are particularly fun in the photos ...

03-15-2007, 08:56 PM
May we assume that you are cruising HA and posting from HOME? lol

03-15-2007, 09:14 PM
for how many times I was visiting porn sites in my high school (we call it gymnasium) when I was 16, I should have been shot :lol: I was caught sometimes and nothing happened

but this is another league and itīs sad..... I donīt see the point of watching porn at work?....

03-15-2007, 11:40 PM
we have that also at our work...I come into the office to check my messages and all of the cust service reps are busy drooling at Dane Cook on myspace, lol....we have signs everywhere bout the type of monitoring going on..only time we got in trouble cause one of my guys downloaded "Party Poker" when I left my PC logged in (reg logins have no Internet).....it fried the server....I thought it was really funny cause our IT guy sucks and does nothing all day..

Hollwood who is that on your avtar?? :shock:

03-15-2007, 11:57 PM
I work for an auto company (it's the one that's been in the news a lot lately)

All three of them?!? :shock:


I'm just down the road from the Newark Assembly Plant. Unless they start buidling tanks again, as they did in the 50's, it's gonna be one helluva real estate albatross.

My workplace only has a handful of computers connected to the outside world, so it's rarely a problem. There was a brief lecture a few years ago when the supervisor walked into the office and saw one of those annoying flash ads blinking on the screen (The kind that popunder the window you're looking at and then open new windows everytime you close an old one). "HOT LESBIAN SEX" "BIG TITS" "JUICY CUM SCENES" Talk about having a cow. :lol: He completely freaked out.

Still, with olnly upper management allowed to touch the things now (And myself, because I am a genius :wink: ), it's fun to pull the History logs (Which none of them seem to be aware of). Rarely do I find any porn links, but there's extreme activity with eBay, Amazon, Ticketron, various sports news and team sites, etc.

As to the dotcom I work with, our basic porn-at-work policy is: Is it high qulaity and do they have a banner exchange program? :D